• 締切済み



  • 333tori3
  • ベストアンサー率0% (0/0)

とてもラフに訳すと... こんにちは、私は元気だよ!私の名前はTobiっていうんだけど、その意味は、えっと、TobiはTobbiasの略で、ギリシャ語で神様の徳(有難さ、良さ)って意味なんだ。だから、私の名前もそんなことを意味してるのかな。 私は元気にやってるよ!週末ずっと学校でやることがあってくたくたになってるけど。学生って大変だよね!将来のためだから仕方ないけどね! 日本はどんな感じ?雪たくさん降るんじゃない? こっちはあまり雪は降らなくて、雨がたっくさん降るよ。あまり気にならないけどね。


  • 日本語訳お願いします。

    I'm doing much work this time, so I'm a little tired... But that's fine, I'm glad to work, even if at Christmas.

  • 日本語訳してください!

    Yeah, we did! It was long but I know a few about it because of the lessons! My favourite sport is football, I'm a great football fan (Soccer)! I also play it alot I used to be in the football team in my old school, but i can't any more now D: my doesn't want me too! Volley ball, hmm I've only played it once in school that was it! It was very hard I remember! I've tried to learn French during secondary school since i was 11 to age 15 but I never understood much since i really didn't have interest in it! I'm very much into music and watching tvs and stuff! I love going out with my friends to the cinema! Are you in junior high school or high school? In the UK we don't call it junior high school or senior high school we call it secondary school and college! I'm in college since I'm 16! It's my first year :)

  • この英文を日本語訳してください!

    I find school okay, it's fine it\'s relaxed teachers don\'t treat you like little kids which annoyed me during secondary school!  But I have a lot of annoying teachers, one of my teachers is very sarcastic and rude, noone likes her I think she hates her job :s 

  • 日本語にして下さい☆

    I'm doing fine. Another usual work day.

  • 日本語訳お願いします!

    It's sunday for me just now! I just woke up, I have a few friends who ride scooters, But I don't want one I think it'll be a waste of money >.< I'd rather wait till i finish university and get a car and a stable job! ;D I don't really mind my school to be honest! It's better than my old school that's for sure! I have tons of home work to do aswell, I have homework due in tomorrow and I jut remembered now so I'm working really hard! How's your weekend been?

  • 意味のわかる日本語にして下さい

    (すみませんが翻訳機からの丸写し回答は求めてないです。よろしくお願いします。) ↓ Don't think so much it's a bit sad. I'm looking for my girl and I would like to have a sweet Asian girl for me such as one as you are but it's really hard if you not even speak English. How comes you not speak everybody does learn it at school!? I don't know we can manage it.. What are you doing in your life?

  • 日本語訳を教えて下さい

    日本語訳を教えて下さい When I decided to send my son to a regular Japanese elementary school, my friends and family in America asked if I was worried about stereotype that bullying is worse in Japan. I bullying, I told them it's a told them my son would be fine. And at first, he was happy and learning well. なんとなくはわかるんですがはっきりとは理解できず、どなたか教えて頂けないでしょうか。

  • 日本語文法について

    日本語を勉強している外国人です。英語で答えを出来る人がいたらお願いします。日本語の言語学の先生とか専攻の人がいますか? *今日授業中に突然、気分が悪くなったけれど 食べたらまた大丈夫です。  While I was in a class today, my body felt weak in sudden.But after I ate , I feel fine again. My Japanese friend corrected お昼を食べたら気分がまた良くなりました。( or 気分が良くなりました) So, why can't I use " また大丈夫”? Grammatically, there should be nothing wrong with it from my understanding and I googled また大丈夫 and saw it used in many journals by native japanese people. Really all it means is "once again fine", it's just an adverb modifying the "daijoubu". I just honestly don't understand what is grammatically incorrect, aside from maybe it just sounds awkward to you because you wouldn't use it. *日本語の訳 「また大丈夫」という言葉は文法的にOKですか?わたしの日本人の友達はNGといいました。でも多くの日本人が使っているのをみました。 なぜ また大丈夫( I feel fine again)はダメですか? この文法について教えてください。 英語で答えがほしいです。ごめんなさい、日本語、下手です。よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳教えて下さい!

    以下の英文の和訳(意味)を教えて下さい。Many things that's the Problem. There is history, politics psychology and some more but for some of them i'm too bad in school and i Must have luck to study it. But in the end i can't decide which of them i take. It's hard :). になります。 切実ですのでよろしくお願いします。

  • 自然な会話文になるように、添削をお願いします。-2-

    John: Mom, I'm back! Mom: John? I'm here in the kitchen! (In the kitchen) J: Hi, Mom! M: Hi. You're in a good mood today, John... Oh, you smiling, huh? J: Well, it's just some funny stories somebody told me on the whole way here. M: Oh... It's a girl, right? J: Could be. M: John, I'm so glad you've started dating again. I was a little worried, though. J: Well, technically, it's not a date, Mom. Talking. And I'm not quite sure if I got over it. At least I'm happy just to talk to each other. M: That's a good sign, John. J: She knows everything what happened to me, and still... deeply cares about me. M: Well, that reminds me of something... J: Yeah? M: Your father and I are now great together, but actually he was not my first love. J: I thought he said he was. M: No, he was the one who was always beside me to listen and made me laugh all the time when I broke up with my first love. John, I feel she could be the one. J: Hopefully, she will. Thanks, Mom. M: Well, John, you wanna bring her here this weekend? I'd love to meet her. J: Um... Sorry, Mom, but we're going out together this weekend, I mean, just two of us. M: Well, that's okay. Then, just let me know when you two are ready to come over. Look, don't forget to tell her the door's always open, okay? J: Yeah, sure. M: ... Um... John... How about next weekend, by the way? J: Mom... お時間ありましたら、お願い致します。