The Dandelion Clock: Intrusive and Tumble of Mane Explained

  • The Dandelion Clock is a novel by Guy Burt. In this passage, the narrator describes their surroundings and notices some changes. They describe the space as white with a blue cap and mention the lion's mouth.
  • The cafe has changed and is now called Cafe Co-Co. The narrator feels that the plastic chairs and tables are bright and brash on their eyes.
  • The narrator describes the lion's face as big up close but small from a distance. They mention that the lion's eyes look sad at times. The mane around the lion's face is deep brown, similar to the color of the bronze sundial on the church wall and the dandelion clock.
  • ベストアンサー


When it's sunny, the space around you here is white, all white, capped with blue, and the eye is drawn and caught by the bright scatter of water from the lion's mouth. Some things are different, I notice. The cafe is no longer. Toni's: the red, cursive script in the window reads Cafe Co-Co, and the chairs and tables now gathered in are plastic. Small details. They feel bright and brash on my eyes, intrusive. Up close, I know that the lion's face is almost as big as mine; but from a distance he looks small, like a toy or a tame lion. His eyes are dark and sometimes I think he looks sad. The tumble of mane around his face is deep brown, sea-brown, the colour the metal he's made of goes after a long time. It's bronze. I know now; bronze like the sundial on the church wall, and some of the numbers on the gateposts. Like the dandelion clock, too. Guy BurtのThe Dandelion Clockからの英文です。 *********************************************************** They feel bright and brash on my eyes, intrusive. ここのintrusiveはどういう意味にとればよいですか? 辞書には(意見などの)押しつけ、(場所への)侵入、押し入り、などの意味があったのですが、よくわかりませんでした。 The tumble of mane around his face is deep brown, sea-brown, the color the metal he's made of goes after a long time. について tumbleの意味は”乱雑”ですか? the colour the metal he's made of goes after a long time.はどのように読むのでしょうか?文の構造がわかりません。 It's bronze.のItは何を指しているのでしょうか? the tumble of mane around his faceですか? 教えてください。お願いします。

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数4


  • ベストアンサー
  • 92128bwsd
  • ベストアンサー率58% (2275/3919)

> They feel bright and brash on my eyes, intrusive. ここのintrusiveはどういう意味にとればよいですか? 叙情的に表現していると思うので、単語は調べて意味を把握しても、文全体の感情を理解してやくす必要があるのだと思います。なのっで、訳し方は人さまざまだと思います。ここでは昔あった多分お気に入りのToni'sと言うカフェがなくなりかわりにCo-Coと言う店になっていて、テーブルと椅子がプラスチックになっていたいたけどgathered in (かき集められた)と言う感じからしても安っぽく気に入らない感じですね。 They feel bright and brash, intrusive. そいつらはてかてか光ってて落ち着かない。目立ち過ぎだ。 見たいに訳して良いかと思います。 tumbleは乱雑で良いと思います。 the colour the metal he's made of goes after a long time. ですが、the colour of the metal which he's made of の省略かなと思います。goes afterは駆動して「追求する、追い求める、追従する」。go after a long time は長い時間を追い求めるでは意味が通らないので、「長年経過した」かなと思います。つまりthe colour of the metal が長年経過した色になっていると言う感じですかね。 it's bronzeのitはその前のthe metalでしょう。ブロンズでできた教会の日時計の話をしているので、おそらくthe colour, the metal が長年経過した時に状況を教会にあるブロンズ製の日時計を想像させてどんな感じか文章で伝えようとしているのでしょう。



わかりやすいご回答ありがとうございます! 叙情的な表現を感じるのが難しいです。 the colour the metal he's made of goes after a long time.について詳しくご解説いただいてありがとうございました。 省略されたものと、意味がわかりました。

その他の回答 (1)

  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

1。ここのintrusiveはどういう意味にとればよいですか?辞書には(意見などの)押しつけ、(場所への)侵入、押し入り、などの意味があったのですが、よくわかりませんでした。  「そういったものが、眩しく、荒々しく、(古い昔の静けさを求める私の心に)突っ込んでくる」 2。The tumble of mane around his face is deep brown, sea-brown, the color the metal he's made of goes after a long time. について tumbleの意味は”乱雑”ですか? 顔の周りに「ころげるように生えかかった」たてがみ、下記をご覧ください。 3。the colour the metal he's made of goes after a long time.はどのように読むのでしょうか?文の構造がわかりません。  主語:the colour the metal he's made of  動詞:goes  副詞句:after a long time  彼がつくられた(時の)金属の色は、長い月日を経て、なくなっている。何か抜けてませんかね。 4。It's bronze.のItは何を指しているのでしょうか?the tumble of mane around his faceですか?  metal ではないでしょうか。



