• 締切済み
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:QUADERNO Gen2 OPEN SOURCE)


  • Quaderno Gen.2 A4 is a product that uses i.MX8 by NXP and Android 9 from the AOSP Project, with GPL License. Users are requesting the company to open the source of the device's U-Boot and kernel.
  • Users of Quaderno Gen.2 A4 are asking the company to make the source code of the device's U-Boot and kernel public on a website.
  • Quaderno Gen.2 A4, which utilizes i.MX8 by NXP and Android 9 from the AOSP Project, is a product with GPL License. Users are urging the company to release the source code of the device's U-Boot and kernel on a website.


  • keimori01
  • ベストアンサー率74% (69/93)

You may have the wrong place. This is a place for users to exchange information with each other. It is recommended to ask on the official Twitter account (@QUADERNO_fccl).



  • quaderno screen shade

    I dont't know how it happened, but a couple days ago I pulled out my quaderno and found more than half of the screen is veiled by this dark grey shade that couldn't come off no matter what, I tried turn it off and on again and I reupdated the firmware but nothing worked. Funny thing is the screen touch still works on the whole screen very well. What can I do??? ※OKWAVEより補足:「富士通FMV」についての質問です。

  • 英文の訂正をお願いします

    御社は世界規模でサービスを提供しておられ、私も国際色豊かな場所で挑戦したいです Your company has been provided the servive of global and I try to do the place which is a cosmopolitan world. 御社で経験を重ね、戦力の一人として成長し、必ず結果を残してみせます。 I have a lot of experience and grow the one of your member,I promiss to achieve your company.

  • カバーレターの添削をお願いいたします。

    転職のためカバーレターを作成中ですが、どなたかお力添えお願いいたします。 翻訳サイトを利用したため、英文がこの内容でよいのかアドバイス下さい。 宜しくお願いいたします。 多様化する現代、業界大手の御社で更に高いレベルにチャレンジし、経験や熱意で御社に大きな貢献が出来ると確信しております。 It is convinced that can it challenge at a higher level in your company of the energy industry major company, and your companies do a big contribution by the experience and zeal at a diversified present age. 私が御社のためにどのような貢献が出来るか、是非お会いしてお話しさせて頂きたいと思っております。 What contribution can you able to want to do so that I am your company, and ..talk.. to make it to meeting by all means. 以上宜しくお願いいたします。

  • 企業への手紙チェックのお願い【英語】

    この度、海外にインターンシップをすることになり、会社を選んだ理由などを書いてるのですが、どうしても文章がうまくかけず、どこか違和感を感じています。おかしいところがあれば是非ご指摘をお願いします。 The reason I chose your company is that your company recruit computer science students and open mind students. Now I am developing a system for Bangladesh customer as a project manager in my University. During the first summer vacation of the graduate school, I joined an internship program for one month and a half in a Japanese company. There I developed a WEB application by using JAVA, and acquired Japanese business manners and requirement gathering in this internship. Through this experience I think I learned a little confident. Then I would like to study about European business style and I am interested in your internship to contribute understanding customer’s need. Your advantage that you will adopt me is that I have knowledge of system development and that my experience is very helpful to understand Japanese customer’s need. For all of these reasons, I hope I can join your internship.

  • business licenseとは?

    海外の取引先と新規取引にあたり、話をつめていたのですが、 最終確認として次のメールが届きました。 Can you send us the business license of your company per e-mail? Do you eventually have an English version? "business license" を送ってくれとのことですが、これが何であるかがわかりません。 ちなみに商材は営業許可が必要な商材ではなく衣類です。 複数の海外の会社との取引がありますが、 "business license"なるものの提出を求められたのはこれまでで初めてです。 おそらく履歴事項全部証明書や 日本法人証明のようなものだと推察しているのですが、 確証がありません。 どなたかご教示願います。

  • こんにちは。

    こんにちは。 ネットショップを開業させようと思っていて、アメリカから卸値で買えるかどうか問い合わせたところ、 Please email me a copy of your business license and information と言われました。 どうすればいいのでしょうか? どなたか教えていただければ嬉しいです(>_<) よろしくお願いします!

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    8th Aero Squadron 9th Balloon Company 3rd Division (Corps Reserve) – Maj Gen Beaumont B Buck V Corps – Maj Gen George H Cameron Headquarters Observation Group 99th Aero Squadron 7th Balloon Company 26th Division – Maj Gen Clarence R Edwards 88th Aero Squadron 104th Aero Squadron 6th Balloon Company 15th Colonial Division (French) 8th Balloon Company 4th Division – Maj Gen John L Hines 8th Brigade what 4th Field Artillery Brigade remainder of Div in reserve 12th Balloon Company US Army Reserve 35th Division – Maj Gen Peter E. Traub 80th Division – Maj Gen Adelbert Cronkhite 91st Division – Maj Gen William H Johnston "Open attack at St. Mihiel" (Jonas, 1927) Aftermath The American V Corps location was at the northwestern vertices, the II French Colonial Corps at the southern apex, and the American IV and I Corps at the southeastern vertices of the salient. Furthermore, General Pershing's intent was obvious; to envelope the salient by using the main enveloping thrusts of the attack against the weak vertices. The remaining forces would then advance on a broad front toward Metz. This pincer action, by the IV and V Corps, was to drive the attack into the salient and to link the friendly forces at the French village of Vigneulles, while the II French Colonial Corps kept the remaining Germans tied down." "One reason for the American forces' success at St. Mihiel was General Pershing's thoroughly detailed operations order. Pershing's operation included detailed plans for penetrating the Germans' trenches, using a combined arms approach to warfare. His plan had tanks supporting the advancing infantry, with two tank companies interspersed into a depth of at least three lines, and a third tank company in reserve. The result of the detailed planning was an almost unopposed assault into the salient. The American I Corps reached its first day's objective before noon, and the second day's objective by late afternoon of the second". "Another reason for the American success was the audacity of the small unit commanders on the battlefield. Unlike other officers who commanded their soldiers from the rear, Colonel Patton and his subordinates would lead their men from the front lines. They believed that a commander's personal control of the situation would help ease the chaos of the battlefield."

  • 「念のため」「部署・所属」は何といいますか

     向こうからかかってきた電話に対して、 「念のためあなたのお名前と会社名、所属[部署]、電話番号をお伺いできますか。」 は、 “(念のため), can you tell me your name, your company's name, (部署・所属) and phone number?” という感じになると思いますが、 ●「念のため」 ●「部署・所属」 は何と言うのでしょうか。よろしくお願い致します。

  • 文法解釈・構造

    The company uses email to notify customers of upgrades. このぶんは、 S=The company V=uses O=email to notify は、email を就職する不定詞の形容詞的用法でしょうか? of upgrades.は、文法的にどう解釈するのでしょう。 文型は、第3ぶんけいですか?

  • よろしくお願いします

    Your predecessor Ann Landers published a poem called "Dead at Seventeen" to get the attention of new drivers and impress upon them the dangers and responsibilities of driving a car. Might you have that on file somewhere? I have a 17-year-old granddaughter with a new driver's license, whom I'd like to see it. Might you haveはDo you happen to haveみたいな意味でしょうか?あと、whom I'd like to see itが文法的に分かりません。whomの後に完全な文体があるのはOKなのでしょうか?whomはgranddaughterにかかっているのですよね?I have a 17-year-old granddaughter with a new driver's license, whom I'd like to see it.全体の意味もよろしくお願いします

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  • ソースネクスト株式会社の製品・サービスに関する質問であり、注文時に使用したeポイントについての問題が発生しています。