• 締切済み


英語について問題です。 次の( )に conform, exhibiting, dubious psychologists illustrate criteria を入れなさい。 Traditionally, crowds have had a reputation for ( 1 ) decision-making , ( 2 ) such behavior as rioting. ( 3) have used crowds to ( 4 ) how readily people ( 5 ) to the behavior of groups. However, recent research indicates that if a crowd meets certain ( 6), it is superior in its decision making ability to individuals. わかる方は訳もお願いします。。 どうぞよろしくお願いします。。



Traditionally, crowds have had a reputation for doubious decision-making,exhibiting such behavior as rioting. 伝統的に,集団は暴動を引き起こしながら曖昧な決断を下すという評価を受けてきた。 Psychologists have used crowds to illustrate how readily people conform to the behavior of groups. 心理学者達は集団を用いて人々がどれほど容易に団体の行動に同調するかを示してきた。 However, recent research indicates that if a crowd meets certain criteria, しかし,近年の研究は,集団がある特定の条件を満たした時は it is superior in its decision making ability to individuals. 各々の決断能力が優れているということを示している。



  • 和訳してください。

    traditionally, crowds have not been known for exhibiting a great deal of wisdom. crowd are often associated with rioting and stampeding. it is clear however, that if we can understand how to exploit the wisdom of crowds, we can benefit enormously. the next time you face a problem, it may be a good idea to consider how thew wisdom of crowds can help you. 自分でやると下↓↓のようになりました  。 伝統的に、群衆は多くの知恵を示すためにわかっていませんでした。群衆は、暴動を起こして、殺到することとしばしば関係しています。我々が群衆の知恵を利用する方法を理解することができるならば、我々が非常に利益を得ることができることは、しかし明白です。あなたが問題に取り組む次のとき、群衆の筋肉知恵がどのようにあなたの役に立つことができるか考えることが良い考えであるかもしれません。 ☆わけわからない文になっちゃいました。 誰か、訳してください。 よろしくお願いします。。

  • 英文について教えてください。

    Is Democracy Mathematically Unsound?(:Paul Hoffman)からの引用です。 Game theory, the mathematical analysis of conflict, 【be it in politics, business, military affairs, or what have you, was born in 1927, with John von Neumann, the mathematical jack-of-all-trades.】Von Neumann recognized that certain decision-making situations in economics and politics are mathematically equivalent to certain games of strategy. Consequently, lessons learned from analyzing these games are directly applicable to decision-making situations in real life. この英文の【】の個所について教えてください。 be it ~のところのbeが文法的にわかりません。どのようになっているのでしょうか? (in にはpolitics, business, military affairsがかかっていると思うのですが) またwhat have youのところも文法的にどのようになっているのでしょうか? *John von Neumann・・・ジョン・フォン・ノイマン

  • 英語ができる方、至急長文の和訳をお願いします!

    You may have heard that chimpanzees and dolphins are among the world's most intelligent creatures. But recent discoveries have convinced scientists that many of the world's farm animals are smarter than we had thought. Take sheep, for example. Scientists at the Babraham Institute in Cambridge, England, report that sheep are good at remembering faces. In a study of sheep's memory, they found that the woolly creatures can remember 10 human faces for more than two years. Of course, sheep find their own species even more memorable. They can remember 50 different sheep faces! Pigs are clever too, especially when food is involved. Researchers in Bristol, England, found that one pig would follow another to the food pan and then take his food! Pigs quickly learn to trick the clever pigs who are out to steal their dinner. Other research has suggested that some animals even practice various forms of group decision making, as the following example illustrates: The African Buffaloes had agreed: It was time to head east. The decision was made quietly. Several members of the herd simply stared into the distance, and the whole group took off in that direction. The buffaloes' behavior has got the science-world talking. Lsat month, researchers announced in Nature magazine that they have learned how some animals make decisions - they vote! The study, by Larissa Conrabt and Tim Roper of the University of Sussex in England, could change the way people view animal behavior. “Most groups of animals have a dominant leader,” says Roper. Pople had assumed that the leader makes decisious and the group follows. This study suggests that the animal kingdom is more of a democracy. So, how do animals vote? It depends on the animal. Roper and Conrabt observed red deer in Scotland and surveyed other animal behavior studies to find other examples. Red deer move when more than 60% of the adults stand up. African buffaloes will travel in the direction that the adult females are looking. Whooper swans* decide when to fly with head movements, and bees dance to get the other bees going. Does all of this sound simple? It is. As Roper says, “Democratic decision-making needn't be a complicated business.” Whooper swans:オオハクチョウ エキサイト翻訳等は使わずにお願いします。 スペルミスがありましたら、お知らせください。

  • この英文の和訳をお願いします

    1行目 Advertisers have long turned to psychologists in their efforts to understand how to motivate human desires. 2行目 Earlier than most, for example, the influential advertising couple, Stanley and Helen Resor, saw the advantages of employing someone who claimed to have some understanding of human behavior. 3行目 In the 1920s, their agency, the J. Walter Thompson Company, hired the renowned father of behaviourism, John B. Watson, away from the John Hopkins University Psychology Department to serve as a vice president. で、この文章に対する問いが、 Why was Watson hired? となっていますが、文章が理解できず、回答できませんでした。 宜しくお願いします。

  • 日本語訳をよろしくお願いいたします。

    国際法の教科書です。できる限り自然な日本語訳をよろしくお願いします。 Third, and perhaps most importantly, had the Court opted for claiming the decision-making procedure as being of customary law nature, then it would have had to pronounce itself on the possibility of customary law developing within the UN to begin with: Article 108 may militate against such a conclusion.

