
  • 頭痛と体のしびれがあります。歩くときに問題があり、足元の石にもつまづきます。
  • 検査台に横になってください。腕の静脈に点滴を入れます。
  • PETスキャンでドーパミンの活動を表示します。放射線は体に害はありません。
  • ベストアンサー


以下の文章の翻訳をお願いします。 ( )内はリスニングの為、自信のないところもあります。 他に解答の案(発音の近い語句など)があれば教えて頂けると幸いです。 (1) patient: I began to experience migraine ( headaches ) and a tingling ( sensation ) on the left side of my body. Eventually, I had ( troubles ) and difficulty using my left hand and leg. Doctor: Any problem when you walk? Patient: Yes, my stride's ( getting ) shorter. My feet barely leave the ground, and I trip even on a stone on the road. (2) Nurse: Please lie on the ( examination ) table. I'm going to insert an intravenous line into a ( vein ) in your arm. RT: Please ( move ) to the PET scan machine. You'll have an injection of radiactive fluoride then. Patient: Does that mean I get ( radiation )? RT: Yes, but it's such a tiny amount and does no ( harm ) to your body. The PET scan will show the dopamine ( activity ) in the basal genglia.

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

(1) 患者: 私は、片頭痛と体の左側がうずくような感覚に悩み始めました。結局、私は、左の手脚が動かしにくくなったのです。 医師: 歩く時に問題がありますか? 患者: はい、歩幅が、狭くなってきています。足が、地面からなかなか離れなくて、道の石ころにさえつまずきます。 * migraine headache: 片頭痛 http://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=migraine+headache&ref=sa * trip on http://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=trip+on+a+rock (2) 看護師: 診察台にあってください。あなたの腕の静脈から点滴をします。 放射線治療士: PET・スキャンの機械へ移ってください。それから、あなたに、放射性フッ化物の注射をします。 患者: 被曝すると言うことですか? 放射線治療士: はい、でも、ごく微量ですから、あなたの体に害を与えることはありません。PETスキャンで、大脳基底核のドーパミン活性がわかります。 * RT = 通常 radiotherapy http://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=radiotherapy&ref=wl この文では、 radiotherapist 放射線治療士 http://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=radiotherapist の様に思われます。 * PET scan = positron-emission tomography scan 《医》放射断層撮影法スキャン http://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=positron-emission+tomography+scan&ref=wl * basal genglia ⇒ basal ganglia の打ち間違い? http://ejje.weblio.jp/content/basal+ganglia



いつもありがとうございます☆ 今回、お二人の方から素晴らしい回答を頂き、迷いましたが 詳しい解説を付けてくださったので、こちらの回答をBAにさせて頂きました^^* また困っていたら宜しくお願いしますm(._.)m

その他の回答 (1)

  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

1。     患者: 片頭痛が始まり、身体の左側にジンジンした痺れのようなものを感じました。結局、左足と左脚を使うのが難しくなりました。     医師:  歩く時に問題がありますか?     患者:はい、歩幅が小さくなってきています。足は地面すれすれで、道の石ころにも躓きます。 2。     看護師:診察台に横になってください。あなたの腕の静脈に点滴の管を挿入します。     RT: PETスキャンの機械の方に寄ってください。その時、放射性フッ素の注射をします。     患者:  と言うことは私が放射線を受けると言うことですか。     RT: はい、しかしごく少量ですからお体に危険はありません。PETスキャンでは、大脳基底核で、ドーパミン活性が起こっているのが分かります。





  • 英語問題

    _____ に適する単語を書く問題なのですが、わかりますか? わかったら翻訳もお願いします(;_;) (1)911. (2)There's been a terrible accident. A truck plowed into a pedestrian. He's _____ all over and he has difficulty _____. We're on Framingham Street at the corner of 5th Avenue. (3)O.K. we'll dispatch a paramedic ASAP. (4)What can I do in the meantime? (5)_____ his pulse every three minutes, and if it's weak,_____CPR. (1)_____ 120 bpm, RR 20 bpm,_____ 10. (2)What's his temperature and _____? (3)It's 36 ℃ and 80 over 50. (4)Set up another _____ line and check _____ and Chem-7. (5)I'll send this blood to the lab. (1)I began to experience migraine _____ and a tingling _____on the left side of my body. Eventually, I had _____ and difficulty using my left hand and leg. (2)Any problem when you walk? (3)Yes, my stride's _____ shorter. My feet barely leave the ground, and I _____ even on a stone on the road. (1)Please lie on the _____table. I'm going to insert an intravenous line into a _____in your arm. (2)Please _____to the PET scan machine. You'll have an injection of radioactive fluoride then. (3)Does that mean I get _____? (4)Yes, but it's such a tiny amount and does no _____ your body. The PET scan will show the dopamine _____in the basal ganglia.

