Pay Your Dues and Chalk Job Dissatisfaction Up to a Rough Patch

  • When you think about where you could be in five years, paying your dues means enduring a difficult period in your career in order to progress.
  • Chalking job dissatisfaction up to a rough patch means attributing temporary dissatisfaction at work to a challenging phase that will eventually pass.
  • By paying your dues and understanding that job dissatisfaction is a temporary experience, you can maintain a positive outlook and continue growing in your career.
  • ベストアンサー

pay your dues

(about career path) But, when you think about where you could be in five years, you still have an interest. You can see a path forward, a job that will come your way, or a change in circumstance that happens after you pay your dues, and you feel good about it. Then you are OK, and can chalk job dissatisfaction up to a rough patch, a bad moment, or part of learning on the job. ここでの pay your duesとchalk job dissatisfaction up to a rough patchの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • corta
  • お礼率76% (4121/5355)
  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

 ここでの pay your duesとchalk job dissatisfaction up to a rough patchの意味を教えてください。 1。ここでの pay your dues は「会費を払う」>それなりの犠牲を払う、という意味です。 2。chalk job dissatisfaction up to a rough patch 仕事への不満は、粗い一部の所為だと我慢する > 何かうまくいかない事があっても、これも仕事のうちと思う」という意味だと思います。 chalk up X to Y 「XをYの賜物(あるいは所為)にする」は、下記などをご覧ください。




その他の回答 (1)

  • 92128bwsd
  • ベストアンサー率58% (2275/3919)

「しかしあなたが5年以内にどこに行く可能性があるか考える時、あなたはまだ興味があると言うことだ。あなたは先の道筋や、あなたの前に現れる仕事のチャンス、仕事で経験を積んだ後に起こる環境の変化など想像することができ、そしてそれはまんざらでもない。 すると、あなたはOKだ。そして仕事で不満足な点を、困難さ、嫌な瞬間、あるはその仕事から学べることとして書き下すことができます。」 pay your dues は、「仕事で経験を積む」他にも、「苦労して(権利を)手に入れる」などありますが、文脈で判断します。 chalk job dissatisfaction up to a rough patch, a bad moment, or part of learning on the job job dissatisfaction 仕事の不満 chalk ~ up 書き留める、記録する でto A, B, or C で、A, B,またはCに対して。 漠然と仕事の不満じゃなくて、困難なこと、嫌な瞬間、学びとなること、などに分類して書いて頭を整理すると言う様な意味合いで書かれているのかと思います。





  • よろしくお願いします

    If you feel that things went beyond “gross” and you were seriously abused or endangered by this ex and that he is a danger to others, you can try having a private chat with the new partner about your experience. you can try havingはyou can try to haveだとどう違うでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 和訳お願いします。 paypal関連です。

    先日、ebayで買い物をしたのですが、支払ページで料金を支払おうとしたのですが、 One or more of the items below cannot be purchased because the seller has not specified shipping costs to the location selected. Change your address or remove the items to continue. You may also contact the seller for an exception. と表示されていて、支払不可能だったので、私から出品者に次のようなメールを送りました。 I have one problem. I try to pay on ebay, but I can not pay when I change my address. I want you to ship Japan. so, is it possible to estimate shipping cost to Japan? and, is it possible send me the invoice again? Thank you. そうすると、出品者から以下のような返事がきました。 It is possible that it is Paypal that won't let you pay. Rather than changing your address as you pay the invoice, go to your Paypal account and I think you can add a shipping address that can be different. Your payment address much match your credit card address - if you change that, the system won't let you pay. It would help me if you could make this change of address, then when I print the shipping label, your address is automatically filled in. Because of my teaching schedule this week, I won't be able to mail this until Thursday or Friday. I will send you another invoice for shipment to Japan. Thank you, とのことなのですが、 It is possible that it is Paypal that won't let you pay. Rather than changing your address as you pay the invoice, go to your Paypal account and I think you can add a shipping address that can be different. Your payment address much match your credit card address - if you change that, the system won't let you pay. のところの意味があやふやで不安です。 このまま、木曜日か金曜日までまってればいいとのことでしょうか? 質問ばかりですみませんが、英語に詳しい方よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語の翻訳お願いします。

    I care so much about you I care about you more than I can say. And that caring and that feeling have a meaning that is more precious and more special to me than I can explain. But let me try to tell you this... Stying ''I care'' means that I will always do everything I can to understand. It means that I will never hurt you. It means that you can trust me. It means that you can tell me. What's wrong. It means that I will try to fix what I can,that I will listen When you need me to hear,and that ~even in your most difficult moment ~all you have to do is say tha word,and your hand and my hand will not be apart. It means that whenever you speak to me,whether words are spoken through a smile or theouge a tear... I will listen with my heart. I do care about you... In a very special wey. メッセージカードの柄としてあったので気になりました。お願いします

  • 英語だらけのたくさんの迷惑メール…どうしたらいいの?

