• 締切済み


Advertisers have many methods to get you to try a product and be loyal to it. Lots of times, what they are selling is a lifestyle, or an image, rather than the product. Here are some ways they get us to spend money on things we may not Want. Ideal Families-always seem perfect. The kids are cool and they have the hottest fashions, haircuts, and toys. Ideal families are all attractive-and they never argue! Ideal families represent the types of people that people watching the ad would like to be. Family fun-an ad that shows a product bringing families together or helping them have fun together. For example, Mom or Dad brings home the "right" food and a boring dinner turns into a family party. Excitement-Food is great fun! One bite of this and you're surging in California or soaring on your skateboard! Star Power-Your favorite sports star or celebrity is telling you that this product is the best! It's very effective. People listen and they usually don't remember that the star is paid to support the product. Bandwagon-Join the in-crowed! Don't be left out! Everyone is buying this-Why aren't you? Put downs-Advertisers criticize the competitor's product to make their own product seem better. Facts and Figures-Advertisers use facts and statistics to make their statements more credible. Unfortunately these "facts" are often not completely true. Repetition-Advertisers hope that if you see a product or hear its name over and over again, you will be more likely to buy it. Sometimes the same commercial will be repeated over and over again during the same television program. Heart Strings-Ads tell you a story that make you feel good. For example, one McDonalds commercial shows a dad and his son shoveling snow together. When they finish, the son buys his dad lunch at McDonalds. Sounds Good-Music and other sound effects add to the excitement of commercials. Those little tunes that you just can't get out of your head make you think of the product. Have you ever noticed that the commercials are louder than the program? Cartoon Characters-Tony the Tiger sells cereal and the Nestles Nesquik Bunny sells chocolate milk. Cartoons like these help kids identify with product. Misleading Words- Advertisers are supported to tell the truth,but sometimes they use words that can mislead viewers. Look for phrases in commercials like part of, the taste of real, natural, new, better tasting, and because we care. There are hundreds of these deceptive phrases. Omission- Advertisers don't give you the entire story about their product. For example, an ad claims that a sugary cereal is part of a healthy breakfast. It doesn't claim that the breakfast is healthy (or even healthier) without this product. Are You Cool Enough?-Advertisers try to convince you that if you don't use their products, you are not cool. Usually advertisers do this by showing people who look uncool trying a product and then suddenly becoming hip.


  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9770/12171)

以下のとおりお答えします。 広告主は、あなたに製品を試みさせ、かつそれに忠実に従わせる方法をたくさん持っています。多くの場合、彼らが売っているのは製品そのものというより、ライフスタイル、またはイメージです。ここに、私たちが「欲しい」と思ってもいないようなものにお金を使わせるいくつかの方法があります。 理想的な家族-それは、つねに完ぺき(なお客様)に見えます。子供はクール(立派)で、最新のファッション、美髪および玩具を持っています。理想的な家族は実に魅力的で、彼らは決して議論を吹っかけるようなことはしません! 理想的な家族は、広告を見る人々が、そうでありたいと思うような人々のタイプを表わします。 家族のお楽しみ-広告、それは家族を集めるか、家族がともに楽しむのを支援する製品を示します。例えば、母ちゃんか父ちゃんが、「正しい」食品を家に持ち帰ります。すると、退屈な夕食が家族パーティーに早変わりです。 興奮-食べものはとても楽しい! これを一口頬張ってごらんなさい、そうすればあなたはカリフォルニアで大波乗り、または、スケートボードで大空飛翔をしちゃいます! 星印の力-あなたのお好みのスポーツの星印あるいは名声が、この製品こそベスト、とあなたに伝えています! それは非常に有効です。人々は(宣伝を)耳にしますが、通常、製品を支援するために星代が支払われることは思い出しません。 勝ち馬-勝ち馬に乗って勝鬨の声をあげましょう! おいてけぼりを食らわないようにご注意! 誰も彼もこれを買っています。-なのにあなたは買わない、なんてことはありませんよね? こき下ろし-広告主は、自社製品をよりよく見せるために、競争相手の製品を批評します。 事実および数値-広告主は、宣伝文句の信憑性をより高めるために事実と統計を使用します。不運にも、これらの「事実」は、しばしば完全なる真実ではありません。 反復-広告主は、あなたが製品を見るか、その名前を何度も繰り返して聞けば、それを買う可能性がより大きくなると踏んでいます。時々、同じコマーシャルが、同じテレビ番組中で何度も何度も繰り返されることでしょう。 心の琴線-広告は、あなたの気分をよくするような話を伝えます。例えば、マクドナルドのあるコマーシャルは、お父さんとその息子が一緒にシャベルで雪かきするところを示します。それが終ると、息子がマクドナルドでお父さん用のランチを買います。 よい音-音楽および他の音響効果は、コマーシャルの興奮を増加させます。頭から追い出すことができないようなわずかな曲が、あなたを製品について考えさせます。コマーシャルの音量が番組のそれより大きいことにかつて気づいたことがありますか? 漫画キャラクター-トニー・ザ・タイガーはシリアルを売り、ネッスル・ネスキック・バニーはチョコレートミルクを売ります。これらの漫画は、子供を製品と一体視することを支援します。 誤解を招きやすい語句-広告主は、真実を語れば支援されますが、時々、見る者を誤解させかねない言葉を使います。私たちが欲しがるような、本物の、自然の、新しい、よりよい味の、その片鱗を味わえそうなコマーシャル中の文句を捜してごらんなさい。何百ものこれらの欺瞞めいた文句があります。 省略-広告主は、あなたに製品の全体を話るようなことはしません。例えば、広告は、砂糖のようなシリアルが健全な朝食の一部であると主張します。それは、この製品なしの朝食が健全である(あるいは、より健全である)などとは主張しません。 あなたは、十分にクール(立派)ですか? -広告主は、それらの製品を使わなければあなたはクールではない、とあなたに確信させようとします。広告主がこういうことをするときの常套手段は、通常、野暮ったく見える人が製品を試してみると急に粋になる姿を示す、というものです。



