
  • ない良いがありましたが、2つ目のパッケージには間違いがありました。
  • キーボードでZを押したままで国のフィールドにエラーが発生したため、2つ目のパッケージはジンバブエに送られてしまいました。
  • ただし、最初のパッケージは問題ありませんでした。
  • ベストアンサー


Alright took me awhile to find it as you never the email but I finally got it. Looks like there is a mistake on the second package. It was sent to Zimbabwe due to an error. Must have hit z on my keyboard while the country field was still highlighted or something. But the looks like the first one is good.

  • bonboy
  • お礼率76% (549/719)
  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nebusoku3
  • ベストアンサー率38% (1442/3776)

Alright took me awhile to find it as you never the email but I finally got it. あなたとしては電子メールをしていないとの事でしたのでそれを見つけるのに少し時間がかかりましたが(原因を?)探し当てました。 Looks like there is a mistake on the second package. 見た感じでは2回目のパッケージ にミスが有ったようです。 It was sent to Zimbabwe due to an error. それはエラーが原因でジンバブエへ送られました。 Must have hit z on my keyboard while the country field was still highlighted or something. 国の欄がハイライト(点滅して入力待ち状態) かその様なことに近い状態の時に 私のキーボード上で z が打たれてしまったものと 思います。 But the looks like the first one is good. しかし最初のものは大丈夫なようです。 ●荷物が届いていないとのクレームに対する回答の様に見えますが 2つのうちの一つは タイプミスで ジンバブエの方に送られたようですね。



回答ありがとうございました。 ファーストクラスメールで、海外からいつも1週間~10日で来る荷物が 今回は1ヶ月ほどかかっていて、まだ到着しないので 売り手の方に聞いて見た所、JPではなく、ZW(ジンバブエ)になっていたようです。

その他の回答 (1)

  • marbleshit
  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)

了解。中々メール頂けなかった為、事実確認に少々時間を要した。 何らかの手違いで、どうやら2つ目の荷物はジンバブエに送付された模様。 国域がひっくり返ってたか何かで、間違ってキーボードのZを叩いてしまったようだ。 ただ1つ目の荷物は問題ない様子。





  • 大至急翻訳してください

    “It has been a very difficult race. We were once again very unfortunate, but we hope that bad luck went away because it would be impossible to go on like this. Loris was very brave; however, until the shoulder acted up he was keeping a good pace. 『because it would be impossible to go on like this.』の部分が引っかかってしまいます どうぞ宜しくお願いします。

  • 英語の翻訳をお願いします。

    英語の翻訳をお願いします。 ネットショップで、海外の方から来たメールです。 Hello, so since my last message I was able to figure out why the film was not advancing and its working now. BUT I am getting no power in the camera, AE Meter will not work still. Any idea? Id like for it to turn on and work, but nothing is happening. Thanks! よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語の翻訳お願いします。

    If it's not on display, then it's not normal adult behavior.It can't be treated like a Mars bar that you just pick up when you go in. That's an absolutely crucial part of the strategy. Smokers I spoke to thought plain packaging might deter the young, but not them. I suppose the kids and that, they look at bright packaging and they think, you know, wow, this looks alright, but plain packaging, you know, I don't think it'd make a difference to me smoking at all. But the tobacco industry will fiercely oppose any further restrictions on what remains a legal product. よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳をお願いできないでしょうか。

    和訳をお願いできないでしょうか。 When delivery was made we need to know if it was highlighted by your receiving department on the delivery note that there were damaged cartons on the shipment. We will need to make a claim on the forwarder for any damages but this will be very difficult if the damage was not documented and highlighted to the forwarder on receipt of goods.

  • 訳してください!!

    Then I exercised for about 1 hour. You spelled hour hore which isn't a word but sounds like whore (here the w is silent). Whore is not a good word. Look it up and you'll be surprised. It's kind of a funny mistake. Your English is alright though. Try to link your sentences more with words like so, and, but etc., and it will sound more natural. お願いします。

  • 添削してください

    まるでペーパークラフトのような外観をしているが、見る方向によっては巨大な船のようにも見える形態をしている。 崩したような形の建物で、垂直の線が皆無です。 There is no vertical line in a building that looks like it collapsed. And it also looks just like a paper craft, but depending on the direction it looks like a huge ship. ある建物のデザインについて説明したのですが、こちらの英文が間違っていないか添削をして欲しいです よろしくお願いします。

  • 翻訳お願いします

    You were very careless to make such a mistake. The water is so warm that you can swim in ti today The soup was so salty that I couldn't eat it It seems that he knew the woman It was strange that the spoon began to bend by itself

  • 翻訳お願いします

    It was very careless of you to make such a mistake The water is warm enough for you to swim in today The soup was too salty for me to eat He seems to have known the women Strange to say,the spoon began to bend by itself

  • 翻訳お願いします

    OK Well you should have told me you bought that driver because I have already mailed as I didn't know that was you, and by the way would you mind please giving me your shipping address as it should look on the front of the package, I could not figure it out by the way it is on paypal it just looks funny there to me but then I don't live in Japan so I don't know how you guys do it so please show me exactly how it should look on the front of the package, Thanks.

  • 翻訳お願いします

    Silk-the Queen of Textiles Cotton is cool; wool is warm. They're practical. But silk? silk is soft, it is smooth, it is sophisticated- the queen of textiles. It is also possibly the most expensive material in the world, and indeed in ancient Rome it was more expensive than gold. But it is strong as well-a thread of silk is stronger than steel. I wanted to discover more about this mysterious material, so I decided to go to China. China is where the secret of silk was discovered more than 4,000 years ago, and today it is still the biggest producer of silk in the world. The first person I visited was Shen Congwen, advisor on ancient textiles to the Palace Museum in Beijing. He showed me some silk that workers found in a tomb in jianglin, in Hubei Province. It was more than 2,000 years old but still beautiful. He told me that he thinks these old silks are more beautiful than modern silks. "In ancient times, Weaving was done from the heart. In modern times, weaving is done for commerce." So, how do you make silk? The first problem is that the silkworm only eats leaves from one tree-the mulberry tree. "It is easier to prepare food for a human than a silkworm," says Toshio Ito, a japanese silkworm physiologist. silkworms only live for about 28 days, but in that time they increase in weight 10,000 times. At the end of their short lives, they spin a cocoon. In China, I watched workers collect the cocoons and kill the silkworms with steam or hot air. They then put the cocoons into hot water to make them softer. Next, they pulled the fibers from the cocoon and spun them to make silk thread. Finally, they wove the thread into cloth on machines called looms. But why is silk so expensive? Well, it takes 110 cocoons to make a mana7s tie, 630 cocoons to make a blouse and 3,000 cocoons to make a heavy silk kimono. That's a lot of mulberry leaves and many hours of hard work. But many people believe its beauty is worth it. As Kokoh Moriguchi, a textile artist told me, "A woman is more gentle when she wears a silk kimono." 翻訳お願いします