• ベストアンサー

expressly と limitedの訳


  • SPS700
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 本出版物は、会社 A によって製造された機器の使用者のためのものです。  情報を「出来るだけ早く」お伝えし、この様な機器操作上の「限られた理解」を与える様に編集されたものです。 (といった「」内の意味だと思います、「可及的迅速に」とか「必要最小限の」とみ訳せます。)





  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    All the captured arms and equipment were made in Germany, and the camel-pack machine gun company's equipment had been especially designed for desert warfare. Many of the rifles were of the latest pattern and made of rustless steel. Murray estimated the total German and Ottoman casualties at about 9,000, while a German estimate put the loss at one third of the force (5,500 to 6,000), which seems low considering the number of prisoners. The tactics employed by the Anzac Mounted Division were to prove effective throughout the coming campaigns in the Sinai and in the Levant (also known at the time as Palestine).

  • 訳をお願いします。

    It is now suggested that yawning when others yawn is a form of social bonding or a sign of our understanding others'feelings. @yawnig when others yawn のところが理解できません。 Perhaps the main reason we yawn is so we don't forget just how mysterious human beings really are. 上記の2文の訳をお願いします。

  • 英語訳お願いします。

    The advantages of flexures. (1)Flexures can be manufactured from a single piece of material to provide a monolithic mechanism which elminates interface wear. (2)It may be possible to construct devices that are insensitive to bulk temperature changes. (3)Displacements can be accurately predicted from the application of known foces etc. (4)Failure mechanism due to fatigue or overloading of a brittle material are catastrophic and can be easily detected. 分かる範囲でいいので、よろしくお願いします。

  • 美術関連の原書から(訳に困ってます)

    美術関連の原書なのですが、次の部分の意味がよくわからず困っています。 While Bennett’s concern is with the role of affect in trauma-related art, she offers valuable insight into the operation and significance of an affective response to works of art and provocative conceptual tools for understanding the relationship between archive and affect in the work of Staats and Maggs. 最初のWhile は「~している間」と訳すべきではないですよね? operation とか affect とか、どうにも意味がつかめません。 全体の訳を含め、説明していただきたいです

  • 訳がわかりません。。。お願いします。

    訳の回答がなくてわかりません。簡単な訳でいいのでどなたかよろしくお願いします。 Stop for a moment and consider that we spend,on average,86% of our time communicating. For this reason,it is vitally important to have a full understanding of what communication is all about. This means understanding the basic principles that lead to good communication and the breakdown in communication that results when those basic principles are ignored.That is the aim of book. Communication occurs when people send and receive messages.A30-minute speech by a politician,a five-minute talk with a friend, a nod of the head or a wave of the hand are all examples of communication. We can communicate by speaking or by remaining silent. When we consider that communication plays such an extremely important part in our lives, it is perhaps surpring that our schools and colleges are unlikely to train us how to be better communicators. We learn about communication simply by doing it.大変長くてすいません。

  • 訳お願いします!

    訳お願いしますm(._.)m (1)By 2004, Samso was already 70% self-supplied by renewable energy. (2)The wind generators supplied energy for electricity, and solar panels and biomass stoves for heating. (3)In addition to tourists, researchers and students of environmental studies visit the island. (4)They attend the seminars at the Energy Academy or visit the eco-museum on the island. (5)The Energy Academy itself is built according to the principles of an ecological building. (6)The use of water is cut down to a minimum and rainwater is used for flushing toilets. (7)The building is heated by solar collectors and a district heating system that burns straw. (8)Slar cells on the roof and local wind turbines supply the building with electricity. (9)Low-energy electrical appliances and lighting are used throughout the building. (10)Windows in the building are designed to provide the best lighting conditions.

  • 英文の訳

    下記は英国での紅茶のあり方について書かれた長文の一節です。 If a person does not feel well, or is sad or disappointed for some reason, someone will immediately offer to make him `a nice cup of tea'. One reason for this is that a cup of tea is something over which one can talk , and talking is a way of easing one's feeling. 内容は大体分かるのですがsomething over which one can talk あたりがどのような文法になっているのかわかりません。解説お願いします。

  • 英語が堪能な方

    訳出をお願いできますか? 自然な訳ですと助かります。 ConyBed, the name of which is only half trutyful as it is the moniker of a Japanese sleep furniture company,is stepping in where the Nobel Prize coveters fear to take their slide rules. It has developed a vibrating pillow that is intended to reduce a user's snoring.

  • valueの意味

    こんにちは offer value in terms of price and qualityとは、 ”低価格で高品質な”と解釈しても良いのでしょうか? ここのvalueの意味で悩んでいます。 下記の文章の解釈で困っています。 It is my responsibility to provide customers with services that offer value in terms of price and quality. 宜しくお願い致します。

  • 訳をお願いいたします。

    高校英語です。確認したいのでよろしくお願いいたします!! Some point to the 1969 publication of Nathaniel Brandon's The Psychology of Self-Esteem , which highlighted the important nature of self-esteem. The book's back cover warns, "Without positive self-esteem, psychological growth is stunted." Others cite the publication a few years later of I'm OK-You're OK by Thomas Harris. But it turns out that children from Singapore, Japan and Hong Kong - who score at the bottom on self-confidence scales - outperform their American peers, who scored higher on the same scales. Talking with Floridians who were raised outside of American culture reveals additional details about praise in other cultures. よろしくお願いいたします!