• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

1。it は In making a decision を指しているのですか?  いいえ。 2。それとも、making a decision を指しているのですか?  いいえ。 3。it は形式主語で、to keep cool を指しています。下記などをご覧ください。  https://fromexperience.info/grm/segu123.html



不定詞の形式主語ですね。 赤面するような質問でしたが、 丁寧に答えて頂き感謝いたします。 ご回答ありがとうございました。


  • 英語の穴埋めです

    英語について問題です。 次の( )に conform, exhibiting, dubious psychologists illustrate criteria を入れなさい。 Traditionally, crowds have had a reputation for ( 1 ) decision-making , ( 2 ) such behavior as rioting. ( 3) have used crowds to ( 4 ) how readily people ( 5 ) to the behavior of groups. However, recent research indicates that if a crowd meets certain ( 6), it is superior in its decision making ability to individuals. わかる方は訳もお願いします。。 どうぞよろしくお願いします。。

  • 2文を1文に、無駄な語を削除

    2. 次の2文を接続詞や関係代名調を使わないで1文に結合しなさい。 (1) You have to make the most important decision before a meeting. (2) Your decision is to determine the number of your staff you really want as participants. You have to make the most important decision to determine the number of your staff you really want as participants before a meeting. としたのですが、 解答では、 The most important decision before a meeting is to determine the number of your staff you really want as participants. というものでした。 解答では、have to がないのですが、have to をなくしてもいい理由が分かりません。 4. 次の文には無駄があります。それを削除して簡潔な文に直しなさい。 (1) In this package I am returning this sweater because it is too small in size. 私が考えたのは、 I am returning this sweater of this package because the size is too small. 解答は、 I am returning this sweater because it is too small. this packageを取り去っていい理由が分かりません。 問題文からは、packageには2枚以上のsweaterが入っているように感じます。

  • 添削して欲しいです

    「スピーチをする時、観客に伝えたいという意識を持つことは重要だ。そうすると、私の(発する)言葉は力を持ち、」 「It is important to keep in mind that tell the audience when I make a speech.」 以前の文章でconsciousを使ったので今回はkeep in mindを使いました。 こちらの文を日本語→英語にしたのであっているか見て欲しいです。

  • 和訳をお願いします

    What refund do I receive by sending back only the damaged razor? I take it the $50 gift to keep it is in the form of a PayPal payment? Your answers will aid my decision.

  • fromについて

    お世話になります。 以下の文についてお教え頂けないでしょうか。 Making a decision was extremely difficult as there were many hgh-quality proposals to choose from. (1)文末になぜfromがあるのでしょうか?  関係代名詞の先行詞が来るのでしょうか? (2)文頭のMaking a decisionはA making decisionや A decision makingにはなぜならないのでしょうか? お教えいただければとてもありがたいです。

  • 英文の文法を教えてください

    以下英文で It is very important that 以降の部分の文法が理解できません。 "It is very important that until people have decision-making capability while they are growing up that we protect them but I think the whole idea that we can protect adults from themselves is hugely problematic." that節の中で、 until people have decision-making capability while they are growing up that we protect them が一塊でuntil ~ の後に文章がないように見えるのですが、 until ~ だけをthat節の中に書けるものなんでしょうか?

  • 日本語訳のお願いです

    日本語訳について 以下英文にかんして Ozawa has indicated that he will basically respect the decision of Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama on the Futenma issue as he is leaving decision making to the Cabinet in line with the DPJ’s policy of concentrating policymaking power in the cabinet. 特にas he is leaving decision making to the Cabinetが分かりません。 in line with the DPJ’s policy of concentrating policymaking power in the cabinet. は 政策立案力を内閣に集中する民主の政策に同調して・・・でよろしいでしょうか? お願いします。

  • 英語☆★未来の表現

    ・be about to do「まさに…するところだ」 ・be on[at] the point[verge] of doing「今にも…しようとしている」 の二つは同じ用法ですか? 一応テキストに載ってる例文も書きます。 ・The mayor is about to announce the result of the elecsion. ・The oil company is on the point of making an important decision.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    海外の友人が英語について教えてくれているのですが、何と書いてくれているのでしょう? **You could also say "I think movie making is very complicated." "Movie making" = the process of making a movie. I think you might be able to say this with other things too (cake making, song making etc.)... I'm not sure though. **"Only 3 months?" isn't technically a complete sentence, but a sentence like that is fine to write in a letter or to say while talking to someone. If you wanted to actually make it complete you could say "It only took you 3 months?" You probably knew all this anyway, but I wanted to clarify just in case. The only place where it would probably matter for you to make it a complete sentence is if you were writing an English paper. **"I have listened to it." is grammatically correct, but it's much more common to simply say "I have," if someone asks you if you've done something. Just like "Only 3 months?" though, "I have" is not a complete sentence. Again, it's probably not a big deal unless you're doing something where grammar is really important.

  • 英語問題

    1a:Please continue your good work. b:Please () your good work. (1)repeat on (2)keep up (3)endure with (4)came up 2a:Is she still trying to find a job? b:Is she still () for a job? (1)keeping (2)making (3)chasing (4)looking 3a:I'm trying to recover from the shock. b:I'm trying to () the shock. (1)get across (2)get above (3)get off (4)get over 4a:They considerd this as most important. b:They looked () this as most important. (1)for (2)on (3)around (4)to 5a:I had to get rid () my doubts about it. b:I had to remove my doubts about it. (1)in (2)of (3)with (4)from 同じ意味になるように語句を入れます 解答をお願いします