• 締切済み


1.The deer walked toward us. (slowlyを適当な場所に入れる) 2.It is astonishing how noble the lady is. (astonishingを適当な副詞の形に変えて単文に書き換える) 3. I admire him more than anybody else in the world. (mostを用いて書き換える) お願いします!!!

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数0



1. ● The deer ● walked ● toward us ●. 答えを一つに限定することは不可能です。4ヶ所の●のどこに入れても構いません。答えが一つだけなら、その問題集(先生)は誤りです。 2. 単文なので思いつくところでは、 The lady is astonishingly noble. となりますが、元の文とは同じ意味ではありません。 問題「高貴であることは驚くべくこと」→「見かけや噂とは逆で、彼女が高貴であることが驚き」 解答「驚くほど高貴」→ astonishingly は noble の修飾後以外の用法はありません。 3. I admire him most in the world. (mostを用いて書き換える)


  • この英文の違い

    1.This book is the most interesting of all. (この本はすべての本の中で最もおもしろい。) 2.He walked the most slowly of them all. (彼は彼らの全員の中で最もゆっくり歩きました。) 二つ目の文は 「of them all」 とthem がall の前に入っていますが、一つ目の文は all の前に何も入っていません。名詞の場合は何も入れないということですか?? この二つの文の違いについて教えてください。よろしくお願いします。

  • 訳のヘルプお願いします!!

    The dream of the race is that it may make itself better and wiser than it is,and every great philosopher or artist who has ever appeared among us has turned his face away from what man is toward whatever seems to him most godlike that man may become. 「競争の夢は、本当の競争よりもよかったり、賢かったりすることがあるかもしれない。そしてかつて存在した偉大な哲学者や芸術家達はみな、人間がなれるかもしれない最も神に近いと(自分にとって)思われるどんなものからも顔を背けてきた。」 としてみたのですが、最初の部分の意味が訳してみても、よくわかりません。 またfrom what man is toward whatever seems to him most godlike that man may become.の部分の構造がはっきりとはわからないのですが、教えていただけないでしょうか。 whatever seems godlikeでひとくくりなのはわかりました。大学入試の問題だったらしいです。 どうかよろしくお願いします。

  • ちょっと気になってます【9】

    下記の文章を英語で言うとどうなるのでしょう。 気が付いたところだけでいいので教えてください。 よろしくお願いします。 1. for the sake of God. (成句のようです。意味をよろしくお願いします。) 2. ~,off to one side,~ (off の意味がわかりません。) 3. Tell me of your companions. It means of noble birth. (of の用法を教えてください。) 4. I will attend him in good time. (「彼を長い時間待つことだろう。」でいいのでしょうか。) 5. We are to the Lady Claire. (Lady Claire は人名です。be to で、どのようなことを意味するのでしょうか。訳をお願いします。) 6. He is on every tongue. (意味を教えてください。) よろしくお願いします。

  • validationの訳し方

    DEAR ABBY: We have three grandchildren and are due to make our annual visit. Two of the children are easy to plan for, and we have good relationships with them. The third is a 12-year-old boy with Down syndrome, and we struggle with how to deal with him -- what to do and what to buy him. Any ideas? -- UNSURE IN THE SOUTH DEAR UNSURE: The most important thing you can bring with you on your visit is a heart filled with love, and the determination that your grandson will know you love him. Spending one-on-one time together would make him feel special. Every child needs validation and affection on their journey toward adulthood. ここでのvalidationはどう訳したら良いでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 英語の問題です・・・・・

    各文の( )に入る最も適当なものを選びなさい。 1. Poor Nancy! I bought the same dress for $20 ( ). ア.few イ.fewer ウ.little エ.less 2. Mozart was ( ) the most talented musician in those days. ア.very イ.by far ウ.well エ.a bit 3. Kazuo has a very big family. He has no ( ) than ten children. ア.much イ.more ウ.little エ.fewer 4. She is second to ( ) when it comes to speaking English. ア.none イ.anybody ウ.someone エ.all 5. "You must have been tired of the boring meeting." "Not ( )." ア.at best イ.at least ウ.in the best エ.in the least 6. He is as great an artist as ( ) lived. ア.any イ.ever ウ.never エ.can 申し訳ありませんが、お願いします。

  • 文法問題ですが、おしえてください。

    ◆それぞれの選択肢から選んで空所に適当な代名詞を入れよ。 問1:Between you and ( ), I am not sorry that he has quit his job. (1)her (2)him (3)me (4)yourself 問2:This hat is too expensive; I will take that white ( ). (1)it (2)that (3)mine (4)one 問3:It is one thing to enjoy listening to good music, but it is quite ( ) to perform skillfully. (1)nothing (2)something (3)other (4)another 問4:God helps ( ) who help themselves. (1)those (2)none (3)somebody (4)nobody 問5:Every passenger has to carry ( ) own baggage. (1)that (2)those (3)theses (4)their ◆空所を埋めるのに適当なものをa, an, the, 無冠詞のうちから選べ。 問1:Paris is ( ) old city in Europe. (1)a (2)an (3)the (4)無冠詞 問2:We saw Mr.Hopkins off at ( ) station of our town. (1)a (2)an (3)the (4)無冠詞 問3:My brother washes his face twice ( ) day. (1)a (2)an (3)the (4)無冠詞 問4:I called up my aunt on ( ) telephone. (1)a (2)an (3)the (4)無冠詞 問5:( ) New York Times is one of the most famous newspapers in the United States. (1)a (2)an (3)the (4)無冠詞

