• ベストアンサー


小泉八雲の「うばざくら」内の文章からの問題です。 (1)This Tokubei was the rechest person in the district, and the muraosa or headman, of the village. この文内にある(or)を、「または」とか「あるいは」とは訳さず訳すとなるとどうなるでしょうか。 (2)the wife of Tokubei gave birth to a daughter. この文を A daughterを主語に云いかえる場合、どうなるでしょうか。 以上2問、お願い致します。


  • ベストアンサー

(1) すなわち「首領」 (2) A daughter was given birth by the wife of Tokubei.





その他の回答 (1)

  • Willyt
  • ベストアンサー率25% (2858/11131)

1.関西以西では庄屋、関東以北では名主です。 2.  原文は何かの間違いじゃないでしょうか。クリスチャンの考え方では give bith するのは親ではなく、神の筈です。ですから  A daughter was given birth to the wife of Tokubei. とするのが妥当だと私は考えます。



丁寧に教えていただき、ありがとうございました。 確かに、クリスチャンの考え方を考えると、原文がおかしくなると思いました。 勉強になりました。



  • 日本語訳の添削と質問

    前回に引き続き、童話シンデレラ(英文)を自分なりに日本語訳に直してみたので、添削と説明お願いいたしますm(_ _)m ■He had likewise, by another wife, a young daughter, but of unparalleled goodness and sweetness of temper, which she took from her mother, who was the best creature in the world. 男(彼)も同じように、別の妻との間にできた幼い娘がいた。その娘は世界で一番の女性であった母親から譲り受けた無比の優しさと可愛らしい性格の持ち主だ。 以下質問です(^_^;) (1)↑英文を並び替えるとしたら「He had likewise, by another wife, a young daughter」を「He had likewise a young daughter by another wife」とだけ直して、あとはそのままで大丈夫でしょうか? (2)↑英文の「but of ~」部分で、なんでbutが使われているのでしょうか?ofの存在する意味もわからないです( ; ゜Д゜) (3)↑英文は1文なのに日本語訳が2文になってしまったのですが、これって良いのでしょうか? 長文になってしまいました:(;゛゜'ω゜'): 添削と質問が多くてすみません.....(・・;) 理系頭の英語が苦手人間なので、初歩的な質問になってしまったと思いますが、教えてくださると幸いです。

  • 日本語訳を!

    お願いします (8) The village of Deir el-Medina has been called a company town. The only people who lived there were the 40 to 60 tomb builders and their families. For generations the skilled craftsmen worked on the king's tombs, cutting into the cliffs of the west bank of the Nile across the river from the ancient city of Thebes. These artisans needed to be within easy commute of the necropolis, or city of the dead, where they worked. The workmen walked to the Valley of the Kings by way of a mountain path. During the week, rather than walking all the way back to their village, the workmen stayed at a camp of stone huts they had built on a level spot along the pathway. The tiny one- or two-room huts were clustered, sharing common walls. The group of huts looked like a honeycomb. An Egyptian workweek ran ten days, so it was not unusual for the workers to stay on the job for eight days and then travel to their families in the village for the "weekend." (9) Building a village within walking distance of the Valley of Kings had its problems. The biggest surely had to be water. Water had to be carried from the floodplain up to the valley to the village. With about 68 homes at Deir el-Medina, that's a lot of water. The state supplied half a dozen water carriers. And, of course, they recorded the deliveries. For the average six-person household, each person would get about four gallons a day for drinking and bathing (not including laundry, which was done by laundrymen, whose service was also provided by the state). Toting the water must have been an annoyance, especially if the deliveries were delayed for any reason. But Deir el-Medina's misfortune turns out to be our good fortune.

  • 主語がわかりません。

    以下の文章の、will be ~の主語はどれになるんでしょうか? どう訳せばいいですか? A fall guy is the person who someone decides will be the loser or victim. よろしくお願いします!

  • 小泉八雲の本の一文の日本語訳を教えて下さい!

    小泉八雲(ラフカディオ・ハーン)の『英語教師の日記から(From the diary of an English teacher)』という話を英語で読んでいます。 どうしても日本語訳が難しい英文があるので教えて下さい↓↓ 【Of all the strange or beautiful things which I am thus privileged to examine, none gives me so much pleasure as a certain wonderful kakemono of Amida Nyorai.】 という英文の日本語訳なんです・・・ ※出雲の生徒達が彼(ラフカディオ・ハーン)を喜ばしたり、驚かせるために色々な日本の風変わりな物や美しい物を持ってきて見せてくれたりする日々を送っていた話の後に上の文が書かれているのですが・・・ 単語の意味は ・Of all=~の全ての中で ・thus=このように、だから、従って、例えば ・privilege=特権を与える 私なりに訳してみたものは 「私がこのように特別扱いをされ、与えられた変わった美しい物全ての中で、素晴らしい阿弥陀如来の掛け物ほどの喜びは誰も与えてくれない」 です・・・が、ちょっと不自然な訳ですかね・・・?! 英語にお詳しい方や、小泉八雲のこの話の対訳を読んだことある方など、ご指導下さい!

