• ベストアンサー



  • elmclose
  • ベストアンサー率31% (353/1104)

地下鉄そのものが地上を走る区間です。 ディストリクトライン、サークルライン、ハマースミス&シティライン、メトロポリタンラインに限り、ラッシュアワーを除き持ち込み可。 他の線の地上を走る部分とシルバーリンクラインにも自転車持ち込み可(ラッシュアワーを除くかどうかは明記されていない)。 折りたたみバイクは、全線にも持ち込み可(ラッシュアワーを除くかどうかは明記されていない)。





  • above ground

    onじゃなくてaboveなのは何故ですか? 冠詞がついてないのは何故ですか? The collision occurred above ground on one of Washington's main subway lines linking the city center and the suburbs. ソース:http://cgi2.nhk.or.jp/e-news/news/index.cgi?ymd=20090630

  • 【文法】 can only be taken...

    "A thousand-mile journey begins with the first step" and can only be taken one step at a time. can only be taken... の主語は A thousand-mile journey で正しいですか? be taken one step とのことですが、one step は take の目的語ですか? 直訳は下記でいいでしょうか? 一度に一歩を取られることのみができる。

  • ちょっとややこしい短文の訳出を教えてください.

    こんにちは. A brief outlook on what needs to be and can be done on the basis of A will conclude this capter. ここで, on what needs to be and can be done ~ がうまく訳せません.canは,どこにかかっているのでしょうか? 私の訳は, 「Aの基礎についてなされたことに(実際)必要な,そして,それに関してなされうることに必要なことに関しての簡単な見通しが,本章を締めくくるのであろう.」 ですが,自信なしです.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    次の文の内容がちんぶんかんぶんで、よくわかりません。型紙をトレーシングペーパーでなぞる作業なのですが、 よろしくお願いします。 多角形の型紙の内側を3センチ間をおいて4分の一円状にトレースせよということだと思うのですが。 Turn the paper over [It's very easy to get lost which side has the pencil lines on it! The first transfer of each pair of X-sections will be done with the numbers back to front. If you can read the numbers first time, you've got it wrong!] Trace firmly the facetted quadrant marked 2 and about 30mm of the same right-angled lines that you used before, as well as all the diagonal lines inside the quadrant area. Lift the paper off, put the number 2 on the top corner and draw a free-hand curve about 30mm inside the line of the facets.

  • レストランの予約をしたのですが、返事がきました。

    レストランの予約をしたのですが、返事がきました。 内容を翻訳していただけませんか? そして、日曜日(5日)の12:45を予約したのですが、返事の書き方も教えてください Dear XX, Many thanks for your email. I have checked the availability for a table of 2 guests on your requested dates and have listed the current availability below: Friday, 3rd September 2010 1:30pm Saturday, 4th September 2010 12:45pm Sunday, 5th September 2010 12:45pm or 1:45pm Please note that this is a current indication at the time of sending this email and availability can change quickly. Please let me know if any of the above would be suitable or if you would like me to check for alternatives in the other Gordon Ramsay restaurants; more information on which can be found at www.gordonramsay.com With kind regards, Marcia Samuels On behalf of Gordon Ramsay at Claridge's 55 Brook Street London, W1K 4HR

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    On 2 July, the Fifteenth Wing RFC was formed for the Reserve Army; 4 Squadron and 15 Squadrons, which had been attached to X Corps and VIII Corps, were taken over from the Third Wing, 1 and 11 Kite Balloon sections became the corps sections and 13 Section became the army section, all protected by the Fourteenth (army) Wing. On 2 July, the 17th Division attack on Fricourt Farm was watched by observers on contact patrol, who reported the capture within minutes and observers of 3 Squadron reported the course of the attack on La Boisselle. One aircraft took a lamp message at about 10:00 p.m., asking for rifle grenades and other supplies, which was immediately passed on. An observer in the 12 Section balloon, spotted a German battery setting up at the edge of Bernafay Wood and directed fire from a French battery; the German guns were soon silenced and captured a few days later.

  • ”full-form ground”とは?

    車のギアボックスについての商品説明などで以下の例のように”full form ground”という言葉が使われています。 The gears are 15mm in width, straight cut and full form ground. The gearbox spur final drive gears are ‘full form ground’. Gears can be full form ground. groundは「研削する」ということだと思いますが、このような場合full formはどのような意味になるのでしょうか。アドバイスいただけると幸いです。

  • この英文の意味を教えてください

    この英文の意味を教えてください "Companies can call customs officials to find out whether certain goods may be taken into the country, what they can expect to pay, and what documentation or taxes would be required for entry of the goods." trade shows についてです。

  • What is Use of CBD OIL

    The impacts of CBD oil on your mind's receptors may likewise assist you with overseeing torment. Studies have demonstrated that cannabis can offer a few advantages when taken after chemotherapy medicines. CBD is separated from maryjane plants as either an oil or powder. These can be blended into creams or gels. They can be placed into containers and taken orally, or scoured on your skin. The different sclerosis medicate nabiximols is splashed as a fluid into your mouth. How CBD ought to be utilized relies to a great extent upon what it's being utilized for it.

  • 以下の英文の和訳をお願いします。

    “There are problems with what you might call ‘after-sales service’;and ‘delivery’ can be awkward;but at anyu rate the production lines are trouble free.”