端的にわかりやすいご回答ありがとうございます! ライオンのたてがみの写真のリンクありがとうございます。中にまぎれものもありましたが(笑) the colour the metal he's made of goes after a long time.は、この通りなのですが、ご説明で主語、動詞と意味がわかりました。


  • わからない個所を教えてください。

    I almost laugh at the convolutions of it all. Alone in a room, trying not to laugh, not allowing myself to think of the girl showering just behind the wall, filling my head with her casually piled suitcases instead. Mad Alex, Jamie would have said.(前回の終わりの部分です) I like him the moment I see him: the way he is staring at the distance, the way he is alone in the garden, the way his face seems to be looking out and at the same time lost in something inside him. Physically we are quite different. Jamie is a year older than me, and taller. While I have my father’s straight fair hair, Jamie’s hair is dark and a little wavy. He is shaped differently, too: where I am rather stocky, he is slender, and he is never as clumsy or awkward as I am. Even before he sees me, and speaks to me, I like him. In my childhood, all is confusion for a time, and then out of this confusion I begin to make sense of my world. Jamie helps me with this, sees things I don’t, asks the questions I can’t, until between us – eventually – we manage to piece together the whole picture. The focus shifts and sharpens and sense and understanding happen. But most of that is still to come. I am six, and Jamie’s parents move into the house at the other end of the row from ours. ****************************************** 主人公のAlexはartistで、展示会に備えるために、幼い頃過ごしたイタリアに戻ってきています。(この英文は回想シーンだと思われます) the way he is staring at the distance, the way he is alone in the garden, the way his face seems to be looking out and at the same time lost in something inside him.の個所は、the way~のフレーズが続きますが、 the way he is staring at the distance(彼が彼方を凝視している仕方?)とthe way his face seems to be looking out のbe looking out の部分が進行形になっているのはなぜなのでしょうか? the way his face seems to be looking out and at the same time lost in something inside him・・・・・彼の顔が外を見ているようで、同時に何か彼の内に夢中になっているように見える仕方(様子)? lostは形容詞ですか? he is never as clumsy or awkward as I amの、clumsyとawkwardの違いがよくわかりません。どちらも不器用な、というような意味だと思うのですが、どういう違いがあって二つの単語をわざわざ使っているのでしょうか? Even before he sees me, and speaks to me, I like him. 彼が私に会う前、そして私に会う前でさえ、私は彼が好きです?ちょっと意味が掴みにくいのですが、どういう事を言っているのでしょうか? Jamie helps me with this, sees things I don’t, asks the questions I can’t, until between us – eventually – we manage to piece together the whole picture. のuntil between us はどう訳すのでしょうか?私たちの間になるまで?? we manage to piece together the whole picture.私たちはなんとかすべての絵をつなぎ合わせます?とは、どうことを言っているのでしょうか?なんとなく、見た世界のものを理解していく、というような感じでしょうか? But most of that is still to come.について、still to comeで、まだ来ない、という意味になるのでしょうか?否定形になる? 教えてください。お願いします。

  • わからない個所を教えてください。

    Once I see one with two tails, lighter than the rest of its body; it lives somewhere near where the wall adjoins Signora Cassi’s house, and I wonder if it has been caught in the kitchen by Lucia.(前回の終わりの部分です) I go along to the end of the wall, and laboriously find footholds and handholds to help me clamber up. I peer over the top, and for a moment I don’t see him, he is standing so still. The garden here is, again, larger than ours, and sunnier as well. There aren’t so many trees, and some angle of the valley side seems to have positioned the lawn so that it catches the evening sun straight-on. The doors and windows of the house, all around the ground floor, are open, and I can hear voices – a man and a woman – inside. There are some of the boxes that came from the van, standing on the edge of the grass, waiting to be taken in. I let my attention wander around the garden, and it is now that I see him: in the shade of a tall purple bush in the border, standing with his hands in his pockets, looking upwards towards where the valley crest reaches the skyline. For a second I think he is looking right at me, but then I see the faraway expression on his face, and know he hasn’t seen me. We stay like that for some time more, he staring at the horizon, I staring at him, like children frozen in a fairytale. Then my foot slips a little, and the sound reaches him, and he shivers and sees me. He looks at once wary, but almost as quickly the wariness vanishes and is replaced by curiosity. He glances towards the house, once, then runs across the garden until he’s standing below me. ****************************************** 主人公のAlexはartistで、展示会に備えるために、幼い頃過ごしたイタリアに戻ってきています。(この英文は子供時代の回想シーンだと思われます) There are some of the boxes that came from the van, standing on the edge of the grass, waiting to be taken in.のbe taken inは、家の中に持ち込まれる、という意味ですか? Then my foot slips a little, and the sound reaches him, and he shivers and sees me.の中でhe shivers and sees me.とありますが、彼が震えたのは(he shivers)、我に返った、みたいな感じですか? He looks at once wary, but almost as quickly the wariness vanishes and is replaced by curiosity.の中のas quicklyのところは、as quickly as の意味ですか?できるだけ早く? 教えてください。お願いします。

