なぜ"I'd ever wanted"ではなく"I'd would ever wanted"が使われるのか?

  • なぜ"I'd ever wanted"ではなく"I'd would ever wanted"が使われるのか?
  • everは"いつか"または"すでに"という意味で使われ、 "I'd ever wanted"は"私がいつか望んだこと"という意味です。
  • wouldは仮定や未来の状況を表すために使われ、 "I'd ever wanted"は過去の望みを表すため、 wouldは使用されていません。
  • ベストアンサー


About a year and a half ago, I started researching study abroad. I'm an art student at a public university, so I decided to apply to a very prestigious art school in the UK to give myself a year of very dedicated art education. The program seemed like it was going to be everything I'd ever wanted. I got accepted and started in September. I'd ever wantedはなぜwouldが使われているのでしょうか?everはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • corta
  • お礼率76% (4131/5367)
  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー

I had ever wanted でしょう。留学前に求めていた(過去完了)教育を施してくれそうに思えた(過去)。 ぼくが文法事項を説明したので,どこかで竜巻が起こるぞ(笑)。





  • 意味を宜しくお願いしす

    Before I started dating this guy, I was single for about a year, and during that time I tried to think about what hadn’t satisfied me in my previous relationships and what I wanted in a partner going forward. what I wanted in a partner going forwardの 意味を宜しくお願いしす( going forwardがわかりません)。

  • tenured employee

    I recently started my first year in a new job, and was assigned a tenured employee to be my mentor during our orientation program. “Jennifer” is very sweet, tries to be helpful as I learn the ropes, and we have developed a friendly working relationship. ここでのtenured employeeはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 直訳と意訳の加減は??

    以下の英文を和訳しているのですが、特に"reharsed"、"share"、"theology student"の単語をうまく訳せません。また、文を解釈するための和訳ではなく「翻訳文」として、他の人に読んでもらい、理解してもらうようにきちんとした日本語で訳さなくてはならないのですが、そういう場合、直訳すぎても意訳すぎてもいけないと言われ、その加減がわかりません。翻訳技術がある方がいらっしゃればご指導いただきたいと思います。よろしくお願いいたします。 During the first year of my stay in the United States, I started a seminar for which I randomly picked dying patients, from the very young to the very old. I never rehearsed, I just went in, told them about my interests and asked them if they would share with me, in a private room but seen and observed by a lot of medical students and theology students, what it's like to be dying. What can we do for a person when medicine cannot really do much more? It was like opening flood-gates. They started to talk and to share. It was very moving. The nurses and the medical students and the theology students were deeply interested in it, because nobody had ever taught them what you can do to help dying patients.

  • 和訳をよろしくお願いします

    I was in an abusive marriage for a decade, and after we split, I had to distance myself from both my social and professional circles because we worked in the same industry. I’m very healthy and happy now. Recently, I’ve started to fold a few previous connections back into my life. I’ve started to fold a few previous connections back into my life.の和訳をよろしくお願いします

  • Lady Gagaのインタビューのスクリプト

    英語を勉強しています。 Lady Gagaのインタビューを聞いていて、分からない箇所や全体的に不安なので分かる方いらっしゃいましたら教えてください。 こちらが動画になります。(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kEJSoAwJ4gw) 下記私がわかる範囲で記述したものです。「?」の箇所は特に分からない箇所です。どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 Hello I’m Lady Gaga and you’re watching BEST HIT USA. I started it up by myself leaning by ear and then I started to take piano lessons, classical. They were very strict with me growing up and I used to have to sit at the piano for hours to practice. When I was younger I resented my mother for this discipline but when I turned about eleven years old, I was very grateful to her because I was an expert at piano. I was probably better at piano then than I am now. I planed actually during my time off to take lessons again. But it has (?) me as a musical person. I almost went to (the?) Juilliard, piano music school in New York. But I actually decided instead to take an acting art class on the weekends. I was a full-12-hours-day of dance and acting and screenplay writing also (to things?). And I guess you could say the (?) drove me in a different direction. It’s not an entirely new message. In the 70’s, a movie (is?) like “Paris is burning” and artist like Andy Warhol used to scream this message from the top, so the museums in New York. I believe that “Fame” is intrinsic that through your fashion and your passion for art and friendship and love. You can feel famous without money. As much as I’m obsessed with (?) fashion. What people don’t always know about me is that a lot of the stuff that I use in this show is very handmade. It’s a(?) thing that people all of the world can do for very inexpensive. My relationship with Andy (?) continues to grow (already years?). I feel like I learn something new about him everyday. My favorite thing about Andy used to be that he wanted to make fine art (out of?) commercial art, the advertisement as something at was museum where (?). I went to Warhol’s exhibit in Paris. My record label wanted to kill me because I left for four hours. But it was amazing. I am still in my infancy and I saw myself in that painting. I felt so much like that young, indecisive artist (to was?) still trying to find my own voice. I was comforted that I have so many yeas ahead of me to continue to grow. Andy decided who he wanted to be is that is my inspiration for every person on the planet. I don’t know what (is?). I do also (things?) there is a strong futuristic (?) element to music as well as the clothe. I think (?) because of my desire to transcend my position as an artist in (my?) from underground to commercial music. A lot of my philosophies (stem?) from my obsession with the art 70’s and the 80’s. So (for?) me it was a time of celebration, a time of a music and art and lifestyle as a synonyms. Vanity was not an agley thing, it was art, it was part of your self-understanding and it was way to to find yourself as well as feel good and love yourself. I will die in a piece of art that I have made. (?) hold my props. I would say to anyone that is not sure how to express themselves. I would say spend a lot of time reading books and going to museums, watching old movies and researching on (the?) internet and make a folder of all of the things that you really love. I think that’s a good way (come?) to start finding out who you are. You’ll see (that?) images will start to make sense. They will be through line a philosophy. 終わり。

