• ベストアンサー

中学英語 適する語について


  • ベストアンサー
  • bgm38489
  • ベストアンサー率29% (633/2168)

合ってます。 「彼女は犬を探そうとした。しかし出来なかった。」 try findingでもいいような気がしますが、try 動名詞にすると、試しに~するということで、過去形の場合、試しにやってみた、と澄んだことを表すことになります。she coluldn'tは試すことができなかったということですから、 「彼女は試しに犬を探したみた、しかし試しに探すことは出来なかった。」 という変な訳になります。探そうとしたが探せなかった、これの方がしっくりくるでしょう。 以下質問サイトに、詳しく載っています。中学では、動名詞を使うとこういう意味で、to不定詞を使うとこういう意味だ、とは詳しく習わないでしょうが、参考にしてください。 http://okwave.jp/qa/q2804389.html





  • [英語] 最も近い意味を持つ語を教えて下さい><

    最も近い意味を持つ者は何ですか?教えて下さい>< 1. Jackie couldn't get over the death of her pet Labrador dog. Q: get over (1) employ (2) overcome (3) examine (4) interrupt 2. Her father was brought up in a small town. Q: brought up (1) grown (2) raised (3) risen (4) sought 3. Don't you think she takes after her mother? Q: takes after (1) follows (2) helps (3) obeys (4) resembles 4. They went through hard times when they were younger. Q: went through (1) enjoyed (2) experienced (3) tried (4) made 5. It is easy to find fault with other's accomplishments. Q: find fault with (1) watch (2) comment (3) praise (4) criticize

  • 英語の書き換え問題

    I looked for a word to say to her, butI couldn't find it.を ほぼ同じ意味の文に変えるとき、 I didn't know how to say to her. と I didn't know what to say to her. 上の2つの文はほぼ同じような意味になるでしょうか? 学校のテストで出た場合、両方とも丸でしょうか?

  • 和訳をお願いいたします。

    どなたか、英語が得意な方、和訳をお願いいたします。 But after the 1940's, as pneumatic blondes blew up and gender roles were re- established, she didn't often find the film roles that suited her cool, steady gaze. The movies couldn't see it, but she was born to go quip to quip, curled lip to lip, with a man.

  • 日本語の意味に合う表現を1つ選んでください。

    訳:彼女と連絡がとれないんだけど、仕事をやめたのかなあ。 (1) I couldn't reach her, maybe because of her unemployment. (2) I haven't been able to contact her. I wonder if she quit her job. (3) She hasn't been in touch. I'm afraid if she may no longer work. (4) It is impossible to telephone her. Perhaps she's stopped working. この4つの英文ってなにが違うんですか? どれも同じ意味に思えるのですが・・・ 詳しく教えてください(●^o^●)

  • 英語の問題が分からなくて困ってます

    [ visit break give repair speak laugh see become go play leave ]の中から選んで動名詞・分詞・不定詞のどれかに変えて(  )の中に入れてください 1、Would you mind ( ) in Japanese more slowly? 2、She will postpone ( ) Tokyo for Osaka till next Sunday 3、I enjoyed ( ) my daughter last Saturday 4、You had better practice ( ) the piano every day 5、My friend wants ( ) up smoking 6、He decided ( ) to the US to study 7、She expects him ( ) an astronaut 8、I couldn't but ( ) at the dog 9、I found the lock ( ) 10、I had my watch ( ) yesterday 11、I tried to avoid ( ) him よろしくお願いします

  • 日本語訳を!!

    お願いします (27) Antony commanded his slaves to lift him up. Plutarch says that they carried Antony to the tomb, but even then, Cleopatra would not allow the doors to be opened, but she showed herself at a window and let down cords and ropes to the ground. The slaves fastened Antony to these and the queen pulled him up.... Cleopatra... laid him upon a bed... and smeared her face with his blood. She called him her lord and husband and commander. Antony died in the aims of the queen. (28) With Antony dead and Cleopatra defeated, Octavian was the undisputed ruler of the known world. Cleopatra tried to make him fall in love with her. He could have been her third great Roman─but he wasn't interested. Instead, Octavian planned to take Cleopatra, the last Ptolemaic ruler of Egypt, to Rome as his slave. (29) Rather than be humiliated, Cleopatra chose death. She tried to kill herself, but Octavian's guards caught and stopped her. However, in the end she succeeded with a trick. The queen humbly asked the conqueror to allow her to mourn Antony's death and to give his body a proper farewell. Octavian agreed. (30) Cleopatra ordered a bath to be made ready and when she had bathed, she put on her royal robes and ate a fancy meal. Soon an Egyptian peasant arrived with a basket of figs. The guard inspected it but didn't see the asp, a poisonous snake, hidden beneath the fruit. Cleopatra sent away all of her servants except two women whom she especially trusted and loved. These servants locked the doors of the tomb, obeying the queen's command. Cleopatra had planned to let the asp come upon her when she wasn't looking. But according to one story by Plutarch, as soon as she saw the snake, she grabbed it and pressed it onto her bare arm, inviting a fatal bite.

  • comeを使って「涙がこぼれる」を英語にするには

    comeを使って「涙がこぼれる」を英語にするにはどうしたらいいですか? 彼女は涙がこぼれないように努力した →She tried to prevent tears from coming ( ). to her eyes でも out of her eyesでも間違いだったんです。 何が入りますか 教えてください お願いします

  • このitは目的語?主語???

    話の前後がわかるように、質問に該当する前の文もつけました。 She could never understand why she didn't have any female friends. Of course, she always tried to tell people she didn't need any. But the truth was it bothered her that[br]other women didn't seem to like her. 最後の文章の、But the truth was it...の‘it’は、 the truth の仮目的語であり、that以下の仮主語でもある、ということですか?? 和訳(最終文)は、 『でも本当のところは、他の女性が彼女をよく思っていないようで、それが彼女を思い煩わせていた』 みたいな意味だと思っているのですが、、 まるで1つの文章の中に、2つの独立した文章が入っているみたいでちょっと混乱しました。 ・本当のところは、~(it、that節)~である。S+V+C ・~(it、that節)~は、彼女を思い煩わせていた。S+V+O この、itが2つの役割を持って文章が構成されている、という解釈は間違ってないですか??? よろしくお願いしますm(>_<)m

  • 4コマ漫画(3)の添削お願いします

    朝日新聞の4コマ漫画の描写を英語にして英作文を練習している者です。 次の英文から状況が読み取れるかお聞きしたいです。また、文法間違い英語表現の間違いなどご指摘していただけるとありがたいです。 When a mother-in-low was just going out to a store, her daughter-in-low tried to ask for shopping. However, she couldn't remember a thing she wanted, so she decided to go along with her mother-in-low. She could't remember it on the way. Even while she was shopping, she could't remember it after all. Her mother-in-low thought that she should't have brought along her daughter-in-low.

  • 英語の翻訳!

    英語の翻訳をよろしくお願いします! Do you know how the female mosquito decides who to bite? She chooses her victims carefully. She uses sensors to find her victims. These sensors are on her head and her legs.