  • 日本語に訳してください。よろしくお願いします。

    長文だった為分割して質問させていただきます。 こちらは後半の文章です。 目の周辺のことを書いてあるようなのですが、訳していただけると助かります。 They are fully open eyes, not narrowed. Though he narrows them in strong light as if struggling to see.. The margins at the edges of the lid are sometimes reddish, as if irritated by smoke. The eyes are softly flickering, misty, sidling and shifting as though he tries to fix his gaze on people, but soon his gaze slips away again. Sometimes the eyes look thoughtful dull or transfixed but unseeing idle expression. The face is plump and sympathetic. Though often the face is very still. Not totally devoid of expression, just passive and the expression serene across his frozen face. Not a mobile always changing face. Its only the eyes that change and flicker like moonlight and clouds across his face. The eyelids twitch sometimes into an expression with the face. The eyes look weak though his sight is not good. The face is soft fleshy, pale and poorly defined, but attractive. This is a proud refined face, that is sometimes hard to read..

  • わからない個所を教えてください。2

    On one of the bookshelves is a small black case, lined with worn red velvet, in which Jamie keeps his clarinet. He’s played it to me several times. Once school starts, his parents are going to find him a new teacher here, and he’ll learn new pieces, and play those to me as well. (前回の終わりの部分です) ‘Here. This is the Silver Surfer. You’ll like him. And here’s Spiderman. You know him, of course.’  I nod, unable to confess that I don’t – that I have never before seen the red and blue masked figure that leaps towards me from the page Jamie is holding open. He tells me how Spiderman was normal until he was bitten by a radioactive spider; he points things out, tells me who each of the characters is, passes me other comics to compare. I sit, entranced, while the bright colours and vivid panels of the cartoons accumulate around me, until I am like an island in a pool of brilliantly hued pages. ‘You can borrow them, if you like,’ he says. ‘Take them home to read.’ ‘Thanks!’ I say, but then I realize something. ‘What is it?’ he asks. ‘I – nothing.’ ‘Tell me.’ ‘I can’t read the words,’ I say. ‘I can help you with the long ones,’ he says. ‘No – I mean, I—’  ‘Can’t you read at all?’ he asks. He sounds shocked, but I know he won’t laugh at me or be unkind; he is just amazed that I can live without this essential ability. In a flash of understanding, I look around me at the room and see why he might think this. ‘My dad's teaching me,' I say. ‘Oh,' he says. For a moment he seems at a loss. Then he says, ‘I suppose what you do – you know, the going places in your head – that's like reading stories, isn't it?' ****************************************** 主人公のAlexはartistで、展示会に備えるために、幼い頃過ごしたイタリアに戻ってきています。この英文は幼い頃の回想シーンです。 I nod, unable to confess that I don’t – that I have never before seen the red and blue masked figure that leaps towards me from the page Jamie is holding open.の中の、leaps towards me from the pageというのはどういう意味ですか?ページから私の方へ飛んで行く?? I sit, entranced, while the bright colours and vivid panels of the cartoons accumulate around me, until I am like an island in a pool of brilliantly hued pages. のuntil I am like an island~は「僕が鮮やかな色のページの中のプールの中にある島のようになるまで」ですか??意味がよくわかりません。 In a flash of understanding, I look around me at the room and see why he might think this. の最後のthisは何を指しているのでしょうか?seeは”想像する”という意味ですか? 教えてください。お願いします。