    こんにちは、さっそくですが質問させていただきます。 一ヶ月近く前からこちらのメアドを教えた覚えがないのに、英語だらけのメールが一日に五通くらい送られてきます。 一通一通消すのも面倒だし、第一なんでこちらのアドレスを知っているのかも不安です。 英語だらけで本当になにがかいてあるのかすらわかりません…。。。 前までは画像…というか表のようなものが添付されていましたが、最近は↓のようなものがたくさん送られてきます。 Are you ashamed to visit swimming pools because of your small penis? Forget about your embarrassment with our Penis Enlarge Patch. With Penis Enlarge Patch you can wear a band when you sleep, when you party or whenever you feel like it. No more helpless efforts to enlarge your penis. We invented for you one thing that really works - Penis Enlarge Patch. http://www.kilento.***/pt/?66ads7 本当に困っています。対処法などなんでもいいので教えてください。 では乱文失礼します。

  • Protecting Your ipad3

    Following the initial investment of the ipad 3 ($499.00 - $829.00), the most important question one should ask themselves is: How can I best protect my new purchase?The answer is simple : A case (and, for me, a screen protector). Finding the right case, however, involves a far more in-depth process of how you plan to use your ipad 3. Will it stay home undisturbed except for the occasional movie in bed, or are you constantly on-the-go needing protection from jolting bus rides or the scratches of everything else you've thrown into your book bag.There are some options, including sleeves, hard cases, and soft cases. Sleeves offer lightweight protection for each day use. They routinely have zippered closures, though some sleeves simply slide in and out, and come in a variety of colors and finishes. You can find them in physical stores, online, or can choose to find a pattern and make one yourself. They do not offer much in the protection against dents, though - so if you're rougher than average on your equipment, you may want to consider different things. Hard cases offer a greater protection than sleeves do against dings and dents. By design, most of them are polycarbonate shells and therefore are lighter in weight than you would expect while still offering users use of all of the ports. A tough case ensures that your ipad 3 will stay protected while you're on the go and many of them works in conjunction with Apple's smart covers. Most of the hard cases also provide built in rotation capabilities to view your ipad in a large number of positions and provide equal protection to the front and back of the device. Most soft cases happen to be designed to double as a stand of some sort. While it won't necessarily shield you against dents like a hard case would, your ipad is considered reasonably protected with a soft case / cover combination. Some are a silicone sleeve which literally comes around the corners of your ipad to protect the corners and sides from chips that derive from dropping it and others snap into place and provide most of their protection in the form of a build in screen protector. Whatever case you wind up choosing for your ipad 3, ensure that it is going to work for your requirements. It may cost a little more than you had been hoping to spend, however in the end, it's cheaper than having to buy a new device.

  • or について

    Here we must remember that mere hope or a general belief is not sufficient; nor will it avail to pretend that you can, or try to "bluff" your mind into the idea that you really do think you can. The fact is, that when you actually think that you can, and think so in the very spirit of that conviction, there will be no doubts; absolutely none; and where there are no doubts, there are no impossibilities という文章の Here we must remember that mere hope or a general belief is not sufficient; nor will it avail to pretend that you can, or try to "bluff" your mind into the idea that you really do think you can の部分なんですが、  単なる望みや、一般的な信念は充分ではない、できるように振舞うのも役にたたない、 そしてその後にor があるのですが、 これは あなたができるとはったりをかましてもだめといっているのでしょうか?  それとも  あなたができるとはったりをかますことが重要といっているのでしょうか? 誰かわかるかたがいたら教えてください!

  • 日本語に訳して欲しいです。

    Of course Your work is beautiful and that is what matters to me! Can we try that on a shirt for you? I'll tag you. If it sells, then I'll pay you to do more!! Can you email .png?

  • 次の穴埋めをお願いします。

    1 There are lots of things you can do to make ( ) job application and interview successful. A you B your C they D their 2 Many other people may also be applying for the same job , so ( ) is important that you make a good impression. A this B that C it D he 3 When ( ) for a job , it is likely that you will be asked to fill in an application form or send a curriculum vitae. A apply B applying C applied D will apply

  • 日本語に訳してください

    いつもこちらの回答に頼りっぱなしで申し訳ありません。 どなたか翻訳をお願いします。 His Mars trines your Uranus. This means your relationship with this man will always be always unique and exciting because you encourage each other to be yourselves, to be innovative and inventive, and to live to your fullest potential. You encourage each others strengths and talents in life and the ability to t take a risk in these things and in so doing to change your life a little in a positive way that can be built on. He will give you the courage or inspiration to reach out for what you want. To take your ambitions, your talents, your true desires and to go for it. To take the chance or opportunities and to carve a path out for yourself.. He inspires you to become positive, exciting. His Saturn conjuncts your Pluto. Underneath he feels a little threatened by you. You can also feel that he is often too distant. But this is a good aspect. It means if you have to, you can survive great hardship as a couple. Saturn often has to with endings, it can wreck devastation in life where the past is gone, and the future seems bleak. This can mean personal devastation, such as going through deaths or great material loss. Or it can be things like national disasters. Events that effect not only you but others around you. But Pluto is new beginnings and gives the ability and strength to rise together from the ashes of the past, when these two planets are combined in synastry it gives the couple great fortitude, and the ability to rebuild life anew. Saturn and Pluto mean that an unforeseen fate will have a hand in this relationship, or in the sudden way it eventually end. For all relationships however long they last have an ending. That fate or circumstance you have no control over will suddenly intervene in your lives.

  • 何て書いて(読む)あるんですか?partII

    When something wonderful happens, you can’t wait to tell them about it, knowing they will share in your excitement. They are not embarrassed to cry with you when you are hurting or laugh with you when you make a fool of yourself. Never do they hurt your feelings or make you feel like you are not good enough, but rather they build you up and show you the things about yourself that make you special and even beautiful. There is never any pressure, jealousy or competition but only a quiet calmness when they are around.