• 締切済み


ホテルカリフォルニアの歌詞を読んでいて気になったのですが・・・下から2番目のパラグラフで下記の行のitはなにを指しているのですか? ↓ They stab it with their steely knives, "Hotel California"の歌詞です。 ↓ On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair Warm smell of colitas, rising up through the air Up ahead in the distance, I saw a shimmering light My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim I had to stop for the night There she stood in the doorway; I heard the mission bell And I was thinking to myself, "This could be Heaven or this could be Hell" Then she lit up a candle and she showed me the way There were voices down the corridor, I thought I heard them say... Welcome to the Hotel California Such a lovely place (Such a lovely place) Such a lovely face Plenty of room at the Hotel California Any time of year (Any time of year) You can find it here Her mind is Tiffany-twisted, she got the Mercedes bends She got a lot of pretty, pretty boys she calls friends How they dance in the courtyard, sweet summer sweat. Some dance to remember, some dance to forget So I called up the Captain, "Please bring me my wine" He said, "We haven't had that spirit here since nineteen sixty nine" And still those voices are calling from far away, Wake you up in the middle of the night Just to hear them say... Welcome to the Hotel California Such a lovely place (Such a lovely place) Such a lovely face They livin' it up at the Hotel California What a nice surprise (what a nice surprise) Bring your alibis Mirrors on the ceiling, The pink champagne on ice And she said "We are all just prisoners here, of our own device" And in the master's chambers, They gathered for the feast They stab it with their steely knives, But they just can't kill the beast Last thing I remember, I was Running for the door I had to find the passage back To the place I was before "Relax, " said the night man, "We are programmed to receive. You can check-out any time you like, But you can never leave! " 歌を聴きたいなら。 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0G1Ucw5HDg


  • ucok
  • ベストアンサー率37% (4288/11421)

歌ですから解釈は自由ですが、自然に考えれば「feast=it=beast」です。だから逃げるのです。厳密には、feastと思いきや、feastの実態はbeast、だから逃げる(でも逃げられない)です。 この歌、こわいなあって、いつも、高校時代に思っていました。spiritからして怖いですよね。

  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

 #3です。補足です。 >>醸造酒と蒸留酒の違いが分からぬ人が書いた歌詞だから、itも同じって事ですか?  いいえ、僕の意図は、引用した最後の文に似た考えが返って来るのではないかと思う、と言っただけです。



そうですか? 彼が、詩を書く時にwineとspiritとの違いを知っていたか否かは別として、彼の歌詞を揶揄した記者に対する回答としては非常に明快ですが・・・ 質問の仕方がまずかったのかもしれません。改めて質問をします。 皆様、ご回答ありがとうございました。

  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

 ホテルカリフォルニアの歌詞を読んでいて気になったのですが・・・下から2番目のパラグラフで下記の行のitはなにを指しているのですか?  歌詞を書いた一人のドン•ヘンレーが、精製酒と醸造酒の違いを述べて歌詞の間違いを指摘されたとき  Thanks for the tutorial and, no, you're not the first to bring this to my attention—and you're not the first to completely misinterpret the lyric and miss the metaphor. Believe me, I've consumed enough alcoholic beverages in my time to know how they are made and what the proper nomenclature is. But that line in the song has little or nothing to do with alcoholic beverages. It's a sociopolitical statement. My only regret would be having to explain it in detail to you, which would defeat the purpose of using literary devices in songwriting and lower the discussion to some silly and irrelevant argument about chemical processes.  と言っています。  ご質問にも同じような答えが返って来るような気がします。



回答ありがとうございます。 醸造酒と蒸留酒の違いが分からぬ人が書いた歌詞だから、itも同じって事ですか?


歌詞の表現や意味についてはpoetic licenseが適用されますから、正しいgrammarや標準のusageから逸脱する場合があることはご存知のことと思います。ただし、以下の"it"については、何を指すのかは明らかだと思います。 "They stab it with their steely knives," "it" = "the feast" = what they are eating, probably meat "the feast" は前の行に出ていますのでこれを"it"で指しています。 この"it"は次の行の"the beast"("the feast"とrhymeしています)をも示唆すると思いますが、"the beast"がここで食べている肉の提供者である獣(ウシとかシカとか)を意味するなら、酔ってラリっていたらシャープなナイフでもなかなか肉をうまく切れない、さばけない、食べきれないだろう("But they just can't kill the beast")と読めるかもしれません。その一方で、これが悪魔の化身である"the beast"(聖書を英語で読んでいる人、あるいは英語ネイティブならこの表現には慣れているはず)でもあるとすれば、このホテルで享楽に耽る暮らしをする(あるいは強いられている)彼らにはそうした快楽を否定することができないから"But they just can't kill the beast"と言ってるのかな、とも読めるかもしれません。"it"がそのあたり全体を包含していると思います。こうした読み方は人それぞれですね。



回答ありがとうございます。 >その一方で、これが悪魔の化身である"the beast"(聖書を英語で読んでいる人、あるいは英語ネイティブならこの表現には慣れているはず)でもあるとすれば、このホテルで享楽に耽る暮らしをする(あるいは強いられている)彼らにはそうした快楽を否定することができないから"But they just can't kill the beast"と言ってるのかな、とも読めるかもしれません。 よく理解できます。 >この"it"は次の行の"the beast"("the feast"とrhymeしています)をも示唆すると思いますが、"the beast"がここで食べている肉の提供者である獣(ウシとかシカとか)を意味するなら、酔ってラリっていたらシャープなナイフでもなかなか肉をうまく切れない、さばけない、食べきれないだろう("But they just can't kill the beast")と読めるかもしれません。 itはfeastではなくbeastを示していると言っておられるように聞こえますが、私の間違いですか?


Eaglesが歌った この"Hotel California"の歌詞には、 二つ以上の意味に解釈できる表現が随所に見られます。 ご質問の"it"は文法的には 直前の"the feast" を指していると考えられます。 では、その意味はというと、 正解は一つに定まりません。 ---- この歌詞は現在でも著作権で保護されていると思われます。 著作権者の許諾を得ずに歌詞の全体を投稿すると 著作権侵害となります。 この質問を締め切った上で、 歌詞の引用を必要最小限の範囲に限定し 出典(引用元)を明示して 投稿し直すことをお勧めします。 □ 「有名アーティストの曲の歌詞を教えてもらう質問や、回答として投稿することは、 著作権的に大丈夫ですか? 」 http://faq.okwave.jp/EokpControl?&site=guidePC&event=ZE0002&tid=1164313 □ 「どうやって質問を締め切るのでしょうか? 」 http://faq.okwave.jp/EokpControl?&site=guidePC&event=ZE0002&tid=1049154



itをthe feastとすると意味が捉えづらい、正確には、捉えられないので質問をしたのですが、よろしければ、下記の三行を訳してみてください。  They gathered for the feast, They stabbed it with their steely knives, But they just can’t kill the beast



  • 歌詞の中の"like up there"の意味

    いつもお世話になっています。 The EaglesのThe Last Resortという曲の歌詞の一節に Can't wait to tell you all, what it's like up there という部分がありますが、特にwhat以下がどうもピンときません。 いちおう最初からそのパラグラフまでの歌詞を載せておきました。 もし、上記二行の解釈などおわかりになる方などいらっしゃいましたら、是非ご教示いただければと思います。 She came from Providence the one in Rhode Island Where the old world shadows hang heavy in the air She packed her hopes and dreams like a refugee Just as her father came across the sea She heard about a place people were smilin' They spoke about the red man's way, and how they loved the land And they came from everywhere to the Great Divide Seeking a place to stand or a place to hide Down in the crowded bars, out for a good time, 『Can't wait to tell you all, what it's like up there』 And they called it paradise I don't know why Somebody laid the mountains low while the town got high

  • 文法 (it 構文)

    "It's thrilling to see these kinds of results," said Dr. Jeanne Miranda, a professor of psychiatry at the University of California, Los Angeles, who was not involved in the study. "I do this kind of therapy in person, and it is often very hard getting some people to come in; they want the help but are just too busy to find time in their schedule, and on the phone they can do it on their time." 下から4行目の getting を to get と置き換えることが出来ますか。  仮主語のit構文で 主語に不定詞を使うか動名詞を使うかはどのように選択するのですか? 出典は8月25日のNYTです。

  • itについて

    When Muslim students call themselves ``Osama``,Lipman said,they are trying to take back the power of being called such,things,just like members of other minority groups who take negative words and use them on one another.They are trying to joke around,which takes the air out of it and shows how ridiculous it all is,''he said.Then they feel a sense of connection over joking about it. この文章中のitが何を指しているか分かりません!一応訳せたんですが、itが何個も出てくるうちにこんがらがってしまいました!!よろしくお願いします!

