• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:美術関連の原書から(訳に困ってます))


  • 美術関連の原書から、困っている部分の意味を理解したい。
  • 原書に書かれている操作や影響に関する言葉の意味がわかりません。
  • Whileの訳し方や、operationとaffectについての説明をお願いします。


  • ベストアンサー
  • bakansky
  • ベストアンサー率48% (3502/7245)

> While Bennett's concern is with the role of affect in trauma-related art, she offers valuable insight into the operation and significance of an affective response to works of art and provocative conceptual tools for understanding the relationship between archive and affect in the work of Staats and Maggs.  ここでは while = even though ではないかと思います。  多分 affect = feeling or emotion くらいの意味ではないかと見ました。  While Bennett's concern is with the role of affect in trauma-related art  ベネットはトラウマに関連した芸術における情動の働きに関心を抱いているのであるが  she offers valuable insight into the operation and significance of an affective response to works of art  芸術作品に対する情緒的反応の働きと重要性に関する価値ある洞察を見せる  operation は素直に operate の名詞形として取ればいいように思いました。  and provocative conceptual tools for understanding the relationship between archive and affect in the work of Staats and Maggs  ・・・ と スターツとマッグズの作品におけるアーカイブと情動の間の関係を理解するための挑発的な概念ツール  つなげてみると、  「ベネットの関心は、トラウマ関連芸術における情動の働きにあるのだが、芸術作品に対する情緒的反応の働きと重要性、およびスターツ (Staats) とマッグズ (Maggs) の作品におけるアーカイブと情動の間の関係を理解するための挑発的な概念ツールに関しても、有益な洞察を見せている」  * 1つの文だけでは情報が少なすぎて、単語の置き換えをするだけでせいいっぱいでした。



前後の情報も無い状態での質問に対し、ご親切にお教えいただきありがとうございました。 頭が悪く、そのうえ英語が苦手な私でも、なんとかかんとか不十分ながら理解にたどりつけたのは、ご親切な回答者様のおかげです。


その他の回答 (1)


While Bennett’s concern is with the role of affect in trauma-related art, she offers valuable insight into the operation and significance of an affective response to works of art and provocative conceptual tools for understanding the relationship between archive and affect in the work of Staats and Maggs Bennettの関心事はトラウマ関連の芸術に於いて情動の役割ではあるものの、その情動の作用と、芸術作品に対して情緒的反応を持つ重要性、そしてStaatsとMaggsの作品に於いて保存記録と情動の間の関係を理解するための刺激的な概念ツールの重要な知見を提供てくれる。 が直訳となる。 日本語になっていない部分が多いが悪しからず。 the operation その作用 ⇒ その情動の作用 affect 情動 (または、感情でも良い) http://dic.search.yahoo.co.jp/search?ei=UTF-8&fr=kb&p=%E6%83%85%E5%8B%95&dic_id=all&stype=prefix archiveとは保存記録が直訳ではあるが、maggsの作品のarchiveを示していると思う。 https://www.google.co.jp/search?q=Arnaud+maggs&hl=ja&rlz=1T4LENN_ja___JP444&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=vAzEU9z_NoH28QWvuYGYCw&ved=0CB0QsAQ&biw=1348&bih=532



ご回答いただきとても感謝しています。 いま、ご教示いただいた内容を手掛かりに、一生懸命理解に取り組んでいます。 取り急ぎお礼まで。



大変助かりました。 お二人をベストアンサーに選べないのが心苦しいです。 今回は部分部分にご解説いただいた、No2.様にベストアンサーを進呈します。 申し訳ありません。



  • 日本語訳お願いします。 2

    友達に日本語訳頼まれて引き受けたんですが、量が多くて間に合いません。 少し手伝っていただけるとありがたいです。 Over time, the body of work may evolve, reflecting a growing degree of personal insight. Eventually, if a patient wishes, his or her art can even be publicly displayed, providing hope and inspiration to others. At the University of California, Irvine, a special exhibit call “Memories in the Making” showed the paintings of several people with Alzheimer's disease. Though the sufferers of the disease may have had trouble communicating in words, they were, through brush strokes and colors, able to reach out and make connections with the community. スペルミスあれば修正するので教えてください。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 日本語訳を教えてください。

    It is the story of the Bennett family and the romance of the two eldest daughters in the family―often hindered by misunderstandings and their mother. それは、ベネット家のお話で、その家の2人の娘の恋愛のお話です。―そしてその恋愛は、しばしば誤解や母親によって邪魔されるのですが のように訳してみたのですが、あっているでしょうか? アドバイスを宜しくお願いします。

  • この英文の訳を教えてもらえますか(Although,の構文)

    Although a valuable tool, these agents in and of themselves characteristically provide a level of disease control that is inferior to that achieved in the source compost. Although以下が完全な文ではないので混乱しています。a valuable tool=The source compost としてよいのでしょうか・・。

  • 下記の英文の訳をお願いします。

    In the most mature level of cognitive development, attained in early adulthood, the various cognitive structures are used appropriately and efficiently. A scientist , for example, might use formal operations for work on a theoretical problem, concrete operations for everyday business transactions, preoperational thinking for artistic endeavors, and sensorimotor processes for intimate personal interactions (Riegel, 1973). In this last case, the sensorimotor actions and pleasures will be adult and not like those of the infant. お願いします。

