• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:よろしくお願いします)

Conflicted between staying at my current school and transferring out

  • I'm a sophomore in college and I'm conflicted between staying at my current school and transferring out to a top school. Although I have great friends and a scholarship at my current school, the environment and academics don't feel right to me. The majority of students commute, there's no school spirit, and the academics feel too easy. On the other hand, the top school I got into is a better fit academically and environmentally, but I'll have to leave my friends and the financial support from my scholarship behind.
  • A strong sense of apathy in just about everything non-school related means that there is a lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern for activities and events outside of the school setting at my current school. It seems like most students are not engaged or passionate about things that are not directly related to their academic studies.
  • When I say 'I'm cruising', it means that I'm coasting through my classes without much effort or challenges. The academics at my current school are not stimulating enough for me, so I'm not putting in as much effort as I did in high school. This has caused my work ethic to regress.


  • ベストアンサー

1.もっといい大学に移りたいという気持ちと,友人や奨学金を失いたくないという気持ちが,せめぎあっている。 2.いまいちよくわかりませんが,大学の活気がないというくだりを受けて,「学生たちは大学の外のことにばかり強い関心をいだいている」。 3.漫然と時間をすごしている。 4.いまの大学の文学部(人文学部)は,それほど勢力が強くない。いろいろな意味にとれますが,教育水準が低い,予算が少ない,有力な教員が少ない,優秀な学生が集まらないなど。






  • 英語で自己紹介

    英語で自己紹介をしなくてはいけません。文章を考えたのですが、どなたか添削していただけないでしょうか。 “I’m not good at speaking English, so please pardon me. I’m teaching home economics at a high school. I’m a homeroom teacher, and there are 33students in my class. They are too much energetic, so I’m awful tired every day. But I really enjoy our school life, fight with the students. I belong to the student council, it supports our baseball team, school election or the school sports. Recently, we went to the baseball game of our school. We have a strong baseball team. Our team has been to Koushien twice. Last day, we entered the quarterfinal. That day was very hot, and I was really tired, but it was good memory. Now I’m studying English here in Tokyo. Though I’m poor at English, it’s very hard to study. Thank you so much for teaching me politely. I’m also a teacher, I know how difficult to teach. To study English is very difficult for me, but I will study English much harder. Thank you very much for your attention.”

  • 何が入るのでしょうか...

    何が入るのでしょうか... I didn't talk to my brother last night and my mother( ). 1 did neither 2 didn't, either 3 didn't, neither 4 neither did when I first studied abroad, I made many linguistic err and ( ). 1 my fellow foreign students did either 2 so did my fellow foreign students 3 either of my fellow foreign students 4 my fellow foreign students did so

  • unable toとcan't

    My ex-wife, who still badgers me for money, resents everything about my current life and constantly reminds me that I’m really a worthless jerk inside, and I’m unable to dismiss her because I think she’s right. I’m unable toのところはI can'tも使えるのでしょうか?違いはあるでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 書き換えの問題教えてください

    書き換えの問題教えてください 1不定詞を用いて I think you are very strong and can lift this stone. 2I used to で始まるように Soccer used to be my chief interest in my school days. 和訳も教えてくださいお願いします。

  • 簡単な文章です。添削、至急お願いします!

    スピーキングのテストで、外国人の先生に“What's new?”に対する答えを言わなくてはいけません。一応以下のように考えたのですが、添削お願いします。 Recently, I am very busy. Last week, I had a test of music theory on Wednesday, and on Friday, I had to submit two reports. And on the weekend I studied for this Speaking test, wrote three reports, practiced the piano, and I practice a handstand, because I have a test of it tomorrow. But, I can’t do it, so I’m very depressed, and I can’t understand why headstand is necessary to become nursery school’s teacher. And on the weekend I practiced my original dance a lot. (創作ダンスの練習をした。)This dance is for “Physical Expression class”, and I will have this test tomorrow.(このダンスは“身体表現”の授業のためのもので、明日試験(発表?)がある。) The dance’s music is ~ which is the music of Disneyland’s attraction ~. I like this song very much, but I have no experience of dance and I’m such a shy girl that I’m so nervous. However, I want to pass that class and became nursery school’s teacher, so I’ll try to do my best. And on the weekend, I cleaned my room, went shopping in the supermarket, and cooked lunch and dinner rather more and kept them freezer, because I’m busy this week too. Thus I’m very busy now, but I think I live life to the full. 以上です。長さの都合上、日本語はほぼ省略させていただきましたが、必要でしたら補足いたします。 大変長文ですが、宜しくお願いいたします。

  • よろしくお願いします

    About a year and a half ago, I started researching study abroad. I'm an art student at a public university, so I decided to apply to a very prestigious art school in the UK to give myself a year of very dedicated art education. The program seemed like it was going to be everything I'd ever wanted. I got accepted and started in September. I'd ever wantedはなぜwouldが使われているのでしょうか?everはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • よろしくお願いします

    I want to be in a school with more traditional (but fewer overall) students, with the vast majority living on campus, with school spirit, with a small and tight-knit community, and with a challenging environment, which is exactly what my transfer school provides (and it's four times smaller than my current school). The transfer school also has MUCH more opportunities for internships, shadowing, research, etc., transfer schoolとshadowingの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • 文章解釈

    以下の文章に関する質問です。 And by the time that I finally did have that conversation with my parents, I remember being so shameful, I felt embarrassed, like I was a burden. I remember I didn't want my mum to look at me when I told her. It wasn't until my mum was able to I guess reassure me and tell me everything would be okay and give me a hug. It wasn't until my mum was able to I guess reassure me and tell me everything would be okay and give me a hug.の理解が難しいです。 I guess が挿入されていて、 It wasn't until my mum was able to (I guess)reassure me and tell me everything would be okay and give me a hug. の形であると分かるのですが、 it wasn’t until…をここでどのように理解すれば良いのか分からないです。itはここではなんなのでしょうか? 漠然とした状況のitかな?と考えましたが自信がないです。 「当時は、わたしのお母さんが、わたしを安心させてくれたり、大丈夫だからねと言ってくれたり、ハグしてくれたりできるところまでではなかったように思います。」

  • 《急ぎ》 英語でお礼状。コレクトしてください!!

    学校でお世話になっているネイティブの先生のお母さんに、お礼状を書きましたが、はじめてなので自信がありません。 修正をお願いしますm(_ _)m I received the product from you. I'm really happy because I wanted it very much. So I thank for your kindness. Your son is also sweet so he is really popular with students. Please take a look because I enclose a photo of he and my classmates. I would like to thank you again for everything you did for me. あなたから商品を受け取りました。 とっても欲しかったものなので、嬉しいです。本当にご親切に感謝します。 あなたのご子息もとても優しいので、生徒たちから大人気です。 彼と私のクラスメイトの写真を同封しますので、見てくださいね。 あなたが私のためにしてくれたことに、重ねて感謝いたします。 ※季節のあいさつや、お体に気をつけて、とか、ご多幸をお祈りします的な、なにか加えるべき言葉があれば、それもお願いします。

  • actually とは?

    I am actually writing this email at work.という文が解かりません。そして この文の後にI work on the weekends and go to school during the week. My job is very simple though and doesn't require much attention, so I can write emails.です。学生が書いた文に何故work があるのですか?教えて下さい>0<

  • 印刷中に突然電源が落ちてしまいました。カラーで拡大コピー(A4→B5)を行っている最中でした。
  • 電源が落ちてから何度か電源ボタンを押したり、コンセントを抜き差ししたりしましたが、一向に本体が起動しないままの状態が改善されないため質問させていただきました。
  • ご教授頂けると幸いです。