  • わからない個所を教えてください。

    In your head is the key. And I know in that moment that Jamie has already understood me better than my parents and everyone else ever have. I meet his eyes with a surge of gratitude pushing up inside me. I want to say something, but I can’t imagine what.(前回の終わりの部分です) ‘Hey,’ he says. ‘I know.’ His eyes are suddenly bright with inspiration. ‘Ask if I can come over to your house this weekend. To stay, I mean. There’s an annual in one of the boxes with whole stories in it – fourteen episodes, one after the other, so you don’t have to wait a week or find the next issue. I could read it to you, if you want.’ He says this last almost shyly, as if he’s afraid I might say no. ‘That would be great!’ I say. ‘I really like them.’ ‘Yeah,’ he says. ‘Me too.’ Downstairs I hear the sounds of people moving about – his parents, I suppose. He glances towards the door and sighs. ‘It’s time for lunch,’ he says. ‘I’d better go.’ ‘Oh. And me,’ I say. ‘But I’ll see you later.’ ‘Yeah.’ ‘Don’t forget to ask about the weekend,’ he says. ‘Ask if I can stay the night.’ ‘I will,’ I promise. In the darkness, there is the shape of a figure: pale, outlined against the shadows. ****************************************** 主人公のAlexはartistで、展示会に備えるために、幼い頃過ごしたイタリアに戻ってきています。この英文は幼い頃の回想シーンです。 There’s an annual in one of the boxes with whole stories in it – fourteen episodes, one after the other, so you don’t have to wait a week or find the next issue. の個所は、どういうことを言っているのでしょうか? annualは年刊の、という意味ですか?? 教えてください。お願いします。

  • 日本語に訳してください。よろしくお願いします。

    以前にも質問したのですが、もう一度質問させてください。 長文だった為分割して質問させていただきます。 こちらは後半の文章です。 目の周辺のことを書いてあるようなのですが、訳していただけると助かります。 They are fully open eyes, not narrowed. Though he narrows them in strong light as if struggling to see.. The margins at the edges of the lid are sometimes reddish, as if irritated by smoke. The eyes are softly flickering, misty, sidling and shifting as though he tries to fix his gaze on people, but soon his gaze slips away again. Sometimes the eyes look thoughtful dull or transfixed but unseeing idle expression. The face is plump and sympathetic. Though often the face is very still. Not totally devoid of expression, just passive and the expression serene across his frozen face. Not a mobile always changing face. Its only the eyes that change and flicker like moonlight and clouds across his face. The eyelids twitch sometimes into an expression with the face. The eyes look weak though his sight is not good. The face is soft fleshy, pale and poorly defined, but attractive. This is a proud refined face, that is sometimes hard to read..

  • 翻訳をお願いします

    人物の特徴が書いてあるのですが、なんだかよくわかりません。 どんなことが書いてあるか訳してくださいませんか? 宜しくお願いします。 He will have a mean meager stature. With a long handsome face. An narrow oval shaped fleshy face. Light brown hair, that is not curling, The color of brown pepper, and brown sand, dark sands, a shade darker and duller than demerara sugar, a sort of brown mud or light clay with gold dust, old faded gold glint in the strands. Darker brown like old rope, the color between brown and old gold. His head and scalp is hot. The hair is abundant but fine in texture, faintly rippled or tousled, and a little dry at the edges, more oily and darker at the roots. It is thick and style to look thicker, the mingled colors of browns and sand gold that blend into the wholeness like the strands of a rope. A definite light brown, verging on middle brown, not quite bronze, more like dark brown sugar, with the odd pepper brown, or tobacco or old spice or honeyed strand mingled into it. The hair has a shine. The hairline is almost straight at the front of the fore head, waves a little at the sides of the forehead. He has a high intellectual forehead, that is smooth skinned. A rounded thin face, with strong wide cheekbones. His complexion is clear and fair to prawn pink in tone, mingled with a light buttermilk sort of tine. In the summer there are light pepper colored freckles or speckles. His skin is very fine in textured, clean and lucid looking but brittle like paper, and by contrast to the head it is cold to the touch he has a soft featured face. which is thin yet fleshy, not hard and angular. His face is pleasant and rather handsome.

  • 訳の添削とわからない個所について 1

    John Galsworthyという作家の『THE CHOICE』という物語の英文を訳しました。 添削と、わからない個所を教えてください。 *He was a Cornishman by birth, had been a plumber by trade, and was a cheerful, independent old fellow with ruddy cheeks, grey hair and beard, and little, bright, rather watery, grey eyes. 彼は生まれはコーンウォール人でした。彼の商売は配管工で、朗らかで、血色の好い頬、白髪とあごひげ、少し明るい、むしろ薄い灰色の目を持った自尊心の強い老翁でした。 *But he was a great sufferer from a variety of ailments. He had gout, and some trouble in his side, and feet that were like barometers in their susceptibility to weather. しかし彼は非常にいろいろな病気で苦しむ人でした。彼は痛風と若干の悩みと天気に感じやすいバロメーターのような足を持っていました。 (1)  some trouble in his sideのin his sideの個所の訳し方がよくわかりませんでした。 *Of all these matters he would speak to us in a very impersonal and uncomplaining way, diagnosing himself, as it were, for the benefit of his listeners. 彼は自分自身を診断して、まるで傾聴者のために、とても客観的で不満を言わない流儀で私たちにそれらの事柄について話したものでした。 (2) Of all these matters he would speak to us   ここは  he would speak of all these matters to usですか? よろしくお願い致します。

