• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英作文のチェックお願いします)

The Difference Between Individualism and Collectivism


  • ベストアンサー
  • Him-hymn
  • ベストアンサー率66% (3489/5257)

添削 出だしの文が意味不明で添削しようがありません。 We use individualism and collectivism in different ways.だとしても、その先の文とつながらないように思います。 I agree with your idea that people in ndividualistic cultures tend to focus on the word "I", whereas those in collectivistic cultures tend to focus on the word "we". I am also glad to know when you said that coming to this school was the best choice you made so far in your life. You came from a place where people believe in collectivism, but you are studying in the United States, which is an individualistic country. Fortunately, you get to see both individualism and collectivism. 以下の文もいきなりheが登場して意味不明です。古めかしい一般論のa personの意味のheでしょうか?そうだとしたら、死語です。それは。 He also came from collectivistic county, but he also sees individualistic country in the USA. he really happy to see the both aspect of which. heを一般論とするなら、peopleぐらいがいいでしょう。 People who come from a collectivistic country and who live in an individualistic country like the U.S.A. are very fortunate as they can see from either standpoint of view. なお、collectivisticは直しませんでしたが、people from collective communityとかvillageとかがいいとは思います。 以上、ご参考になればと思います。


  • 英作文のチェックしていただきたいのですが。

    書き込みさせていただきます。 初心者の英語学習者です。自己学習で英作文をしているのですが、自分では、文法的・意味的に正しいかどうか判断をつけにくいので、どなたか、ご助言・ご指導をお願いします。 1 「コンピュータは間違えません」とは決まり文句だが、それは要するに扱う人間の側が間違えることが多い、ということだ。相手が人間の場合、「あ、ここはこうするつもりが間違えたんだな」と推察してくれるかもしれないが、コンピュータはなかなかそうはいかない。コンピュータを疑う前にまず自分を疑え-特に初心者はこれを肝に銘じておいたほうがいいだろう。 It is often said that “computers don’t make mistakes”, but in brief, man who uses it often make mistakes. In the case of men, he might guess that you should have done that. But computers don’t guess. Doubt yourself before you doubt them―people in particular beginners should keep it in mind. 2 鯛を食べたことのない人に鯛の味を説明しろと言われたら、どんなことばを選ぶだろうか。おそらくどんなことばを用いても言い表す方法がないだろう。このように、たった一つのものの味でさえ伝えることができないのだから、ことばというのは案外不自由なものである。 What word would you select if someone tells you that he wants you to explain taste of bream to the man who has never eaten bream? Perhaps there is no way to express by any word. Thus word is inconvenient beyond expectation, because word can’t inform only one taste.

  • 英作文のチェックをお願いします。

    英作文のチェックをお願いします。 言い回しや、文法で間違っているものや もっと良い言い回しなどありましたらご指摘ください。 よろしくお願いします。 飛行機の搭乗手続きに、1時間遅れて到着してしまったという設定で会話をつくりました。 Clerk: May I help you? (いらっしゃいませ) Me: Hello. Can I check in flight number 123 at ten? I've been one hour late to check in. (こんにちは?10時発の123便の搭乗手続きできますか? 一時間遅れてしまって。) Clerk: Don't worry, you can check in. But you can't choose your seat, OK? (大丈夫ですよ。搭乗手続きできますよ。 ただ、席がお選びいただけないのですが、大丈夫ですか?) Me: No problem. I'm glad to hear that. (大丈夫です。ああよかった。) Clerk: Do you have airline ticket? (航空券はお持ちですか) Me: No, I have only a copy of e-ticket. Here you are. (いいえ、Eチケットの控えしか。 これです。) Clerk: Ok, here is your boarding pass. (大丈夫ですよ。こちらが搭乗券です。) Me: Thank you. (ありがとう) Clerk: Do you have any luggage? (お荷物はお持ちですか) Me: Yes, but I have only carry-on luggage. (ええ、でも機内持ち込みの荷物だけです。) Clerk: I see, your plane will be leaving from gate E 65 in 15 minutes. (そうですか。 飛行機はE65ゲートから、15分後に出発します) Me: I have to make a rush! Thank you. (急がなきゃ。ありがとう。)

  • 自由英作文の添削お願いします。

    いつもお世話になっています。3度目になります、よろしくお願いします<(_ _)> 受験まで約1週間のこの時期、添削していただけるこの場に本当に感謝です。 問:What is the best place you have ever visited? Describe what it was like, and why you liked it so much.(60語程度) The best place I have ever visited is Okinawa.I called at there in our school trip for the first time.In the time, I was astonished that the sea is truely blue.I also remember that we paid a visit in the Shuri castle. In the place, there are many historical biographies, and I came to be interested in the history of Okinawa. I want to visit Okinawa again. スペルミス、表現のミス等ありましたらご指摘いただけると嬉しいです。 よろしくお願いします<(_ _)>

  • 英作文の添削、お願いします…

    TOPIC:Japan should open its doors to foreign workers. I don't agree with this opinion.Many countries,say the US and Germany, are relatively open to foreign workers.Such countries insist that Japan should loosen limitation of influx of foreign workers.Certainly,they contribute to lower labor cost.However,there are many problems,such as conflicts of cultures and employment of foreigners. For example in Germany,many people came from other countries,mainly from turkey,to compensate Germany's lack of labor after the world war 2.However,there found conflicts of cultures.Many crimes happend.Besides,in early 1990s,it became difficult for Germans to get job.Foreign workers were regarded as nuisanses. In fact,there is no country that does not have any problems with foreign workers. Therefore,I don't think Japan should open its doors freely to foreign workers. 突っ込みどころ満載ですが…(若者がやりたがらない福祉の仕事なら雇用の点で衝突せずにすみますし)限界です。英語力、英作文力のなさに驚きました(〒_〒)

  • 英文法チェックおねがいします

    1, it is not until your mother pass away that you appreciate your mother. 2, it will take three months to recover from such a terrible disaster. 3, it won’t be too long that you regret to have done such a stupid manner in public. 1, it is hilarious that you could not pass the exam although you had kept studying all night yesterday. 2, it was thoughtless of you to think you want to be a professional baseball player in your future, because possibility of that is extremely low. 3, it is widely known that Ichiro is not well known in the USA, even though everybody knows him in Japan 1, Do not take it for granted that your parents support you forever; you need to live by yourselves soon. 2, Keep it a secret that your proposal was declined 3, I found it fun and easy to make people believe about my incredible story. 1, He pretends to be like a professional computer user, but he doesn't even know how to open a PC. 2, Nobody know how to happen the global warming in the world, it is time to tell everybody to teach how awful it is.

  • 模試で書いた英作文をチェックしていただけないでしょうか

    こんばんは。本日受けたある大学別模試でこのような問題が出題されました。ここはマズいんじゃない?とか、この言い方はいいよ、って言っていただけると有難いです。 (1)最後に皆さまにお会いしてからもう二年になります。 No less than two years have passed since I met you last. (2)これからは、立派な医師となるべく、勉強はもちろん、体を鍛えることも必要ですね。 In order to become a good doctor, it is necessary for you to train your body as well as your mind. (3)様々な人々との交流を通じて豊かな心を養う事にも励んでください。 I recommend that you enrich your mind through communicating various people.

  • 英文法チェックしてください

    1 I was late not because I was not be able to take a train, but I had to get up early in this mooring. 2 the Japanese education is the worst in comparison to the education in the United States. Everyone should realize how bad that is as soon as possible because which collapse to japan in near the future. 3 You gave me not only motivation bur also spiritual support. 4 I believe Takshi is unique and genius, while other people do not think the same way as mine. 1 In summary, I won the game competition in San Francisco. I am being proud of myself. 2 For this reason, I have to say such a rude word for you.

  • 自由英作文の添削をお願いします。

    問題文: 次のような想定で手紙の一部を書け。 「あなたが中学生のときから文通を続けてきたJamesが初めて日本を訪れることになった。滞在期間は1月から2月までではどうかと言ってきた。それに対して、(1)来日の時期は3月末からの1ヶ月間にした方がよいとすすめ、(2)なぜその方がよいかを具体的に説明し、返事を出す事にした。 印刷してある書き出しの部分に続けて、上記の(1)と(2)の内容を入れて、40語程度で書け。」 Dear James, I was delighted to get your letter and learn that you will be able to visit Japan in the near future. I am looking forward to meeting you. I will be happy to show you some of the famous places in Japan. You said in your letter that you would like to come for one month from January to February._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please let me know if that would be all right with you. I'll be looking forward to hearing from you. My regards to your parents. Sincerely, yours, 自分の解答: I recommend that, however, you come for one month from in the end of March. That is why it will be still cold for getting around, and in spring, you can see a lot of beautiful Sakura which is popular for visitors in Japan. (44words)

  • 一橋大学 自由英作文 添削のお願い

    一橋大学 自由英作文 添削のお願い 2010年度                                                                                            条件・とても早い段階から外国語教育を始めることは良いことであるか。について述べなさい。                                                                 I agree with this statement. I have two reasons why I approve of that. First, these days, English skills are required more and more for young people to live in this global world. The chance of meeting foreigners would increace. Needless to say, the longer you study English, the more you can develop your English skill. So I think that this idea will make it possible for children to develop their English skills. Secondly,today, there are various cultures in the world and it is more important for us not to attack different cultures though you don't know what the culture is. I think that this idea will enable children to deeply understand differnt cultures. Thus, what is important is that how children learn English. (127字)                                                                                                                                                                        文法面を中心に採点して下さると本当に助かります。字数は120~150字以内が条件でした。宜しくお願い致します。

  • 彼はどこに立ち寄って遅刻したのだとあなたに言ったんですか?

    タイトルの文は英語では何て言ったらいいでしょうか? “Where did he say to you that he came late because he dropped in?” では間違いですよね。疑問の要素が原因節内にあります。それでは、原因節を主節にして、主節を結果節にしてみます。 “Where did you say to you that he dropped in therefore he came late?” しかし、それでも he dropped はhe came lateに対しては主節でも Where did he sayに対しては従属節です。正しくはどのように表現するんでしょうか?