  • 翻訳をお願いします。

    以下の文章を翻訳頂きたいです。 ( )内はリスニングですので、いまいち自信のないところもあります。 似た発音で他に候補があれば教えていただけますと幸いです。 (1) Mother : My daughter got this ( terrible ) nettle rash. She cried all night. Doctor : What did she ( eat ) last night ? Mother : A carrot ( salad ) and an omelet. Doctor : Has she had any allergies to milk or ( eggs ) before? Mother : Not that I know of. (2) DN : Check your ( weight ) on the scale, please. Patient : The scale ( shows ) I'm 110 pounds today. DN : Well, you're a bit ( overweight ). How much ( water ) did you drink yesterday? Patient : About a ( chort ). DN : Oh-oh, that's too much, you know.

  • これを翻訳してください!

    今日、英語で書かれた変なメールが来ました。もちろん削除しましたが、なんて書いてあるのか気になります。翻訳お願いします。 件名:help 本文:Please i need your help,I am a Libyan citizen, i need you to help secure my funds for my family.The NEW REGIME here are trying to kill us all, I want to TRANSFER my funds to you for a safe keep & for an investment for my children before i die, i have succeded in running out of Libya to a near by African country,I dont know how long i can hang on.PLEASE EMAIL ME NOW; f_senu260☆yahoo.com.hk

  • どなたか日本語への翻訳をお願い致します!!!

    外国(カザフスタン)の方から質問を頂いたのですが、英語力が足りず翻訳できず悩んでおります。 以下の英語をどなたか日本語に訳して頂けないでしょうか? 宜しくお願い致します。 would like to choose SAL - With Insurance Is it possible I will pay on Monday? In my country of bank on Saturday and Sunday does not work, I will put yet money on an account what to buy with insurance=) Is it possible to ask, and what your native language?=)

  • すいません、翻訳お願いします。

    すいません、翻訳お願いします。 Thanks for your email. Sorry for the inconvenience it caused to you. We have checked that we have received your package, it may on its way now. Please be patient and we will definitely help you out of this.You may wai for another a few days.Your understanding and patience will be highly appreciated! Please feel free to contact us whenever you have questions. Have a nice day!

  • 翻訳して下さい。

    海外通販をして発送が遅れているので理由について問い合わせました。 返信がきました。いまいち内容が理解できないので日本語に訳して下さい。 I understand that you have requested an order status update. I have reviewed your order and see that your order has not yet completed the shipping process. Please review your original order confirmation that was emailed to you. Located in the top right corner of the order confirmation email you will find an estimated order shipping date. This date represents the date we expect your order to complete the shipping process. If the estimated shipping date found on your order confirmation has passed, the item(s) on your order may be on backorder. Occasionally due to unexpected delays it may not be possible to meet the tentative shipping date originally provided to you. I am currently working to provide you a revised delivery estimate. Once I obtain a delivery estimate I will email you this information. Please know, your item(s) have been reserved for you and are on order with the manufacturer. We are doing everything possible to fulfill your order as soon as possible. If you would like to discuss other possibilities for fulfilling your order, please respond to this email or call and a Customer Service Representative will gladly assist you. Thank you for your patience. We regret any inconvenience this may have caused you.

  • 翻訳してください

    Hey, I came across your YouTube Channel today and wanted to reach out to introduce myself. First off, my name is送られてきた方の名前 and I am a Content Scout for the TGN Network. We work with some of the top channels on YouTube and would love to have your channel as part of our network. We help channels better manage, monetise and optimise their content to increase CPM, impressions (views) and subscribers. If you're interested in partnering your channel through our Network, Or have any other questions, Please contact me by replying to this message, contacting me on Skype or sending me a email. I look forward to hearing back from you.

