• ベストアンサー



  • harukazu
  • ベストアンサー率20% (1/5)






  • 翻訳サイトによって内容が違う

    まったく英語のできないわたしを助けてください。 翻訳サイトに日本語を入れて、英訳してもらうと まったく違う英文がでてきます。 どちらも間違いではないと思うのですが どうちがうのかが知りたいです。 日本語:私は英語が話せないので今から勉強します google翻訳:I study from now I do not speak English Yahoo翻訳:Because I cannot speak English, I study now よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語に詳しい方、翻訳おねがいします。

    英語に詳しい方、翻訳おねがいします。 On Saturday November 21st, we experienced a temporary technical issue that resulted in searches returning either limited or no results. Since we know this may have disrupted your business, we've issued a credit to your account for one day's worth of listing fees for each of your Fixed Price and Store Inventory listings that were active during the down-time. You may also receive a separate credit if you had Auction listings affected. These credits will be included on your November invoice, which will be available by December 5. To view your invoice at that time, please follow these steps:

  • 翻訳をお願いします

    Due to damage from Hurricane Sandy, Heartland Brewery at the South Street Seaport will be closed until further notice.   こちらの英文を翻訳して頂けませんか?

  • Quite some timeの意味

    Quite some timeは「長い間」という意味で使えるのでしょうか? 以下は同じ意味になりますでしょうか? I need to wait for a long time from now. I need to wait for quite some time from now. もしくはquite some time agoのように「かなり以前から」などのように「久しぶりに」的な意味でしか使われないでしょうか? よろしくお願いいたします。

  • この英文の翻訳をお願いします。

    輸出に関してですが、どういう意味でしょうか。翻訳をお願いします。 Hello Yokohama, If I buy the Panasonic qi wireless charger on Friday two days from now. How long will it take to receive in the mail being sent to U.S.A. Florida , zip code 33417. Thank You for your time. Steven Rockafellow

  • 卒論に使用するため、翻訳をお願いしたいです。コンピューター関係の書物の

    卒論に使用するため、翻訳をお願いしたいです。コンピューター関係の書物の文章です。 Time can constrain a design in many ways. For example, a user may require a task to complete before a given time, or may want to limit the time taken for a packet to travel from a source to a destination. At a different level, there may be a time constraint on how long it can take to design and build a system (time-to-market). Or, we may want to maximize the mean time between failures. We now study some standard ways to measure the use of time in a system.

  • 翻訳お願いします。

    翻訳お願いします。 we humans have shelter from the elements, yet we subject our food bearing plants to the rigours of the great out doors and can do no more than hope for a good weather year. ここでのshelterとelements、food bearing plantsの日本語が特にわかりません。 また他の文で、more often than not nowとあったのですが、more often than notはよく見かけますが、nowがあるとどう言う意味になるのでしょうか。

  • [英語] 教えて下さい><

    ()の意味に近いものを教えて下さい>< 1. One of the members came (punctually), but the others were 10 minutes late. (1) on purpose (2) on time (3) for a moment (4) for a change 2. He felt (ill at ease) since he was the only one present at the meeting. (1) angry (2) comfortable (3) pleased (4) uncomfortable 3. I bought this electric car last year, and so far I've had no trouble with it. (1) now and them (2) until now (3) finally (4) for the time being

  • お手数ですが、翻訳をお願いいたします

    ebayの取引で万年筆の先週コンバーター送りました。 その後、下記メールが届きました。 お手数ですが、翻訳よろしくお願いいたします。 You said that you send me a converter for the Saibi-togi nib and until now I don't receive anything! Where is my converter?

  • 翻訳をお願いします。

    こんにちは。 某翻訳サイトで翻訳したのですが、細かいところがよく分からない文章になりました。 わかりやすく翻訳して頂ける方いらっしゃいましたら、翻訳おねがいします。 Thank you for your email. In regards to your order, we are still within the 14 day time frame for the backorder. Since the order was finalized and submitted for processing on October 26, the manufacturer has given us an approximate delivery date of November 15th for stock. As noted previously, there is an approximate turn around of 48 hours to process this into inventory to then fulfill back orders. I will not have an exact ship date or delivery date until stock has been processed into inventory. Please note you will receive a shipping confirmation email once your order has shipped. Additionally, you can track your order on our website using the order number ○○○○○. If you have any further questions, please feel free to email again. Regards,