• ベストアンサー


If you look at the 15 leading causes of death in the United States, men come in first in all but one, Alzheimer's disease. Men are twice as likely to die in accidents and murders, three times more likely to have AIDS, and four times more likely to commit suicide. Williams thinks that there are men who are not following the rules of healthy, lawful behavior, and that the American idea of masculinity leads them to destructive behavior.. "A good example is how men respond to stress," he says. "Women are more likely than men to seek social support, particularly from other women. Men are more likely to believe that any expression of distress shows their weakness, so they are more likely to turn to substances." 「もし、あなたがアメリカでの15の死亡原因を見るのなら、男性はアルツハイマー病とは違う。男性はその二倍が事故や殺人、三倍がエイズ、4倍が自殺によるものである。ウイリアムは健康で法律に従い、彼らを破壊的な振る舞いに導く男らしさをもったアメリカ人ではないと考えた。よい例は男性がストレスに答える方法です。彼は言った。女性は他の女性から特に社会的な支援を探す男性よりもより多くいそうである。男性はこれらの弱点に悩む表現に信じそうである。なので彼は距離をおこうとする。」 うまく訳せませんでした。この英文の訳を教えてください。よろしければ解説もよろしくお願いします。 全英文参照↓ http://virtual.parkland.edu/jfoust/online101/Angel/gifs/exp_pjt/risky_lives_of_american_men.htm


  • ベストアンサー
  • tjhiroko
  • ベストアンサー率52% (2281/4352)

 アメリカでの死亡原因の上位15を見ると、唯一アルツハイマー病をのぞいてすべてにおいて男性が女性を上回っている。事故や殺人での死亡は女性の2倍、エイズは3倍、自殺は4倍である。  ウィリアムズは、健康的、合法的行動の決まりに従わない男性がおり、アメリカ人の考える男らしさという概念が彼らを破壊行動へと駆り立てる、と考える。  「男性がストレスに対してどう反応するかはいい例ですね」と彼はいう。  「女性は男性よりも社会的な支援、特に他の女性からの支援を求める傾向が強い。男性は苦悩を表に出すことは弱さをさらけ出すことだと信じ込みがちなため、より物質に頼ろうとするんですよ」 こんなところかと思います。  


その他の回答 (1)


ぱっと見ただでですけど参考まで 15の死亡原因→TOP15の come in first in all (diseases) one, Alzheimer's disease --> one = Alzheimer's disease Men are twice as likely to die in accidents and murders(as women are) there are men --> there are (some/a lot of) men in the United States 女性は他の女性から特に社会的な支援を探す男性よりもより多くいそうである。→女性は、男性よりも社会的つながり(←支援の意訳)を求める。特に同姓とつながりを。 Men are more likely to believe that any expression of distress shows their weakness →男性は苦悩を見せることは男性としての弱さを露呈することになると思う傾向がある。(more likely to ..を~しがち、~しやすい、~する傾向があると約す) turn to substances の約は面白いかもしれません。 「殻にこもる」かな?



  • 長崎大学の入試英文について。

    Men are more likely to smoke cigarettes (26 percent, compared to 22 percent of women) and twice as likely to have five or more drinks a day. 「男性は(22%の女性と比べて26%)タバコを吸いがちであり、その2倍が一日に5本のアルコール飲料を飲んでいる。」 うまく訳せませんでした。この英文の訳を教えてください。よろしければ解説もよろしくお願いします。 全英文参照↓ http://virtual.parkland.edu/jfoust/online101/Angel/gifs/exp_pjt/risky_lives_of_american_men.htm

