• ベストアンサー




多分いくつも訳の例は色んな方が示して頂けると思いますので勉強のためということで注意点などをお話ししますね。 私は中学3年生のとき肺炎のため入院しました。 Since it was pneumonia when I am a third-year student in a junior high school, it was sent to hospital. なぜ主語が「私」にしなかったのでしょうかね。 この文で重要なのは私は過去に入院したという事実です。だから、 I was hospitalized for <病気など理由> となります。入院することを enter (the) pospitalとも言いますが、この場合は病院に入院していた訳ですから、こちらの方がよいでしょう。 いつかという情報は、at the 3rd grade in Junior high でもいいし、when I was the 3rd~でもいいでしょう。 医者は私に「あなたは受験日までに退院できないかもしれない。」と、言いました。 The doctor said to me, "You may be unable to leave hospital by the taking-an-examination day." この場合、幾つか言い方は考えられます。you may be 言い方がきつすぎて医者かいった言葉とは思えない表現となります。 You might beの方がまだましでしょう。多分医者は、 I'm afraid it might be difficult to leave (the) hospital before ~ という言い方をすると思います。(the)はあってもなくてもかまいません。英では付けませんが、米では付けます。 I'm afraidは伝聞として話すときには落としておきましょう。 私は大変ショックを受けました。 I experienced the shock very much. 日本語と違い英語では時制があるので、わざわざ「経験」を意味する言葉を使う必要はありません。 I was really shocked when he said that. whenの代わりに as を使うことも出来るでしょう。 私は肺の痛さもあったため何も食べることが出来ませんでした。 Since there was also painfulness of lungs, I was able to eat nothing. これも「私が食べることが出来なかった」が主文ですから、 I couldn't eat anything at first because of the lungs ache. ここでは普通にcouldを使いましょう。couldを使うことによって、普通は誰もがもっている食べるという能力が阻害されているというのを表すことが出来ます。 自分の実際の体の部分を指摘するときにはthe lungs ache とします。もちろん「私の肺」ならばmy lungsです。 at first は無くてもかまいませんが、話の流れで入れてみました。 数日後、弟と妹が私のために千羽鶴を作って持ってきてくれました。 The younger brother and the younger sister made and brought 千羽鶴 after several days for me. ~をたずさえてやってきた。という時には、come(visit) <場所> with <所持品>が良いでしょう。 あと、the youngerではなくて、my younger brother and sister としましょう。 聞いている方はthe youngerと言われても何がtheなのか理解は出来ないでしょう。 日ごろから私たちは仲が悪かった。 Every day to we had bad relations. 前の文とつながりを持たせるために、(Even) though ~としたほうがよいでしょう。 例は先の回答者の方々の表現を参考にして下さい。 過去完了にするかどうかは話者の気持ちの問題なのでどちらでもかまいません。 それなのに、弟と妹は私に千羽鶴を作ってきてくれたのです。 But, the younger brother and the younger sister made 千羽鶴to me. いっそ前二つの文とまとめたほうがすっきりすると思います。(似たようなことを繰り返しているので) a thousand origami cranes that they made themselves と言うように。 私は大変感動しました。 I was impressed very much. これはよく使いますね。女性だと very より so の方がよく使います。ご参考まで。 兄弟に元気付けられた私は、それからよく食べ、試験前には退院することができました。 I who was encouraged by the brother was able to eat well from it, and was able to leave hospital before the examination. 主文は「私は退院することが出来た」で、残りはそれの修飾であることに気がつくと、もっと良い訳を作ることが出来ると思います。 私は入院したことによって家族の大切さに気づくことができました。 I have noticed a family's importance by having been sent to hospital. notice は使わなくてrealizeを使います。 また、この場合は今まで話をした物語が、自分に「家族の大切さ」を教えてくれたということなので、その物語をItで表して、 It told me ~とか It taught me ~ のほうがより自然ですね。 It taught me (that) the family is very important for me. 参考になれば幸いです。 では。



回答ありがとうございますm(__)m とても詳しく丁寧に書いてあり感動しました。 大変参考になりました。ありがとうございます。



Austerさん、farsideさん、mickjey2さん。ありがとうございました。 無事、スピーチのテストも終わり、先生にも「よくできた文だ。」と、言ってくれました。 本当にありがとうございました。m(__)m


  • よろしくお願いします

    My husband died about four years ago. He died very suddenly two days before his 50th birthday from a very aggressive form of blood cancer. It was a shock to everyone, and very tragic. At that time, my older sister and my mom were in Korea, my younger brother in Hong Kong and my younger sister was local but pregnant. my younger sister was localとはどういうことでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • guilted into doing this

