What Does 'Complementing Someone Out of the Blue' Mean?

  • Discover the meaning of 'complementing someone out of the blue' and how it relates to our everyday interactions.
  • Explore the significance of stopping to give someone directions, complementing others unexpectedly, and smiling at strangers.
  • Learn how these acts of kindness can challenge the assumption of living in a scary and hateful world.
  • ベストアンサー


It's easy to assume that we live in a scary, hateful world. Everyday the news is filled with stories that show the worst in humanity. It doesn't help that we barely connect with one another, living our days consumed with our needs and responsibilities. This may be what we are led to believe, since our humanity is tested everyday of our lives. Whether it's the simple act of stopping your busy day to give someone directions, complementing someone out of the blue, or simply smiling to a complete stranger. この文のcomplementing someone out of the blueとはどういう意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • corta
  • お礼率76% (4131/5367)
  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

1。 complement は、下記のように「補完する」と言う意味です。  http://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=complement 2。 compliment は、同じ発音で下記のように「褒める」と言う意味です。 http://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=compliment 3。この文のcomplementing someone out of the blueとはどういう意味でしょうか?  「突然、藪から棒に補完する」より、complimenting someone out of the blue「突然、藪から棒に褒める」と言う意味が自然だと思います。  ひところ random act of kindness 「親切のバラマキ」運動というのが流行りましたが、おなじ種類の発想では無いでしょうか。




その他の回答 (1)

  • 92128bwsd
  • ベストアンサー率58% (2275/3919)

out of the blue は、前触れもなく、唐突に https://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=out+of+the+blue complementは完全にする、補完すると言う通常の意味ですが、他のアクションを見ると、 - stopping your busy day to give someone directions 忙しくするのをやめて、誰かに道案内をしたり - smiling to a complete stranger 全く見知らぬ人に話しかけたり なので、同列の親切・良いことだとすると、 - complementing someone out of the blue, 唐突に誰かの心を満たす、誰かの不足を補う、手伝って仕事を終らせる、引き立てる など。英語だとcomplementだけで良いけど日本語だと、一言では難しいです。少し意味が広くなってしまいますが共通項で訳すと、 「唐突に誰かを手助けする」 かな。





  • どのような意味でしょうか

    This past year, I made a new friend with the mother of a child in my daughter's class. "Christina" is intelligent, interesting and funny. I very much enjoy her company, and our children get along great. Sounds perfect, right? Except for this: Christina is constantly inviting us to do things, only to cancel. She cancels at least three-quarters of the activities we plan. She will solicit our attendance, and then (usually at the last minute) remember something else she had planned, or her daughter will be too tired or not interested anymore, etc. I understand that things with kids can be dicey. I know it's normal for children this age to be fickle. The thing that bothers me is that this happens so often, and my daughter is inevitably disappointed. I've tried not telling her about any plans we make until we are on the way to the activity, but even so, that is no guarantee that Christina and her daughter will actually show up. In addition to the school connection, this family also attends our church, so the two children will be seeing each other six out of every seven days for the foreseeable future. school connectionとはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • この"as-as構文"の意味は何ですか?

    Great as are the preoccupations absorbing us at home, concerned as we are with matters that deeply affect our livelihood today and our vision of the future, each of these domestic problems is dwarfed by, and often even created by, this question that involves all humankind. このページからです http://www.bartleby.com/124/pres54.html これは "we are concerned with matters A to the same extent that we are concerned with B." と同じ意味ですか?

  • 次の英文の訳をお願いします

    But with this increased awareness of the Muslim , there is a lack of appreciation of the nuances within our group. The reality is that the vast majority of Muslims are secular and, like me, quite godless. We do not pray five times a day , do not read the Koran and have not spent much time inside a mosque. We only turn to Islam when a child is born , someone gets married or someone dies.

  • That’s big of him.

    Q: Invalid Marriage: We recently found out that my “husband” is still married to his first wife. I feel like a fraud and want to get an annulment. My “husband” feels like it’s no big deal. It’s a big deal to me. What say you, Prudence? A: Someone who marries his second wife while still married to his first wife is someone who would say bigamy is no big deal. That’s big of him. That’s big of him.はどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    Over the last couple of months, we observed the success that this method has produced for several bands and artists alike. It's an unusual method, but it's a new method and it seems this is a way for us to connect with you, our fans, on a much more personal level. We like that. After laying down an ear recipe that is sure to piss off a few neighbors on our new record “The Sun Comes Out Tonight,” we realized it was necessary that we Tour the World and break a few more strings with all of you. This is something we've dreamt about from the very beginning, but to fulfill this dream we are going to need your help. Essentially, the success of this campaign will determine the epicness of the Tour. We want to bring you the very best of Filter. ※ 『The Sun Comes Out Tonight』はアルバム名、『Filter』はバンド名です。

  • making sureになる理由

    It’s important to me that there’s someone I know and trust making sure justice is meted out in a way that’s consistent with our ideals. この文章を訳すことはできるのですが自分でこの文を作れって言われた時にmaking sureになる理由がわかりません。現在分詞になるためと言われてもいまいち理解できず、、、 わかる方解説して下さい。 お願い致します。

  • どのような意味でしょうか

    We recently moved into a house in a suburb that feels like a small town. We like the house, but I’m still not sure about leaving the city. My children love our front yard, and we play out there nearly every day. My children are young, 4 and 1 years old, and the back yard is a hill that is difficult to negotiate for my littlest. a hill that is difficult to negotiate for my littlestはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • どのような意味でしょうか

    My sister-in-law says she is very allergic to cats. She lives six hours away from my Mom. My sister and I have cats and bring them with us when we visit our mom. My sister-in-law asked us if we could put the cats behind a gate or upstairs when she and my brother visit. We believe that our cats are our family members. We refuse to put our cats away just because someone wants us to. Because of this, our sister-in-law stopped visiting. Now she has a baby and this is the first grandchild in the family. She again asked if we would put the cats away while she visits so my mom can visit with her granddaughter. Again, we have refused to do this because our cats are just as important family members as her baby. We told her that she should drop off the baby with my mom, sister and me and that she can relax at the hotel while we visit. She has refused to do this, and now just doesn't visit. She tells my brother to visit whenever he wants, but that she and her baby will stay home. My mom cannot drive to their house, and now my mom has not seen her granddaughter at all. She is very upset. How do we fix this for our mom's sake, without giving up our principles? giving up our principlesとはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 次の文の正しい意味を教えてください。

    10 products that take the fun out of every day life. life.http://www.businesspundit.com/10-products-that-take-the-fun-out-of-everyday-life/ 「毎日の生活から楽しみを奪う10の商品」 サイトを見ると こういう訳だと合わない気がするので、言い訳をどなたか教えてください。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 意味を教えてください

    My fiancee bought a house last year, with a sizable down payment provided by her mother. A few weeks ago, my future mother-in-law expressed the sentiment that we should wait to put my name on the deed of the house in order "to see how the marriage works out." I understand that she wants to protect her investment, but we have decided to combine all of our finances in an effort to show unity, as well as making house-related issues easier for me to handle. I feel like she thinks I'm a gold digger. To make matters worse, my fiancee has trouble establishing boundaries with her mother and did not inform her mother of our plans to combine finances until the other day. put my name on the deed of the houseとestablishing boundaries with her mother の意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします