• ベストアンサー


Will I? Um. I'm sorry but I'm not really looking for a meet in person. But there are car rentals for cheep and good. And there's guides. Tours of big city's. And for the little ones every one is really welcoming. Will I? Um. とありますが、これはもしかすると文章を作った人の間違えかもしれないです。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9728/12102)

>Will I? Um. I'm sorry but I'm not really looking for a meet in person. >But there are car rentals for cheep and good. And there's guides. Tours of big city's. And for the little ones every one is really welcoming. ⇒おおよそ、以下のような感じだと思います。 (意訳) 私はどうか、ですか? う~ん、残念ながら私は、個人的にお会いする気はありません。 しかし車は、安くて、良いレンタルがあります。それにガイドもいます。大都市ツアーもあります。そういう個々の小項目については、すべて大歓迎です。 以上、ご回答まで。





  • わかりやすい日本語にしてください

    1.Which certain guide will go with you on tours we will know the day before your trip. 2.And you can be sure that transport and guide will be ready for your tours! 3.And please don't change your plans for the tour with us as we prepare transport, guides and our schedule for you.

  • 次の英文を日本語にしてください。

    I did not take pictures due to my Camera being replaced この文章と I'm more of the universal type um my most music I listen to is metal but then rock takes second place from there country uh rnb/rap uh love japanese music lol especially ones with either the soft melodies or the upbeat music I watch anime and it's in japanese so the songs are as well so I pretty much enjoy listening to just about all musicこの文章を翻訳お願いします。

  • 次の英文から日本語の翻訳は正しいですか?

    yes, but its the best i can do for now is going to china because its close to japan , but i will learn also Chinese. and i will do all my best to learn both . I still haven't decided yet where to go but, i don't want to go to a major city because of the pollution. but i do want to be near an airport because i plan to travel a lot when i live there i guess it will be difficult to learn Japanese and Chinese , but i speak 3 languages so i am positive so tell me what do you do for a living, why do you want to study English? そうです。しかし、中国に行くのが今の私のベストな選択です。なぜなら日本は閉まったからです。しかし私は中国語を学びます。両方の言語を学ぶのが私のベストです。私はまだどこに行くか決めていないが、メジャーな都市には行きたくないです。なぜなら公害があるからです。しかし私は空港に近くに住みたいです。それは計画の中に旅行が多く含まれているからです。 私が推測するに日本語と中国語では勉強に違いがあります。しかし、私は3つの言語をしゃべります。私は前向きです。 あなたに聞きたいです。なぜ生きていますか?なぜ英語が勉強したいですか? この英文から日本語への翻訳は正しいですか?よろしくお願いします。

  • 日本語に訳していただきたいです

    Well, I bet you wouldn't really like me with long hair (^~^); Yes, he is mostly known by his mullet. w Mullet were popular in Brazil during the 1980s and in the 1990s As far as I know, nowadays only people from Argentina and USA truck drivers does use mullets. ww Someday you can see them directly (^-^) I would like to see your cute face personally too! I wish it can happen soon. Yeah, it is a bit far from areas that can be affected by flooding. It depends on the luck, but I still haven't see myself any fish www Yeah, it's indeed sad. But people now are used to the flooding. You might really have superpowers. w Since it started to rain again after I saw your message. ww But the rain was short now (^^) I don't like the sound of thunder (>_<) But I bet you will love them here in Sao Paulo~ They're really frequent. w But still, it's really an interesting fact. Monkeys do have a pretty luxurious life there in Japan ww Maybe yes. w It will be nice to see her on a UFO cutely like that~ Honestly, I hadn't the luck on seeing one. But I heard some histories about UFOs here in Brazil. There's even a city famed for one UFO history in 1996 :3 I think I heard the name "ume" once, but I never knew it's meaning. That's really nice! The beautiful moment of the plum blossoms! :3 Does Oita have tons of cherry blossoms and plum blossoms in spring?

  • 日本語にして下さい

    Thank you very much for your responce. Are you alright? Please know that I think you are very pretty and there's better guys out there for you. He will one day get what he deserves

  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい。

    アメリカのネットショップで小物を購入しました。 残念ながら不良品が届いてしまったのでその事を相手に伝えたら返事が来ました。すみませんが意味を教えて下さい。お願いします。 I will get back you tomorrow, most of our AAA are new there are some older ones, for the below ones I will ask if we can replace it with newer ones or a refund I am so sorry. I don’t know why they did not check it before, usually they always do I will get back to you shortly and I am sure I will resolve the issue, thank you in advance for your patience and understanding.

