
  • キャリアと資質を検討し、考慮を重ねた結果、残念ながら選任に至りませんでした。
  • 弊社の方針に見合う人物を選任しましたが、ご関心をお寄せ頂き感謝しています。
  • 深くご検討した結果、他の候補者の経験が要件によりマッチしたため、選択をしました。
  • ベストアンサー


「あなたのキャリアと資質を弊社で充分に検討し、考慮を重ねた結果、弊社の方針に見合う人物を選任いたしましたことをお伝えします。今回は残念ですが、弊社にご関心をお寄せ頂いたこと感謝いたします。」 以下の内容は適当でしょうか。ご指摘ください。 よろしくお願いします。 We deeply considered your career and quality. But we regret to inform you that while your qualifications impressed us, we have found someone whose experience better matches our requirements. I'd like to express our thanks you expressed considerable interest in our company. Regards,

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • duosonic
  • ベストアンサー率51% (585/1140)

こんにちは。 もらう方も出す方もイヤですね、こういうのは。まあでも、求職者を宙ぶらりんにしておくワケにもいきませんから、仕方ありませんね。 1. ・We CAREFULLY considered your career and QUALIFICATIONS. But we regret to inform you that while your qualifications impressed us, we have found ANOTHER APPLICANT whose experience better matches our requirements. I WOULD like to express our thanks TO you FOR INDICATING considerable interest in our company. 、、、原文を使うなら、こんな感じかと思います。 ただ、これに加えて「Rejection Letter」で必ず言わなければならないことがあります。それは: (1) 「今後~ヶ月間はあなたの履歴書を保存し、また同様のポジションが空いた時に検討する」。つまり、「今回については縁がなかった」と言うということ。 (2) 「あなたの技能・職歴を最大限に活用できる、最適な就職先があることを心から祈る」と言っておくこと。 、、、の二点です。 3. 「Rejection Letter」でグーグル検索すると、英文サンプルや留意点、コツを掲載したサイトが無数に見付かります。実際にネイティブ同士でやり取りされるレター書面を参考にするのが何よりだと思います。とりあえず、これなどはとても良さそうに思えました: http://www.hrtogo.com/FreeArea/Recruiting/SamAppRejectLetter.asp ご参考までに。



回答有難うございました。 結構、こういった文章って日本語的で難しい感じがします。 常套句がありそうですね。 大いに参考にさせて頂きます。


  • PayPalから来たメールの内容がわかりません。和訳して頂けませんか?

    以下の文言が書かれていました。 しばらく利用できなくなるのでしょうか? また、その理由についてお分かりでしたらお知恵を貸してください。 よろしくお願いします。 「We wish to inform you that effective 31 March 2010, you will not be able to send funds using the "Send Money" function for non-commercial transactions only, until further notice. The changes to our personal payment services are necessary in order for us to comply with new regulatory requirements in Japan. This does not affect anyone outside of Japan sending money to any Japanese residents. Please note that you will also continue to be able to shop online and use the PayPal services for the payment of goods and services as you normally would. This restriction of services only applies to non-commercial transactions such as the sending of money to a family member for living allowance. We deeply regret any inconvenience this temporary restriction of service may cause you. We will update you as to when our personal payment services will be available again.

  • ebayからのメール

    ebayから下記のようなメールがきてIDが凍結されました 多分規約の9条に違反したので凍結したという内容では ないかとおもいますが、、、 なぜこんなことになったんでしょう? We regret to inform you that your eBay account has been suspended due to concerns we have for the safety and integrity of the eBay community. Per the User Agreement, Section 9, we may immediately issue a warning, temporarily suspend, indefinitely suspend or terminate your membership and refuse to provide our services to you if we believe that your actions may cause financial loss or legal liability for you, our users or us. We may also take these actions if we are unable to verify or authenticate any information you provide to us. Due to the suspension of this account, please be advised you are prohibited from using eBay in any way. This includes the registering of a new account. Please note that any seller fees due to eBay will immediately become due and payable. eBay will charge any amounts you have not previously disputed to the billing method currently on file.

  • register@aol.comからのメール

    今日、register@aol.comから「IMPORTANT NOTIFICATION」というタイトルで、以下のメールを受け取りました。 We regret to inform you that your account has been suspended due to the violation of our site policy, more info is attached. メールには「amvcv.zip」というファイルが添付されていたのですが、何だか恐いのでまだ開いていません。私のメールアカウントはどうなってしまうのでしょうか? このメール本文の通り停止扱いになるのですか? (現在のところは使えていますが...。)

  • 何て書いてありますか?

    何て書いてありますか? We sincerely apologize for the shipping delay. This is caused by the extension of the Chinese New Year holiday.The logistics in China is gradually recovering. We will ship your packages as fast as we can. We are deeply sorry for any inconvenience so caused. As our highly evaluated customer,we are willing to offer you a coupon.Your understanding is very important to us! Hope you have a great shopping experience in our store!

  • この英文(英語)を日本語に翻訳してください。

    Thanks for contacting us, we do regret for the wrong time having sent to you. Are you willing to accept our suggestion of $170 giftcard so that you may buy anything at our site? And you can keep the product you received. If you don't want to accept that, we'd like to replace the item to you soon.Your early reply and support will be appreciated!Have a nice day! あるサイトに間違ったものが届いたので変えてほしいといったらこう返ってきました。 翻訳ソフトの翻訳はやめてください。

  • 翻訳

    We would like to send you our thanks. Therefore we kindly ask you to communicate your address. 翻訳をしていただけると助かります。

  • こんなメールがきたのですが?

