• ベストアンサー


Would you be shy to just see me. Would you ~ は「~してくれませんか」みたいな意味ですよね? If we were in the same place. 前の文はこれです。 わかる範囲でいいので宜しくお願いします!!

  • 英語
  • 回答数3
  • ありがとう数3


  • ベストアンサー

こんにちは。 これは疑問文です。最後の me の後「?」が必要です。つまり If we were in the same place, would you be shy just to see me? 直訳: もし僕達が同じ場所にいって、そして貴女が僕を見かけたら、はにかんでしまいますか。 となります。 ご参考までに。



回答ありがとうございます!! そうですね、疑問文だとなんだかしっくりしました!! ニュアンス的に1番近いと思ったので、ベストアンサーにさせていただきます(^_^)

その他の回答 (2)

  • marbleshit
  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)

>Would you ~ は「~してくれませんか」みたいな意味ですよね? その通りです。 が、ここでは仮定法表現として使用されています。 If we were in the same place. Would you be shy to just see me. 僕らが同じ場所にいるんだとすれば、 僕を見て、はにかんでくれるといいんだけれど。



回答ありがとうございました!! 仮定法表現だったんですね。とても勉強になりました(^_^)

  • Nebusoku3
  • ベストアンサー率38% (1442/3776)

私を見るときだけ 恥ずかしそうに して頂けませんか? だと思います



素早い回答ありがとうございました!! 参考にさせて頂きました(^_^)


  • 和訳お願いします。

    ・ You know. I would you like me to teach you ? ・ what ever you would like me to learn ・ I think if we were to see each other for the first time and kiss. すみません、そのままコピペしました。。 よろしくお願いいたします。m(__)m

  • 直接話法教えてください

    直接話法にするにはどうしたらいいですか? 1 She told me that she had been ill for a week . 2 He asked me the boys who they thought she was. 3 He exclaimed with delight that those flowers were. 4 she said that she would admit the fact if she were in my place. 5 she said that she would have done the same thing if she had been in my place . よろしくお願いします!

  • 和訳お願いいたします!

    Any place were we can be together is a good place for me! I just wanted to make sure it's also convenient for you. See now I will be on holiday and I have enough time. I'll try to look for a hotel this afternoon. I was wondering do you still have your boarding passes? I think it's good if you would apply for a Air France frequent flyers card ... maybe you will fly to France a lot in the future ... I hope so :) When I'm in Tokyo I will arrange it for you ... it will be my pleasure to help you with this.

  • 間違っている英文があったら、教えて下さい。 No2

    間違っている英文や、こんな言い方はしない。という文があったら、教えて下さい。 1,今度時間があったら、一緒に桜を見に行きましょう。 Why don't you go see lines of cherry trees with me in your spare time? 2,あなたの家に着くまでの間に、桜が開花しているかどうかをチェックしながらきました。 まだ、つぼみのようです。来週にはお花見を楽しめそうですね。 When I drove to your place, I looked up the cherries if they were in bloom, but they were still in bud. It seems to be next week when we can enjoy full blossom.

  • 和訳お願いします

    Are we friend relations forever? と送ったら、non, we will see i don't know if you understand or not i did not understand your question と返事がありIs it the question that I sent to you now?と送ったら、 yesとあり、"we will see"you send me? と聞いたらyes i don't wanna be friends, i wanna something moreときました。 but,You did the same answer before. It is that we are friends from now on. I understood it. と答えるとno,don't worry, i don't wanna be just friendsときました。どういう意味でしょうか?

  • 至急訳していただけませんか?

    至急訳していただけませんか? 次の文を日本語にしていただけませんか? If we limited the rights and protections of people accused of terrorism and it saved 365 people from dying in a terrorist attack, would it be worth it? Would it still be worth it if 10 people were falsely imprisoned? Would it still be worth it if some people were tortured to get information?

  • 和訳に直してもらえませんか?

    凄く長いんですが、翻訳機を使ってみたけどサッパリわからないです。 どなたかお願いします。 how are you i missed you ^_^ so what's new in your life i would like to know you better and be closer to you as a firend as a very good friend ^^ i hopes i am not impolite. if you allow me to know you better i will be very happy. i already have a friend from italy. she is like a sister for me now. i would like to make the same relation ship with some friends from japan. and may be one day we will be able to meet each other. ^_^ and share a very good coffee or tee. i would like to travel to japan some day. and i will be very happy if i can have lot of friends from there. as i did in france. where i spent 2 years for my studies. in Toulon côte d'azure. a very nice place just like okinawa. but okinawa is very beautiful too. ok i have to go back work. if you have any question about me i will be very happy to comunicate with you. very big kiss on your head and a very big hug ;) see you soon

  • 簡単に和訳をお願いします

    i was thinking. would you be intrested in trading 2 nos kamasoris for 2 nos Swedish heljestrand razors? i live in sweden and have easy to find quality swedish razors. and you live in japan and must have pretty easy to find japanese quality razors. please let me know and if your intrested we can come up with a fair trade.

  • 【至急】和訳お願いします

    急ぎなのですが、どなたかしたの文章を訳してください! よろしくお願いします…。 I always laugh when I see students slumped in the back of the lecture hall. They would be surprised if they realized how well I can see them. Although I tell my students that American professors rarely look at the front rows, they never seem to believe me. The myth of back-row anonymity lives on, despite my attempts to make students understand a professor's sense of space. My grandmother used to tell my sister and me that variety- even when we don't like it - adds spice to life! If we keep an open mind, all these fascinating and frustrating cultural differences will enrich our lives. *back-row anonymity…後の席は目立たない(注目されない)こと *variety...adds spice to life!…<諺>変化が人生に味わい(楽しみ)をそえる です。よろしくお願いします!

  • 至急!和訳お願いします

    I was wondering would you like me to take some videos and photos? なんとな~~く、なんとな~~~~く意味はわかるのですが…やはり明確な文章がわかりません。