• ベストアンサー


問.下記は、夜遅くまで近所に迷惑をかけながらもパーティーをする   アメリカ人の動画を見たケンタとトムの対話です。   ()内にうまる適切な返答を、日本語訳に沿ってセンスよく記しなさい。 Kenta "Terrible.American dont care about minority opinion n do what they like to do." Tom "Japs don't understand the party hard life” Kenta ( ) (誰かに迷惑をかけてまでのものなら、そんなパーティー理解したくもないね)

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数0


  • ベストアンサー
  • marbleshit
  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)

"If it got to make a sacrifice of someone else's life, I don't want to figure it out."


  • アメリカンジョークのオチがわかりません。

    下記のアメリカンジョークのオチがわからないのですが どこが面白いのでしょうか。 どの様に解釈すればいいのでしょうか。 アドバイスお願いします。 "48 hamburgers, please." said Tom to the clerk at hamburger shop. "All for you?" gasped the clerk. "Don't be silly." said Tom. "I have three friends waiting outside for me." (訳) 「ハンバーガー48個ください。」 トムはハンバーガーショップの店員に言った。 「全部あなたに?」店員はあきれて言った。 「馬鹿にしないで。」トムは言った。 「僕は友達を三人、外に待たせているんだ。」

  • 至急ですー!!英検2級の作文添削について。

    至急です!英検2級の英作文添削お願いします(;;)添削だけでもいいのですが、もしわかる方がいらっしゃったら採点もお願いします! TOPIC Some people say that it is necessary for people to go to important historical sites in order to understand history better. Do you agree with this opinion? I disagree that it is necessary for people to go to important historical sites in order to understand history better. Firstly, going to historical sites have to money. If people go to historical sites, they maybe use a car or public transportation. Thus, people have to spend of money for going there. Secondly, people not have to go to important historical sites in order to learn about history. Indeed, the Internet developing now. Therefore, if people don't go there, they can research about there. In conclusion, I strongly agree with this opinion.

  • 和訳お願いします(*ノ´□`)ノ

    (1)Communication is an exchange of information, ideas, or feelings. In this exchange, each person must understand the other person's message. Without understanding, there is no communication. (2)American men and women often have trouble ( communicated / communicating / to communicate / communication ) with each other. John doesn't understand Mary, and Mary doesn't understand John. The real reason for these communication breakdowans is not language. Instead, it is cultural. Although John and Mary use the same words, they are using them in different cultural contxets. John and Mary are speaking the same language but on different levels. (3)Women think of conversation as a sharing of feelings, while men consider it an exchange of information. For women, conversation is a network among equals who talk and listen to each other. For men, it is a hierarchy where the powerful person speaks and the ( more / better / less / fewer ) powerful one listens. Women think of conversation as a skill which draws people together. Men consider it a competitive game for power. (4)Socialization among American girls is based on friendship. They share their secrets with their best friends who are supposed to talk and listen. Socialization among American boys is based on competition and often aggression. (5)When Mary asks John for his opinion, he tells her what to do. Without notice, he expects her to listen and take his advice. For him, the conversation is over once he has told his opinion. But not so for Mary, because the word opinion has a different meaning. She wants to discuss the matter with John before she makes her decision. She gets angry when he tells her what to do. This is a typical example of a communication breakdown. The same word has diferent meanings for different people. That is why John doesn't understand Mary. ( )の数字は段落を示したものです(´∀`*) 文章の途中の( )は正しいものを選んでください!!! では、よろしくお願いします(。´・ω・)

  • 和訳してください!!

    (1)Communication is an exchange of information, ideas, or feelings. In this exchange, each person must understand the other person's message. Without understanding, there is no communication. (2)American men and women often have trouble ( communicated / communicating / to communicate / communication ) with each other. John doesn't understand Mary, and Mary doesn't understand John. The real reason for these communication breakdowns is not language. Instead, it is cultural. Although John and Mary use the same words, they are using them in different cultural contexts. John and Mary are speaking the same language but on different levels. (3)Women think of conversation as a sharing of feelings, while men consider it an exchange of information. For women, conversation is a network among equals who talk and listen to each other. For men, it is a hierarchy where the powerful person speaks and the ( more / better / less / fewer ) powerful one listens. Women think of conversation as a skill which draws people together. Men consider it a competitive game for power. (4)Socialization among American girls is based on friendship. They share their secrets with their best friends who are supposed to talk and listen. Socialization among American boys is based on competition and often aggression. (5)When Mary asks John for his opinion, he tells her what to do. Without notice, he expects her to listen and take his advice. For him, the conversation is over once he has told his opinion. But not so for Mary, because the word opinion has a different meaning. She wants to discuss the matter with John before she makes her decision. She gets angry when he tells her what to do. This is a typical example of a communication breakdown. The same word has diferent meanings for different people. That is why John doesn't understand Mary. ( )の数字は段落を示したものです(´∀`*) 文章の途中の( )は正しいものを選んでください!!! では、よろしくお願いします(。´・ω・)

  • 訳を手伝ってください。

    yes they are terrorists, but they had a family, some of them commit these terrible acts because they are told their families will be taken care of if they do, or they truly believe they will go to heaven for it. I don't agree with terrorism, I don't mean to imply that - but you can't ignore the factors of life and society that lead a person to commit such violent acts. It's all around us. In a society of billions of people, it's inevitable. The world can be extremely scary once you realize what humans are capable of. I honestly can't say I understand that type of mentality - willing to take another human's life. But then, my life is very easy.... アメリカ人とメールのやり取りをしてるんですけど辞書で調べてもなかなかうまく訳せません。 解らないところを詳しく言いますと、they are told their families will be taken care of if they do の文です。 それとThe world can be extremely scary once you realize what humans are capable of. これは何をいいたいのかさっぱりわかりません。 最後に最後の文のmy life is very easy.... すみませんがどなたかお願いします!!

  • 迷惑メールの見極めができません。

    1回目の迷惑メールは、確実に5000万円いりませんか?というないようのメールだったので、迷惑メールだとすぐに分かり、受信拒否しました。 2回目がFacebookでのメッセージ昨日からでした。すでに友達になっており、住んでる地域が近かったです。そして、メッセージが届きました。内容は、 「〇〇さん♪承認してくれてありがとうございます♪ 私、看護師してるんですけど、フェイスブックって本名でやらなきゃいけないじゃないですか?? それで患者さんから申請が来るんです。来るだけだったらいいんですけど、嫌がらせとかされて、もう疲れちゃって(ToT) だからフェイスブックやめようと思ってるんですけど〇〇さんと仲良くなりたいな♪。 〇〇さんが知り合いかもに出てたし〇〇市出身だから思い切ってボタン押しちゃったんです(^◇^) よかったら私のを教えてもいいですか?? xxxxxxxxxxi.softbank.jp もうやめちゃうからこっちでお話したいんですけど。。。 嫌だったりしますか?(゜o゜) せっかく勇気出して送ったから仲良くなりたいんです(*^^*) 信じて待ってますね(>_<」 以上です。ちなみに、互いにいいね!はしたことがありません。また、その人(女性)は、1回しか文章を投稿していません。 そして、試しに(怖かったですが)、メールを送ってみました。「Facebookの〇〇〇〇です(*^_^*)ありがとうございます」 すると、相手からこう帰ってきました。 「もしかしたらずっとメール来ないんじゃないかって思って不安でした(ToT) でも今、メールきたからめちゃくちゃテンションあがっちゃってます(o^∇^o) フェイスブックであなたを見つけたとき、なんかビビビって予感みたいなものを感じたんです(*^_^*) こんなこと伝えるなんて、なんか照れちゃいますねw 私、もうずっと彼氏なんていないから、でもこれから仲良くしていけたら嬉しいです(o^∇^o) 一応、私の写メ送りますね♪ せっかくメールできる関係になれたんだから、色んな話とか悩み事とか相談できたらいいな(^◇^)」 等いう風に自分の顔写真を載せていました。多分どこかのサイトから引っ張ってきたのか、本物なのか…。 そのメールにたいして、は返信はせずに、今に至ります。 3番目の迷惑メールは、Hotmailに来てました。外国人からの内容で、 「Hello! Nice to meet you! Hajimemashitte! I saw you message on internet, are you still looking for friend? Anatano meseji mimashitta,tomodachi sagashiteimasuka? My name is Michael, I am lawyer,I work in Ginza I am American,from New-York! Have you ever been to New-York or want to visit New-York? I am emailing you my photos,one of them is when I was volonteer in Tohoku I can speak Japanese well! My hobbies are watching movies, traveling, listening to music,... I have blue eyes,light brown hair,people say that handsome See my photos,I am emailing to you,one of photo was taken when I was volunteer in Tohoku I am always do my best to be sincere,kind,friendly,honest,gentleman,yasashi,sweet and romantic! I believe in true love,Im this type of male,also my dream is to make baby,its so cute and feels happy together-my brother got married in Tokyo and they have very cute baby! Lets meet, talk,become friends,get to know each other,have dinner or tea together! I also want to go to Disney together!! What day or evening are you free to meet? Nan nichi aemasuka?0 How about meeting today or tomorrow or day after tomorrow? ocha,shokuji,asobi kyo,matawa ashita matawa asatte doo desuka?! itsu aiteimasuka? Is this email address you use most often-xxxxxxhotmail.co.jp? Anatano yoku tsukau email keitai,pasokonno email aduressu oshiette kudasai!-so you can see my email soon!! Looking forward your email! Bye, Mike If you dont read English well you can use this site- Honyaku saito- http://honyaku.yahoo.co.jp/ こんいちわ! 私はマイケルーアメリカ人、 国際弁護士! New-York生まれ、映画、音楽、旅行好きです! 私は婚活中友達探し!」 このような内容でした。画像も2麻衣添付してありました。 ーーーー 以上が、迷惑メールなのか見極めがつきにくいメールでした。 皆さんの意見を待っています。 ちなみに、ぼくは怖くて返信していません。 2番目以外は。

  • 英語翻訳のお手伝いをお願いしております。

    友人と将来のことや人生観等を話し合うことが多く、今回も相手の気持ちをくみとって返信をしようと思っております。 しかし、下記の文章が完全の解釈があいまいで困っております。 お力をお貸しいただけると幸いです。 友人より頂いたメールです。 1. I don't want anything more out of life than to live peacefully and simply~ I don't believe people have a greater purpose, I think it's what they do with the time they have now which is most important! Anything after that is a beautiful mystery! 私は、人生では平和で、ゆっくりと暮らしたい。 でも人は素晴らしい目的(夢)を持つことが難しいと思うし...(その後意訳がまったく上手く出来ず、申し訳ありません)。 2.  I realized that compared to all that is out there I am really a powerless nothing....but is it such a terrible thing? To be nothing? To be "something" in society means to conform to the rules around you, to choose we are either man or woman, lover or friend... I understand these roles but I feel more and more like rejecting them as I discover individual and universal beauty!!! 世間的に自分がすごく未熟だと思うけど、でも「世間に属さない」というのも悪いわけではないとも思う。 女性や男性、恋人や友達... "I understand these roles but I feel more and more like rejecting them as I discover individual and universal beauty" ↑の部分は何を見つけるにつれて自分はどうなると述べているのでしょうか? 複数の文章の質問、申し訳ありません。 ご回答、お待ちしております。

  • 英語日記16 人種とは

    すいませんが最近英語力のライティングをあげようと英作文をまいにち書くようにしてます。 レベルのひくい英作文ではずかしいのですが。できれば文法や細かい間違いを指摘して頂けると幸いです So, today I want to talk about the race problem. What image(s)複数形?? do you have when you would be asked “race problems”. The population of the America consists of four major ethic groups. White and black and Hispanic then we are. I have a friend who is actually Chinese, but he has grown up in the USA. So, what do you think about oh his race?? Chinese or American or something else?? I think that he is both of them. We are a little of biological difference, and we don’t need to decide who is the most superior. We tend to decide which one is the best. We must have confidence of yourselfe. My favorite song AOZORA was mede by HIROTO. He is singer of THE BLUEHEARTS. He said in his word what of me do you understand from the colors of the color and eyes of my skin? I really agree with that. Don’t you think so?? bookaholicさんはなぜ昔に留学していたのにいまだに英語の細かい文法までおぼえてるのですか??

  • [英語]()に入るものを教えて下さい><

    1. The tennis player tried his best to () his rival in the finals. (1) beat (2) hit (3) lose (4) win 2. The total () of money that I paid for these books was more than 200 dollars. (1) account (2) amount (3) figure (4) number 3. My bag full, so I couldn't make () for my sweater. (1) location (2) position (3) room (4) vacancy 4. May I have your (), please? I have some announcements to make. (1) attention (2) care (3) heating (4) intention 5. I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. It's my (); I should have called you. (1) advantage (2) concern (3) disappointment (4) fault 6. You sometimes say bad things behind your brother's (). Why don't you talk to him directly? (1) back (2) face (3) head (4) shadow 7. There are lots of silly TV programs in which people just talk (). (1) jokes (2) laughs (3) nonsense (4) wisdom 8. I'll () a simple map to the nearest station for you. (1) draw (2) paint (3) tell (4) write 9. Chris : Friday night was my date with Emily. Tom : How was it? Chris : It was terrible! I spilled my coffee all over her. Tom : () I'm sure she forgave you. Chris : I hope so. (1) Don't you regret having acted stupidly? (2) Don't worry about it  (3) It's too late (4) She must have got angry. 10. Sam : How about going to a soccer game with me next Sunday? Brenda : It's nice of you to ask me. () Sam : Why? Do you have other plans? Brenda : Actually, I'm not very interested in soccer. (1) But why don't you want to as me out? (2) But I'd rather not go.  (3) I'm always at your service. (4) Couldn't be happier! 11. Jane : Welcome back! How was your trip? Bob : () Everything went wrong! Jane : Really? Like what? Bob : First of all, the airline lost our luggage. (1) You wouldn't believe it. (2) I'm sure you enjoyed it.  (3) That sounds terrible. (4) You shouldn't believe it.

  • 英語の問題を教えてください

    この英語の問題の解答を教えてください。 解答だけでも構いません。よろしくお願いします。 最も適当な語句をa~dから選び、( )に入れよ。 1.What ( )after the tennis match? (a).are you doing (b).do you do (c).do you doing (d).will do you 適当な語句をa~dから選び、( )に入れましょう。 1.The hunters tried to catch the tiger ( ). (a).alive (b).live (c).living (d).livable 2.Nobody is ( ) to succeed without effort. (a).able (b).can (c).possible (d).probable 3.There were many ( ) at the party. (a).celebrity present (b). present celebrity (c).celebrities present (d).present celebrities 4.It's a ( ) street at night. (a).alone (b).only (c).lone (d).lonely 5.It's already 11 o'clock. You should go ( ) to bed. (a).upstair (b).upstairs (c).to upstair (d). to upstairs 語句を並び替えて英文を完成させよ。 1.インドの人口は多い。 India has(a/population/large). 2.君の現住所に小包を送るよ。 I'll send(address/your/to/the/present/package). 3.私達はその知らせを聞いて驚いた。 We were(surprised/the/news/hear/to). 4.トムは注意深く封筒を開けた。 Tom opened(envelope/carefully/the). 5.私はもう少しでその老人をひくところだった。 (over/I/ran/almost)the old man. 正しいものにはTを、誤ったものにはFを。 1.(T/F)形容詞句は2語以上で構成される。 2.(T/F)A novel writing in Italianは正しい表現である。 3.(T/F)副詞句は名詞以外の語句を修飾すると言える。