• 締切済み

be given の部分についてです。


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長い目的語を短くした例文を挙げますと recommended I be given a chance のようなものが挙げられると思います。これは that 節: recommended that I be given a chance と意味は同じです。be は普通の文章なら am/was ですが、目的・提案みたいな意味合いを持たせるために be とします (いわゆる仮定法に近い用法です)。


  • 英文についての質問です。

    If we were to make contact with extraterrestrial civilizations, what might we expect them to like, and be like? What could we learn about them from their aesthetics? Whereas most people foresee great scientific advances flowing from contacts with advanced extraterrestrials, we shall discover that the greatest gains might turn out to be quite different. It is also tempting to adopt a variety of cosmic ageism, which has great expectations about long-lived extraterrestrials. Given world enough and time, we confidently expect them to get closer and closer to uncovering all there is to know about what makes the Universe tick. This optimism may be displaced. If you want to understand the Universe, intelligence and longevity may not be enough. Our own scientific development will be seen to hinge upon a number of extraordinary coincidences about our environment and our view of the sky. (The artful universe by J.D.Barrow) 中間ぐらいにある、 Given world enough and time, we confidently expect them to get closer and closer to uncovering all there is to know about what makes the Universe tick.  の英文の構造がよくわかりません。 1) 出だしが過去分詞のGiven~で始まっているのですが、Given world enough and timeはどのように意味を取るのでしょうか?  2) enoughがworld and timeの間に入っているのですが、world and time enoughにはならないのでしょうか? 3)we confidently expect them to get closer and closer to uncovering allのto get closer and closer toは、~へますます近付く、の意味ですか?そうなると uncoveringの品詞は何になるのでしょうか?allを修飾しているのでしょうか? 4)all there is to know about what makes the Universe tick.がよくわかりません。 (there is~以下がallにかかるという構造ですか?) there is to do~はbe動詞+to不定詞構文ですか? だとすると何用法になるのでしょうか?(予定、義務、可能、など) 意味を取るとどうなりますか? よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 添削お願いします

    地域のボランティアで英語でスピーチするのですが、原稿の添削をお願いします。 ・このニュースは私がお届けします。 →This news was sent by me. ・皆さんニュースで見かけたことがあるかもしれませんね。 →You may watch this news on TV. ・富岡製糸場は2014年6月21に世界遺産に登録されました。 →The Tomioka silk mill was registered as a world heritage site in June, 2014 21. ・当時、日本最大の製糸場でした。 →It was the biggest silk mill in Japan at that time. ・この時、製糸場を指導していたのはフランス人でした。 →It was the French to have instructed a silk mill then ・フランス人は赤ワインを飲みます。 →The French drink red wine. ・だから、当時の日本人たちは製糸場に行くと血を吸われると恐れていました。 →So, Japanese were afraid of sucking blood when they went there. ・とはいえ、数百人の女性が働いていた。 →However, several hundred women worked. とりあえず以上なのですが、添削お願いします。 高校生も多くいるので、なるべく簡単な英語でまとめたいと思います。 お願いします。

  • 訳が知りたいです🙏

    What is world heritage? The answer seems to be simple: something natural or man-made which is so valuable that it is not important to just one country or one region but to the whole world. However, it can be difficult to say what these things of such value are. To one person, a grassland may be a wonderful example of natural beauty; to another it may look like a great place to build houses or shops. Governments are constantly having to resolve such matters, and very often big business wins out over conservation. The situation is even more difficult if the valuable place belongs to more than one country or is affected by activities in another country. A nation may want to build a dum on a river, even if it damages an important site in another country downstream. Some countries may not be able to care for their heritage, or groups there may even want to get rid of it. In 2001, two huge Buddha statues of Bamiyan in Afghanistan were deliberately destroyed by the Taliban. It was to handle situations like this that the World Heritage Committee was set up by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization in 1972. However, the idea for a World Heritage List goes back to the 1950s, when the Abu Simbel temples in Egypt were being threatened by a dam. At that time, the Egyptian government did not seem concerned, so UNESCO started a worldwide campaign that saved the temples by relocating them to higher ground. While officially UNESCO is concerned with protecting world heritage, in most countries nowadays, it is seen more as an organization for promoting it. Nations strongly demand that their important places be added to the list of World Heritage Sites. This means that a site can receive some money from UNESCO's preservation fund, but the real reason is that it gains media attention and more tourists start coming. Indeed, becoming a World Heritage Site is not always good for a place -sometimes it can be the very worst thing that could happen for its preservation. After Beijing's Forbidden City became a World Heritage Site in 1987, the city government destroyed a large area of traditional buildings around the City and replaced them with heritage streets full of hotels and restaurants for the tourists visiting the Forbidden City. The Angkor temples in Cambodia, which became a World Heritage Site in 1992, now attract more than two million visitors annually and the nearby Siem Reap, which was once barely more than a village, is by some counts now Cambodia's second-largest city. Cleary, UNESCO has helped with the preservation of less famous sites, particularly in poorer countries, by providing money and expert assistance, and also placing pressure on governments to protect them. But with the more famous sites, which would have been protected anyway, it has unintentionally encouraged tourist development which may ultimately destroy them.

  • 英訳の添削をお願いします。

    英語でスピーチすることになったので、原稿の添削をお願いします。 高校生も大勢いるのでなるべく簡単な英語でまとめたいです。 ちなみに内容は富岡製糸場の世界遺産登録についてです。 ・その女性たちが働いていた場所がこちらです。 →The women work in this place. ・ほとんどそのままの状態でのこっていますよね? →Do you find that stay in the almost same state? ・こうした保存状態の良さが世界遺産登録の決め手の一つでした。 →It stay as old days so it was registered as a World Heritage Site. ・そして、現在、富岡製糸場には多くの観光客が訪れています。 →And now, Tomioka silk mill is visited by many tourists. ・これは8月に訪れた観光客数です。 →This is the number of the tourists who came in August. ・2013年と2014年を比べると、一年で約4倍も観光客が増えました。 →A tourist increased to about 4 times in one year when I compared 2013 and 2014. ・世界遺産に登録されたことで富岡製糸場は人気観光地になりました。 →Because it was enrolled in a world heritage, Tomioka silk mill became the popular sightseeing spot because it was registered as a World Heritage Site. ・連日こみ合っていますが、機会があればぜひ行ってみて下さい。 →It is crowded day after day. But, please go if there is an opportunity. ・私も行ってみたいです。 →I want to go too. 以上です。 添削お願いします

  • 英文の邦訳の添削

    While seemingly entirely sensible, this formula makes an untenable assumption. It supposes that the economic and social world is given, and that the process of theorizing is a process of closer and closer approximation to that given world. In this respect, I would argue that the real challenge facing social science is to make sense of the claimed world of others, a world in which inherited theories do not seem to be able to sustain their claims of uniqueness. 上記英文の下記の試訳の添削をお願いします。 「総体的に有意義に思える一方,この定式化は,擁護できない憶測を立てる。そこでは,経済的および社会的な世界が与件であり,理論化の過程はそうした与件視された世界への漸近的接近であると言うことが真実であるように考えられている。この観点から,筆者は社会科学が直面する真の挑戦は,他者の主張する世界,その系統を引く理論が独自性を保持することができないと思われる世界の意味を解明することであると主張したい。」 以上,どうぞ宜しくお願いします。

  • could not be accused of とは?

    こんばんは。下記の文章は、あるスポーツ選手(Mr. A)がケガのため試合途中で棄権した件について述べたものです。わからないのが、could not be accused of trying to play through the pain barrierの部分です。「ペインバリア(痛みの限界?)を超えてプレーをしようとすることは非難されない。つまり、多少痛みがあっても試合を続けるべきだ」と言っているのでしょうか?よろしくお願いいたします。 Organisers will be hoping for a better second day at the XXXX Open after yesterday's marquee match-up ended with Mr. A crying off injured just 33 minutes into the first set against former world No 1. He, who came into the tournament with a big reputation and a forearm niggle picked up last week, could not be accused of trying to play through the pain barrier. He looked impressive but the pain in his arm flared and he made a rapid exit minutes later. With bigger fish to fry in the form of next important tournament, his caution was perhaps understandable. But, given his status as one of the game's brightest young talents and the fact that he expected the injury to take "just a couple of days" to clear, his decision to leave here today was disappointing.

  • 翻訳お願いします

    Japanese food culture The word sushi might just be the most traveled word in Japanese. All around the world, Japanese cuisine is appreciated, respected and most of all, enjoyed. Because of its uniqueness, a panel of experts under the agriculture ministry is calling for Japan's culinary culture to be included on UNESCO's list of Intangible Cultural Heritage. Japanese food culture is not in any danger of becoming extinct. Indeed, it is thriving. In large cities and the countryside, restaurants showcase fantastic local products and specialty items. Perhaps the panel of Japanese experts is motivated by rivalry with Korea, which managed to get Korean imperial food onto the new list this year. French, Mexican and Mediterranean food culture has been designated as an important expression of cultural heritage. Japan's unique food culture also deserves the distinction. Japanese cuisine includes a wide variety of products, some l500 different items, with rice at its center. It also emphasizes seasonal produce, and uses many fermented foods such as miso, natto and soy sauce. Those products are shared with other Asian countries, but they also have a special Japanese style and taste. Japanese cuisine is perhaps most unique for its fifth basic flavor, umami, which has captured the attention of great chefs around the world. Japanese eating rituals and habits are part of this unique heritage. Special tableware and utensils are extensive, and the hospitality and manners of a shared meal remain special. The visual presentation of food is an art form with great attention for even the smallest mouth‐watering details. Japanese food culture has also resisted the pervasiveness of junk snacks and fast food, and remained largely healthy and vibrant. Japanese cuisine contributes to the physical well-being, the symbolic cohesion and daily pleasure of the country. Having Japan's unique food culture added to the UNESCO list is an excellent way to express a justified pride in the country's cultural assets. the agriculture ministry:農林水産省 Intangible Cultural Heritage:無形文化遺産 Mediterranean:地中海 designate:認定する deserve:~に値する distinction:栄誉 fifth basic flavor:5番目の基本となる風味 ritual:様式 utensil:用具 extensive:広い mouth‐watering:おいしそう pervasiveness:広がり vibrant:元気がある a justified pride:納得がいく満足感 asset:遺産

  • than ever to ~ing

    There are only two northern white rhinos in the world but scientists say they could be closer than ever to preventing their extinction. この文でever以下の部分が良く理解できません。 このtoはどういう用法で使われているのでしょうか? preventにingが付いているのも理解できません。 この文について詳しく教えて頂けますか?よろしくお願いします。

  • 文法の質問がいくつかあります。

    For an individual belonging to that culture, such works are, using UNESCO's terminology, part of an "artistic and cultural patrimony." ここのforはどういう意味でしょうか。理由のforでしょうか?~にとっては、という意味のforでしょうか? It seems reasonable that the government of Mali, within whose borders the Djenne-jeno antiquities are buried, be the one to regulate excavating Djenne-jeno and to decide where the statues should go. whoseはMali's bordersということですか?でもwithinがあるのでwithin Maliなのですよね?whoseの先行詞はどれでしょうか。 またisではなくbe the oneでbeとなっているのはなぜでしょうか?

  • 英語 和訳

    With the population of the world set to rise dramatically in this century from 6000 million in the year 2000 to 10000 million by 2050-and with most of that growth in the Third World-what should we be thinking of with regard to providing the most basic of resources:food? この英文どなたか和訳お願いします。