• 締切済み


現在分詞と動名詞の判別とawakeningの訳 http://okwave.jp/qa/q8093093.html で質問させていただいたのですが、 Being at a university is a very strange mode of existence, quite different from anything the student will have experienced before, and from anything he is likely to encounter afterwards. The pressures, both academic and social, are tremendous, yet provided one has made the right choice of the subject to study and has a good network of friends, it can be tremendous fun. Ideally, one's university life is a testing time, a trying-out of new aspects of one's personality, a period of self-discovery and awakening, coming as it does at the end of adolescence and the beginning of adulthood. Not even the most ivory-tower academic amongst the staff would expect his students to do nothing but study night and day in their specialist subject. As cannot be stressed too strongly, a university is for forming broad outlooks, for making "whole people"; nobody wants the proverbial Jack, the dull one, who has no time for play. 上の文章の Ideally, one's university life is a testing time, a trying-out of new aspects of one's personality, a period of self-discovery and awakening, coming as it does at the end of adolescence and the beginning of adulthood. の a period of self-discovery and awakening の箇所で質問させていただきます。 参考書の大意を読むと 「自己を発見し、自己に目覚める時期」 とありました。 この訳どおりだとすると、 discovery が self を目的語にとると解釈するのは分かりますが、 awakening がself-discovery の self を目的語として訳しているように思えますが、 このような解釈は可能なのでしょうか? 参考書に書いてあるのは 大意 であって、 参考書の大意の位置付けが、 大意は意訳がされているので参考程度に読むものとされているのかが分からないのですが、 awakening が self を目的語にとったように訳しているのは、 英語本来の解釈ではありえず、 作者の意訳に過ぎないのでしょうか?

  • 英語
  • 回答数3
  • ありがとう数3


  • oignies
  • ベストアンサー率20% (673/3354)

失礼しました。 ,(カンマ)をみおとしていました。 回答を訂正します。 self-が発見とめざめの両方にかかっている、と 読むことは可能です。 訳者は、selfの部分を二重に訳していますが、こ れは、丁寧な訳です。 self-のかかりかたの解釈に自信がなければ、 このような訳はできません。 名詞を日本語では形容詞におきかえているの は、訳者が有能なしるしです。 たとえば、この文章は、こう考えてはどうでしょう。 awakening を独立させて、意味がとれるかどう か。 何がawake するのかわからない、と感じるのが 普通ではないでしょうか。 self-からつながる、と考えることで、ようやく意味 がとれます。 品詞にとらわれず self-discovery and self-awakening  の省略なのだなとよめれば、意味もとれると思い ます。



意味だけ考えると、self-discovery and self-awakening  の省略のような気がするのですが、 いままでこのような解釈はしたことがないので、 はたして正しい解釈なのかという不安が残ります。 このような解釈について解説した本があればいいのですが・・・。

  • oignies
  • ベストアンサー率20% (673/3354)

問題個所は self-discovery and awakening coming   となっており、それが、青年期のおわりにおこることだと うしろで説明されています ここの大意ですが、まちがっていると思います。大意で なく、誤訳になっている可能性大。 comingを無視して訳していますね。わからなかったの でしょう。 ここは、自己発見と、高まる自己意識と解釈すべきだ と思います。 ただし、アメリカでは、教育学部進学者の学生の質は とても悪いといわれています。教員の待遇がわるい ことがその一因とききました。 ここでももとの文章自体があまり明晰とはいえません。 ですので、この文章については、あまり悩まないこと です。 この文章を素材として選んでいるテキスト自体が英語 学習のためのよいテキストとはいえないと思います。 以上参考になれば、幸いです。 末筆ながら、英語学習の初期においては、よい英語 で書かれたものをよむことが大切であることを付け加 えておきます。 平易かつ明晰で自分でもつかえるような表現のもの ということです。



ありがとうございます、 しかし awakening, coming というように コンマがあった場合は、 そこでいったん切って解釈するのが正しいのではないでしょうか?


