
  • 型紙をトレーシングペーパーでなぞる作業を行いたいが、内容がよくわからない。
  • 多角形の型紙の内側を3センチ間をおいて4分の一円状にトレースするよう指示されている。
  • ペーパーを取り外し、コーナーに番号2を付け、フリーハンドで曲線を描くよう指示されている。
  • ベストアンサー


次の文の内容がちんぶんかんぶんで、よくわかりません。型紙をトレーシングペーパーでなぞる作業なのですが、 よろしくお願いします。 多角形の型紙の内側を3センチ間をおいて4分の一円状にトレースせよということだと思うのですが。 Turn the paper over [It's very easy to get lost which side has the pencil lines on it! The first transfer of each pair of X-sections will be done with the numbers back to front. If you can read the numbers first time, you've got it wrong!] Trace firmly the facetted quadrant marked 2 and about 30mm of the same right-angled lines that you used before, as well as all the diagonal lines inside the quadrant area. Lift the paper off, put the number 2 on the top corner and draw a free-hand curve about 30mm inside the line of the facets.

  • syobu
  • お礼率48% (84/174)
  • 英語
  • 回答数3
  • ありがとう数7


  • ベストアンサー
  • d-y
  • ベストアンサー率46% (1528/3312)

紙をひっくり返してください。 (鉛筆の線があるのがどちらの面なのか、分からなくなりやすいです。それぞれのX断面の最初の移動は、番号に従って後ろから前に行われます。もし、はじめての番号がでてきたら、間違っているということです。) 2とマークされた四分円の面と、前に使ったのと同じ約30mmの直角の線を、しっかりトレースしてください。それから、四分円のエリア内の対角線も、同様にトレースしてください。 紙を持ち上げて2番を一番上の隅に合わせ、面の輪郭線から約30mm内側にフリーハンドでカーブを描きます。 意味分かります? 私には分かりません(涙)




その他の回答 (2)


紙を失せさせるそれの側がそれに鉛筆線を持っているItのまさしくその小休止の上にターンしてください!初めて状態で数を読むことができるなら、あなたはあなたが以前使用したのと同じ直角な線についてしっかり悪事!Traceをそれにfacetted四分円著しい2とおよそ30mm手に入れました、四分円領域の中のすべての対角線と同様に。それぞれの組のX-セクションの最初の転送が向かうためには逆数で行われるでしょう; 下に紙を持ち上げてください、そして、No.2を先頭の角に置いてください、そして、一面の線のおよそ30mm中で自由行動カーブを引いてください; です。




  • rirrycat
  • ベストアンサー率28% (8/28)

ここで和訳してみましたが、私もちんぷんかんぷんになりました。 でもsyobuさんなら理解できるのかも知れません。 ご参考までに・・・。





  • 和訳の問題が分かりません

    和訳の問題の分からない点について質問します。 1, Japanese businessmen definitely work harder than Europeans as far as the number of hours a week is concerned. 「the numbers of hours a week」の訳し方がイマイチ分かりません。 2, Industry as we know it today began in 1765 when James Watt developed the first practical engine. 「Industry as」の意味がさっぱり分かりません。 解答お待ちしております。

  • 和訳お願いします

    Again we are in October.Suddenly our kaleidoscape seems to have failed because of the bright light that dazzles our vision:the twenty-first of October brings a new lamp.Thus Edison has accomplished all that he promised to accomplish a year earlier;and the labors of his predecessors are laid on shelves of historical memories. As I have already written,the thread filament lamp was followed immediately by one whose light-giving element consisted of a piese of paper,known in history as the 'carbonized paper horseshoe lamp.' With those paper lamps Edison gave his first demonstration-it was the first in the history of electricity.It embraced all the fundamentals of distribution as practiced today.I have already told you how long these first paper lamps lasted and may add that when we began to make them in quantities,their average normal life reached three hundred hours;indeed some reached a thousand and more.Edison was actually at that time December,1879-a manufacturer of incandescent lamps,the only one,and you can imagine how much excitement he created.

  • 和訳

    You have within yourself a touchstone by which finally you can test every book that your brain is capable of comprehending. Does the book seem to you to be sincere and true? If it does,you need not worry about your immediate feelings,or the possible future consequences of the book. You will ultimately like the book,and you will be justified in liking it. Honestly in literature as in life, is the quality that counts first and counts last. 和訳をお願いします。

  • 和訳をお願いします

    和訳をお願いします Have you ever wondered why the Earth looks so blue from space? This is because about three quarters of the Earth's surface is covererd by water. This may sound like we have a lot of water to drink. But in reality, only 3 percent of the Earth's water is fresh, and most of it exists as ice. Half of the water which exists as fresh water is found deep under the ground. In all, only about 0.05 percent of the Earth's water is fresh and drinkable. All living things carry water inside their bodies.For example,more than 60 percent of the human body is water.We need about 40 liters of water inside our bodies all the time but we lose some water every day. The water our bodies lose each day is about 2.5 liters. So we constantly need to put back the water we lose. We get water from drinks and the food we eat, such as fruit and vegetables. We need fresh water for our survival, but it is scarce and sometimes difficult to get.

  • 英文和訳

    次の英文を和訳してくださいm(_ _)m When you have lived as long as I have,you will discover,I hope,that it is not what one sees on the outside,so much as what is in the inside of a man,which makes him happy and contented,or the contrary.

  • 和訳をお願いします

    As I was about to pay, it first seem to show free shipping, then it switched to 14$. Any chance you can offer free shipping on this item given my two recent orders.

  • 和訳をお願いいたします

    英文を和訳していただけるかたのみで お願いできますでしょうか? 抽象的な部分は意訳していただけると ありがたいです。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 The element of Fire being strong on your seventh. House means that you will feel yourself warm towards him emotionally, as though he were indeed a fire on a cold day. Your first impressions would be instant, and of warmth, pleasure, and feeling inspired by him. As though your whole life received a sudden lift or speeded up, quickened towards something better. He will have made an instant impression, he will also grow slowly on your senses. And the feeling would intensify. As you’ll try to keep your feet on the ground. The fire elements also has shades about it of being in love for the first time, even if it is the thousandth time, you have been in love, it will feel like the first. A specializes and newness, about it, and the promise of a new beginning in life, these will be all the impressions, fast fleeting but powerful. It will feel like life has begun again.

  • 和訳お願いしますm(_ _)m

    Bean-Scattering Ceremony Originally the term setsubun referred to any of the divi-sions of the solar year, but over time it came to be associated specifically with the eve of the first day of spring. According to the old lunar calendar, the first day of spring and the new year were celebrated at about the same time. Traditional ceremonies for purification and for driving away demons were held to prepare for the new year as well as for the spring planting season. In order to drive away evil forces, people threw roasted beans at the invisible demons outside their homes and then scattered beans inside to attract good luck. This ceremony is still carried out by most families, although it is not considered as seriously as it was in the past. often one child in the family wears a devil mask, and the other children playfully throw beans at him or her as a game, not as an exorcism ceremony. 長文失礼しましたm(_ _)m

  • 英語できる方歌詞の和訳おねがいします。

    Take me on a ride inside your heart, tonight just you and me take me to live inside the truth sugar i wanna taste the way you feel inside all through the night forget about the time just close your eyes sugar always though my heart, it breaks baby oh let me be the one to come alone tonight let me be such a deep suprise as the world you know begins to cry tonight just let it be if you wanna let it grow sugar we can come alive inside your dreams tonight live to believe you are the only one for me

  • 簡単な和訳をお願いします。

    Thank you for the offer of sharpening. Have you sharpened it initially or left it as is?