  • 和訳 deciding factor

    外国人です。。。私の和訳はあっているでしょうか。添削をお願いいたします。 When a police officer is making the decision to arrest someone, the deciding factor in reality, is based on their presumption that the person is guilty, so why would the police have to “presume the person is innocent” after they arrest them? 警察官が誰かを逮捕する決定を下すとき、その現実の決定要因はその人物が有罪推定に基づいているため、逮捕後に警察はなぜ「その人物を無罪と推定する」必要があるのでしょうか?

  • すいません、 もう1つ和訳お願いします

    As for the behavior of Mr.Hylop after the committee's decision, Hattie greatly misjudged his character;he was not the gentleman or Christian he appeared to be. From the start, all had proceeded properly enough, and Hattie welcomed his companionship in class and their discussions after class. But Hattie should have been alerted to Mr.Hyslop's intentions when he compared Hattie's ambitious thesis topic to the "lofty and spiritial ambitions" of Margaret Fuller. です。よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語の翻訳でお願いします。

    自分は先日海外の音楽配信サイトに曲のアップロードの申請をしました。 配信するmp3のファイルとwavファイルを添えて送りました。 すると、このような英文が返ってきました。 Your item Dark Cinematic Percussion Loop 1 isn't quite ready for AudioJungle. This is the reason given by our item inspector: This File Requires Some Improvements / Fixes Unfortunately, your preview file does not contain the AudioJungle watermark to prevent copyright infringement. Please overlay the watermark on preview files in the future before submitting them. You may download the watermark here: http://support.envato.com/index.php?/Knowledgebase/Article/View/298/0/do-i-have-to-watermark-my-files/ . Thank you for taking the time to submit content to AudioJungle. Unfortunately your submission was not in the correct format. All submissions must have an audio resolution of 16-Bit Stereo, with a sample rate of 44.1kHz. All main files in mp3 format must have a bit rate of 320kbps. There are no exceptions to this rule. Please bounce/export your audio again making sure your file is in the correct format as per our requirements. Thank you for understanding. Finally, your wav version is slightly different to your mp3 version - there is a "hit"/snare right at the start of the wav that is not present in the mp3. Please ensure all your files are identical, thanks! You can edit your file and have it reviewed again at http://audiojungle.net/item/dark-cinematic-percussion-loop-1/2593175 When you visit this page, click the EDIT link and submit your updated file, ensuring you have made all changes requested. Always let the reviewer know exactly what parts of your file have been updated in the "Message to reviewer" field. Please DO NOT resubmit your item as a brand new upload. You MUST use the aforementioned link to resubmit your file. If you wish to discuss this decision further, please submit a support ticket by visiting http://audiojungle.net/support Your reviewer was scottwills. 著作権的ななにかが必要みたいなのですが、もしよろしければ翻訳をお願いします。 自分でもこれから調べてみます。

  • 教えてください。(feelingも)

    (1)I am a very spiritual person with a trained zen-mind, so my behavior must conform to high ethical and moral standards, not like many other people. (2)But this type of good lifestyle makes me happy, and I have good karma,and I am always lucky! To live a good and clean life is an investment that provides very big rewards! (1)私は禅で訓練されたとても霊的人間です。私の行動は高い倫理と標準的モラルに従わねばならない。他の人とは違うのです。 この和訳でよいでしょうか? そして(2)へ続きますが(2)の訳は理解しましたが、この方の感じがどんな方なのか、いまいちわかりません。なんか神がかった感じの方ですか?そうでもないですか?ご教授ください。

  • 英文の試訳の添削をお願い致します。

    The major shift toward passively managed index funds in recent years and its subsequent concentration11 has led to the creation of another step: the voting power that the funds as intermediaries traditionally retained is now being harnessed by the parent asset management firm, taking decision making further away from where the risk lies. 上記英文の下記の試訳の添削をお願い致します。 「近年におけるパッシブに運用されるインデックス・ファンドへの大きなシフトとその後の集中は別の階梯をつくりだした。すなわち,仲介役としてのファンドが伝統的に保持してきた議決権は今では,リスクのあるところから遠く離れて意思決定を行う親会社の立場にある資産運用会社によって利用されている。」 以上,宜しくお願い致します。

  • 会社の人との接し方について悩んでいます。最初はよく話しかけていたが、最近は挨拶しかしなくなった。私から積極的に話しかけるべきか悩んでいます。
  • 会社の人との接し方について悩んでいます。最初は会話も弾んでいたが、最近は笑顔で会話する時とムスッとして素っ気ない時があり、気を使って自分から話しかけるのも疲れてきました。
  • 会社の人との接し方について悩んでいます。最初は気を使って他愛もない事を話しかけていましたが、最近は挨拶しかしていません。少しは話しかけた方がいいのでしょうか?