リンク先の回答はどれも正しいです。 >現在分詞と動名詞の判別とawakeningの訳 self-discovery and awakening の前後は同じ品詞の語句がきますので、discovery と awakening は両方とも(動)名詞になります。 self-discovery and self-awakening とでもすれば意味がよく伝わるのかも知れませんが、この「目覚め」は比喩なので自動詞的に使います。だから self- を付けなかったのです。日本語なら「自己に目覚める」は自然な表現です。意訳と言うほどの手は加わっていません。 Good morning. を「良い朝」とせず、「おはよう」としても意訳とは言えないのと同じくらい自然な訳だと思います。



ありがとうございます、 >この「目覚め」は比喩なので自動詞的に使います。だから self- を付けなかったのです。日本語なら「自己に目覚める」は自然な表現です。 日本語であれば、「目覚め」を「自己に目覚めたこと」の比喩と解釈するのは分かるのですが、英語でも同じ問うことですか、辞書を見ても分かりませんでした。


  • 現在分詞と動名詞の判別とawakeningの訳

    Being at a university is a very strange mode of existence, quite different from anything the student will have experienced before, and from anything he is likely to encounter afterwards. The pressures, both academic and social, are tremendous, yet provided one has made the right choice of the subject to study and has a good network of friends, it can be tremendous fun. Ideally, one's university life is a testing time, a trying-out of new aspects of one's personality, a period of self-discovery and awakening, coming as it does at the end of adolescence and the beginning of adulthood. Not even the most ivory-tower academic amongst the staff would expect his students to do nothing but study night and day in their specialist subject. As cannot be stressed too strongly, a university is for forming broad outlooks, for making "whole people"; nobody wants the proverbial Jack, the dull one, who has no time for play. 上の文章の Ideally, one's university life is a testing time, a trying-out of new aspects of one's personality, a period of self-discovery and awakening, coming as it does at the end of adolescence and the beginning of adulthood. ですが、質問が3つあります。 (質問1) coming as it does・・・は動名詞ではなく分詞構文と参考書にありました。 私は同格表現が続いたので、動名詞と判断したのですが、文法を考えるとどちらでも可能だと思うのですが、動名詞か現在分詞かの判断は意味で判断するのでしょうか? (質問2) 質問1の箇所を分詞構文として訳すと、全体としてどのような訳になるのでしょうか? 文末の分詞構文は「~して(しながら)」か「そして~する」のどちらかで訳すことが多いと思いますが、「そして~する」はありえないと思うのですが、「~して(しながら)」でもうまく訳せません。 (質問3) awakening ですが、a period of awakening は同格のofで 「目覚めの時期」と訳すのでしょうか? 自動詞だと「目が覚める」、「気付く」、「(感情などが)生じる」と言う意味になりますが、この文章の場合漠然と「目覚め」と訳せばよいのでしょうか? あるいか目的格のof、つまり a period を目的語として「時期のことを自覚する」と訳すのでしょうか?

  • 下記の英文を訳してくれる方はいませんか?

    Developmental tasks The period of young adulthood begins with the completion of formal schooling and entry into the job and marriage market. For married parents it ends with departure of the children; for others the end is related to psychologically meaningful events which reveal they are no longer “promising” youngsters. Erikson identified the crisis of this period as intimacy vs. isolation. A major developmental task is the development of intimacy, especially with the opposite sex. During adolescence, the biology of sex is of more concern and interest than are interpersonal affection and intimacy (McCandless, 1970). During early adulthood, however, a failure to establish intimacy leads to isolation and stifles further psychological growth (Erikson, 1963). お願いします。

  • 英語文献の和訳の宿題教えてください

    英語の文献の和訳をする宿題が出たのですが、とても難しくて手に負えません。 だれか和訳をお願いします。 Adolescence It could be seen from the kinds of developments occurring during the late childhood phase that we are working up to something. The pioneer child developmentalist G. Stanley Hall, called the adolescent phase of development the Sturm und Drang period. Recent longitudinal studies have shown that adolescence is not necessarily as much a time of “storm and stress” as Hall believed it to be, thus agreeing with a conclusion reached much earlier by anthropologists (such as Margaret Mead and Ruth Benedict) on the basis of cross-cultural research: Adolescence is a time of storm and stress only if society makes it so; if society eases the transition from childhood to adulthood, adolescence is not tumultuous(Muuss,1962).

  • ランダムに単語をカッコにできますか?