  • 訳を手伝ってください。

    yes they are terrorists, but they had a family, some of them commit these terrible acts because they are told their families will be taken care of if they do, or they truly believe they will go to heaven for it. I don't agree with terrorism, I don't mean to imply that - but you can't ignore the factors of life and society that lead a person to commit such violent acts. It's all around us. In a society of billions of people, it's inevitable. The world can be extremely scary once you realize what humans are capable of. I honestly can't say I understand that type of mentality - willing to take another human's life. But then, my life is very easy.... アメリカ人とメールのやり取りをしてるんですけど辞書で調べてもなかなかうまく訳せません。 解らないところを詳しく言いますと、they are told their families will be taken care of if they do の文です。 それとThe world can be extremely scary once you realize what humans are capable of. これは何をいいたいのかさっぱりわかりません。 最後に最後の文のmy life is very easy.... すみませんがどなたかお願いします!!

  • 英文訳お願いします

    Some of the fastest-growing scams involve website. One method is for the scammer to create a false identity and make contact through an online dating agency or a chat room. The scammer claims to be seeking romance or a soul mate;they try to convince you that you are in loving relationship and the next step is for them to come and meet you. The only problem is they don't have enough money to travel to see you. They then ask you to send the money through a money transfer agent, such as Western Union, so that they are untrceable. Other reasons they give for needing your financial help include:they are stranded abroad, and need money for plane travel or visa costs;or they require urgent surgery or treatment for a serious illness, and you are the only person who can help. 内容を理解したいので… お願いします。

  • 訳お願いします!

    You’re in a department store and you see a couple of attractive young women looking at a sweater.You listen to their conversation: “I can’t believe it—a Lorenzo Bertolla! They are almost impossible to find.Isn’t it beautiful ? And it’s a lot cheaper than the one Sara bought in Rome.” They leave and you go over to see this incredible sweater.It’s nice and the price is right.You’ve never heard of Lorenzo Bertolla,but those girls looked really stylish.They must know.So,you buy it.You never realize that those young women are employees of an advertising agency.They are actually paid to go from store to store,talking loudly about Lorenzo Bertolla clothes. Every day we notice what people are wearing,driving and eating.If the person looks cool,the product seems cool,too.This is the secret of undercover marketing.Companies from Ford to Nike are starting to use it. Undercover marketing is important because it reaches people that don’t pay attention to traditional advertising.This is particularly true of the MTV generation—consumers between the age of 18 and 34.It is a golden group.They have a lot of money to spend,but they don’t trust ads. So advertising agencies hire young actors to “perform”in bars and other places where young adults go.Some people might call this practice deceptive,but marketing manager Jonathan Ressler calls it creative.“Look at traditional advertising.Its effectiveness is decreasing.”

