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The Art of Storytelling in Music

  • "Take a Load Off" is a song composed by guitarist Dean DeLeo.
  • Singer Scott Weiland was inspired by poetical lyricists to break free from his autobiographical and self-obsessed nature in his writing.
  • There is an art to storytelling in music, where a story can have multiple meanings or no meaning at all.


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  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9758/12152)

"Take a Load Off"(道を外れよう)は、ギタリストのディーン・デリオによって作曲された。この曲を書いているとき、歌手スコット・ウェイランドは、詩情豊かな作詞家の話を聞いて研究し、自伝的で「自己執着」の性質から自分の筆致(作風)を解放する方法を学んだ。「物語を語るには技術というものがあり、それ(次第)で、何かしら意味あることを語ることもあるし、何の意味も語らないこともある」と。





その他の回答 (2)

  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

 「テイカロードオフ(荷物を下ろせ > まあ一休みしな)はギター弾きのディーン・ディレオが作曲した。  この歌詞を書く時、歌手のスコット・ウェイランドは、いつもの自伝的「自己固執的」な癖から抜け出そう、と詩的な歌詞作者たちに聞いて調べてみた。  「一つの話をするには、コツがあって、いろんな意味を持たせることも、なんの意味もなくすることもできるのだ」




  • okwavey4
  • ベストアンサー率18% (99/546)

"Take a Load Off"はギタリストのDean DeLeoによって作曲されました。この曲を書いているとき、歌手スコットウェイランドは詩的な作詞家の話を聞いて研究し、自伝的で「自己執着」の性質から彼の執筆を解放する方法を学びました。 「ストーリーを語るのに芸術があり、それは何を意味することも、何も意味しないこともあります。」






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    In the above video, Stone Temple Pilots guitarist Dean DeLeo says the band's communication with Scott Weiland began to break down in 1994. He said things have always been good between himself, Robert, and Eric but that after continually trying to make things work with Scott, he couldn't take any more. DeLeo said, “There's only so much [you can do]. I can go to my grave saying I gave it my all.”

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    While Scott Weiland was working on his musical chops, bassist Robert DeLeo was in Point Pleasant, New Jersey playing with his older brother Dean, five years his senior. Dean's band played in bars, but Robert was so talented the band let him in and snuck him in to play shows. One day Robert decided to pick up and leave New Jersey and move to California. He lived out of his car initially in the Long Beach area with no music gear, but he eventually got an apartment and a home eight track studio after inheriting some money. DeLeo, whose biggest influences were James Jamerson and Led Zeppelin, met Scott Weiland at one of Soi-Distant's gigs in Orange County, joining the band to perform a song. Weiland was blown away by DeLeo's talent, but it took awhile before he could finally get him to form a band with him. Sometime in late 1987/early 1988, Soi-Distant dissolved and morphed into Swing, the first incarnation of Stone Temple Pilots.

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    According to TMZ.com, STONE TEMPLE PILOTS members Robert DeLeo (bass), Dean DeLeo (guitar) and Eric Kretz (drums) have filed a lawsuit against their former lead singer Scott Weiland claiming that he sabotaged their 20th anniversary tour by being chronically late for performances and missing promotional gigs. They also allege Weiland refused to communicate with other bandmembers in attempt to "hijack" the tour.

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    It pains me to write the things I do on here (I want to be writing positive Scott articles) but to act like Scott showing up late and performing drunk is okay for his health wouldn't be the right thing to do, it's a road that will end in his death. I sincerely hope if there is anybody reading this article who knows Scott that they can reach out to him and prevent the worst from happening. ※『Scott Weiland』は人物名です。

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    SCOTT WEILAND COMMENTS ON ROBERT DELEO PERFORMING WITH SLASH Scott Weiland briefly discussed his ex-bandmates Robert DeLeo (Stone Temple Pilots) and Slash (Velvet Revolver) performing together with Aerosmith's Steven Tyler and Joe Perry on Sunday at his show last night in New Brunswick, New Jersey. He mentioned that they had played together recently, and that he loves all of the musicians he has played with in his career. ※ 『Stone Temple Pilots(STP)』『Velvet Revolver』『Aerosmith』はバンド名、『Scott Weiland』『Slash』『Robert DeLeo』『Steven Tyler』『Joe Perry』などは人物名です。

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    STONE TEMPLE PILOTS members Robert DeLeo (bass), Dean DeLeo (guitar) and Eric Kretz (drums) last week filed a lawsuit against their former lead singer Scott Weiland claiming that he sabotaged their 20th anniversary tour by being chronically late for performances and missing promotional gigs. They also allege Weiland refused to communicate with other bandmembers in an attempt to "hijack" the tour.

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    Billed as the "Purple at the Core" tour, Weiland's latest solo jaunt focuses primarily on Stone Temple Pilots' first two classic releases, somewhat fulfilling the promise that both Weiland and STP guitarist Dean DeLeo gave Rolling Stone last year about a proposed STP tour to feature Core in its entirety. However, when STP did hit the road, fans were treated to a greatest hits set instead. Last week the band announced it has severed ties with the singer. ※ 『STONE TEMPLE PILOTS(STP)』はバンド名、『Scott Weiland』『Dean DeLeo』は人物名です。

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    ROBERT DELEO SAYS STP WERE ‘HEARTBROKEN’ THAT SCOTT WEILAND'S ‘PEOPLE’ ALIENATED HIM FROM BAND Robert DeLeo spoke candidly about Stone Temple Pilots’ decision to fire Scott Weiland in a recent interview with Kerrang. “It was such a tough decision. I mean, who fires the singer of their band?! We just wanted to make music, but it seemed to me like Scott fell out of love with rock'n'roll quite some time ago. That's my view, looking at his performances. I wish things could've been different, but at least now with Chester, when we go somewhere to play a show, we don’t have to sit here worrying and wondering if we're actually going to play or not.” “Dean, Eric and myself tried very hard to be good friends for the last 20 years. I love the guy but, the truth is, I haven't even had Scott's phone number for..(pauses) eight years. That cell number was for his people only. We had to go through them to speak to our friend. No doubt they were telling him things about us, but y’know what the honest truth was? We were heartbroken.”

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    ROBERT DELEO SAYS THAT SCOTT WEILAND WILL NOT RETURN TO STONE TEMPLE PILOTS MyCentralJersey.com reports that Scott Weiland will not return to Stone Temple Pilots, according to the band's bassist Robert DeLeo. The article states, “Might there be a time when Weiland comes back into the fold? No, DeLeo said.” DeLeo elaborated, “Scott's made that clear for us over the years, he's made that clear.”

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    Dean and I wanted to do something, we wanted to be part of the 12.12.12 concert but we ran it by Scott [Weiland] and he didn't want to do it. I think he was already booked to actually go back and do Starland at the time [his shows were rescheduled to other venues in December of 2012]. He was doing the solo stuff and [because of that] we didn't have the chance to go back. That's pretty fucking frustrating man. So to come back here now and re-open this, it means a lot. It's a really big deal for Dean and I.” Stone Temple Pilots fired Weiland in February and Chester Bennington replaced him in May.