How to Let Criticism Roll off Your Back

  • Learn how to handle criticism with grace and resilience.
  • Don't let negative comments affect your self-esteem.
  • Focus on constructive feedback and use it to improve yourself.
  • ベストアンサー

roll off my back

A higher-up who's quite powerful in my company (a major film studio) e-mailed a scathing critique of my performance to top management. My boss forwarded it to me as an FYI. You can't imagine the vitriol contained in the indirect swipes. Normally, I let this kind of stuff roll off my back, but I felt compelled to defend myself to my boss. let this kind of stuff roll off my backの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • corta
  • お礼率76% (4123/5358)
  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • bakansky
  • ベストアンサー率48% (3502/7245)

roll off my back という表現を見て私想像したのは、紙を丸めて肩越しに後ろに放り投げる動作ですが、要するに 「無視する、気にしない」 といった意味合いなのではないかと思いました。念のために検索してみると  Not to let something bother you, or get the best of you. というふうに定義しているのが見つかりました (下記URL) から、私の解釈でも間違ってはいないように思われました。





  • off the sidelines

    “We have to get them off the sidelines and get them to play a more active role in our economic recovery,” Rahm Emanuel, the White House chief of staff, said in an interview on Sunday. get them off the sidelines の意味を教えてください。 them = 銀行家たち

  • off の用法について。

    ●This kind of bird lives mainly off of worms. この種類の鳥は主に虫を食べて生きている。 ・この例文のような使い方としてのoffの概念などはどのようなものでしょうか?

  • property deal close/Get my wife off

    property deal close/Get my wife off my back ↑これはどういった意味でしょうか 全文:(How are you? →)I'll be a lot better once I get that cheque. Get this property deal close. Get my wife off my back.

  • in the back of , in back

    in the back of と in back of の違いです。 1 The garden is in the back of my house. 2 the answers were in the back of the book. 「答えは本の巻末にあった 。」 3 the grounds in back of a house  「家の裏手にある庭」 4 He stood in back of the car. ☆3、4は behind でも 代用できるようです。 ☆in the back of ~は at the back of ~ でもいいようです。 ともかく ある範囲の中の奥まったところにあることを しめしているようです。 との見解をもっています。 theあるなしで 随分示される範囲が違っているようなのですが、はっきりした解説を見つけられずにいます。  ☆のところの考え方はあっているのでしょうか? 補足があれば是非ともお伺いしたいところなのですが、 辞書でもまだ満足いく解説を得られてません。 両サイドは違うものなんだ! としていいのでしょうか?  宜しくお願いいたします。

  • デモクラシーナウから

    以下の文はダニー・グローヴァーさんへのインタビューの一部ですが、この文で、質問があります。 1)emergingは何を指して言っているのでしょうか 2)part of thisのthisは何でしょうか。 3)being a child... watching my come of ageはどう他の文とつながっているのでしょうか。 よろしくお願いいたします。 I had heard about him in high school. In fact, after his assassination, I got into a real kind of—one of the many kind of—few, not many—few kind of, you know, misunderstandings with my parents, when I started going to the mosques in 1955—in 1965, excuse me, 1965. And I think an emerging—that was a part of this, for me, being a child of the civil rights movement, watching my parents come of age, and to come of age themselves during the civil rights movements in various ways, through their union, etc., etc.

  • roll over

    娘が自分を人参嫌いにさせたお父さんをを批判。 "And that is your excuse? A responsible parent would've shoved it(carrot) right into my toothless little mouth. But, no! You had to roll over and give me cream spinach! (the two stare at each other) What kind of father are you?!" -You had to roll over and give me cream spinachの意味を教えてください。

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    My critique of democracy begins and ends with this point. Kids must be educated to disrespect authority or else democracy is a farce.

  • orchestrated my career

    (TVレポーターの話)When I was on the news in Indianapolis, I got a call from an agent at one of the most reputable firms in New York, and he told me—if fashion, arts, or entertainment is what you want to do, those jobs exist, they just don’t exist in Indiana. So we kind of orchestrated my career to get me out to the West Coast. orchestrated my careerとはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • off we went のoff について

    ニュース番組のインタビューからです。 Called my son and asked him to have my bags brought up from the basementand pulled in and threw them in the car and off we went. 私が訳した和訳↓ 「息子に電話し、彼に地下室から私のバックを持って来させ荷造りをし、車に投げ込み、私たちは出発しました。」 こんな感じの訳に意味になるのでは、ないかと思うのですが、イマイチoff の意味がわかりません。 「出発した」と表したいのなら、offは不要で we went だけになるのではないのでしょうか。 なにか口語的なニュアンスでもあるのでしょうか? 文法的な説明がありましたら教えてください。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • shakes it off

    No one in my family, including myself, wants to spend time with my mom. She can be really toxic. She has hurt me all my life, and, really, everyone I love. I stopped asking my husband and kids to go with me a while ago. In fact, I limited my children's exposure to her when they were growing up, but they still have scars from stuff she did or said when they were young adults; it's difficult to be prepared for the truly awful stuff she says and does, even when warned your whole life. Even though I know all this and I'm normally pretty pragmatic, I am finding it tough to just cut my mom off. We've had so many conversations over the years about the things she says and does, but she is never going to change because she just doesn't get it. It's almost like punishing a fish for bad behavior. She never accepts accountability for anything, and never sees the damage. She says and does petty, horrible things in irritation, then just shakes it off, accusing others of being too sensitive. ここでのshakes it offはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします