
  • 低い適度な強さの痛みに対する最初の共感的な反応として、血圧上昇、心拍数上昇、呼吸率増加、救済と胃腸活動の減少、瞳孔散大、増加した発汗量、蒼白な顔色、冷たくじっとりとした皮膚、乾いた唇と口が挙げられます。
  • 激しいあるいは慢性的な痛みに対する副交感神経の反応として、血圧低下、心拍数低下、弱い脈拍、胃腸の活性の増加、嘔気と嘔吐、倦怠感、覚醒低下、ショックが挙げられます。
  • 言葉の反応として、泣き叫ぶ、息切れ、絶叫する、沈黙が挙げられます。
  • ベストアンサー


以下の英語を日本語に直しているのですが いまいちピンとこない箇所があります。 より良い訳がありましたら、教えて頂きたいです。 A. intial sympathetic responses to pain of low-to-moderate intensity  (低い適度な強さの痛みへの最初の共感的な反応) (1)increased blood pressure(血圧上昇) (2)increased heart rate (心拍数上昇) (3)increased respiratory rate (呼吸率増加) (4)Decreased salivation and gastrointestinal activity(減少した救済と胃腸活動) (5)Dilated pupils(瞳孔散大) (6)Increased perspira (増加した発汗量) (7)Pallor(蒼白) (8)Cool, clammy skin(冷えてじっとりとした皮膚) (9)Dry lips and mouth(乾いた唇と口) B. Parasympathetic responses to intense or chronic pain(副交感神経は慢性的な痛みや刺激に反応する。) (1)Decreased blood pressure(血圧低下) (2)Decreased heart rate(心拍数低下) (3)Weak pulse(弱い脈拍) (4)increased gastrointestinal activity(胃腸の活性が増加する。) (5)Nausea and vomiting(嘔気と嘔吐) (6)Weakness(倦怠感) (7)Decreased alertness(覚醒低下) (8)Shock(ショック) C.Verbal responses(言葉の反応) (1)Crying(泣き叫ぶ) (2)Gasping(息切れ) (3)Screaming(絶叫する) (4)Silence(沈黙、無言) D.Muscular and postural responses(筋肉と姿勢の反応) (1)Increased muscle tone(増加した筋緊張) (2)Immobillsation of the affected area(患部の固定をすること) (3)Rubbing movements(摩擦運動) (4)Rocking movements(揺動運動、ロッキング運動) (5)Drawing up of the knees(膝を引き上げる事) (6)Pacing the floor(床を行ったり来たりする) (7)Thrashing and restiessness(暴れまわる事と不穏状態) (8)Facial grimaces(しかめっ面) (9)Removal of the offending object(障害物の除去)

  • 英語
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  • ベストアンサー
  • Harry721
  • ベストアンサー率36% (690/1870)

質問が多すぎるので、とりあえずAだけ回答します。 A. intial sympathetic responses to pain of low-to-moderate intensity 低中度の痛みに対する初期交感神経反応 sympatheyはこの場合は病理ですから「交感神経」のこと 以下は、痛みの初期症状ですから、それにそって訳して下さい。 (4)Decreased salivation and gastrointestinal activity(減少した救済と胃腸活動) 唾液分泌並びに消化活動の減退 (7)Decreased alertness(覚醒低下) 注意力低下 (5)Dilated pupils(瞳孔散大) 医学用語では「瞳孔拡大」 後はいいでしょう。 全て医学用語ですから、「英語医学用語辞典」を調べられたらどうですか。