  • 歌詞を英訳したいのですが

    外国人の友達に好きな曲を紹介したくて英訳に挑戦してみたんですが 翻訳サイトなどで調べたので意味が通じるのかどうか自信がありません 確認していただけないでしょうか? 歌詞はここに載ってます http://music.yahoo.co.jp/shop/p/53/9010/Y011899 distant earch, road that leads to tomorrow Looked up at the meteor appear and disappear It like a breath of the flower bud of only has come spring "The thing to live is loves thing, and a be loved thing" I want to hold you, Think tenderly of the such a person The happiness be with you now of such an encounter I still treasures the summer that doesn't ends in my heart I jumps into the dream of you who is breathing of sleep City Lights was counted at many nights when wasn't able to sleep It was swallowed words that I want you to tell me Lonely night get heartbreaking in a more thoughtless kindness It worries by a unstable love like feelings that understand each other Say,Will it be so? However keep searching for ordinary love and ordinary happiness all the time, I can't catch hold it Heartbreaking , Against the backdrop of street trees where goes falling of autumn I was so thinking about you that I was madly In a distant foreign country Reach here at last in the old days, what did you see on this place ? a traveler It is understood to live together if not easy It overflows all over the place cheap "eternity" Look at our palms only at a little while So, it hurries up alive for wants to tell love in the body in all Say,Will it be so? At the mercy of the dream of daily looking back Nostalgic pain of a love that caresses a cheek softly In the wind to which biting the skin of winter come soon Certain the beat,The flapping time is waited for impatiently

  • should it come up

    I am a mentee in a "future women leaders" program at my organization. I am paired with a director of a different department. She and I get along very well, but she is not on speaking terms with the director of my department, and has gone so far as to file a complaint against my immediate supervisor, a woman I respect greatly. So far, my mentor has not reached out to me to organize our first mentoring session. Perhaps it is because she is very busy, but I suspect it is also because she is basically at war with my department, going so far as to instruct some of her subordinates not to speak to my colleagues (although they still speak to me). I sent an initial, "Thank you, and I'm looking forward to working with you" email to her upon the human resources department informing us that we were paired together. I have not reached out to her again and haven't heard from her. I am not sure how I would handle any discussions about my department, in particular my supervisors, should it come up. should it come upの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • 次の歌詞の和訳をお願いします

    Existing in this place now and uncleanable lies I wonder when it has began... How far do I have to go to see the light? Stars in your eyes Stars in your hearts You will be in shadow of share commit the eighth sin Unrequited existence will turn everything into sin

  • 英訳をお願い致します。

    槇原敬之さんの『Such a Lovely Place』という大好きな歌なのですが、 歌詞にはなく、最後に小さな声で歌われており、ずっと気になっています。 You were born to be loved. So let me say hello and welcome. You were born to be loved baby. So let me say hello and welcome. Welcome to Lovely Place... どなた様か、宜しくお願い致します。

  • 英文日記の添削お願いいたします。

    A young couple was chav in appearance asked me to take them to a place in a car during driving in the middle of midnight. I listened to them through the window at first. However eventually opened the window and get them to hailed taxi despited I decided never to open the window and door. I talked a driver and handed them some papers. (cos they said that they had not enough money and it seemed true) They thanked me very much repeatedly. I found I felt regret for both my acts what I gave cold shoulder and what I opened the window when I saw that attitude. Such situations that force with a rang of choices often turn up in life. Wondering if my judgment was decent somewhat. 宜しくお願いいたします。

  • 文の中からkeywordが探すを手伝ってください。

    Mahalia Jackson Mahalia Jackson was born into a preacher's family in 1911, and she grew up in a riverfront shanty in New Orleans. She was motherless at five, working as a maid and loudness in her mid-teens. As a little girl, she would whisper to herself before she went to sleep, "someday the sun is going to shine down on me in some faraway place." In pursuit of that dream, Mahalia migrated to Chicago when she was still a teenager. She never expected to support herself by singing, and by the time I joined her, the hands she used so expressively in her performances had scrubbed floors, laundered and helped her earn a living as a hotel maid, factory worker, beautician and florist. But her remarkable voice brought her more and more invitations to sing-at funerals, in churches, at concerts. And, through her warm friendly personality and a life based on sound spiritual values and hard work, she eventually found her place in the sun. 1. It is stated in the passage that Mahalia ----. A) had no mother during her whole life B) lived in a fashionable house in New Orleans C) was orphaned when she wasn't even a teenager D) become a servant at the age of five E) grew up in a religious family 上記の文に対し、問1の答えはC)です。この文のどこにorphenedだと書いてあるのか教えてください。motherless ではないし、preacher's familyに born in するということから判断するのでしょうか?  お願いします。

  • shakes it off

    No one in my family, including myself, wants to spend time with my mom. She can be really toxic. She has hurt me all my life, and, really, everyone I love. I stopped asking my husband and kids to go with me a while ago. In fact, I limited my children's exposure to her when they were growing up, but they still have scars from stuff she did or said when they were young adults; it's difficult to be prepared for the truly awful stuff she says and does, even when warned your whole life. Even though I know all this and I'm normally pretty pragmatic, I am finding it tough to just cut my mom off. We've had so many conversations over the years about the things she says and does, but she is never going to change because she just doesn't get it. It's almost like punishing a fish for bad behavior. She never accepts accountability for anything, and never sees the damage. She says and does petty, horrible things in irritation, then just shakes it off, accusing others of being too sensitive. ここでのshakes it offはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします