• ベストアンサー

2006筑波大前期大問1 その2

(質問)With all thatの部分ですが、 (1)allの品詞および訳語(自分は強調のallで訳さないと思いました) (2)thatの品詞および訳語(自分は形容詞のthatで訳は?です) を教えていただけますでしょうか。(尚、前回同様推測でも構いません) That brings us back to our soup. If the food is hot, it aids in the evaporation process. So the soup should be cooling quickly. But it doesn’t. Why not? Consider the air above the bowl of soup. With all that vapor rising out of the bowl, the area above the soup forms into a hot, steamy cloud. The air is almost soaked with evaporating water. The evaporation process slows down to a crawl and so does the cooling. The vapor just sits over the bowl, hanging still and heavy, like a wet, hot, windless summer day. The soup will take a long time to cool off.


  • ベストアンサー

 質問に答えていない部分がありました。品詞的には vapor という名詞がありますので,all は不定形容詞,that は指示形容詞となります(それぞれ,不定代名詞の形容詞用法,指示代名詞の形容詞用法としても同じです。説明の仕方が違うだけでどちらも同じです)。  that は前にこの vapor のことが話題になり,「その」と言っているのかもしれませんし,特に指示性の強くない(訳す必要のない)ものかもしれません。前に出てきているのかもしれませんが,all で強調するにあたって,that をはさまないと,まさしく「すべての」という感じになってしまうので,「今そこにある」という意味でつけているのだと思います。





その他の回答 (2)


 with ~で「~を持っているにもかかわらず」「~を持っているので」のどちらの意味にもなります。どちらになるのかは文脈次第です。  I love her with all her faults. なら,前者でしょうし,He succeeded with all his knowledge and skills. なら後者になるでしょう。これらの all は強調的に添えられたものです。  この譲歩的な with (all) ~を熟語的に「~があるにもかかわらず」とすることが多いのは確かです。  さらに,これは付帯状況を表す with O C の場合にも当てはまり,O の前に all を置いて強調することがあります。  この付帯状況も,「~なので」「~にもかかわらず」どちらの意味になるかは文脈次第です。    ここでは,「その蒸気がボールから上がっているので」の方でしょう。  with (all) O の方も,with (all) O C の方も辞書に出ていますので,ご覧になってください。

  • amip
  • ベストアンサー率53% (69/129)

with all -- =「~にもかかわらず」(譲歩) ここでのthatは形容詞ではなく、代名詞の形容詞用法で「あの」という意味です。 つまり、 with all that vapor rising out of bowl=「その蒸気は鉢から昇っているにもかかわらず」という意味です。



  • 2006筑波大前期大問1

    (質問)下記のthe result of which is toの「to不定詞」の用法が不明です。自分の推測では「名詞的用法(補語)」なのかなぁと思っているのですが、はっきりしません。更に、googleで調べましたが結構このフレーズは使われているようなのですが、なんせ英語なので用法までは分かりません。因みに赤本の訳は「その結果液体全体の温度が低くなるのである」とのことです。この訳にけちをつけるつもりはありませんし、自分もこのように訳すわけですが、はっきりと用法が分からないので、どなたか分かる方、(推測でも構いません)教えていただけますでしょうか?さらに、どの参考書・問題集にこの件について書かれているのか教えていただけると幸いです。(分からない場合でも、例文だけでもいただければと思います) The real reason that blowing colds hot soup and other foods has to do with evaporation. In discussing the process of boiling, it became apparent that evaporation is a cooling process. For molecules of water to evaporate, they must literally be made to jump out of the water. So only the most lively ones get out, leaving the slower, cooler ones behind, the result of which is to lower the temperature of the whole liquid. The more quickly the liquid evaporates, the faster it cools.

  • 英文和訳について

    Stirring is always a good cooling method, whether it be soup or coffee. By stirring we bring up hot liquid from lower down to replace the cooler liquid at the surface. This speeds evaporation. (質問)"from lower down"の部分ですが訳は「下の方から」というふうに何とか処理できますが、そもそもlowerやdownの品詞は何なのでしょうか?lowerは形容詞ですが、downは副詞ですか?さらに、fromという前置詞の後にlower down(形容詞+副詞?)という塊がきてもOKなのでしょうか?(普通、前置詞+名詞ですよね?)

  • 和訳お願いします。

    This bubbling levels out to the smooth. Evaporation occurs only at the surface of a liquid when water molecules escape into the air as a gas called water vapor.

  • ほぼ同じ意味になるように日本語訳もお願いします

    You were very careless to make such a mistake ()wasu very careless ()() to make such a mistake The water is so warm that you can swim in ti today The water is warm () for you ()() in today The soup was so salty that I couldn't eat it The soup was ()()()()()() It seems that he knew the woman He seems to ()() the woman It was strange that the spoon began to bend by itself ()()() , the spoon began to bend by itself