  • 長文の訳をお願いします

    Go to just about any seashore in Japan-Tokyo Bay, Osaka Bay, Nagoya Bay, Hakata Bay, or other places-and have a good look at posts or jetties in the sea. You'll notice blackish, oval shells about 5 cm long clinging to the sides. They are called mussels. Lovers of Italian food are delighted to see them piled on top of a plate of spaghetti in a restaurant. Mussels originally come from a broad area of sea ranging from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic Ocean. They arrived in Japan on the bottoms of ships sailing back and forth between that part of the world and Japan. They were first spotted in Japan in Kobe Harbor in 1935, and quickly spread throughout the archipelago. The fame of these shellfish has spread beyond Italy. In France, mussels (or moules in French) are deep-fried like potatoes and called moules frites, they've become a favorite fastfood for ordinary people. In fact, moules frites are even more popular in Belgium than they are in France. They are practically synonymous with Belgian cuisine. That is why the best mussel restaurants in Paris and Brussels almost always recommend Belgian beer to accompany the dish. In Japan, the igai(called nitarigai in some provinces) is a relative of the mussel family. It lives in deeper water than mussels, and can grow three times larger. In ancient times, the shells were collected as a type of tax by the central government. Today, too, they have considerable value. The shell of a European mussel appears slightly more purplish than an igai, and so the former is sometimes called murasakigai. Mussels are such a popular food item in Europe that they are farmed in France and Italy. Strange to say, they seem to pass unnoticed in Japan despite their abundance in the sea. It is a great mistake to think that Japanese mussels are not the "real thing" and European mussels are. It's a pity that only some marine specialists and gourmets appreciate the flavor and delicacy of Japanese mussels. Mussels are hated in Hiroshima and other oyster farming areas. They attach themselves to the shells of the oysters and eat the plankton meant for the oysters. This prevents the growth of the oysters. Oyster farmers pry the mussels off the oyster shells and ship them to market, but there is little demand for them. In Japan, these mussels are a luxury few can afford. In Japan, people who fish from sea walls and jetties frequently use mussels as bait. The poor mussels are collected in handfuls, and then stomped on to crush the shells. Japanese waters have recently become clean again, but there are still obvious pockets of pollution. Probably no one who saw a mussel in a polluted area would wish to eat it. However, there are still plenty of tasty and clean mussels in Japanese Waters. If you ask at a first-class restaurant in Japan whether the mussels they served were caught in Japan or in Europe, shouldn't they answer with pride, "They are from Mie Prefecture," or "They are from lwate Prefecture"?

  • 入試長文問題 日本語訳

    最後の2つの文の意味がわかりません。 それと問題が わかりません。 問題*本文によれば、イングランド人をsleeping-walkerと呼べるのはなぜですか。      日本語で説明しなさい。 George Orwell のEngland your England だそうです。 Here are a couple of generalizations about England that would be accepted by almost all observers. One is that the English are not gifted artistically. They are not as musical as the Germans or Italians, painting and sculpture have never flourished in England as they have in France. Another is that, as Europeans go, the English are not intellectual. They have a horror of abstract thought, they feel no need for any philosophy or systematic ‘world-view’. Nor is this because they are ‘practical’, as they are so fond of claiming for themselves. One has only to look at their methods of town planning and water supply, their obstinate clinging to everything that is out of date and a nuisance, a spelling system that defies analysis, and a system of weights and measures that is intelligible only to the compilers of arithmetic books, to see how little they care about mere efficiency. But they have a certain power of acting without taking thought. Their world-famed hypocrisy – their double-faced attitude towards the Empire, for instance – is bound up with this. Also, in moments of supreme crisis the whole nation can suddenly draw together and act upon a species of instinct, really a code of conduct which is understood by almost everyone, though never formulated. ここまではなんとなく訳せたのですが、次の2つの文の意味がわかりません。 The phrase that Hitler coined for the Germans, ‘a sleep-walking people’, would have been better applied to the English. Not that there is anything to be proud of in being called a sleeping-walker. よろしくお願いします。