  • 経済学の内容なのですが、訳ができません。

    経済学の教本を読まないといけないのですが、あまり知識がないうえに、本が苦手な英語で書かれているため、困っています。 訳でなくても結構です。書かれている内容の意味を知りたいです。 the increased export volumes and decreased volume of imports exactly match the decreased earnings per unit of exports and increased expenditure per unit of imports so that the current balance is unchanged. Approximate elasticities sum to 0.9 which is close to unity. the increased volume of export sales and decreased volume of imports are sufficient to outweigh the price effects so that the current balance improves following a devaluation. Approximate elasticities sum to 1.65 which fulfils the critical Marshall-Lerner condition for a successful devaluation. A more complicated formula can be derived which allows for supply elasticities of exports and imports of less than infinity. Given the assumption of less than infinite supply elasticity conditions and assuming initially balances trade; namely, the balance of payments will improve following a devaluation if この2つの部分がわかりません。Approximate elasticities というのはおおよその弾力性?ということでいいのでしょうか? 長文をお願いして申し訳ありません。

  • 日本語訳お願いします。

    Yet while it would appear that New York City’s finding destroys the old stereotype of inept women drivers, under all that recklessness, men may still know more about cars and how to handle them, suggested Anne T. McCartt, senior vice president for research at the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. The high crash rate for men may be skewed because men account for about 61 percent of the miles driven in the country, though the gap is narrowing, federal highway statistics show. Increased driving adds to both the proficiency of the driver and the risk of getting into an accident, Ms. McCartt said.

  • 英文を日本語に訳してください。よろしくお願いします

    ・After the fine was introduced, the economists continued to keep track of the parents who arrived after 4 p.m. Unexpectedly, the number of late pickups increased. ・It is estimated that $60 is added to the base fee and parents coming late will pay around $440 in total per month. ・If late pickups cost only $3 and parents can pay for it, why worry about being late?

  • 英文の訳をお願いします

    However, data regarding suspected cases also indicate a peak in late April 2009, and delays from case identification to reporting have decreased to a median of <2 days. and以下がわかりません…

  • 訳をお願いいたします!

    確認をしたいのでよろしくお願いいたします! In the middle of the war on terrorism, the federal government needs a more secure system to protect the hoeland , one that doesn't depend on the chance rate of 60%. Unfortunately, most of the devices now available, like the polygraph, detect not the lie but anxiety about the lie. The polygraph measures physiological responses to stress, like increases in blood pressure and rate of breathing , and so on. So it can miss the most dangerous liars: the ones who don't care that they're lying, or have been been trained to lie. It can also miss the true believers willing to die for the cause.

  • 英文を日本語訳して下さい。

    The territories of the former Hungarian Kingdom that were ceded by the treaty to neighbouring countries in total (and each of them separately) had a majority of non-Hungarian nationals, however the Hungarian ethnic area was much larger than the newly established territory of Hungary, therefore 30 percent of the ethnic Hungarians were under foreign authority. After the treaty, the percentage and the absolute number of all Hungarian populations outside of Hungary decreased in the next decades (although, some of these populations also recorded temporary increase of the absolute population number). There are several reasons for this population decrease, some of which were spontaneous assimilation and certain state policies, like Slovakization, Romanianization, Serbianisation.[citation needed] Other important factors were the Hungarian migration from the neighbouring states to Hungary or to some western countries as well as decreased birth rate of Hungarian populations. According to the National Office for Refugees, the number of Hungarians who immigrated to Hungary from neighbouring countries was about 350,000 between 1918 and 1924.Minorities in post-Trianon Hungary On the other hand, a considerable number of other nationalities remained within the frontiers of the independent Hungary: According to the 1920 census 10.4% of the population spoke one of the minority languages as mother language: 551,212 German (6.9%) 141,882 Slovak (1.8%) 36,858 Croatian (0.5%) 23,760 Romanian (0.3%) 23,228 Bunjevac and Šokac (0.3%) 17,131 Serbian (0.2%) 7,000 Slovene (0.08%) The percentage and the absolute number of all non-Hungarian nationalities decreased in the next decades, although the total population of the country increased. Bilingualism was also disappearing. The main reasons of this process were both spontaneous assimilation and the deliberate Magyarization policy of the state. Minorities made up 8% of the total population in 1930 and 7% in 1941 (on the post-Trianon territory). After World War II approximately 200,000 Germans were deported to Germany, according to the decree of the Potsdam Conference. Under the forced exchange of population between Czechoslovakia and Hungary, approximately 73,000 Slovaks left Hungary and according to different estimations 120,500 or 45,000Hungarians moved to present day Hungarian territory from Czechoslovakia. After these population movements Hungary became an almost ethnically homogeneous country with the exception of the Hungarian speaking Romani people.

  • 文構造がわかりません

    大学入試の過去問です。 it~thatの強調構文のthat節の中の構造がわからないので教えてください。   ~that the increased rate of birth defects and low birth weight related IVF have come to light. 主語はthe increased rate of birth、動詞がhave come でdefects and low birth weight related IVF はthe increased rate of birthを後置修飾していると思うんですが、related IVF が後置修飾でdefects and low birth weight にかかっているとしたらthe increased rate of birthとはつながらないので関係代名詞省略かと思ったんですが違います。 接続詞thatの省略でdefects and low birth weight related IVFが同格関係にあるという見方で合ってますか? 「人工授精に関係する障害児や低体重児の出生率の増加は明るみになっている」 と訳しました。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    Visibility increased except for frequent ground fog around dawn, which helped conceal British infantry during the attack, before clearing to expose German troop movements to British observation and attack. The British infantry succeeded in capturing most of their objectives and then holding them against German counter-attacks, inflicting many casualties on the local German defenders and Eingreif divisions sent to reinforce them by massed artillery and small-arms fire. German defences on the Gheluvelt Plateau, which had been retained or quickly recaptured in July and August were lost and the British began a run of success which lasted into early October. Strategic background The Kerensky Offensive by Russia in July had accelerated the disintegration of the Russian Army, increasing the prospect of substantial German reinforcements for the Western Front. The French attack at Verdun in August had inflicted a defeat on the German 5th Army similar in extent to the defeat of the 4th Army in the Battle of Messines in June but morale in the French army was still poor. In reports to the War Cabinet on 21 August and 2 September, Sir Douglas Haig repeated his view that the British campaign at Ypres was necessary to shield the other armies of the alliance, regardless of the slow geographical progress being made in the unusually wet weather of August. Tactical developments The German 4th Army had defeated British attempts to advance to the black and green (second and third) lines set for 31 July in the centre of the battlefield and on the Gheluvelt Plateau on the southern flank, during the frequent weather interruptions in August. These defensive successes had been costly and by mid-August, German satisfaction at their defensive achievements was accompanied by concern at the extent of casualties. The rain, constant bombardments and British air attacks had also put great strain on the German defence between British attacks.

  • 英文を日本語訳して下さい。

    Over the winter, German deception operations were conducted and indications of an offensive through Switzerland diverted French attention at the end of 1916. The British were occupied by reports of troops and heavy artillery moving into Flanders and increased numbers of agent reports of troop movements from Lille, Tourcoing and Courtrai. Until January 1917, the British took seriously a possible limited offensive towards the Channel ports and made Flanders the subject of most of their long-range reconnaissance flights. Rupprecht, the northern army group commander on the Western Front, was made responsible for planning the devastation of the infrastructure within the Noyon Salient and the retirement to new defensive positions along the Siegfriedstellung (Hindenburg Line), codenamed the Alberich Bewegung (Operation Alberich/Alberich Manoeuvre).

  • 6つの文を日本語に訳してください。お願いします。

    1 That means some of us have little excuse for avoiding cleanup duty. 2 Since the Sydney Olympics, sportswear makers have been working hard to produce high-tech   swimwear that may take the swimmers to the podium. 3 The sharkskin swimsuit is followed by the swimsuits inspired by living creatures, such as kingfishers (a kind of bird) and spearfish (a kind of tuna). 4 It helps blood flow by using a spinning rotor that pumps blood through the heart. 5 For example, the patient can increase the rate of blood flow when he has done some exercise and needs more oxygen. 6 Because it will improve your situation by making other people happy.