  • 和訳をお願いします

    When I arrived at the dormitory, a professor from the university was waiting for me. I wanted to make a good impression So I bowed and said something like "blah blah blah domo blah blah domo domo domo" I took great care to say the domo very clearly. The rest was in a very small and impossible-to-understand voice. Just the sounds. Notice that I said the last domo three times. I wanted to sound very polite. In English it would sound very strange saying thank you, thank you, thank you, so many times, but in Japanese it did not sound bad at all. Anyway, I didn't know what I was saying. The professor looked at me and smiled, "Oh! You speak Japanese very well." I was very happy. Only a few hours in the country and I was already learning the rules of Japanese politeness. Later the same day I met another professor. I bowed and again the same unrecognizable sounds and the dear domes. It worked well. This professor, too, smiled and congratulated me on the perfect Japanese I could speak. The French businessman was right. A bow and a domo, and everybody is happy.

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    We just wanted to move on in a productive, caring, productive… — and did I say 'productive?' — environment, and when the time came for us to do that, I think we shocked a lot of people. So with that said, we really, really wish Scott the very, very best. I hope he one day finds the light. But as far us, we wanted to, like I said, move forward, and not try to recreate our catalog, because I think that's impossible to do; we had a lineup change, we have a different man in the band now, we have a different human being, a different energy.

  • double standard

    My fiance is a toxic drunk. The last time he drank, he became verbally, emotionally and very nearly physically abusive toward me. It was the second time this had happened in our eight-year relationship, so I left him. I returned only when he promised to quit drinking and get therapy. He has already reneged on the therapy, and today when we went shopping, we walked by the beer aisle and I looked at one beer I wanted to try, but when he also started looking at brands of beer, I felt very upset. Was this rational, or is this a double standard on my part? double standardとは平たく言うとどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • reclaim my nights

    I'm a 29-year-old woman with a wonderful boyfriend and a great career in finance. I'm very close with a tall, dark, handsome male coworker. He has a wife and a three-year-old daughter. I'm sexually attracted, but not sure it's romantic love. I know I'd go to the end of the world for him! I'm losing sleep trying to figure this out. To reclaim my nights, what do I label this? To reclaim my nightsとはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • プロフィールのための英文

    After half a year from that, I spend Itly few months for my English. I intended to visit some museums, galleries during staying Europe. The reason be chosen Europe is why my professor recommended that. He said my art tend to be founded from European, especially French and Germany. I knew he was saying such a thing with no well reasons. Perhaps compared with another Japanese artists. I’m the person who is a bit argumentative. And I regard history of art as the important thing to make my art. he seem thought I’m fit to make art in Europe. After all I didn’t find particular reasons to I make my art in here. There’re exhibitions is fun and great, the people is nice, the good environment to make arts. Even if I come to want to go back my home town. There’re a lot of reason, Language, looking of people…it was not easy for me to get used foreign looking expect Asian. The first of half in university was reading books on some field except art from position as artist. The second of half was thinking of relation between the role of eyes and perception of myself. It looked quit introversive and boring. But Facing myself is to find connection with outwold. And I started to make my art around third year at least. They ‘re usually formed of installation, performance, sometimes nature. Now I suppose I better study a system art world to make my art. I want collect information of art world exactly and smoothly, so I started studying English. I believe artists have strong atitude. 一部だけでいいので添削お願いします。 よそしくお願いいたします…!