    翻訳ソフトでみるとクレジット使用のような内容ですが無視してもよいものでしょうか、使用したことはないです。お教え下さい。 Thank you for using our new service "Buy flight ticket Online" on our website. Your account has been created: Your login: 当方のアドレスがはいっています。 Your password: PASS08R8 Your credit card has been charged for $930.82. We would like to remind you that whenever you order tickets on our website you get a discount of 10%! Attached to this message is the purchase Invoice and the flight ticket. To use your ticket, simply print it on a color printed, and you are set to take off for the journey! Kind regards, US Airways

  • 怪しいメールですか?

    Is this email not displaying properly? View it in your browser. Dear Google user, We're getting rid of over 60 different privacy policies across Google and replacing them with one that's a lot shorter and easier to read. Our new policy covers multiple products and features, reflecting our desire to create one beautifully simple and intuitive experience across Google. We believe this stuff matters, so please take a few minutes to read our updated Privacy Policy and Terms of Service at http://www.google.com/policies. These changes will take effect on March 1, 2012. One policy, one Google experience Easy to work across Google Tailored for you Easy to share and collaborate Easy to work across Google Our new policy reflects a single product experience that does what you need, when you want it to. Whether you're reading an email that reminds you to schedule a family get-together or finding a favorite video that you want to share, we want to ensure you can move across Gmail, Calendar, Search, YouTube, or whatever your life calls for with ease. Tailored for you If you're signed into Google, we can do things like suggest search queries – or tailor your search results – based on the interests you've expressed in Google+, Gmail, and YouTube. We'll better understand which version of Pink or Jaguar you're searching for and get you those results faster. Easy to share and collaborate When you post or create a document online, you often want others to see and contribute. By remembering the contact information of the people you want to share with, we make it easy for you to share in any Google product or service with minimal clicks and errors. Protecting your privacy hasn't changed Our goal is to provide you with as much transparency and choice as possible, through products like Google Dashboard and Ads Preferences Manager, alongside other tools. Our privacy principles remain unchanged. And we'll never sell your personal information or share it without your permission (other than rare circumstances like valid legal requests). Got questions? We've got answers. Visit our FAQ at http://www.google.com/policies/faq to read more about the changes. (We figured our users might have a question or twenty-two.) Notice of Change March 1, 2012 is when the new Privacy Policy and Terms will come into effect. If you choose to keep using Google once the change occurs, you will be doing so under the new Privacy Policy and Terms of Service. Please do not reply to this email. Mail sent to this address cannot be answered. Also, never enter your Google Account password after following a link in an email or chat to an untrusted site. Instead, go directly to the site, such as mail.google.com or www.google.com/accounts. Google will never email you to ask for your password or other sensitive information.

  • このメール、非常に怪しいのですが、わかるかたいますか?

    本日なんですが、このようなメールが来ていました。 Yahooってかいてあったんで、信用し、ここにアクセスしてくださいってところをクリックしたら、何もでませんでした。 どういうことが書いてあるか、翻訳ソフトを使って、見たところ、ちとやばい内容が書いてありました・・・ 例のクレジット番号を盗むメールなどがありますよね?その手のメールなんでしょうか? 差出人は全くの見覚えありません。 教えてください。内容は下記です。 Dear (ここには私のYahooIDが書いてあります。, We regret to inform you that your Yahoo! Auctions account has been suspended due to concerns we have for the safety and integrity of the Yahoo! community. Per the User Agreement, Section 9, we may immediately issue a warning, temporarily suspend, indefinitely suspend or terminate your membership and refuse to provide our services to you if we believe that your actions may cause financial loss or legal liability for you, our users or us. We may also take these actions if we are unable to verify or authenticate any information you provide to us. Please update your billing information by clicking the link below : https://auctions.yahoo.com/ Due to the suspension of this account, please be advised you are prohibited from using Yahoo! Auctions in any way. This includes the registering of a new account. Please note that any seller fees due to Yahoo! will immediately become due and payable. Yahoo! will charge any amounts you have not previously disputed to the billing method currently on file. Regards, Safeharbor Department Yahoo!, Inc.

  • メール和訳

    こんなメールが来ました。 Dear kachan48, You have successfully registered as affiliate on FilePost.com. Your FilePost.com account login is(アドレス) If you have any questions about the affiliate program and your account settings, we recommend you to visit our Support Center and review Frequently Asked Questions: ○○○ Please do not reply to this letter, it was created automatically. If you have any questions contact our support team at We are happy to work together with you! Sincerely Yours, Filepost Teamと来ました。次も同じ人から Dear kachan48, You have successfully registered at FilePost.com file hosting service. Feel free to log into your account using the following credentials: Login:(アドレス) Password:○○○ If you have any questions about our service, we recommend you to visit our Support Center and review Frequently Asked Questions: Please do not reply to this letter, it was created automatically. If you have any questions contact our support team at Sincerely Yours, Filepost Teamと来ました。OOOはURLです。 このメールを和訳してくれませんか? 回答お願いします。