• ベストアンサー

copied in

"She hit the wrong button on her computer and copied in the entire office on an e-greeting from her mother." この英文にある"copied in the entire office on an e-greeting"の意味がよくわかりません・・・ 特に"copied in"の使い回しがわからないので、教えてほしいですm(__)m


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

1。訳  彼女はコンピュータのボタンを押し間違えて、彼女の母親からの電子挨拶状に、オフィスの全文を貼り付けた 2。 この英文にある"copied in the entire office on an e-greeting"の意味がよくわかりません・・・ 動詞:copy in は、下記のように「貼付ける」です。 http://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=copy+in  目的語:the entire office オフィス全部(これが何を指すのか分かりません「オフィス」というアプリ内に補間されていりファイル全部、とも取れます)  副詞句:on an e-greeting  from her mother 「お母さんからのメールの挨拶状に」





その他の回答 (1)

  • Him-hymn
  • ベストアンサー率66% (3489/5257)

訳 コンピューターで間違ったスイッチを押してしまい、母親からきた挨拶メール上にOFFICE(ソフト名)をまるごとコピーしてしまった。 小文字で書かれていますが、マイクロソフト社のWord, Power Point, Excelなどの入った統合ソフトOfficeのことだと思います。 以上、ご参考になればと思います。






  • hold out for an apology

    I asked for an apology, but she says she did nothing wrong, and that my mother deserves to know anything that is said about her. I asked my mother for an apology for spying on her adult daughter, and she said I should apologize for the things I've said. This has made me feel like an outsider in my own family, and I don't really want anything to do with any of them. Can I hold out for an apology? 最後のCan I hold out for an apology? はどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • start in

    "Dear Prudie, I am a married woman in my early 40s with young children whose longtime, local job in New England is being transitioned to the corporate office in the Midwest. My husband works for the same company and has a job offer there and we’ve decided to relocate. The company is compensating us generously. The issue is that my mother, who’s in her late 60s, is having a very difficult time accepting our decision. She insists that I stay, even though she knows it would put my family at financial risk since I would no longer have a job. She is giving me guilt trips laden with mentions of emotional abandonment, threats that she’d “rather not be alive” if I go, and accusations of putting greed before family. We have asked her to move with us, and she refuses. We have told her we can bring her out for weeks at a time to stay with us, which she also refuses because she said she won’t drive such long distances and doesn’t like to fly. I understand her sadness, but I’m becoming angry and resentful that she thinks it is a viable answer to put my family in financial peril for her. Please help. —Leaving on a Jet Plane? Dear Jet, Though I don’t buy her claims of emotional abandonment, I do buy that you are being emotionally blackmailed. Your mother is insinuating she’ll kill herself if you follow the absolutely necessary path of transferring to headquarters. I believe that’s an empty threat, but if she keeps this up, she’ll only make your move easier by causing you to want to flee her harangues. You don’t say that your mother is infirm, so while she may not be up to driving herself such long distances, there’s no excuse for her to say she’ll refuse to get on a plane for a relatively short hop. But flying to see you wouldn’t even be necessary if she’d agree to take you up on your offer of moving to the Midwest. Presumably, she’s a lifelong New Englander with a web of family and friends, so she may not want to start over. But that’s her decision, and it means spending time with you and the grandchildren will require travel. Tell her you’re going, her options have been explained to her, and you are going to refuse to listen to more weeping and wailing. If she starts in, hang up the phone or leave—until you leave for good. " ここでのstarts inはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 'closing in' の解釈

    Her effrontery manner in which she punctiliously made a plan to scotch Saruman's plan was uncogitable. Which was more annoying, her plan lacking in lucidity, or that salacious photo with an eyeful woman undulating her body? Or mendacious IDs she'd come by to get past the censor net closing in, or peculating endless amount of resources at her own will? 上の文で筆者が何を言いたいのかおぼろげに理解できるのですが... "closing in" のところが意味不明です。どう解釈できますか?