  • 訳おねがいします

    The chief attraction slang has for people is novelty. It is fun to hear an idea phrased in a new, unusual way. But after hundreds of repetitions, the novelty wears off: the slang loses freshness and sparkle. The history of most slang expressions is that die an early death. (A)That is one reason why slang is often ineffective in speach and inappropriate in writing that is meant to last for some time. Then, too, a great many siang expressions are so general that they hardly have any meaning at all beyond a vague indication of approval or disapproval. Using such words adds no more to your speech or writing than dose calling everything you like "wonderful" and everything you dislike "awful". Words like "dreamy" and "crummy'' are slang of this kind and add little to style or meaning. Slang should be used with caution. A safe prescription is this: in conversation with friends, use it, but in small doses. Use it even less frequently in informal writing, making sure that what you use is appropriate to the subject and will not annoy readers. Never use it in formal speech or writing. If you read a great deal and listen with interest to the speech of people who use language well, you will gradually develop a reliable judgment about the appropriateness of slang. Then, when you feel sure a slang expression is effective, you will probably be right. (A)thatが何を指しているのかもお願いします。

  • 長文の訳お願いします

    ユダヤ教の食についてのタブーがなぜ厳しいのかとという長文です、途中までは やったので残り半分ほど訳せる方お願いします Among the ancient and influential religions of the world, there is none as strict as Judaism for classifying foods as fir or unfit to eat. Foods which meet these standards are considered kosher-that is, fit or proper. For example, any animal which has cloven hooves and chews its cud is kosher. It is forbidden to eat pig, camel or rabbit because they lack one of these two qualifications. Only fish with fins and scales may be eaten, which means that octopus, squid, shrimp, crab, and catfish are forbidden by dietary laws. Chicken and turkey may be eaten. There is a special law that forbids eating meat, including poultry, and milk products together. Utensils used for meat may not be used for diary produced and vice versa. There is also a ritual method of killing animals that may be eaten. Animals that die of disease or that are found dead may not be eaten. A variety of rules must be observed in the slaughterhouse. A slaughterer has special qualifications and training, and may only use a very sharp knife in order to minimize the animal's suffering. Following the slaughter, the meat must be rinsed in water to remove all traces of blood. To eat a rare steak with traces of blood is out of the question. Orthodox Jewish butchers do not keep hindquarters of meat in their shops. The hindquarters are sold to nonkosher butchers because Jews are forbidden to eat the sciatic nerve and the surrounding blood vessels. Nowadays, while many Jews condnue to refrain from eating pork and other traditionally forbidden foods, they will enjoy trying just about anything else. Why does the Old Testament go into dietary laws in such detail? ltls only a guess, but when the ancient Hebrews left their Egyptian bondage to wander for years in the desert, suffering all sorts of hardships, these strict rules were vital to promoting both hygiene and a sense of solidarity among the people. If your plane arrives in Israel on a Friday evening and you want a meal, you're out of luck. The Jewisll day of rest begins at sunset on Friday and runs until sunset on Saturday. During that time, restaurants are closed. You have to go to the Palestinian section for a meal. The Arabs follow Islam, and their day of rest ends on Friday. And, of course, the Christian day of rest is a day later than that of the Jews, on Sunday

  • 長文の訳お願いします(*_*)

    The eel is truly an mysterious fish. As is well known, young eels return from the sea to grow big in rivers. What no one knows is where they are born or from where they travel to Japan. They seem to come from the deep sea teaches around the Philippines, but this is not known for certain. Thus, we can't catch a lot of young eels, and there is also a natural limit on our ability to farm eels. We have finally learned how to make mature eels lay eggs, but as we do not know what young eels eat, we cannot raise them from birth. In other words, eels cannot be farmed from birth through to maturity. Today, there's some disagreement between eel chefs and sushi chefs. At eel restaurants, they will serve a strip of white meat about 5 cm long and call it baby eel. Sushi restaurants, on the other hand, deny that it is eel;they say it is baby conger or sea snake. It is hard to imagine it is baby eel, because baby eel is hard to come by in quantity. Anyway, no matter who is right, baby eels are a mystery to eel lovers. What is also strange is that although Japanese waters should be a fine breeding ground for eels, young eels are hardly ever found. On the other hand, there are countries such as Spain which have an abundance of young eels. A favorite Spanish dish is to take heaps of European baby eels seasoned with olive oil and garlic, and then cook them in clay pots. There are probably more baby eels on each plate than a Japanese will eat in a lifetime. Another strange thing is that, half a world away from Spain in Venezuela, baby eels are eaten the same way. It helps to know that Venezuela is by far the wealthiest nation in the region, and frozen baby eels are flown in from Spain. Of course, Venezuela was originally conquered by Spain in the Age of Discovery, and the privileged classes of Spanish ancestry still uphold a "Spanish diet." Europeans enjoy eating not only baby eels, but eels in many ways. The north German city of Hamburg is known for its varied gourmet cuisine, and its eel soup with fruit is very unusual. Smoked eel is commonly eaten in Europe in soup or sauteed. And remember, it's bad manners to slurp your eel soup. There is a poem in Manyoshu that goes:"Won't you have some eel? It keeps you strong in summer." The benefits of eating eel to prevent exhaustion in summer were well known in those times, which indicates just how ancient our history of eel-eating is. The Japanese have always had great faith in the benefits of eating dark-col-healthy. That is why catfish was popular. Among the varieties of dark meat, eel is especially delicious. In the Edo Period, eels that came up from Tokyo Bay into the Fuka and Kanda Rivers were considered the finest, while those found elsewhere were considered less flavorful. It's hard to imagine that the flavor of the former would be different from eel caught locally. Anyway, oddly enough, there are two big misunderstandings about eel among Japanese people. The first is that eel is a specialty of Japan. When you understand how highly valued eel is in Europe, you might eat it more often. The second is that some people hate eel, associating its shape with snakes, even though they have never tried it. If they could get rid of that senseless association, many more people would try eel.