    I am a woman in my mid-60s. I was sexually abused by an older brother from the ages of about 8 to 11, although it may have occurred when I was much younger, also. I've pushed it to the back of my mind all these years; never told anyone except my gynecologist and a therapist a while ago. Despite this, I was able to maintain a reasonable relationship with this brother. Now he is quite sick and my two younger brothers expect me to join them in taking care of him. Quite simply, I resent being guilted into doing this. guilted into doing thisの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • act out

    I work long hours in order to contribute to our rent and utilities. My sister and I are essentially raising our younger brother, who has been struggling in school and acting out. https://www.arcamax.com/healthandspirit/lifeadvice/anniesmailbox/s-2054072 ここでのacting outはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 英作文の添削をお願いします

    I used to do YOGA every day a couple of years ago, so my body was pretty flexible and fit. I was healthy. However I was getting less interested doing YOGA. Instead I started going jogging three days a week. About the same time, I started to have too much appetite. I could not stop eating until I get full in every meal. In spite of I do jogging, I ended up getting so much weight and to have big tummy. I will DO brush up on YOGA for my body and I am going to eat less little by little.

  • よろしくお願いします

    "Pete" was a friend of mine. He was 20 years older than I and died at the age of 87. He worked hard his entire life and retired with his wife, and they lived in a small but nice house in Palm Springs. They didn't spend much money and had just enough for a comfortable retirement. Their main source of wealth was their house, which was valued at $600,000, and they owned it free and clear. I live in Los Angeles, a little more than 100 miles from Palm Springs, and we kept in touch by phone at least once a week. I would visit him in person three or four times a year. The point is that I did not keep track of Pete day to day. You can imagine my surprise when one day I woke up to find three voice messages from him saying that I must fire his new caregiver, "George." I called Pete back but could not reach him. I found out later that he had been taken to the hospital and had died several hours later, alone in the hospital room with George. I was immediately suspicious because Pete had been in excellent health, but I could prove nothing. The hospital said he died of "heart failure," and considering his advanced age, that was that. Pete left me various personal items in his will, and when I went to his house to retrieve them, I was shocked to discover that George had moved into his bedroom. George is younger than I am, but he was suddenly having an affair with Pete's widow! I was too disgusted to comment, especially by the timing. that was thatはどう訳したら良いでしょうか?あと、 by the timingはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • ▼英語

    I'm doing pretty will. I just got back from visiting my parents. I went there with my brother to help them. They live on a big piece of property by themselves and they are very old so they need some help sometimes. I was not able to get onto Facebook for two days so I just managed to get back on today. がんばってみたんですけど和訳できません。良かったらお願いします。

  • 英文法 仮定法

    英文法 仮定法で 辞書では http://www.alc.co.jp/index.html If I was 20 years younger, I'd marry her myself. If I were asked to give any advice to~ とふたつあります。 if I were と If I was はどう使い分けるのでしょうか? 教えてください。

  • 日本語訳してください!

    I have one younger sister, and then I have an older half-sister who I never really get to see anymore since she's on my dad's side.

  • 和訳お願いします

    i've grown used to not doing it~ i'm more into chewing candies~ like mentos and others grow use とはなんなんでしょう? I was wondering what city in case I was ever able to come and visit you one day! 和訳お願いします。

  • 英作文

    学校の課題で、"My High School Days"という題で英作文をしました。 文法的な間違いや、不自然な部分等あると思いますので、添削していただこうと、質問させていただきました。 よろしくお願いいたします。 I went attended ABC High School. This school was founded in 1961 by Taro Oda. It is co-education now. But it was a boys' school before 1994, DEF girl's High School was next to it. They merged it in 1994 and became ABC High School. It has generally course only now. But generally course has three courses, A course, B course and C course. When I was senior, there were 48 classes in this school, and more than 1,700 students were studying in this school. I belonged to B course. In the B course, we studied aiming at entrance to school to the university. I and my friends always went to the school by bicycle. I was doing it for exercise and a saving. It takes me about fifty minutes from my home to the school. My favorite subject is civics. I liked the modern society in particular. My best friends in high school were Yuichi Masuda, Yoshitaka Ito and Toshimitsu Kato. We used to go to Miyawaki Bookstore or Book Square in Matsusaka after school by bicycle. It was late that I always arrived at the house because these bookstores were long way from my house. I belonged to the rugby club. But I have never play rugby. Because my teacher made me and my friend the member of the club by force to direct our life and to let me study. So we studied mathematics in the teacher's room while other members did club activities. My impressive teacher was Mr. Ishimoto. He was my teacher when I was junior, and teacher was mathematics and rugby club. He was severe, grim and strong.  Therefore I and my friends could not disobey. If we had not good exam result, he punched us. So my friends studied English and mathematics very hard. But I knew his good point. He always thought about students. Therefore he was very strict with us. It will not still change.