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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英語の長文の訳について)




こんにちは。 他の方の回答の追加です covered parking ・・・ 屋根つき駐車場 including utilities ・・・ 光熱費込み サンディエゴなら$350ではなく、一桁違って$1350 ではないでしょうか。


  • 和訳を教えて下さい!

    建物(コンドミニアム)の売買契約を和訳しているのですが、無知すぎて下記の文章の意味がまったくわからず困っています。どなたか訳していただけると助かります。よろしくお願いします。至急回答いただけるとうれしいです。 NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the sum of THREE MILLION FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND PESOS (P 3,500.000.00 ) Philippine currency, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged to the entire satisfaction of the SELLER, the SELLER hereby Sells, Cedes, Transfers and Conveys in a manner absolute & irrevocable unto and in favor of the BUYER, assignee and successor in interest the above described condominium units covered by CCT No. 17534 and 17538 and basement parking space slot No. 26, together with all the improvements and attachments existing thereon free from any & all liens, clear to all encumbrances adverse interests and other claims by third parties, including all its interests in the common area of the Condominium Project.

  • 英語の長文の訳助けて><

    Research projicts follow the trends of their times, and life span psychology has developed as the post-war baby boom generation has matured. The current wave of research into ageing and care of the elderlu, for example, can be seen as directly resulting from that generation reaching retirement age. LIFE-TRANSITIONS Gould(1978) developed the idea that adult life consists of a series of transitions, or life changes, which occur ar different times in our lives. The first of these is that of adjusting to the responsibilities of being independent and living away from parental care. Looking after ourselves without someone in the background is quite different from the kinf of independence which occurs when living as part of family group, where there is always someone to fall back on, or to look after you if you become ill. This transition, Gould argued takes place usually between the ages of 16 and 22. Then there is another transition, which takes place during our twenties, in which we develop our own competences and autonomy, and choose our rulus to live by, rather than simply conforming to our parents' rules and principles. A third transition, according to Gould, happens between 28 and 34, as we come to know ourselves better, and learn to come to terms with aspects of our nature which we weren't really aware of before. And the final transition involves accepting that life isn't going to last for ever━that is, developing a sence of our own mortality. This final transition, Gould argued, happens between the ages of 35 and 45.

  • 英語 長文 訳


  • 自動車教則本の英訳を教えて下さい。

    アメリカ ニュージャージー州の運転免許取得に向けて勉強中です。15年ぶりに英語に触れるので分からないことばかりで困っています。何とか辞書や英訳ソフト片手に教則本を読んでいますが、このコラムは何度読んでも私の英語力では理解できないので、英語に詳しい方、教えて下さい。 Safe Corridors (N.J.S.A. 39:4-203.5) In an effort to improve highway safety, New Jersey initiated the Safe Corridors Program, which was signed into law in July 2003. The Safe Corridors law doubles fines on various state highways for a variety of driving offenses, including speeding and aggressive driving.  「 Highways are designated as safe based on statistics showing crash rates 50 percent over the state rate and 1,000 or more crashes reported over a three-year period. The Commissioner of Transportation has the authority to designate highways as necessary, as well as to remove those that show improved safety levels.」  The law took effect on February 15, 2004. A current list of Safe Corridor highways is available on the New Jersey Department of Transportation Web site at www.nj.gov/transportation. 1、Safe Corridors を日本語に訳すとどのようになるのでしょう?(辞書でもいまいち分かりません) 2、「 」内の訳 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    Next day a battalion of the 42nd Division edged forward 100 yd (91 m) and a battalion of the 58th Division attacked the Winnipeg pillbox; in the evening a German counter-attack took ground towards Springfield. On 15 September, covered by a hurricane bombardment, a battalion of the 47th Division attacked and captured a strong point near Inverness Copse, fire from which had devastated earlier attacks and took 36 prisoners. A battalion of the 42nd Division captured Sans Souci and the 51st Division launched a "Chinese" attack using dummies. A day later, a German attack on the strong point renamed Cryer Farm, captured by the 47th Division was defeated with many German losses and in the XIV Corps area, another attack was stopped by small-arms fire by the 20th Division. A party of the Guards Division was cut off near Ney Copse and fought its way out; a lull followed until 20 September. Plan of attack Plumer planned to capture Gheluvelt Plateau in four steps at six day intervals, for time to bring forward artillery and supplies, a faster tempo of operations than that envisaged by Gough before 31 July. Each step was to have even more limited geographical objectives, with infantry units attacking on narrower fronts in greater depth. The practice of attacking the first objective with two battalions and the following objectives with a battalion each was reversed, in view of the greater density of German defences the further the attack penetrated; double the medium and heavy artillery was available than for on 31 July. Reorganisation in this manner had been recommended in a report of 25 August, by the Fifth Army General Officer Commanding RA (GOCRA) Major-General H. Uniacke. The evolution in organisation and method was to ensure that more infantry were on tactically advantageous ground, having had time to consolidate and regain contact with their artillery before German counter-attacks. The British began a "desultory bombardment" on 31 August and also sought to neutralise the German artillery with gas before the attack, including gas bombardments on the three evenings before the assault.

  • 英語の長文の訳について質問です。

    英語の訳なのですが、前回の質問に引き続き、分からない部分を書き出しているので分かりにくいと思いますがよろしくお願いします。 It is our intention to operate and maintain the community in which you now live as one of the outstanding communities in the Brownsville area. We hope it will be an aid to you in enjoying your new home. There us a limit on the number of people allowed to occupy your home. A limited number of guests mat stay with you for three days. After three days, we may assume they are resudents. If you find a need to have more peole living in your home than allowed by your lease, contact the manager to see if it can be allowed. Having more people than allowed is a violation of your rental agreement. You may incur additional charges and/or have your rental agreement terminated.

  • 長文ですが至急英語の訳をお願いします。

    Friction can be useful. For example, belt drives depend on friction to prevent slipping. On the other hand, friction in machines causes loss of power. Engineers try to reduce friction as much as possible by good design, using materials with a low coefficient of friction for devices such as bearings. We know that there are altogether only about one hundred different types of atoms. Atoms cannot be destroyed or changed in any way by chemical reactions: all that can happen is that the arrangement of the atoms is changed so as to produce another chemical substance with different properties. The role of the unsaturated zone in the hydrologic cycle is to transmit water falling or ponded on the land surface to underlying groundwater or temporarily store water near the land surface for plant use. In the process of moving through the unsaturated zone water may dissolve natural rock materials or carry manmade chemicals applied to or near the land surface.

  • 長文訳おねがいします。

    He says, “If Mick Jagger can make a comeback at an old age, why can not I”? Wolfgang is almost 70. He is an artist. In his homeland, Germany, he is very famous. フォルフガングはほぼ70歳です。彼は歌手です。彼の故郷はジャーマニーです。彼はとても有名 He paints sunlight very well. Everybody praises him. 彼はよく日光を描きます。みんなが彼を称賛する。 At the age of 65, he sold his luxurious France chalet, and moved to a small farm in Australia. In Germany and France, he held parties for rich customers. Now, he cuts the lawn and repairs the house. The tie and suit are gone. Only shorts and slippers are left. Wolfgang works like a 20-year-old. Elizabeth is over 80. She works full-time at the U.S. District Court in Chicago. She staeted there over 50 years ago. She is a judicial assistant. She edits legal documents, and sometimes she argues with law clerks. She remembers some big-time cases. On her desk she has a sign. It says “Things young, and you will feel young.” So, how old is “old”? 至急お願いします;;

  • 長文の訳お願いします

    The colonists at Jamestown soon found that in the forests around them there lived a useful forbearing animal unlike any they had ever seen in England. When they asked the Indian what they called this creature, the natives said something which sounded to the colonists like "arocoun" or "aroughcun." Imitating the natives a best they could, the settlers called the animal in question a raccoon, a name which after a time became shortened to coon. The thing about this animal which impressed the Indians most was that his forepaws look very much like tiny hands. With these little hands he gets a good deal of his food by scratching in moist ground along branches and creeks for earthworms, crawfish, and turtle eggs. He also likes mice and often scratches them out of their shallow burrows. So the Indians gave him a name which means "he scratches with his hands."

  • 長文の訳お願いします

    Advertisers have many methods to get you to try a product and be loyal to it. Lots of times, what they are selling is a lifestyle, or an image, rather than the product. Here are some ways they get us to spend money on things we may not Want. Ideal Families-always seem perfect. The kids are cool and they have the hottest fashions, haircuts, and toys. Ideal families are all attractive-and they never argue! Ideal families represent the types of people that people watching the ad would like to be. Family fun-an ad that shows a product bringing families together or helping them have fun together. For example, Mom or Dad brings home the "right" food and a boring dinner turns into a family party. Excitement-Food is great fun! One bite of this and you're surging in California or soaring on your skateboard! Star Power-Your favorite sports star or celebrity is telling you that this product is the best! It's very effective. People listen and they usually don't remember that the star is paid to support the product. Bandwagon-Join the in-crowed! Don't be left out! Everyone is buying this-Why aren't you? Put downs-Advertisers criticize the competitor's product to make their own product seem better. Facts and Figures-Advertisers use facts and statistics to make their statements more credible. Unfortunately these "facts" are often not completely true. Repetition-Advertisers hope that if you see a product or hear its name over and over again, you will be more likely to buy it. Sometimes the same commercial will be repeated over and over again during the same television program. Heart Strings-Ads tell you a story that make you feel good. For example, one McDonalds commercial shows a dad and his son shoveling snow together. When they finish, the son buys his dad lunch at McDonalds. Sounds Good-Music and other sound effects add to the excitement of commercials. Those little tunes that you just can't get out of your head make you think of the product. Have you ever noticed that the commercials are louder than the program? Cartoon Characters-Tony the Tiger sells cereal and the Nestles Nesquik Bunny sells chocolate milk. Cartoons like these help kids identify with product. Misleading Words- Advertisers are supported to tell the truth,but sometimes they use words that can mislead viewers. Look for phrases in commercials like part of, the taste of real, natural, new, better tasting, and because we care. There are hundreds of these deceptive phrases. Omission- Advertisers don't give you the entire story about their product. For example, an ad claims that a sugary cereal is part of a healthy breakfast. It doesn't claim that the breakfast is healthy (or even healthier) without this product. Are You Cool Enough?-Advertisers try to convince you that if you don't use their products, you are not cool. Usually advertisers do this by showing people who look uncool trying a product and then suddenly becoming hip.