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  • ベストアンサー

北部にある多くの工業都市は、その急速な発展を鉄道の力によって成し遂げた、それゆえ鉄道は、イングランドがなぜ産業革命を世界中で最初に成し遂げたかの、最も重要な説明要素の1つである。 一方では(産業革命は)労働者にとって、余暇(の増加)とは(労働という)強制から解き放たれることを意味している。それゆえ労働者が、(産業革命の実現によって)働く時間が少しになるということは、より多くの時間自由にすることができるのだと思い描くのは当然なことである。 (頑張ってみたんですが… とほほなり。自信なしは3乗してください。)



どうも有り難うございました。非常に助かりました。 参考にさせていただきます。


  • あってます?

    下記英文の和訳あってます?間違っていたら和訳願います。 Many industrial towns in the north owed their rapid enlargement to railways, so that railways are one of the most important explanations for England becoming the first thoroughly urbanized country in the world. 北の多くの産業都市がそれらの迅速な拡大を鉄道に負いました。その結果、鉄道はイギリスが世界の中で最初の完全に都会化された国になるための最も重要な説明のうちの1つです。

  • 誰か助けて下さい!

    非常に困ってまいます。下記英文を和訳して下さい。 To the laborer, on the other hand, leisure means freedom from compulsion, so that it is natural for him to imagine that the fewer hours he has to spend laboring, and the more hours he is free to play, the better.

  • 翻訳をお願いいたします

    英文を和訳していただけるかたのみで お願いできますでしょうか? 抽象的な部分は意訳していただけると ありがたいです。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 One of the things that can be important in a relationship are the kind of hobby and social life that the other person is used to and likes. If he is a stay at home character, contented to potter round the house in his free time, or if he is wild extravagant and always socializing and wants an independent life outside the relationship to do so. If he will shut you out of his leisure. Or if you’ll socialize and become in involved in thing together as a couple. These things can be important within the structure of a relationship and can help draw the bond closer, or change it. So this is what I will come to now.

  • 翻訳お願いします

    You were very careless to make such a mistake. The water is so warm that you can swim in ti today The soup was so salty that I couldn't eat it It seems that he knew the woman It was strange that the spoon began to bend by itself

  • どうか翻訳お願いします

    > first of all yukio > > i need your promise keep(no angray.no sad ,no hate)do not say that to me > when you know it please ok? > > but it think many times to say not now it is not good time now it is better > later when it is good time . > > when you are cool in that day and happy then it is okey to say it. > > so in that day which it is*(soon soon soon very soon) in that day i want you > be like this: > > 1)be sure that ************************ > there was some one his name (kain)he really consider you everything for > him > > he was not play . he is not sly as you said before > > he always remeber your thing and mention your name every minutes > > he trust you more than you think.he is not sly.he wants best for you. > > > 2) > > be cool be happy always do not be sad > > trust that he will do any thing make you happy any thing > > he will be there when you need any help from him > > > he will be glad very much when he can make something for you make you happy. > > > > 3) > i want do something for you that let you happy person in this life > > so yukio please i ask this: > > when you are sad or need something i will be glad to help you > > > do not refuse it,,,,,,,,it will be there any time any where. > > okey?are you agree with all this it is waiting your answer. -------------------------------------- 急ぎの為、翻訳をどうかお願いいたします。 きちんとポイントはおだしします。 よろしくお願いいたします

  • 翻訳をお願いいたします

    以下の英文を和訳していただけるかたに。 お願いできますでしょうか? 段落が2つになっていますので、それぞれ内容が違うと思います。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 His health is not the most sturdy. He is slow to recuperate after illness, a little of the hypochondria in him so that any illness he gets however minor tends to be long and drawn out, and sinks him into invalidism, even if is just a flue or cold. He has a powerful sense of music and a faith in making the ideal a reality. He wants reality to be as he has dreamed it could be ...

  • 長文ですがどなたか翻訳をお願いします。

    下記の文章を長文ですが翻訳を宜しくお願いします! He is honest and tries to keeps promises but he also evades a lot of issues in life. He has a solid sterling good character. He is imaginative and gentle, idealistic and wishes no one any harm or ill. He is creative impressionable, there is refinement that likes poetry and good art and music a cultured person whatever his social class, he will reach beyond the confines of the material, and the mentality of the people around him, into the creative and into the spiritual. He cares deeply about things and he is in tune with the modern day and the problems of the world society and people around him. The trends of life, he is forwards looking, an advanced soul really. He is difficult to know, and to understand. But he is good at understanding others, can seem to sense what your thinking and feeling. Underneath he may lack confidence in himself. Or may have suffered a lot in the past and it has left its mark. He is never fully appreciated, as he keeps his talents and good points in the background, modest, often taken for granted or disregarded by others, one on the sidelines of life, uninvited into the popular mainstream. Unassuming, but inclined to worry too much over trifles. Over anxious likes to get things right, or avoid peoples fault finding and disparagements. He is easily ruled or influenced by those he cares about they seem to have an inordinate power to restrict him without trying. A person who will make self unasked for sacrifices for those he loves, often unappreciated; or will at least feel that he has done so He may also feel tied to them or by circumstance, duty or guilt, a person who has difficulty in feeling free in life.. He is tied by so many things.

