• 締切済み


和訳をお願いします。 Although the Greek ranks included such famous heroes as Achilles, Ajax and the wily Odysseus, their task was not to be an easy one, for the Trojans had great warriors of their own and Troy was strongly fortified. よろしくお願い致します。


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 ギリシャの強者の中には、アキレス、大アイアース、それに権謀術策のオディッセウスなどの有名な英雄が含まれていたにもかかわらず、彼らの仕事も楽ではなかった(=彼らの相手も手強かった)というのは、トロイ側にはトロイの偉大な戦士たちが居たばかりでなく、トロイの町は強固に防御されていたからである。 https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%A4%A7%E3%82%A2%E3%82%A4%E3%82%A2%E3%83%BC%E3%82%B9



  • QA125

    QA125 He set himself to finish the tale of Troy, which, so far as events were concerned, had been left half-told by Homer, by tracing the course of events after the close of the "Iliad". 彼はトロイの物語を完成させた。これは、いろいろな出来ごとに関して、『イーリアス』の完成後、それら(events)の後を辿りながら、ホメーロスによって語られた(the tale of Troyの)残り半分である。 *halfとtoldの間に意味不明な記号と数字がある時は、ハイフォンに訂正してください。うまく変換されないために生じたエラーです。 質問 (1)half-told by Homerのhalfについて (1)-1 「ホメーロスによって語られた話(のうち)の半分」でしょうか (1)-2 「the tale of Troyのうち、ホメーロスによって語られた残りの半分」     でしょうか。とすれば、「Hによって語られなかった残り半分」となる。  (2)He set himself to finishについて     Heとはミレトスのアルクティノスで間違いないと思いますが、     「完成させた」、「完成させる決意をした」のどちらでしょうか。 QA126 The "Aethiopis" thus included the coming of the Amazon Penthesilea to help the Trojans after the fall of Hector and her death, the similar arrival and fall of the Aethiopian Memnon, the death of Achilles under the arrow of Paris, and the dispute between Odysseus and Aias for the arms of Achilles. こうして、『エティオピス』はヘクトールの死と彼女の死の後に、トロイ軍を支援するためのアマゾンの女王アマゾン・ペンテシレイアの到来、同じようなエティオピア人メムノンの到来と死、アレクサンドロス(Paris)の矢を受けたアキレウスの死、そして、アキレウスの両腕をめぐるオデュッセウスとエイジャックス(Aias)との言い争いを含めた。 質問 (1)Similarについて the Amazon Penthesileaと同じような(arrival and fall)であるという意味でしょうか。 (2)includeについて 「追加して完成させた」が考えられる。やはり「含めた」でしょうか。 *Penthesilea; Penthesileia was an Amazonian queen, daughter of Ares and Otrera, *Memnon; In Greek mythology, a king of the Ethiopians. The son of Tithonus (of the Trojan royal house) and Eos (Dawn), he fought bravely for his uncle Priam against the Greeks, and was slain by Achilles. *Aris In Greek myth, son of Telamon, king of Salamis, and Eriboea or Periboea called Telamonian Ajax After Achilles' death there was a dispute between Ajax and Odysseus over who should receive his armour as a mark of personal prowess, and by the votes of the Greek leaders the armour was adjudged to Odysseus; Ajax went mad with resentment and killed himself. In fact various stories of his death were told in antiquity.

