• ベストアンサー

英語 なぜhimはだめなのですか?


  • ベストアンサー

そもそも、 he cut his hairと言った時点で能動態なのですから、「彼が自分で自分の髪を切った。」としか解釈の仕様がありません。だから、himselfじゃないと文法的にもおかしいです。 heとhimが別々の場合なら、使役を使ってWeren’t you surprised that he had his hair cut by him.です。 日本語では「昨日、私髪切った。」で理髪師や、美容師に切ってもらった場合も言いますが、英語では、I cut my hair.と言ったら、自分で自分の髪を切った場合です。



丁寧に説明くださりありがとうございます。by himの具体的な表現もあったりでわかりやすく,ベストアンサーにさせて頂きました。


  • by himとby himselfの違いは?

    we did not hire additional help because Ms Smith has assured us that he can complete the project by_とあるんですが 選択肢の候補にhimとhimselfがあって 正解はhimselfなんですが、himではいけないんですか?by him by himselfはどう違うんですか?

  • save him from himself

    My five year-old son is starting kindergarten and wants to dress himself. None of his clothing matches and I’m worried his friends and others will make fun of him for the way he looks. He is insisting on picking out his own clothes. My husband and I are torn over what to do. Do we allow him to pick his own clothes OR do we save him from himself and demand he wear what we tell him to? save him from himself はどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 英語小問題

    わからなかったものを中心に書いてます。 お願いします。 ・次の各組の文がほぼ同じ意味になるように()内に適語を補いなさい 1He isn't back yet. Perhaps he missde his train. He isn't back yet. He ()()()his train. 2 It's a pity that you didn't tell me the truth. You ()()() me the truth. 3 It's a pity that laughed at his mistake. You ought () to ()() at his mistake. 4 You waited for me, but it was not necessary.  You needn't ()() for me. ・並び替えなさい。 1 You (at/be/if/laughed/will)you wear that silly hat. 2 Such a thing ought (about/be/not/spoken/to) in public. 3 Last night he (by/got/stopped/the police/while) he was driving home.

  • 和訳をお願いします

    His material fails him and we say that he has written himself out.

  • 目的格の時のthatと同格をあらわすthat(thatは接続詞)について教えてください。

    こんばんは。 We were surprised at the news (that)he had achieved the task for himself. という文があって、カッコの中はthatだったのですが、 まえに目的格のthatというのがあってそういうときはthatしか使えないというものでした。 この文の時のthatは同格をあらわすthatでこのthatは接続詞。と書いてあるのですが、 普通の目的格のthatに見えるのですがなにが違うんでしょうか。 よかったら教えてください。 よろしくお願いします。

  • この英語を訳していただきたいです。

    (1)Maybe lean on him for one of his other projects. (2)You can’t ever do that.

  • 以下の文章が適当、不適当な理由を教えてください。

    「彼に髪を切っていただきたいです。」 1:I would like him to have my hair cut. 2:I would like to have him cut my hair. 「彼に髪を切ってもらうつもり。」 3:I will have him cut my hair. 4:I will have my hair cut by him. 文法的に説明お願いします。

  • inform him of the news の受動態

    I informed him of the news. という文は、 He was informed of the news by me. と受動態にできると思うのですが、 The news was informed him of by me. とすることはできないように思います。それは正しいですか? また、できないのなら、どうしてできないのでしょうか? 文法的な説明をお願いいたします。

  • 英語に訳して下さい

    髪の毛を切らないで下さい。 この文を Please do not cut hair.よりもっと丁寧に言うには、どうすればいいのでしょうか? Would you not to cut hair? wouldn't you cut hair? こんな感じですか? よろしくお願いします。

  • 日本語訳お願いします。

    He counted how long he could hold his breath. Each day he improved his time. Even back at home he timed himself by the clock, and was proud to find he could hold his breath for two minutes. The authority of the clock brought close the adventure that was so important to him. The day after tomorrow, his mother reminded him casually one morning, they must go home. He swam straight out to the rock and looked down into the water. This was the moment when he would try. If he did not do it now, he never would. He filled his lungs, started to count, and dived to the bottom. He was soon inside the dark, narrow hole. The water pushed him up against the roof. The roof was sharp and hurt his back. He pulled himself along with his hands — fast, fast. His head knocked against something; a sharp pain dizzied him. He counted: one hundred… one hundred and fifteen. The hole had widened! He gave himself a kick forward and swam as fast as he could. He lost track of time and said one hundred and fifteen to himself again. Then he saw light. Victory filled him. His hands, reaching forward, met nothing; and his feet propelled him out into the open sea. He floated to the surface, pulled himself up onto the rock and lay face down, catching his breath. After a time he felt better and sat up. Then he swam to shore and climbed slowly up the path to the house. His mother came to meet him, smiling. “Have a nice time?” she asked. “Oh, yes, thank you,” he said. “How did you cut your head?” “Oh, I just cut it.” They sat down to lunch together. “Mom,” he said, “I can hold my breath for two minutes — three minutes.” “Can you, darling?” she said. “Well, you shouldn’t overdo it. You look a bit pale. I don’t think you ought to swim any more today.” She was ready for a battle of wills, but he gave in at once. It was no longer of the least importance to go to the bay.