  • 前置詞の質問

    1.She bought her wedding dress (in) an exclusive shop on Fifth Avenue. 2.While Dave was (at) the top of the Eiffel Tower, he could see .... 1の英文の(in)はatではだめでしょうか。また、2の(at)はonではどうでしょうか。

  • 4コマ漫画(3)の添削お願いします

    朝日新聞の4コマ漫画の描写を英語にして英作文を練習している者です。 次の英文から状況が読み取れるかお聞きしたいです。また、文法間違い英語表現の間違いなどご指摘していただけるとありがたいです。 When a mother-in-low was just going out to a store, her daughter-in-low tried to ask for shopping. However, she couldn't remember a thing she wanted, so she decided to go along with her mother-in-low. She could't remember it on the way. Even while she was shopping, she could't remember it after all. Her mother-in-low thought that she should't have brought along her daughter-in-low.

  • よろしくお願いします

    My wife's niece, a high school senior, is a beautiful girl with an excellent, well-proportioned figure. Like many girls her age, she's narcissistic and obsessed with her looks, and constantly posting pictures of herself on social media. She's off to college in a few months, and in order to ensure she's attractive to boys, wants to get a boob job. She works in a clothing store and has saved toward the cost. Her mother and aunt are supportive and willing to help her pay for it. Their logic is, they both had boob jobs. However, they had theirs done well into their 40s, after their children were born and as clear-thinking adults. I feel being supportive of an 18-year-old making such a major decision for what I think is the wrong reason is irresponsible parenting. I feel being supportive of an 18-year-old making such a major decision for what I think is the wrong reason is irresponsible parenting.のwhat I think is the wrong reason is irresponsible parenting.はisは2回出てきて文法的によくわからないので解説と和訳をよろしくお願いします

  • in her honor

    I work in a small office (fewer than 20 employees), staffed entirely by women. This is usually a good thing, and we get along well and support one another. There is one employee, “June,” who has been with the company for three to four years, and who recently announced she is leaving to pursue an opportunity with another company. We congratulated her individually on her new opportunity, signed a group card each reiterating a similar message, and had a catered farewell lunch in her honor. After the lunch, another employee found June crying in her office. Apparently, June was upset that we hadn’t given her a parting gift in recognition of her time with the company. Now two employees are asking everyone to contribute toward a gift for June because of how upset she was. I have been at the company for 10 years, and to my knowledge, it is not standard practice for us to give gifts to departing employees unless they are retiring—which June is not. I don’t feel inclined to contribute toward a gift for a grown woman who threw a tantrum because she wasn’t offered a present. But if I don’t, I look like a “bad guy” to my colleagues who I have to continue to work with. Can I draw a line in the sand and opt out of a collective gift? in her honorとcollective giftの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • How to look up the pronunciation of a place-name

    こんにちは。↓の英文はごく簡単に英文なのでスラスラ読めるんですが、一か所だけ引っかかるところがあります。Mozyrという地名なんですが、どう読んだらいいのか分かりません。そこで質問ですが、特に非英語圏の外国の地名の読み方ってどのように調べたらいいんでしょうか? Ksenia Sitnik was born on May 15, 1995 in Mozyr, Belarus, where she still lives (as of 2008[update]) She studies at school No 13. Her father is a businessman and her mother is a director of a music school. Her hobbies include singing, dancing and drawing. Ksenia has an older sister who also takes part in children’s song contests.

  • 意味を教えてください

    My fiancee bought a house last year, with a sizable down payment provided by her mother. A few weeks ago, my future mother-in-law expressed the sentiment that we should wait to put my name on the deed of the house in order "to see how the marriage works out." I understand that she wants to protect her investment, but we have decided to combine all of our finances in an effort to show unity, as well as making house-related issues easier for me to handle. I feel like she thinks I'm a gold digger. To make matters worse, my fiancee has trouble establishing boundaries with her mother and did not inform her mother of our plans to combine finances until the other day. put my name on the deed of the houseとestablishing boundaries with her mother の意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • よろしくお願いします

    I am getting married next spring, and my fiancé and I are very excited to move to the next phase of our relationship. Wedding planning has been surprisingly easy, save for my mother. My mother has an opinion on everything in that she wants everything to involve her. She wants to pick out music for her to be seated to. pick out music for her to be seated toの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • MFC-L9550CDWの動作終了後、電源をオフにする方法を紹介します。
  • 質問者はMFC-L9550CDWの動作終了後に電源をオフにしようとしたが、表示がそのままで操作ができないというトラブルに遭遇しました。
  • 質問者の使用環境はWindows11で、USBケーブルで接続されています。関連するソフト・アプリは特にありません。電話回線は使用していません。