  • 英語から日本語訳にお願いします!(長文です)

    長文ですが日本語訳をお願いします! 人物の特徴なのですが、上手く翻訳できません。よろしくお願いします。 This is also a man who likes romance, likes the thrill of the chase, he will seem to peruse you intently but may loose interest when in a secure relationship, and wander. He thinks that you are beautiful and charming and his inhibition breaks down when he's with you. This aspect usually brings at the very least a thrilling or exciting sexual encounter which seldom takes place immediately or early in the relationship, but the prospect of it enhances the inter reaction. There is a danger inthe aspect that he may love you and leave you, or a danger of unfaithfulness on his part. But that would most likely only happen if he felt you were trying to force him into a suffocating relationship, or force him into marriage before he was willing or ready. The problem with this aspect as time goes on is that you will expect and want constant companionship, while he will want a life of his own. And may in fact behave much a though he were still single. The more you cling, or demand security and togetherness the more you will drive him away. He has a fear of being smothered and imprisoned by love, so the more you cling, the more distant or cold he will get. Or the more badly he will behave towards you, and the less likely he will be to show any sign of commitment. You will feel hurt and rejected by this. For he may also run after others. But the aspect is one of total fascination's that if you reach the stage when you have enough of this man or you feel he has treated you badly or been unfaithful and you want to let go, it will be difficult to do so. The Venus Uranus aspect is a binding one. If you were to break up and re meet even years after with this aspect the old feelings and attraction would rekindle. You are magnetically and sexually attracted to each other and find the other stimulating and exciting. You do things together you never dreamed of doing because you feel liberated---even rebellious---when you are together. The relationship is unique and unpredictable---but always exciting.

  • 英語 長文

    訳をお願いします。 In the world of advertising selling products is the most important goal. As companies are becoming more global, they are looking for new ways to sell their products all over the world. It is true that because of global communication, the world is becoming smaller today. But it is also true that the problems of global advertising_____problems of language and culture _____have become larger than ever. For example, Braniff Airlines wanted to advertise its fine leather seats. But when its advertisement was translated from English to Spanish, it told people that they could fly naked! Another example of incorrect translation is how a car maker, Chevrolet, tried to market the Chevy Nova in Latin America. In English, the word nova refers to a star. But in Spanish, it means "doesn't go." Would you buy a car with this name? To avoid these problems of translation, most advertising firms are now beginning to write completely new advertisements. In writing new advertisements, global advertisers consider the different styles of communication in different countries. In some culture, the meaning of an advertisement is usually found in the exact words (アare/describe/that/to/used) the product. This is true in such countries as the United States, Britain, and Germany. But in other culture, such as Japan's, the message depends more on situations and feelings than (イit does) on words. For this reason, the goal of many TV commercials in Japan is to show how good people feel at a party or other social situation. The commercial will not say that a product is better than others. Instead, its goal will be to create a positive mood or feeling about the product. アは並べ替えで イはit とdoesはそれぞれ何を指すのか答える問題です。 お願いします。

  • 英語に詳しい方への質問です。
  • 設問に答えるための要点をまとめました。
  • 設問の答えを簡潔にまとめました。