  • 長崎大学の入試長文について。

    In addition, men are more likely to work dangerous jobs, he says; 90 percent of on-the-job deaths kill men. Farming is one field in which men tend to dominate and which abounds in dangers. Another report, delivered quite coincidentally at a U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention meeting in Atlanta this week, illustrates one of those dangers. Men are more than twice as likely to die during thunderstorms, There were 1,442 thunderstorm-related deaths in this country from 1994 through 2000, Songer's research finds, and 70 percent of the corpses were male. Most involved either lightning strikes or flash floods, with a few caused by tornadoes. One reason why men are more likely to die in a thunderstorm is that they tend to do the macho, thus dangerous thing. In a low-lying area, where the danger is drowning, men will often drive around a barrier, and drown. 「その上、男性は危険な仕事をしがちであると彼は言う。90%が危険である。・・・・・・・」 以下の英文がよくわかりませんでした。 この英文の訳を教えてください。よろしくお願いします。 全英文参照↓ ​http://virtual.parkland.edu/jfoust/online101/Angel/gifs/exp_pjt/ris...

  • 長崎大学の入試英文について。

    Williams says that one thing society can do is restructure factories and other workplaces so they are less dangerous. Another thing is to improve the quality of education. "Education is very significant because a lot of the problems men face begin early in life. Two-thirds of men in the prison population are high school dropouts. Being a dropout puts a man on a road toward economic failure that can lead to violent behavior and imprisonment.” Most importantly, Williams says, is that "we need to redefine masculinity to include greater responsibility for one’s personal health and safety." 『ウィリアムズはあるひとつの社会がが工場と他の仕事場を再構築することであると言うので、それらはそれほど危険ではない。 別のことでは教育の品質を改良することです。 「男性が直面している多くの問題が人生で早々始まるので、教育は非常に重要です。」 刑務所人口における男性の2/3は高校中退者です。 「落第生であることは男性を狂暴症と投獄につながることができる経済的失敗に向かった道路に置く。」 最も重要に、ウィリアムズは、それが「私たちは、人の個人的な健康と安全への、よりすばらしい責任を含むように男らしさを再定義する必要がある。」と言う。』 うまく訳せませんでした。 この英文の訳を教えてください。また、熟語・構文等の解説もよろしくお願いします。

  • 英文訳お願いします No3

    長いので4つに分けました! The research suggests that consumers lose around £1.2 billion every year. On average victims have a higher chance than non-victims of falling for another scam within 12 months of first being caught out, because their personal details are added to so-called 'sucker list' of people who have been taken in; the list is then sold to other scammers. While the elderly were more likely to be targeted by a scam, the highest percentage of vibtims were, surprisingly, aged between 35 and 44. Of those who fell for the scams, 32 percent said it was because of the legitimate and professional style of the communication, 25 percent said they were caught off guard, and 18 percent because of excitement at the prospect of getting a good deal or winning a prize. The research also highlighted the fact that whilst men and women are equally likely to be victims of scams, women are more likely to fall victim to miracle health scams and career opportunity scams, while men are more likely to lose money to investment scams and lottery scams. Most strikingly, the study found that less than five percent of those scammed reported their experience to the authorities, so the scale of the problem is far greater than had hitherto been thought. すいませんが 英文訳をお願いします!!

  • 英文の和訳をお願いします。

    英文の和訳をお願いします。 One of the most interesting and yet underexamined processes in bulimia is the acquisition of bulimic behavior, particularly binge eating. The few studies that have looked at this problem have focused almost exclusively on particular social groups, for example, dance camps and athletic teams. This focus is not an accident. I wish to argue that social groups are at the very heart of the issue of symptom acquisition. Symptoms are spread from one member to another in these groups, and group membership is at the heart of the transmission. Groups that are most likely to transmit the symptoms of bulimia, most notably binge eating, are groups that are made up almost entirely of women of the same age. This includes dance camps and athletic teams as well as sororities, all-women dormitories, or workplaces comprising mostly women. Social groups are important to us. They serve to tell us who we are, what to think, and how to behave. The more we value the social group, the more we are willing to be influenced by it. The power of a group may be measured by the attractiveness of the group for its members, lf a person wants to stay in a group, he will be susceptible to influences coming from the group, and he will be willing to conform to the rules which the group sets up."

