• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:TOEFL 長文問題 解説お願いいたします)


  • TOEFL問題集の長文問題について解説します。特に、オーケストラと前の音の関係について詳しく説明します。
  • 第2文では、オーケストラが以前の音がなおも生き続けているため、最高の努力が騒音になってしまうことを感じるかもしれないと述べています。
  • 具体的には、「as previous notes live on past the time when they are wanted or needed」という表現が使われています。この部分は、前の音が意図した時や必要な時を過ぎてもなお残り続けるという意味です。


  • ベストアンサー
  • kaiyosei
  • ベストアンサー率52% (41/78)

お示しの訳文「以前の音がそれらが必要な時を過ぎて生き残っているので」で特に問題はないと思いますが。 as は接続詞で「~なので」。「~につれて」の意味と取れなくもないですが、強いてそう解釈する必要もないと思います。 live on の on は、on のよくある用法「継続」をあらわすもの。「生き続ける」。 past the time ~ は「~の時を過ぎても」。 or needed が訳から抜けてますので、再度訳をしてみますと 「以前の音が、必要な時あるいは望ましい時を過ぎてもなお残っているので(オーケストラの面々は自分が最善の努力をしてさえ音に調和が失われることに気付くかもしれない」。





その他の回答 (1)

  • mabomk
  • ベストアンサー率40% (1414/3521)

相当の当てずっぽが混じっていますので、本気で採用されない様にお願いします(笑) A lecturer may find that some words cannot be heard because of the dying sound of the previous words. An orchestra may find its best efforts reduced to discord as previous notes live on past the time when they are wanted or needed. reduced to discord = 減少してぶつけ合う discord はそれこそ当てずっぽで、「不一致」→「ぶつかりあうコト」 as previous notes = 直前の響きが~~~~なので live on past the time = 時間を超えて生き残っている=時間が経っても残音しているので live on ~~~に渡って生きている 後半部分の仮訳です、 「オーケストラでは、そう望まれるか必要に応じて、直前の響きが時間が経っても残音しているので、それを音同士をぶつけ合って打ち消そうと努力しているのだろう。」



  • 英文添削をお願いします

    下の文章の添削をお願いできますか? You may already forget when you said to me this but they are enough words for insult me. But even I feel so I still tried to behave nicely at that time. あなたはいつどんなふうにそれを言ったかも覚えてないかもしれなけれど、でもあの言葉の数々は私が屈辱を感じるのに充分だった。それでも、私はあのとききちんとあなたに接しようと努力した。 I wanted to believe that you are not the kind of person who can easily cheat one's wife and daughter. I wanted to believe that it is not possible that you are like that.... 私はあなたが簡単に奥さんや娘さんを裏切るような人だと信じたくなかった。そんな人であるはずないと思いたかった。 以上です。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい。

    You may have lots of friends or Relatives who can spend time with you but later on, they still have to leave you behind but when you have a special partner, he or she will always be there for you when needed. 私は直訳しかできないので、全体的な意味がわかりません。 詳しい方、よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳お願いします。

    Margie even wrote about it that night in her diary. On the page headed May 17, 2155, she wrote, 'Today Tommy found a real book." It was a very old book. Margie's grandfather had heard about books like it when he was a little boy. He once said his grandfather had told them that there was a time when all stories were printed on paper. They turned the pages, which were yellow. It was very funny to read the words. They stood still, instead of moving the way they were supposed to - on a screen, you know. And then, when they turned back to the page before, it had the same words on it. It was just the same as it had been when they read it the first time.

  • 英語の文法問題です

    休日は私たちにとってリラックスするためのとても大切な時間です。 Holidays are a very important time to feel relaxed. なぜareなのにaが来るのでしょうか? timeが複数形にならないののはなぜですか? Father often said to me,‘Time flies. Don`t waste your time.` Timeの後のflyはなぜ、fliesになるんですか? Did you find the hotel comfortable? このfind はfeelにかえてはいけない理由はなんですか? 私の妹はどうしても私に買い物に付き合ってと言いました。 My sister insisted on my going shopping. insisted onの後のmyが何なのか文法的ににわかりません。 以上です。 くわしく教えてください。

  • 訳の説明をお願いします。

    2013年センターリスニング問題からです。 wherever you find them, these long-haired rabbits live five to seven years when kept indoors and cared for properly. 解説では「どこにいるとしても、室内で飼い、きちんと世話をすれば、この毛の長いウサギは、5年から7年生きる。」となっていました。説明してもらいたい点は、wherever you find themが「どこにいるとしても」と説明しているところ、また、when kept ~ は分詞構文だと思うのですが、whenの訳し方で「すれば」となっていますが、if のような条件を表せたのでしょうか。findは「見つける」であり、wherever they areとすればいいと思うのですが。解説をお願いします。

  • 問題を出されて困っています

    先日このような質問をされて困っています。 When multiple windows are shown on the desktop with some over others, they are displayed with 『』 mode.と When you start up something, say, a computer or a software application, we often say we 『』 it up. と、いう内容です。 『』にPCに関連する単語を入れればいいという内容のようなのですが、PCにも英語にも弱い私ではわかりませんでした。 教えていただけないでしょうか。

