• ベストアンサー



  • sunsowl
  • ベストアンサー率22% (1025/4492)

私はこの製品に入札したいんだけど、アメリカへ安全に届けられるか不安に思っている。 皮に、傷や折り目がつくようなことはあってはならないが…あなたは問題なく届けることが出来ると思うか? 訳者註:単に「出来ると思う」「無理だと思う」という回答ではなく、発送の方法等アイデアを聞いていると思います。 返答する際は、そのあたりもご考慮ください。


  • 和訳をお願いします

    Can you please attach a shipping quote for Switzerland to the Razor? I can't seem to pay for it without one.

  • さっぱり和訳をしてください。

    I"mreally sorry about that,I want to collect 5 items to make the shipping cost cheaper,so I try to bid mor item to prevent not inough item

  • ざっと和訳をお願いします。

    I did not read the auction closely and just realized the blade has a crack in it. Because it was my fault, I have no problem paying for the razor, but would prefer not to waste the money to have it shipped to me. Can you send a new invoice without shipping and then dispose of the razor?

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    I would like to know if you ship to brazil and how can i do to by the sashimi knife. In ebay i can only buy for shipping in the USA

  • 和訳をお願いします

    As I was about to pay, it first seem to show free shipping, then it switched to 14$. Any chance you can offer free shipping on this item given my two recent orders.

  • 和訳を教えてください

    和訳を教えてください 1)A bee does not go from one kind of flower to another, but keeps to the same kind of flower during each journey. 2)The children were so lovely and good that the old man could not love them enough. 3)One cannot learn too early that it is mean to speak ill others. 4)No one visits france without going to paris. 5)His listeners had no choice but to believe him. よろしくお願いします!

  • 和訳お願いします

    wish it was trueって本当だったらいいのにね、って訳であってますか? I would do anything to make you lagh.君を笑わせるためならどんな事でもするよであってますか?

  • 和訳をお願いします

    I won this razor and I need ship it to Russia. Unfortunately your shipping details does not provides exac summ of shipping and I cannot pay immideately. Could you please to create and send me payment invoice using Ebay facilities?

  • 和訳これでいいですか?(その1)

    Have a safe journey 安全な長旅を Glad you arrived safely 無事に着いてよかったよ I am glad you are having a good time あなたが楽しく過ごしてるなら、私はうれしいよ Hope you have a good weekend たのしい週末を I look forward to reading your e-mail very soon すぐにあなたのイーメールを読めることを楽しみにしてます Great to hear from you again またあなたと話せて(声がきけて)うれしいよ I hope you dont mind me asking 私が尋ねた事があなたにとって気にならないといいな I will be happy to write a poem for you 私はあなたに詩を書くことは幸せです It is great to receive e-mail from you. あなたからのイーメールを受け取る事はうれしい How are you?I hope you are doing well. 元気?元気にやってるならいいな。 お願いします

  • 和訳してください

    I think so, I've already gone to USA and I did it well, and in july i went to Japan and I know absolutly nothing of Japanese, only English.