• ベストアンサー


I can still remember how tough it was on Mom after Dad died.

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー

remember の目的語として how tough it was on Mom after Dad died how は「どれほど」という疑問詞で tough と結びつき、 疑問文となる代わりに、間接疑問として it was という語順、 あるいは感嘆文がそのまま節化したもの。 after ~は how 節に対する従属節。 「父さんの死後、母さんがどれほど(なんて)きつかったか、 私は今でも思い出すことができる」

その他の回答 (1)

  • Nebusoku3
  • ベストアンサー率38% (1441/3774)

I can still remember how tough it was on Mom after Dad died. 直訳; 私はいまだ思い出すことができます 母にとって如何にそれが大変だったか 父がなくなった後 意訳: 私は父の死後、母にとってそれが如何に大変だったか今でも思い出すことができます。 I can still remember  私はいまだ思い出すことができます →とあった場合次に →  「何を?」 に相当する部分が必ず次に来ます → how tough it was on Mom  → 母にとって如何にそれが大変だったか いつごろのこと → after Dad died. → 父がなくなった後


  • この曲の和訳ができる方

    The Bird and The Beeの『Heard It On The Radio』より Oh, I can still remember When I heard it on the radio Oh, but now we are September Come on, forget what we know この後半2行をきれいに和訳してもらいたいのですが。 また、全文和訳出来る方がいらっしゃいましたらお願いします。

  • 和訳と解説をお願いします。

    ”Thefacebook was still small. That's because you can only get it in certain schools,” he explained. ”But when Thefacebook opens at a new school, almost all the students join, and almost all of them visit the site every day.” That's because you can only get it in certain schools, のyouは誰、または何を指しているのかわかりません。文脈からyouに置き換わるものの見当がつきません。この一文の主語はThefacebookではないのですか?それならitになるとおもうのですが..... 解答よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳をお願いします

    長文で申し訳ありませんが、和訳をお願いします Oh I think you're facing a big challenge in your life now. I hope & I know that you can pass in all of those troubles & challenges that comes to you! No matter what happen always remember that "don't focus on how stressed you are, always remember how blessed you are!" Just Enjoy life & remember how lucky we are cause we're still surviving! Well I'm gonna share a picture & I hope it can spire you.... These are some of the pictures of those kids who we can say unlucky because they don't experience even the easiest way of living or simple life because they are growing up without their family beside them... In their poor age they have to experience some illness that they don't deserve...but still God give reason for them to smile...& for me if I'm going to compare what I have now, what challenges I'm facing now... It's nothing with all those kids experienced & nobody knows what will happen in their future... Just see how lucky we are!

  • 和訳してください

    和訳してもらいたいです。 きれいに和訳できなくて お返事ができていません(>_<) よろしくお願いします Human relations are sucks! I think is too difficult thing! I understand your worry... The time pass by ours eyes, but the basic worries are the same! Always the same! our heart have a lot of worries about love, emotions... I still suffer, I still need hope, I still need run after my dreams!... Sometimes we need be calm and remember who we are! If we don't know, sourch it, is an good idea! I still sourch my self, cause time after time, I forget... I forget cause the problems, worries and sufferings can make me blind a little bit... And I start again! If you need tell me your problems, I can be your friend to talk about! Be fine, friend!

  • すみません和訳お願いします。

    すみません和訳お願いします。 ======================= I'm not sure if it was you I talked to on phone yesterday. If so sorry our connections was very poor. You can get me on e-mail [・・・・@gtzpsda.co.ke] or [・・・・・・@gtz.de]. As I was trying to explain to you, I'm only assured of funds mid April and depending on my budgetary requirement I could place order if I can manage. I propose we wait a while while things work out on this end than we see if we can manage deal should the vehicle still be available. Best wishes & regards for your business George

  • 和訳宜しくお願いいたします

    The best memory I have had so far of Junior High School was its Field Day. This was the best because my friends and I joined the cheering competition. We danced and sang our school song. I still remember song's title " PUT THE TITLE here" My heart was filled with joy on this day. Unfortunately, we did not win and I honestly felt bad about it because we only got the 2nd prize. Nevertheless, I have learned from this experience; it is the importance of friendship, cooperation and sportsmanship. I am thankful and I will forever treasure this memory.

  • 和訳してもらいたいです

    The sun was just coming up. I was in my sleeping bag, still half-asleep. Suddenly I heard an animal approaching. I slowly raised my head and looked over my feet. A female lion was coming toward me. I wanted to wake my wife Delia but I was afraid to move, because we were now on the open fields of the Kalahari. The lion walked past us to a bush ten feet away, and lay down next to a big male lion. Delia was wide awake now, and whispered to me, “Mark, look at the scar on his leg. Isn’t that Bones? ” Yes, it was the lion we named Bones. I had performed surgery on his broken leg a few years before. Turning my head, I saw lions sleeping around us, nine in all. We were in bed with a group of wild lions! Even after having lived on the Kalahari for five years, it was still a surprising and wonderful experience. (1)What did Mark hear when he was in his sleeping bag? (2)What did Delia see on the lion’s leg? (3)How many lions were sleeping around Mark and Delia? 和訳して(1)(2)(3)の問題に英語で答えてもらいたいです。

  • 和訳と解説お願いします!

    Then I was a young professional , doing extremely well , helping people , getting the respect of my colleagues and supervisors , yet still pushing myself , still believing that I wasn't quite where I could be and that if I only worked harder and accomplished more , I could get to where I thought I belonged. I was twenty-eight years old then-and,yes. 仮定法過去の用法やらが使われているのは理解できますが、 関係詞のthatやカンマで くくられている部分がありすぎて 使われている文法も見抜けず、うまく訳せません。。。 どなたか解説お願いいたします!!

  • 和訳がわかりません。

    I want to perm the hair like A, but how can I do that? 「Aのようなパーマをかけたいが、どうのように指定すればいいですか。」 の対訳として、上記のような英訳をもらったのですがいいでしょうか。 itは特になにもさしていないのに、 itを使っていいのでしょうか。

  • how hectic it can be.

    NHKラジオ英会話講座より Well,it's never easy. I'm sure you remember how hectic it can be. あの、決して簡単でないです。どれだけ大変なことかはっきり覚えてますよね。 (質問)「どれだけ大変なことか」を[how hectic it can be.]で表現しています。[can be]のフィーリングがどうも掴みづらいのですが、「ありうる」(可能性)と考えるべきでしょうか?何かしっくり来ません。馴染める様、易しいアドバイスをお願いいたします。以上