  • on your senses

    Dear Annie: I have a problem that I have never seen in your column. My 64-year-old father-in-law sends my middle-aged husband pornographic pictures. My husband and I share the same email address, and the last picture was extremely explicit. My husband does not check his email regularly. When he does, he ignores most of his father's stuff, thank heavens. I haven't deleted these emails, but I now think my father-in-law is a total creep. Is there anything I should do? I hope he sees himself in this letter. -- Offended Wife Dear Offended: Is your husband aware that his father is sending him these photos? If not, tell him. Then ask whether he wants to receive these pictures. He may not care, or he may prefer not to confront his father. Since they're meant for him, he should have the final word, although you can encourage him to tell Dad to stop. We also recommend that you open your own email account so you are not subjected to this assault on your senses. on your sensesはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 副詞の問題です!

    つぎの文に誤りがあれば訂正してください! 1. Father came to home lately last night. 2.He works so hardly that he will be able to pass the examination 3.I cannot hardly hear you. 4.If you don't go, I won't go too. 5.After years of absence, he found his wife very changed. 6 I have seen both,but I like the smaller one best. 7 It may sound strangely,nevertheless it is true. 8 They love playing tennis better than any other game.

  • 源氏物語の翻訳について

    いつも回答をありがとうございます。 A.Waleyの源氏物語英訳(桐壺)を読んでいます。 わからないところを教えていただいて 少しずつ読んでいかれればと思っています。 英語の勉強もしたいと思っています。 続きをよろしくお願い致します。 1) Again the Emperor strove for self-possession in the presence of his messenger. ●再び帝は彼の使いのすぐそばで感情の抑制を得ようと骨を折った。・・・・・? 2) But as he pictured to himself the time when the dead lady first came to him ,a thousand memories pressed thick about him,and recollection linked to recollection carried him onward,till he shuddered to think how utterly unmarked,unheeded all these hours and days had fled. ●But as he pictured to himself the time when the dead lady first came to him しかし彼は亡くなった桐壺更衣が初めて彼のところに来た時を彼自身心に描いたとき・・・・・? ●a thousand memories pressed thick about him 千の思い出が彼を濃厚に押し・・・・? thick・・・・・濃厚に? ●and recollection linked to recollection carried him onward, そして思い出をつないだ思い出が彼を前方へ運び・・・・・? onward・・・・前方? recollection linked to recollection ・・・・・・思い出をつないだ思い出?(難しい表現です。) ●till he shuddered to think how utterly unmarked,unheeded all these hours and days had fled. 彼はすべてのこれらの時間と日々が見捨てたことをどんなにすっかり気付かれず、顧みられなかったことを思うことにぞっとするまで・・・? fledは逃げる、見捨てる、だと思うのですがここはall these hours and daysが見捨てたでいいのでしょうか?英語的表現でしょうか? 日本文にするといまいちすっきり通りませんでした。全体としては帝は桐壺更衣を心に描いたときどうだった言いたかったのでしょうか? 前半のasと後半のtillがあって文をまとめるのが難しいです。 3) At last he said”I too thought much and with delight how with most profit might be fulfilled the wish that her father the Councilor left behind him;but of that no more.If the young Prince lives,occation may yet be found.....It is for his long life that we must pray” ●At last he said”I too thought much and with delight how with most profit might be fulfilled the wish that her father the Councilor left behind him; ついに彼は言った「私も思った、多くそして喜びと共に、彼女の父の大納言が置き去りにした願いを実現するかもしれないもっとも多い利益と一緒に・・・・・・?? howの訳がわかりません。・・・・どうやって? most profitがhow節の主語なのかなと思ったのですが、withがmost profitの前についているのでわからなくなってしまいました。 帝が思ったこと(thought~)というのはどういうことだったのか・・・・・まとまりがつかなくなってしまいました。 ●but of that no more.If the young Prince lives,occation may yet be found.....It is for his long life that we must pray” but of that no more・・・・・・しかしこれ以上はない・・・? ●If the young Prince lives,occation may yet be found... もし若い皇子(光源氏)が生きながらえたなら、儀式はまだ見出されるかもしれない・・・・・・・・・・? yet・・・・・まだ? ●It is for his long life that we must pray” それは私たちが祈るべき彼の長い人生についてです・・・・? for・・・・ついて? must・・・・べき? 部分的に訳せても長い文だと俄然まとまりをつけられなくなってしまい、何を言っているのかがつかめなくなってしまいました。 よろしくお願い致します。

  • JOKEの落ちがわからない

    次のJOKEの落ちがわかりません..だれか教えて << Harley Davidson >>  Little John was sitting in the courtyard turning a bottle  of liquid back and forth, watching the bubbles.  The Priest walked up and asked him what he was doing?  Little John replied, "I'm looking at the most powerful  liquid in the world.  " The Priest said, "But John, Holy Water is the most  powerful liquid in the world. Did you know that if you put  Holy Water on a pregnant woman's belly, she will pass a  boy!"  Little John said, "Big deal! If you put this on a cat's  ass, he'll pass a Harley Davidson..."