
  • 健康的な食事と運動により体重を減らすことができます。
  • 健康を保つために、摂取する食事は2,000カロリーに制限する必要があります。
  • 体重減少のダイエットには、必要な栄養素を含んでいることが重要です。
  • ベストアンサー


下記の文章の訳をお願いします。 1. By eating healthy food and exercising you (can) (lose) weight. 2. I (must) (limit) the intake of food to 2,000 calories to keep fit. 3. Weight loss diets (should) (include) a variety of essential nutrients. 4. (Will) you (keep) track of the number of calories you eat? 5. Gargling a couple of times a day (may) (relieve) a sore throat.

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • marbleshit
  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)

1.健全な食品を食べ、運動することにより体重を減らすことが可能である。 2.健康を保つため、食品の摂取を2,000カロリーまでに制限しなければならない。 3.減量ダイエットには多種多様な必要栄養素の摂取が欠かせない。 4.カロリー摂取量の記録を取ってみたらどう? 5.一日数回のうがいで、喉の痛みは治まるかもしれませんよ。





  • 英語の問題です。

    以下の空欄に適切な<助詞>+<助動詞>の組み合わせを下から選ぶ問題です。 訳も宜しくお願いします>< 【 should/include  will/keep  must/limit  may/relieve  can/lose 】 1. By eating healthy food and exercising you (   ) (   ) weight. 2. I (   ) (   ) the intake of food to 2,000 calories to keep fit. 3. Weight loss diets (   ) (   ) a variety of essential nutrients. 4. (   ) you (   ) track of the number of calories you eat? 5. Gargling a couple of times a day (   ) (   ) a sore throat.

  • 英語の日本語訳をお願いしたいですm(_ _)m

    The Asian,Latin,Mediterranean,and vegetarian diet are favored by some health professionals in preference to the USDA Food Pyramid. Search the Web to find out the details of two of these diets and compare them with the Food Pyramid. What are the major differences in the diets? Find out why the alternative diets are favored by some health professionals. この文を日本語にしたいです。英語が苦手なので困っています。どうぞよろしくお願いします。

  • 英訳お願いします。

    Guideline are made to help people eat healthy. If we consume the recommended amounts of calories and nutrients every day,we can stay in good health. これを訳してください。 あと How ( )sugar do we have? Desserts like cakes and cookies usually contain ( )calories. We can prevent ( )diseases by eating a healthy diet. Calories are untits for measuring how much energy foods contain. You sholdn't put too ()salt on your food. カッコないにはmuch、manyのどちらが入りますか? いまいちよくわからないので教えてください!

  • 和訳お願いします

    以下の英文の和訳をお願いします。 Men are about twice as likely to snore as women are, and it can be caused by a number of things, including allergies, aging, a cold or even just the distinctive shape of your throat. Your weight may also play a role. “You’ve got this combination of tissues that over time, when you gain weight, they gain weight,” Dr. Smith said. “And when you get older, they become a little less toned. So they just tend to clog the airway.” 特に、 “You’ve got this combination of tissues that over time, when you gain weight, they gain weight,” Dr. Smith said. の文がわかりません。

  • わからない英文があります!

    "I'm very stressed. With you and Serena down my throat, I can hardly think, never mind keep food down." never mind keep food downの意味がイマイチよくわかりません・・・。

  • 訳について

    For those of you who don't exercise regularly, it will probably be extremely difficult to keep running for more than 30 minutes. の最初の those of youの部分が意味はだいたいわかるんですがどうしてこう書くのかわかりません。 教えてください。

  • 英文解釈

    new york timesの電子版を読んでいて解釈がわからないところがありました。ダイエットについての文章です。以下本文の抜粋です。 A person's weight remains stable as long as the number of calories consumed doesn't exceed the amount of calories the body spends, both on exercise and to maintain basic body functions. calories consumedは消費カロリー、calories the body spendsは基礎代謝みたいな意味でしょうか。それだとbothまでの内容は「消費カロリーが基礎代謝を上回らない限り、体重は維持される」となり、なんだかよくわかりません。あと、both以下もon exerciseとto maintainがどこにかかっているかもよくわかりません。よろしくお願いします。

  • Toeic の問題で理解しがたい文が幾つかあります

    以下の問題がどうしてその回答なのか理解出来なく、何方か教えて下さい。宜しくお願い致します。 Q: __________, I would have returned it immediately. a.)If I knew that you wanted to read it b.)I had known that you wanted to read it c.)Had I known that you wanted to read it c.is correct answer Q: _______ in a home where two parents work is a difficult task indeed. a.)Children brought up b.)To bring up children c.)Bringing up children c. is correct answer Q: Despite ____________, Jack continued to lose weight. a.)he increased his food intake b.)increasing food intake c.)increased food intake c. is correct answer Q: _________ that James Franklin made his stunning debut. a.)It was 'Lions' b.)It was in 'Lions' c.)'Lions' it was b is correct answer

  • 訳お願いします

    fast food is available just about everywhere. the typical McDonald's is usually a burger, french fries and a soda. the fast food industry uses many tricks to get you to eat more, and keep you coming back for more. They target kids and adults alike. their tactic skills will make you become addicted to the fast food they serve. once you get used to it, you cannot escape frnm it. the bad effects of fast food have been shared with the public. with the heavily processed standard American diet, nearly seven out of ten Americans are overweight, and one in four is affected with diabetes or pre-diabetes. many studies in the US have been shared to warn the public about the dangers of eating too much fast food. the university of Minnesota studied 3,031 men and women for fifteen years, and they discovered that people who ate fast food twice a week gained five extra kilograms. according to a BBC survey conducted in 13 countries, people in the uk are ranked top for junk food addiction. what is more, many studies have shown that chemicals in fast food, including food additives, are harmful to our health. the more you find out about processed food, the less attractive it becomes.

  • to不定詞

    A cold doesn't cause other bacterial infections, but it does make you more susceptible to them. A sign that you might have one of these is that you have a cold, start to feel better after a few days, and then get worse, Bergquist said. You should see a doctor if you have fever, phlegm and severe sore throat that's not improving after three days. この文章中の start to feel better after a few days この部分なのですが、どのような意味でしょうか? 気分を晴らすために数日後から始まる…ではないですよね…。 解説をお願いします。