  • QA125~QA126 二回目の質問

    QA125~QA126 二回目の質問 一回目の質問で、回答者のgoogoo1956さんから、QA126の構文について 次の回答が寄せられました。  “・・・「include ~」は、「主語が~を含む」または「主語の中には~が含まれる」と訳すことが基本です。したがって、「エティオピスには、このようにして、AとBとCとDという内容が含まれるようになった(含まれていた)。」という訳が良いでしょう。” この部分について、ここで確認させて下さい。 QA126 The "Aethiopis" thus included the coming of the Amazon Penthesilea to help the Trojans after the fall of Hector and her death, the similar arrival and fall of the Aethiopian Memnon, the death of Achilles under the arrow of Paris, and the dispute between Odysseus and Aias for the arms of Achilles. 新たな解釈 こうして、『エティオピス』は(A)ヘクトールの死と彼女の死の後に、……、 (B)同じようなエティオピア人メムノンの……、(C)アレクサンドロス(Paris)の矢を 受けたアキレウスの……、(D)そして、アキレウスの両腕をめぐるオデュッセウスと エイジャックス(Aias)との言い争いという内容を含めるようになった。 (ABCDは構文を掴むために、付けたものです) 質問 回答者(googoo1956さん)の構文の捉え方によると、   構文1=included AとBとCとD と云うことですが、原文をよくみると、”and”が二つあります。   このandとABCDを組み合わせると。      included A, and B, C, and D.という配列になります。   これは (A, the similar arrival and B), C, and D.のよう解されて 構文2=included (A, B), C, D. とイメージされます。      これを訳せば、構文1と構文2は同じ文章になるでしょう。    これで良いでしょうか。 * Similarの訳語をちゃんと入れれば、自ずと、AとBとCとDという構文とな り、疑問の余地はありません。 googoo1956さんはこれらを見抜いた上で回答されたと思います。 なんだか、ばつの悪い質問になりました。 このQA126は、質問ではなく、こんな検討を行ったというだけの意味になる でしょう。しかし、何かご意見があればお寄せいただきたいと思います。

  • 英文の和訳で困っています 和訳を助けてください

    英文の和訳で困っています 和訳を教えていただきたいです よろしくお願いします!! As in all Greek and Roman cities, the public building works of Pompeii were supervised, and in many cases funded, by wealthy individuals who advertised their generosity in dedicatory inscriptions. The survival of such inscriptions in at least two cases links new buildings with the colonists. The first was the ‘’covered theatre’’, the dedication of which names two leading colonists, C. Quinctius Valgus and M. Porcius, as founders. Built immediately to the east of the pre-existing large theatre, this is often called an ‘’odeion’’ and interpreted, like the Greek buildings of that name, as a concert-hall for musical performances and recitations; but it is highly unlikely that Roman ex-soldiers would have been much interested in promoting Greek culture in this way.

  • 英語の和訳をお願いします。

    It is scarcely too much to say that the Norman Conquest transformed the English launguage, and therefore its litereture. French became the language of the upper classes in their castles and fortified manor-houses, English the language of the hovel, where illiterate serfs modified or dropped the elaborate literary inflections, and the artificial poetic diction of the minstrels’ word-hoars was forgotten. As a result, though the twelfth century was a brilliant period of Anglo-Latin lit-erature, English prose was written mainly for the edification of the masses, and poetry scarcely at all.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    With the vital port firmly in Greek hands, all the other allies could hope for was a customs-free dock in the harbor. In the meantime, operations in the Epirus front had stalled: against the rough terrain and Ottoman fortifications at Bizani, the small Greek force could not make any headway. With operations in Macedonia complete, Constantine transferred the bulk of his forces to Epirus, and assumed command. After lengthy preparations, the Greeks broke through the Ottoman defences in the Battle of Bizani and captured Ioannina and most of Epirus up into what is today southern Albania (Northern Epirus). These victories dispelled the tarnish of the 1897 defeat, and raised Constantine to great popularity with the Greek people.George I was assassinated in Thessaloniki by an anarchist, Alexandros Schinas, on 18 March 1913, and Constantine succeeded to the throne. In the meantime, tensions between the Balkan allies grew, as Bulgaria claimed Greek and Serbian-occupied territory. In May, Greece and Serbia concluded a secret defensive pact aimed at Bulgaria. On 16 June, the Bulgarian army attacked their erstwhile allies, but were soon halted. King Constantine led the Greek Army in its counterattack in the battles of Kilkis-Lahanas and the Kresna Gorge. In the meantime the Bulgarian army had started to disintegrate: beset by defeat in the hands of Greeks and Serbs, they were suddenly faced by a Turkish counterattack with fresh Asian troops finally ready, while the Romanians advanced south, demanding Southern Dobrudja. Under attack on four fronts Bulgaria sued for peace, agreed to an armistice and entered into negotiations in Bucharest. On the initiative of Prime Minister Venizelos, Constantine was also awarded the rank and baton of a Field Marshal.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    The Entente continued with their attempts for a breakthrough against the Bulgarians in the area of the River Crna in the next year again without any success. The allied offensive in spring 1917 was a failure. The Bulgarian-German army continued to hold the Macedonian Front against French, British, Serbian and Greek troops until the Franco-Serbian breakthrough at Dobro Pole on 15 September 1918.