  • 問題の解き方の解説をお願いいたします。

    Sometimes if you are lucky as an historian, you find a bit of evidence which illuminates a big idea. That happened to me in the Pepys Library at Magdalene College, Cambridge, in April 2006, when I made a discovery which allowed me to correct the historical record. It concerned a piece of documentary evidence repeatedly used to prove that a Dutch scientist had been the first to invent a clock accurate enough to determine the precise position of a ship on the open sea. (中略) The thought uppermost in my mind as I worked my way through the manuscript materials in the library was how odd it is that non-scientists think of science as being concerned with certainties and absolute truth. Because in fact the contrary is the case: scientists are on the whole quite tentative about their results. They simply try to arrive at the best fit between the experimental findings so far and a general principle. <The Pendulum Clock of Christiaan Huygens--Lisa Jardine> 最後のThey simply try to arrive at the best fit between the experimental findings so far and a general principle.の意味を問う設問で 1. 実験等で得られた資料に最も合致する理論は何かを考える 2. 実験等で発見されたことと一般原則との最も適した融合をはかる というのがあって、私は2だと思ったのですが 正解は1でした。 between~andとあったのでそのまま「~と~」と考えてしまったのですが なぜ1が正解になるのか、解き方を教えてください。 尚、中略の部分は以下になります。 The manuscript I found in Cambridge was a ship's journal kept by a seventeenth-century English sea-captain, who had offered to give space on his ship for some state-of-the-art scientific equipment--two new pendulum clocks--on a voyage to the west coast of Africa and back. The job he agreed to undertake for the recently founded Royal Society was to test the clocks at regular intervals on his journey, to see if they kept accurate time in spite of being tossed up and down and generally shaken about at sea. よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 長文問題

    It is important to distinguish between the amount of sleep we think (we'd) like, and the amount we need. There are people who feel perfectly well on two or three hours a night. For them, the problem is keeping themselves occupied for a few hours after midnight, or generally learning to accept the condition.  If you find yourself getting less sleep than you once did, don't be concerned about it (1) you are aware of feeling irritable and tired.  Most adults seem to find between seven and eight hours a night sufficient, but there are no fixed rules. The largest single group who complain of insufficient sleep are those who are combining full-time jobs with raising young children. The majority of this group, (it,come,surprise,learn,will,to,no,as), are woman trying to balance the demands of jobs, children, relaxation and housework!  Research indicates that we sleep to restore and repair our body tissues and brain cells, particularly the cells of the nervous system. Robbed of sleep, people become anxious and irritable; they lose willpower, memory, the ability to createーand are gradually unable to perform the simplest mechanical tasks. Lack of sleep has been blamed for many disastersーfrom car crashes to the Chernobyl disaster.  Research shows that we should twice a day and that few of us ever do. You may notice yourself getting sleepier in the afternoonsーin fact more accidents happen in the afternoon than at any other time of day or night. In one survey, 43% of respondents said they would have a nap every day if possible.  Electric light has seriously interfered with our sleeping patterns; the darkening sky goes almost unnoticed as we sit in artificially-lit rooms till well past our natural bedtimes. Before electricity, the majority regulated their lives by daylight. It is worth noting that some people feel particularly tired and inactive during the winter months, when they have to make a particular effort to disregard their body clocks. ・(we'd) に該当するもの アwe did イwe would ウwe had エwe should 自分はイにしました。 ・1段落最後のthe conditionの内容 ・(1)の語 アthough イunless ウonce エsince イにしました。 ・整序 It will come as no surprise to learn にしました。 お願いします。

  • whoの用法について

    Antipersonnel mines are laid on or under the ground so that they explode when they are stepped on.They have only one purpose: to kill and injure people. Many of those injured by mines die a slow death. Those who survive often live lives of misery, poverty, and discrimination. 最後の英文のThose who survive often live lives of misery, poverty, and discrimination.のwhoはどの用法で用いられているかわかりません どなたか教えていただけないでしょうか?

  • 訳してください。お願いします。

    Many researchers believe that health of polar bears parallels directly with the health of the environment. Scientists are concerned that despite the constant cold in Northern Manitoba, it may not be staying cold long enough to keep the environment stable. In other words, global warming may be affecting the ice patterns, which are critical for the survival of the polar bear. Cam Elliot explains what the situation means for the continued existence of the polar bear. “Over the last 25 years, research conducted by the Canadian Wildlife Service has found about a two-week advancement in spring weather and ice melt,” he reports. “Polar bears are a creature of the sea ice. When they are out on the ice,they are hunting seals. Anything in the global climate that would affect the stability or the length of the time that the ice is on the Hudson Bay or the length of the time that the ice is on the Hudson Bay or the Arctic weters is going to have immediate impact on polar bears.”To state the issues simply and clearly:polar bears need ice, and global warming may be taking it away from them.