  • ドイツ語

    今『パパラギ』の英語版を読んでいますが、その英語にやや違和感を感じる部分があります。そこで独語と英語が共に堪能な方に原典の独語文章にある ”die Zeit” の訳語についてお尋ねいたします。 以下の次の3つの文章はすべてある独語による文章の英訳です。オリジナルの独語の文章は以下のサイトでご覧になれます(http://www.omega-graz.at/pdf/Trainingsmanual.pdf)。 (1) The Papalagi loves the round metal and the heavy paper; and he loves to drink much liquid made from fruit; and to put meat from slain pigs and cows and other monstrous animals into his belly. But above all things, he loves what cannot be held but is still there - the time. He makes much commotion and foolish talk about it. (2) The Papelagi loves the round metal and the heavy paper, he loves to fill his stomach with a lot of liquids from dead fruits and with meat from pigs, cows and other horrible animals, but above all, he loves what isn't tangible and that is time. He makes a lot of fuss and foolish talk about it. (3) The Papelagi loves the round metal and the heavy paper. He loves to fill his stomach with dead fruit and meat of pig, cow and other horrible beasts he kills. But most of all, he loves what he cannot grasp and that is time among other things. He makes a great fuss about it. 質問:上の文脈でドイツ語の “die Zeit”(最後から2番目の文内) の訳語として次のどちらがより適当なのでしょうか? 1. the time ((1)の訳語) 2. time ((2)、(3)の訳語) できましたらその理由にも触れていただけるとありがたいです。なお、私は英語は少しはわかりますが、独語はほとんどわかりません。よろしくお願いいいたします。

  • このthatの品詞は・・

    Manual labor was highly valued. Later it was the man who worked with his head to achieve success in business and industry that was looked up to. この最後のthat was looked~のthatの品詞は何でしょうか?それとlooked up toは一つの動詞として見るのでしょうか? よろしくおねがいます。



  • liquidの使い方について質問です。

    liquidの使い方について質問です。 This device is desinged so that solvent vapor is absorbed with activated carbon, released with steam to recover it as liquid. 「to recover it as liquid」液体として回収する。 の部分ですが、この場合“a”は必要ですか? またliquidを辞書の例文などみてみるとaがついていたり、いなかったり。どなたか使い分け方等ご存知でしたら教えてください。 よろしくお願いします。

  • (2)(3)を和訳[2]~[4]の問に答えて下さい

    (1)Let us imagine an absolutely unbiased observer on another planet, perhaps on Mars, is examining human behavior on Earth, with the aid of a telescope whose magnification is too small to enable him to discern individuals and follow their separate behavior, but large enough for him to observe occurences such as migration of peoples, wars and similar great historical events.He would never gain the impression that human behavior was dectated by intelligence, still less by responsible morality. If we suppose our outside observerto be a being of pure reason, lacking instincts himself and unaware of the way in which all instincts in general and aggression in particular can go wrong, he would be at a complete loss how to explain history at all.Thus, the phenomena of history do not have responsible cases.It is a mere commonplace to say that they are caused by human nature.Unreasoning and unreasonable human nature causes two nations to compete, though no economic necessity compels them to do so; it induces two political parties or religious with amazingly similar programs of salvation to fight each other bitterly and it forces an Alexander or a Napoleon to sacrifice millions of lives in his attempt to unite the world under his rule.We have been taught to regard some of the persons who have committed these and similar absurdities with respect, even as "great" people, and we are all so accustomed to these phenomena that most of us fail to realize how stupid and undesirable the historical mass behavior of humanity actually is. (2)Having realized [2][this], however, we cannot escape the question why reasonable beings do behave so un reasonably.Undeniably, there must be [3][superlatively strong factors] which are able to overcome the commands of individual reason so completely which are not influenced by experience and learning.As hegel said, "What experience and history teach us is this - that people and governments have never learned anything from history, or acted on principles derived from it." (3)All of [4][these amazing paradoxes], however, find an unconstrained explanation, falling nto place like the piece of a jigsaw puzzle, if one assumes that human behavior, and particularly human social behavior, far from being determined by reason and cultural tradition alone, is still subject to all the laws prevailing in instinctive behavior. [2][this]が指す日本語の内容を説明しなさい。 [3][superlatively strong factors]と最も関係の深い語を本文中から1語で抜き出しなさい。 [4][these amazing paradoxes]の内容を簡潔に表している表現を本文中から抜き出しなさい。 (1)は訳さなくて良いです。(2)(3)は和訳お願いします。

  • 和訳をお願いします

    和訳と選択をお願いします 長くなってすみません(>_<) Air does not seem to have any weight because people can't feel it on their hands and heads. It isn't very heavy, but there is so much of it above the earth that it does weigh a great deal. Some people who have studied the air say that it goes 200 miles above the earth. The air does weigh about 15 pounds on every square inch of house and of every person's body. It( 1 ) many tons on even a small house. The reason this great weight doesn't crush a house is that there is air inside the house. The air inside pushes out with just the same force that the air outside pushes down. There is a weight of 150 pounds under it ( 2 ) , so that the person does not feel any weight at all. It is this great weight of the air up above( 3 ) makes the air on the earth move about in winds. Land gets cold and hot so easily that the winds on land change often. The mountains and rivers and lakes on the land change the direction of the winds. On the ocean the wind does not get hot or cold very fast. Water in great bodies like the ocean does not get warm very quickly in the summer, and there are no mountains in the ocean to turn the winds aside. The winds on the ocean blow steadily from ( 4 ) direction for a long time. (1)1 .amounts to 2.adds to 3.fails to 4. brings to (2)1.pushing open 2.pressing up 3.hanging over 4.pulling down (3)1. this 2.that 3. lest 4.it (4)1.another 2.other 3.one 4. many

  • バクダット電池や水晶ドクロなど、世界には様々なオーパーツが存在しますが、それに反論する人々がいます。
  • バクダット電池は偽物であり、水晶ドクロにはダイヤの砥石跡があると主張されることがあります。
  • しかし、バクダット電池には銅の筒と鉄の棒が陶器の中に入っており、水晶ドクロは近代のものではありません。また、オーパーツの存在は古代の発展した文明の存在を示唆しています。