  • わからない個所を教えてください。

    The idea is amazing. In another couple of seconds, I see that I can do the same from my front gate, turning right instead of left. It has never occurred to me before that this might be possible. You get to the rocks and the lizards by going up the tree and over, that is how it has always worked. I have never imagined— (前回の終わりの部分です) ‘What is it?’ he says. ‘Nothing.’ ‘You looked weird.’ ‘I was just thinking,’ I say. ‘Oh.’ He is quiet for a moment. ‘How old are you?’ ‘Six.’ ‘I’m seven,’ he says. ‘So. Where are these lizards?’ I look around me. ‘They’re not here any more,’ I say. ‘They go away when it’s evening.’ ‘Oh,’ he says, sounding disappointed. ‘But you said they were here.’ ‘They’ll be here tomorrow,’ I say. ‘If you could come tomorrow, I could show you some.’ ‘Yeah? OK.’ At that, we both hear a woman’s voice calling, ‘Jamie!’ ‘That’s my mum,’ he says. ‘I’ve got to go. I’ll see you tomorrow. Bye, Alex.’ ‘Bye,’ I call after him, as he runs off around the end of the wall. He runs quickly and easily, his feet sure on the uneven ground, almost as if he is floating. I trudge back to my end of the wall, but rather than climb over, I go around the end, and find to my astonishment that what I have worked out is right: after getting through the fence, I am outside my own front gate. The discovery makes me smile as I go inside, and the smile is made wider by the thought that tomorrow, Jamie and I are going to look for lizards together. ****************************************** 主人公のAlexはartistで、展示会に備えるために、幼い頃過ごしたイタリアに戻ってきています。(この英文は子供時代の回想シーンだと思われます) He runs quickly and easily, his feet sure on the uneven ground, almost as if he is floating.のhis feet sure on the uneven groundは、彼の足はでこぼこの地面の上で確かに、という意味ですか?sureは副詞ですか? 教えてください。 お願いします。

  • わからない個所を教えてください。

    the room is the wrong colour. All the rooms are wrong. I have to change them back. Moving quickly – eagerly – I leave the paintings in the middle of the room and turn my back to them, getting brushes, a screwdriver, levering the lids from the cans of emulsion. I look at the empty expanse of the wall, ready for new paint, and take a deep breath.(前回の終わりの部分です)                *  *  * The Art rooms smell of turpentine and oils – chalk, charcoal – white spirit— The picture I have made is the still life we are supposed to draw, but there is something else – a face breaking through the surface of the picture, half submerged there – his face – Jamie’s face— As soon as I can, I scramble over the wall to wait for Jamie. I have endured the morning’s story with my father and am free now until lunch. It is hot back here already; the sun rises at the head of the valley and sets down over the water, and though this side catches it a little more fully, the whole of Altesa is bathed in light from mid-morning through to sunset. The stones of the waste ground here soak up the heat and hold it, and even after dusk will be warm to the touch, as though alive. Jamie is nowhere to be seen. After a few minutes of walking back and forth, I settle down to wait, finding a comfortable place to sit and raking together a pile of pebbles to throw at the larger rocks. It is warm and I feel lazy and happy. ****************************************** 主人公のAlexはartistで、展示会に備えるために、幼い頃過ごしたイタリアに戻ってきています。この英文は現在からまた過去のシーンに戻っているように思われます。 The picture I have made is the still life we are supposed to draw, but there is something else の中のThe picture I have made is the still life とは静物画のことですか?we are supposed to draw私たちが描くと思われる??受動態になっているのがよくわかりません。なぜなのでしょうか? a face breaking through the surface of the picture, half submerged there – his face – Jamie’s face—について、これは、静物画の表面にJamieの顔が浮かび上がっているような感じなのでしょうか? I have endured the morning’s story with my father and am free now until lunch.の中のthe morning's storyとは朝食の時の会話のことですか? the sun rises at the head of the valley and sets down over the water,のsets downは、沈む、という意味ですか? After a few minutes of walking back and forth, I settle down to wait, finding a comfortable place to sit and raking together a pile of pebbles to throw at the larger rocks. でraking together a pile of pebbles to throw at the larger rocks. とありますが、つまり大きな岩に小石を投げて遊ぶ、みたいな意味でしょうか? 教えてください。  お願いします。