  • 日本語訳を!(17)

    お願いします (1) No one in the ancient world loved their children more than the Egyptians. The Greeks, who sometimes left unwanted infants (most often girls) outdoors to die, were shocked to discover the Egyptians did not. The Greek geographer Strabo believed the fact "that they bring up all the children that are born" to be the Egyptians' most admirable quality. In Egypt, children (even girls) were considered a blessing. Pregnant women were fussed over, envied, and admired. And right behind them, the fathers stood all puffed up with their fatherhood. Egyptian men were loving fathers―and proud of it! (2) The medical document called the Berlin Papyrus, contains directions for the oldest-known pregnancy test. The test involves watering cereals with urine, and has a bonus feature of predicting the sex of the unborn child. "The woman must moisten it with urine every day.... If he barley grows it means a male child. If the wheat grows it will mean a female child. If neither grows, she will not give birth." (3) When it was time to deliver, women went to special birth houses. For the upper class, the birth house might be a luxurious room built next to the temple. For the less wealthy, the birth house might be a special room on the roof of the house where cool winds blew. Squatting with each foot on a large brick, or sitting in a special birthing chair with a hole in the seat, a woman gave birth assisted by female neighbors. The women in labor repeated prayers to Amun, "make the heart of the deliverer strong, and keep alive the one that is coming."

  • 日本語訳を!

    お願いします (4) The dwarf-god Bes was a welcome sight to woman in labor. Bes fought off evil spirits that might threaten her or her body. During the Middle Kingdom, Bes's likeness might be carved onto the boomerang-shaped magic wand women often placed on their stomachs while giving birth. During the New Kingdom, Bes's picture might be painted on the birth house wall. Childbirth was dangerous to both mother and baby, so divine help from any of the gods associated with newborns was sought out, particularly from the chief god of newborns―the pregnant hippo-goddess, Taweret. (5) Scholars believe one out of every two or three newborns died, but they can only estimate because many newborns did not have their own burial. If a mother and baby both died in childbirth, they would be buried together. Babies who died soon after birth might be placed in clay pots and buried under the home, and those who never lived long enough to be named might be thrown into the Nile to the crocodiles. Mothers anxiourly watched their babies for danger signs. With predictions such as, "If the child made a sound like the creaking of the pine trees, or turned his face downward, he would die," it's no wonder they were anxious. (6) Parents named their children quickly. A child without a name was doomed to the "second death"―complete erasure―no life after death. Mothers wasted no time announcing their newborn's mame. Some names were long―Hekamaatreemperkhons. And some names were short―Ti. Some names described the child―Nefertiti, the Beautiful Woman Has Come. Some names connected the child with one of the gods―Tutankhamen, the Living Image of Amun. And some names were what the mother cried out when she gave birth―Nefret, pretty.

  • Either A or B (主語)~not.文

    Either he or his wife has not arrived yet. みたいにEither A or Bが主語で否定文をつくることは可能ですか?  Anything(主語)の否定文がないようにこれもよい文ではなさそうな気がしてます。

  • 日本語訳をお願いします。

    至急こちらをお願いします。 The thought of havingto cook dinner at the end of a a long day is sometimes almost more than your tired parents can bear-even with the help of grocery stores,refrigerators,and microwave ovens.Imagine what it must have been like in he ancient village of Mehrgarh.Not only was there no fast food,there weren't even any pots or pans.For the village's first 1,500 years,vilkagers cooked their fond,using nothing more than hot stomes,baskets,and perhaps leather sacks.Every cook must have wished a hundred times for some kind of vessel that could be put directly over the fire,that could hold water better than a bitumen-coated basket,and that a rat couldn't chew through. About 5500 BCE,the villagers realized that a solutiom o the problem of cooking and food storage was right at their feet-the fine,silty mud called clay.They dug it out of its slippery deposits by the river with digging sticks,then pounded it to bits and dried it in the hot sun for a couple of days.Then they sifted it to remove any small rocks or leaves,kneaded it with water until it formed large balls,then covered the balls with a damp cloth.For several days,water seeped into the clay.Then it was finally ready to shape into a pot or a smalk human or animal figure.

  • 英語→日本語 教えてください!訳がまとまりません

    以下の文を正しく訳したいのですが、日常会話と違ってうまくまとめられません。 お知恵をくださいm(_ _)m Certified to be a true copy of an entry in the certified copy of a register of births, Still-births or Deaths in the District above mentioned. Given at the General Register Office, under the Seal of the said Office on 1st February 2009. 上記の一部 the certified copy ofに補足があり、 If the Certificate is given from the orignal Register, the words *the certified copy of* are struck out. There are offences relating to falsifying or altering a certificate and using or possessing a false certificate. これは出生証明書の最後に書いてある英文です。 最初の文が、 出生・死亡登録の謄本の項目の正当なコピーであると証明されます。 みたいな事を言っているのはわかるのですが、 Still-birthsの意味や、ここでのSealの意味わからず文がまとまりません・・・(T∇T) 最後の段落は、 「証明書を不正にコピーしたり、偽造した証明書を使用または所有すると違反になります。」 で正しいでしょうか? どなたか翻訳にご協力いただける方、宜しくお願いいたします。

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    The more vociferous students in the group sometimes tend to take over in terms of volume and output. The process of writing gives everyone an equal opportunity to express themselves,with no one taking non-stop or politely waiting their turn. Writing down their views gave them a little more time to process other students'contributions and respond appropriately. よろしくお願いいたします!