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    The social trauma caused by unprecedented rates of casualties manifested itself in different ways, which have been the subject of subsequent historical debate. The optimism of la belle époque was destroyed, and those who had fought in the war were referred to as the Lost Generation. For years afterwards, people mourned the dead, the missing, and the many disabled. Many soldiers returned with severe trauma, suffering from shell shock (also called neurasthenia, a condition related to posttraumatic stress disorder). Many more returned home with few after-effects; however, their silence about the war contributed to the conflict's growing mythological status. Though many participants did not share in the experiences of combat or spend any significant time at the front, or had positive memories of their service, the images of suffering and trauma became the widely shared perception. Such historians as Dan Todman, Paul Fussell, and Samuel Heyns have all published works since the 1990s arguing that these common perceptions of the war are factually incorrect.

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    In 1916 the German Navy returned to a strategy of using the U-boats to erode the Grand Fleet's numerical superiority by staging a series of operations designed to lure the Grand Fleet into a U-boat trap. Due to the U-boats' poor speed compared to the main battle fleet these operations required U-boat patrol lines to be set up, while the High Seas fleet manoeuvred to draw the Grand Fleet to them. Several of these operations were staged, in March and April 1916, but with no success. Ironically, the major fleet action which did take place, the Battle of Jutland, in May 1916, saw no U-boat involvement at all; the fleets met and engaged largely by chance, and there were no U-boat patrols anywhere near the battle area. A further series of operations, in August and October 1916, were similarly unfruitful, and the strategy was abandoned in favour of resuming commerce warfare.

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    Expanded to 144 members in 1894, operations against Kpandu and "a number of towns in central Togo which had resisted the government were attacked and razed to the ground, the property of the inhabitants confiscated and the people fined sums ranging from 200 marks to 1,110 marks." For the remainder of the decade, an additional 35 expeditions were authorised by the colonial government. In 1895 the capital Lomé had a population of 31 Germans and 2,084 natives. By 1913 the native population had swelled to 7,042 persons and 194 Germans, including 33 women, while the entire colony had a German population of 316, including 61 women and 14 children.

  • 英文の訳がとれない個所を教えてください。

    It is important to discuss what kind of archive art history can draw upon, as the range of material used to construct these histories extends well beyond the works themselves. For instance, history has its documents, written records of the past; archaeology focuses on the material record, physical remains of the past; whilst anthropology looks to social rituals and cultural practices as a way of understanding past and present peoples. Art history can draw upon all these archives in addition to the primary archive of the artwork. In this way, art history is the stepping stone into various ways of interpreting and understanding the past. この英文の最初の部分の訳がよくわかりません。 It is important to discuss what kind of archive art history can draw upon, as the range of material used to construct these histories extends well beyond the works themselves. どんな種類のアーカイブ(記録保管所、公文書、古記録?)に、芸術史は頼る?(draw upon)ことができるかを議論することは重要です。 これらの歴史を構成するために使われる材料の範囲が、作品(研究?)それ自体を越えてよく広がっているように(として?) as以下はどういうことを言っているのでしょうか? また、used toはここでは過去の習慣や状態を表したものではないのでしょうか? (この英文の前(前節)にある最後の部分です) I aim to set out how histories of art have been constructed, to describe the ways in which we have been encouraged to think about art as a result, and also to introduce other ways of thinking about the visual in terms of its history. よろしくお願い致します。 『ART HISTORY--Evidence and analysis in art history』:Dana Arnold

  • 難しい訳

    ある会計ソフトのマニュアルを英語で読んでいますがが どうしても訳せない文章があります。 訳して頂けないでしょうか? [Introduction1] This system manages accouting procedures including those specific to the financial service. 省略 [Introduction2] Financial Accouting is art of recording, classifing,analyzing and summarizing in a significant manner, the business transations, which are in part of,at least of a financial character and the results are interpreted then and there. 宜しくお願い致します

  • 英文の構造を教えてください。

    Can art have a history? We think about art as being timeless, the 'beauty' of its appearance having meaning, significance, and appeal to humankind across the ages. At least this usually applies to our ideas about 'high', or fine, art, in other words painting and sculpture. この英文の、We think about art as being timeless, the 'beauty' of its appearance having meaning, significance, and appeal to humankind across the ages. の文の構造はどうなっているのでしょうか? as以下はbeing timeless,までで切れるのでしょうか?意味もよくとれません。 the beauty of its appearance having ~ ここは独立分詞構文ですか? "私たちは時間を超越しながら芸術について考えます。その外観の美しさは意味と重要性を持ちながら時代を渡って人類に呼びかけます。" と訳したのですが appealしたものはこの場合 meaningと significance なのでしょうか? それともthe beauty of its appearance そのものですか? andの前でコンマがあるのでその辺がわかりにくいです。 またappealが三人称単数形になっていないので、主語がthe 'beauty' of its appearance ではないような気もします。 『ART HISTORY』:Dana Arnold

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