  • 翻訳をお願いします

    お金に関してのことがかいてあるようです。 宜しくお願いします。 Your future partner is ambitious with a secret need for money power and influence. His weakness is that wants short cuts to wealth and he tends to take financial risks. His earning capacity is good, much drive, but he wants to change his life so much, that he has long term plans for transforming his financial life, but he lacks the staying power to persevere more than a certain length of time. He will not accept financial help or sensible advice from others. He wants to make his own fortune, build his own empires. He has very big ideas both for himself and for the money he will make, but he wants its fast, and he wants it now. He is not good at the practicalities of planning wealth, or at starting at the bottom. He wants the world to fall into his lap. To reward his talents or genius without the harder effort of the ground work being done. He wants to live life in style and comfort. Money will come to him quickly when it does, but can just as easily go. His views and ideas he holds about money do not altogether conform to those held by other people. He will not be hard up, but he will be somewhat erratic and unreliable in money matters, or may have an irregular income, that has large sums of money in fits and starts, punctuated with shortages. He also has a tendency to debts and to spend before he earns. Find saving up hard. And credit too easy. He needs to avoid being too impulsive and enterprising, without putting the nectars follow up effort in.

  • 翻訳をお願いします!

    毎回お世話になります! 癖のようなことがかいてあるみたいなのですが、翻訳していただけませんか? 宜しくお願いします(*'ω'*) When he is drawn into conversation and forgets himself, his mannerism change subtly as he tends to unconsciously mirror the person he is talking to. Thus if he is talking to someone who’s rather glum, he too will soon take on a glum stance, or gloomy expression in his face. If the person crosses his legs, then he will soon follow. or if he is chatting to someone jovial, he too will adopt the persons jovial moments and expression.. This is an unconscious copy, a kind of an affinity struck up with strangers, that he in unaware of. As though he reflects the other person, rather than imprinting himself on the person or situation. When he sits he tends to slump down or relax himself, rather than sitting erect, stretches the legs and feet out when sitting. Tends to moon around when standing. He doesn’t like to stand still for long, it is difficult to get him to do so. He can walks well and long distances on his feet, but doesn’t like to be standing around. He must sit down, or keep moving. Difficulty waking in the mornings, its as if he dreads daylight an wants to sleep again.

  • 翻訳お願いします

    Silk-the Queen of Textiles Cotton is cool; wool is warm. They're practical. But silk? silk is soft, it is smooth, it is sophisticated- the queen of textiles. It is also possibly the most expensive material in the world, and indeed in ancient Rome it was more expensive than gold. But it is strong as well-a thread of silk is stronger than steel. I wanted to discover more about this mysterious material, so I decided to go to China. China is where the secret of silk was discovered more than 4,000 years ago, and today it is still the biggest producer of silk in the world. The first person I visited was Shen Congwen, advisor on ancient textiles to the Palace Museum in Beijing. He showed me some silk that workers found in a tomb in jianglin, in Hubei Province. It was more than 2,000 years old but still beautiful. He told me that he thinks these old silks are more beautiful than modern silks. "In ancient times, Weaving was done from the heart. In modern times, weaving is done for commerce." So, how do you make silk? The first problem is that the silkworm only eats leaves from one tree-the mulberry tree. "It is easier to prepare food for a human than a silkworm," says Toshio Ito, a japanese silkworm physiologist. silkworms only live for about 28 days, but in that time they increase in weight 10,000 times. At the end of their short lives, they spin a cocoon. In China, I watched workers collect the cocoons and kill the silkworms with steam or hot air. They then put the cocoons into hot water to make them softer. Next, they pulled the fibers from the cocoon and spun them to make silk thread. Finally, they wove the thread into cloth on machines called looms. But why is silk so expensive? Well, it takes 110 cocoons to make a mana7s tie, 630 cocoons to make a blouse and 3,000 cocoons to make a heavy silk kimono. That's a lot of mulberry leaves and many hours of hard work. But many people believe its beauty is worth it. As Kokoh Moriguchi, a textile artist told me, "A woman is more gentle when she wears a silk kimono." 翻訳お願いします