  • 英語(和訳)わかるかた教えてください!!

    次の和訳を教えてください!!  HOW MUSEUMS BEGAN by Robert A paine The word "museum" comes from the Greek word mouseion, mean-ing "temple of the muses", The Muses were goddesses of the arts,whose lives were removed from the cares of everyday life. One of the institutions to be called a mouseion was founded in Alexandria, Egypt, in the 3rd century B.C. The aim of the Museum of Alexandria, as it was known, was to collect information from everywhere that could be of interest to scholars. Scholars lived and did their research here. The museum displayed a collection of ob-jects of art and curiosities that included statues, instruments used in astronomy and surgery, elephant tusks, and hides of unusual animals. such a museum as the Museum of alexandria might today be known as an institute for scientific research. Some of the early Greek temples displayed a jumble of objects with no plan or order. Works of art were shown together with bones of prehistoric animals and other objects of natural history.

  • 英語の和訳をお願いします。

    A new era began when the LaTene Celts invaded Britain in the fifth century B C and, armed with iron swords against which the soft bronze weapons of the natives were useless, established themselves as a feudal aristocracy. Iron, however, al-though it revolutionized warfare and industry, is less beauti-ful than gold and bronze, and for ornaments these were the metals they mainly demanded of their craftsmen. It was an age of domestic squalor and barbaric splendour, for these Celtic warriors cared little for their homes and lavished their wealth on personal adornment: bronze scabbaeds, helmets, and shields, necklaces of twisted gold, bronze mirrors for their women, bronze masks and trappings for their horses. They enriched the geometric design of the Bronze Age with new motifs derived from Italy, in particular the tendril and anthemion, the formalized honeysuckle ornament of classsical Greece, and developed a flowing curvilinear form that has the coiled energy of a spring.

  • QA129~QA130

    QA129~QA130 QA129 His work included the adjudgment of the arms of Achilles to Odysseus, the madness of Aias, the bringing of Philoctetes from Lemnos and his cure, the coming to the war of Neoptolemus who slays Eurypylus, son of Telephus, the making of the wooden horse, the spying of Odysseus and his theft, along with Diomedes, of the Palladium: the analysis concludes with the admission of the wooden horse into Troy by the Trojans. 試し訳 彼の作品にはオディッセウスにアキレウスの武具を与えること、アイアースの狂気、 レムノスからピロクテテスを連れてきて、彼(Philoctetes )を治すこと、ネオプトレムスがテレフスの息子、エウリピルスを殺す戦いに加わること、木馬を作ること、オディッセウスがディオメデースと二人だけで、パラディウムをスパイすることと窃盗を含む。この検討はトロイア軍の手でトロイ城の中に木馬を入れることを認めることで終わる。 質問 by the Trojansについて 城門から中へ入れるのですが、トロイ軍の手で行うのか、市民の手で行うのか はっきりしません。 ‘トロージャン’と訳すのもおかしいと思います。 QA130 It is known, however (Aristotle, "Poetics", xxiii; Pausanias, x, 25-27), that the "Little Iliad" also contained a description of the sack of Troy. 試し訳 しかし(アリストートルの『政治』xxiiiまたはパウサニアス編x,25-27によると)、『小イーリアス』はトロイの略奪の記述を含むことで知られる。 質問 「試し訳」のみ

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    That the Ottoman Empire's intention was to strongly occupy Romani and Kantara is supported by preparations in the southern territory of Palestine adjacent to, and extending into, the Sinai. These included extending the Palestine railway system to Wadi El Arish, with a good motor road beside the railway. Cisterns and other works were constructed along this route to store water and at Wadi El Arish, enormous rock cut reservoirs were under construction in December 1916 when the Anzac Mounted Division reached that place just before the Battle of Magdhaba.[Murray, Lawrence and Chauvel have all been criticised for letting von Kressenstein's force escape.

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