  • 日本語にして下さい!!よろしくお願いします。

    Although an email is not enough, and a video is not enough as well, I want to try to tell you how much I appreciated your gift! I got so, deeply moved from this…that I don’t even know what to say (and this is so rare!). I was expecting to receive my new watercolor brushes today, so, when the postman rang the doorbell, I though ‘YEPPEEE!!! My new brushes! Hurray!’ and I hurried to the door! Then he said: “There are 2 packages for you boy!”. I thought “Weird, the sent 2 packages for 3 small brushes?”. Then I read what was written on one of them… and I totally forgot about brushes. It was your gift. I was...stunned! Surprised! Totally, incredibly happy. I went back inside, here in front of my pc. And I started shaking, as I was so…! I opened it, and saw your sweet presents, and sent you the SMS and LINE messages, then read the letter. Yes, I did cry (please, don’t think I am a crybaby! XD). I got really moved by what you did. You know I like Ranma and bought me something about it...it's...I can’t describe how happy I am, that's why I will record the video right after finishing the email. And I love everything you sent me! The Christmas Origami, so beautiful and delicate!. And the Onsen souvenir ;__; thank you for thinking about me when you went there…! And the stamps, and the letter… Mika! There are so many things I would like to be able to say. Mika, you are so special for me, thank you! I will now record the video, and write the transcript of what I say (I hope I don’t start crying! XDDDD I promise I won’t!) Take care, Mika, I am with you. Always. Don’t ever feel alone. Because if you need, I will be with you. I will never leave you alone! Fabio The transcript of the video------------ gosh XD okay I cried but just a little XDDDD Sorry! Hi….hey! Its….hard to find the right words to thank you. I wrote it in the email but I want to thank you. I know it’s not enough, it will never be enough…a video, or an email! I…. I am really, really happy…uhm…for…for what you sent me. I really like these (showing ranma notebooks)…. I like this (the souvenir from onsen). I like…the stamps….and the letter! And this…well, you wrote on it so I like it! I…I am so happy of it. And… I don’t know exactly what I want to say! Because…uhm… (pause) I said I would have done that but I’m doing it XD don’t worry! It’s just…thank you. I appreciate it, I appreciate it so much! And… If I ever feel alone… I will… shake this! I will shake this and I will know you are somewhere and… hopefully happy! And….uhm! Sorry… And… aww my voice sorry! I am so so happy you sent me these things that I don’t even know what to say… now you’ll think I’m a crybaby right? I am not a crybaby…but…I, I am… I got so moved from your present that really I don’t know what to say! And….Sorry….! Sorry I am so happy that I can’t help it. I am a crybaby right? XD You think so! But… uhm…uhm….yes! thank you…thank you so much! Thank you so much! For your really… unique gift! Thank you!

  • 次の英文を翻訳してください。

    Great job oo! Thank you for helping me get this book also. If there are other ways you would like to learn I have worksheets and will help any way I can. Just let me know what you want to learn and we will go from there. I am looking forward to another lesson tomorrow! よろしくお願いします。

  • 次の英文を和訳してもらえませんか?

    いつもありがとうございます。以前もらったメールを読み返していたところ、わからない文章がありました。その時はニュアンス程度に考えていたのですが、やっぱりはっきりと意味を知りたいので、教えていただけたら嬉しいです。 (1)I have interest in movies since only short time (2)are you dominating woman? (3)I am not religious, and it's hard for me to believe something will really work. (1)はsinceとonlyの使い方がわかりません。「短い時間だけ」?としたらonlyは・・・? (2)はdominationって支配的と訳していいのでしょうか? (3)は…宗教家じゃないので、何かを信じることが難しい、のだと思いますが、will really workをどう文に絡めたらいいのかがわかりません。 どうぞ宜しくお願いします。

  • 次の英文の日本語訳を教えて頂けますでしょうか。

    お世話になります。 次の英文は、海外の質問サイトに投稿されていたものなのですが、日本語訳を教えて頂くことできますでしょうか。 Should I work for Ernst & Young? I've been offered a debt collection role there and I've not worked for professionals before and am unsure if I'll find it too stiff & formal. I've worked in a variety of industries but none where I had to wear a suit & deal directly with highly important people in the company (in this case dealing directly with the partners). I'm a little intimidated at having to have meetings with individual partners, are they generally nice or high and mighty & looking down on you as though you're a subordinate? お力をお貸し頂ければ幸いです。 何卒宜しくお願い致します。