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My Mother-in-Law's Risky Retirement Savings


  • ベストアンサー
  • cbm51901
  • ベストアンサー率67% (2671/3943)

「(彼女の)全ての退職貯蓄を危険な方法で投資していた」であっていると思います。また、ニュアンスが若干異なりますが、 「(彼女の)全ての退職貯蓄を危険な投資に充てていた」 と言い換えることもできると思います。 "listen to reason" 「理屈に耳を貸そうとしない」 つまり、息子夫婦は母親にその投資の危険性を理論的に説こうとするにもかかわらず、一切聞く耳を持たない、ということです。





  • (2)長文読解

    (1)の続きです。 Like all really primitive people, women will go on refusing to believe in or bow down to the laws of Nature. Nature may tell them, for instance, of the correct position of the human waist; but they will not listen to her; they will insist that the human waist may be anywhere you like between the neck and the knees, according to the fashion of the moment, and Nature may as well put her fingers in her ears and go home. they will not listen to herのtheyはwomenだと思うのですが、そうするとherは誰を指しているのでしょうか?Natureですか? Nature may as well put her fingers in her ears and go homeの意味が全くわかりません。どういうことを言っているのでしょうか? ----Spring Fashions:Robert Lynd

  • 以下の訳文を教えてください。

    以下の日本語訳を教えてください。investedがよくわかりません。 he lost a patient in whom he was particularly invested — a superstition, according to him, but something in which he had indulged her with less and less protest as old age had hardened her beliefs. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/11/books/excerpt-the-tigers-wife-by-tea-obreht.html?pagewanted=1&_r=0 よろしくお願いします!

  • copied in

    "She hit the wrong button on her computer and copied in the entire office on an e-greeting from her mother." この英文にある"copied in the entire office on an e-greeting"の意味がよくわかりません・・・ 特に"copied in"の使い回しがわからないので、教えてほしいですm(__)m

  • ちょっと長いですが…。和訳お願いします。

    One day about three months after I first arrived in Japan, I suddenly realized I was absorbing Japanese. On that day I was riding on a streetcar on my way to work. An elderly woman entered at one of the stops and sat down right next to me in the empty car. When I was addressed entirely in Japanese, I cut her off with zenzenwakarimasen. This didn't seem to discourage her from continuing to talk. I just smiled and nodded as she spoke and felt relieved when we arrived at her stop. Once alone, I realized that I had understand some of what she had said, and that the entire conversation had been in Japanese. This sudden awareness was exhilarating. From that moment on, I could no longer resist being swept up in the currents of Japanese language and culture.

  • validate her feelings

    Mercury needs a best friend, and I can’t be that friend to her. I can’t sit and listen to all her problems and validate her feelings. validate her feelingsはどう訳したら良いでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • thatが文頭にくる場合・・接続詞?

    that についてお聞きしたいことがあります。 And I cannot bear to think of her being mistress of this house! That I should be forced to make way for her and live to see her take my place in it! この that は文法的にどういう働きをしているのでしょうか? お願いします。

  • 英文を確認してください。

    「公園に行って、音楽を聴いたり、サンドイッチを食べたり、本を読んだり、そんな風に過ごすのが好きです。」 と言いたいのですが、 Go to a park and listen to music, eat sandwiches, read a book... I like to spend time in that way. であっていますか?

  • 急:添削をお願いします!

    英作文の問題ですが、自分で回答を作成しまたが 自信がないので添削を宜しくお願い致します。 (1)(問:子供たちはかわいい二つの理由がある) 一つ目の理由は、子供たちは心身とも清純である。 二つ目の理由は、子供たちは大人に無邪気な質問をしてくる。 In one reason, they are pure in body and mind. In two reason, they ask adults harmless question. (2)(問:人々がコーヒーを好きなのには二つの理由がある) 一つ目の理由は、コーヒーを飲むことにより眠気を取り除くことができる。 二つ目の理由は、苦い味が好きなのである。 In one reason, they can shrug off sleep to drink coffee. In two reason, they like to taste bitter. (3)(問:運動を楽しくするにいくつの方法がある) 例えば、一人で運動するのではなく二人ですれば飽きずに運動をすることができる また、運動中にiPhoneで音楽を聞くやり方もある。 For example, there is a way that you exercise not alone but a pair. Also, there is a way that you listen to music by iPhone while exercising. 問題は以上です。お手数をおかけ致しますが、宜しくお願い致します。

  • 何か省略されているのでしょうか

    My mother chooses to hide the fact that her boyfriend is a pedophile. He abused me 15 years ago, when I was a teenager, and it still haunts me. Mom broke up with him for a short period of time, but they got back together, and the abuse started again. She didn't want to press charges because it would mess up his retirement. She is still seeing this man. I have had great therapy. My wonderful husband and I have a 5-year-old daughter. We used to allow her to stay overnight at Grandma's until she told us that Grandma took her to her boyfriend's house. I wrote my mother a letter and told her that as long as this man is in her life, we wouldn't be. we wouldn't beは何か省略されているのでしょうか?意味も教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • drained my savings

    While in high school, I babysat and worked for a local grocery store. I saved a lot of what I made and had a pretty good amount in savings, but I took a school trip to France that had cost me almost $3,000, AKA my entire savings at that point. The trip was amazing and I don’t regret it, but since then I have repeatedly drained my savings account for something I thought was really important. drainedは「使ってしまった」ということでしょうか?よろしくお願いします