  • 困っています。

    以下の5つの文がどうしても訳せません。誰か教えてください。お願いします。 (1)A recent study of British conversational patterns has found that both men and women gossip as much as each other. (2)Men are much more likely to talk about politics than women are in daily conversation, in particular when there are women taking part in the conversation. (3)It is established as a fact that males talk about themselves more than females. (4)Men freely admit that they gossip all day long, just like women do too. (5)Among males there seems to be a kind of shame attached to the word “gossip”, who are happy to admit they “exchange information” with their friends but they would not call this “gossiping”.

  • 至急、日本語訳お願いします。

    “Part of what gets muddled when you talk about gender differences is the skill of driving and risk-taking,” Ms. McCartt said. The bottom line, she said, is that “aggressive driving behavior is a bigger piece of the pie than skill” when it comes to serious crashes. “The evidence is really incontrovertible that men as drivers take more risks,” she said. The males of the species are not only more dangerous as drivers, they are more likely to be hurt while walking, the city’s study found. More men than women were killed or injured as pedestrians in every age group except among those over 64 (perhaps because women live longer and were overrepresented). Boys 5 to 17 years old ranked first in the absolute number of pedestrian deaths and serious injuries, with 785, more than twice the number of girls in that age range, though elderly people were more vulnerable as a share of the population.

  • 英文の邦訳

    This is consistent with empirical literature showing that activists are likely to target firms with significant institutional ownership, and in evaluating otherwise equivalent firms are more likely to target the firms with higher institutional ownership. 上記英文中のin evaluating otherwiseが前段の一節の何処と繋がるかが分かりません。 お分かりになる方,邦訳も含めてご指導,宜しくお願いします。

  • 早急に英語の和訳をお願いします

    ヤフーとかエキサイト等の翻訳サイトは勘弁して下さい。 長くて非常に申し訳ないです 英語の得意な方、少し専門的ですがお願い致します。 The most disastrous consequence of depression is suicide. Not everyone who attempts or commits suicide is depressed, however, and suicide thoughts and actions are alarmingly common. Nearly half of all teenagers in the United States say they know someone who has tried to commit suicide (see figure). One in five teenagers admits to attempting or seriously contemplating suicide. Suicide is the ninth leading cause of the death in the United States and third leading cause among people 15 to 24years of age. More people die from suicide than from homicide. Women attempt to commit suicide about three times more often than men do, but men succeed more often than women in killing themselves. The greater number of suicide attempts by women is probably related to the greater incidence of depression among women. The fact that men are more successful in their attempts is related to the choice of method. Until recently, women have tended to use less lethal means, such as cutting their wrists or overdosing on sleeping pills; men are more likely to use firearms or carbon monoxide fumes or to hang themselves. However, with the marked increase in the number of women owning guns, suicide by firearms has now become women's method of first choice. Consequently, the fatality rate for women is changing.(Attempted suicides are successful 80% of the time when firearms are involved, but only 10% of drug or poison ingestions are fatal ――a powerful argument for not keeping firearms in the home.)

  • 浮気に関する男女の行動の違いに関する英文の添削をお願いします。

    浮気に関する男女の行動の違いに関する英文の添削をお願いします。 不自然な点を直していただけたらありがたいです。 よろしくお願いします” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ここで示された研究を見ていて私が思ったことは、男性の方が女性より欲望に忠実だということである。 What I think in this study is that men are franker than women about desire. 女性は社会的要因や宗教的要因によって性への接し方が変わっているが、男性は変わっていない。 Women change their attitude toward sexual thing (affair) by social, religious factors. However, men never change their attitude by these factors. 裏を返せば、男性は性のこととなると我慢が出来ない生物なのかなと思う。 In other words, men are the creatures which are not able to endure when it comes to sexual thing. この研究はユニークで面白いと思う。 I think that this study is very unique. 近い将来、なぜ男女の性差によってこのような違いが生じるのかというところまで明らかになることを私は望んでいる。 I hope that the reason why men and women are different in the way of thinking and behaviors become clear.