  • 翻訳お願いします。

    翻訳サイトなどを駆使してみたのですが今一要領を得ることができませんでした。 相手が伝えたいことを教えていただきたいです。 よろしくお願いします。 That's not the case.I talked of my family or worker in case there should be any problem.As it now stands,i fear proceeding unless the remaining balance is sent,so as to be sure. I understand the policy for A as well as B,though i happen to have used it just once,so i am a little skeptical after making some few inquiries on how operate in Asia as a whole. Listen,there's no way on this earth,that i am going to receive your money and end up not sending your animals,even if it means coming over,i will,so please do not get me wrong.Try and explain things to your parents,i am sure they will understand due to the circumstances at hand. I promise i will not let you down,but i cannot risk looking C$ just like that and thats the way i feel unless proven otherwise.Please let's do this fast and we only do refunds when something goes wrong with delivery and not otherwise since a reservation have been made already with your names. You will have to send the money using just my address and non other. I hope for your understanding and please let's treat this as a matter of extreme urgency before i leave for Germany to get some Lavenders Okay.

  • 翻訳教えて下さい。

    Working with the suicidal patient, as much as any other clinical experience, can help the beginning therapist gradually replace a grandiose professional ego-ideal with one that is more realistic. How exactly does this transformation take place? The beginning psychotherapist undertakes the treatment of the suicidal patient with the optimistic belief that a combination of caring, encouragement, hopefulness, good intentions, empathy, and intuition will produce a positive outcome. A “contract for safety,” wherein the patient agrees not to act on suicidal impulses and, instead, will call the therapist or seek other help, provides additional assurance. Newly prescribed medication promises to relieve suicidal despair. Hospitalization, if required, will provide needed safety. Over time though, the suicidal patient does not improve. The despair does not abate. The hopelessness intensifies. The patient can identify no reason to live. Relentless gloom pervades the therapy. Imperceptibly but forcefully, an important realization takes hold of the therapist at a visceral as well as at a cognitive and emotional level: it is impossible for one person to keep another person alive over time. While this insight serves to moderate the pursuit of omnipotence, the realization that even clinical competence does not guarantee that one`s patient will not commit suicide is unsettling. Comforting thoughts begin to give way. Contracts for safety now feel illusory as therapists realize that patients who are in sufficient anguish to want to end their lives will not be compelled to live simply because they have promised (a therapist) they will not kill themselves. Therapists begin to have second thoughts about the unrealistic healing powers they previously attributed to psychotropic medication, although they do appreciate the ability of there medications to sometimes diminish unbearable anguish to the point where patients can address their conflicts and problems. They hear stories of patients who have killed themselves in a hospital. (中略) Slowly an obvious fact emerges: If suicidal patients were completely intent on dying, they would have already killed themselves. Some part of the patient wishes to live, and it is with this part that the therapist attempts to connect, no matter how suicidal the patient may be. What emerges from this connection is the therapeutic alliance, the agreement between the therapist and the healthy part of the patient about what to work on in the therapy. The beginning therapist learns that aligning with the healthy part of the patient is not to be confused with cheerleading for living. Although allied with this healthy part, the therapist maintains neutral curiosity about the parts of the patient that with to die. The therapist learns to overcome the fear that exploring the patient’s with to die puts such ideas in the patient’s mind. Feelings of omnipotence diminish. The therapist comes to see that exploring the patient’s inner world with dispassionate, nonjudgemental interest conveys several therapeutic meta-communications what you are feeling is not unspeakably bad, it is human; I’m interested in whatever you are thinking and feeling; I appreciate the distinction between self-destructive thoughts, feelings, fantasies, and action; your anguish is not as devastating to me as it is to you; my strength will be here for you to borrow if you need to; your therapy is a place where your destructive urges can be understood rather than judged; I will try not to leave you alone with your anguish. A determination to enter the patient’s inner world and stay with the associated feelings and thoughts gradually replaces the therapist’s quest to be all-knowing.

  • 翻訳お願いいたします。

    Hello! Yes we would be happy to trade with a new store in Japan.... if it is not too close to an exisiting retailer. Please tell me your location. I am in Atlanta at a show and I have limted access to catalogues, however here is our 2015 catalogue with prices. The Pound has become weaker since this pricelist and you can have a 10% discount from these prices. Minimum order is $800 US (ie $720 after discount)