    例えば A group of scientists recently announced the discovery of new genes and proteins in the world's oceans. American Craig Venter is leading the study. He and other scientists have been using a boat called Sorcerer Two to collect the genetic information. のような分があったとして、適当な単語を()にしたい。 A group of ( ) recently announced the discovery of new genes and proteins in the world's oceans. ( ) Craig Venter is leading the ( ). He and other scientists have been using a boat called ( ) Two to collect the genetic information. という風に。 英語のリスニングの練習をするために、このようなことができると助かります。()にする個数を選べると、さらにうれしいです。 よろしくお願いします。2007を使っています

  • 下記の英文を訳してくださる方はいませんんか?

    Loss of spouse During the early years of life, loss of souse is certainly not a normally encountered crisis. After adolescence, however, it becomes increasingly common with increasing age. During the early years of adulthood, divorce cause loss of a spouse much more often than death does. Incidentally, the crisis of losing a spouse is more likely to have a gradual onset in the early adult years than a sudden onset, because during these years divorce-the more usual cause of losing a spouse-is likely to result from a gradual buildup of tensions, while death-the less common cause of losing a spouse-is likely to have a sudden onset. The most common cause of death in early adulthood, as in adolescence, is accident. お願いします。

  • 下記の英文の訳を教えて下さる方はいませんか?

    大変長い文章ですがどなたかお願いします。 Erikson’s adolescent stage For Erikson, the major tension to be resolved during the period of adolescence is that having to do with one’s identity. It is a time of role confusion as the adolescent seeks to find his or her most comfortable style of behavior, hopefully compatible with peer influences and at the same time acceptable to one’s parents. The person who makes the transition successfully will emerge from the role confusion with a personal identity that at once honors the social training of one’s childhood and provides the young adult with a sense of selfhood. Successful progression in this area results in being one’s own person but at the same time benefiting from one’s origins and even endorsing them with pride. Many events become “matters of principle” for the adolescent. For Freud, adolescence marked emergence from the so-called latency period, which has lasted from about the age of six. During latency, sexual urges are presumably hidden, and the child’s energies are diverted to other matters, such as developing skills, developing relationships beyond the family, and so on. In adolescence, which Freud called the genital stage of development, the development of secondary sex characteristics becomes compelling, and sexuality surfaces once again. In the course of becoming acquainted with his or her “new” body, and with a newly emerging self-concept based in part on previous personal history and in part on one’s new forays into the world of adults, the intimacy game commences.

  • 下記の英文を訳してくださる方はいませんか?

    According to another stereotype, a major crisis occurs in middle age, the “mid-life crisis.” However, psychologists have not been able to agree when it occurs, some arguing for the 20s, some for the 60s, and others for every age in between. Furthermore, they disagree about the nature of this crisis. One might suspect, then, that the concept lacks a firm basis of facts. Supporting this suspicion, a recent study showed that middle age is actually the best period of adulthood. Feelings of alienation, powerlessness, meaninglessness, and disengagement were most prevalent in young adulthood and least prevalent in middle age. The elderly group in the study was intermediate. お願いします。

  • 以下の英文をどなたか日本語に訳してください。

    以下の英文をどなたか日本語に訳してください。 10 hundred thousands equal one million. We write the number one million in degits as 1000000. A group of three digits is called a period, the next three digits are the thousands' period, and the next three digits are the millions' period. Each period is separated by a comma. In each period,the pattern of ones, tens, and hundreds repeats itself. Beginning at the right, the valeus of the places are: ones, tens, hundreds; thousands, ten thousands, hundred thousands; millions, ten millions, hundred millions. Each place has a value 10 times greater than the place to its right. This system of writing number is called the decimal sys-tem. [Demical] means having to do with ten. In the decimal system, the place values are based on group of 10. You've already been learning how this works, but let's review the basic ideas. In the demical system,whenever we have 10 of a certain place value, we write it as 1 in the next highest place value.

  • 下記の英文を訳してくださる方はいませんか?

    Therefore, they are not prepared to enjoy leisure (Birren & Woodruff, 1973). The result is that many who retire are unhappy, and many who could retire choose to continue working. Retirement is seem as a kind of punishment, with consequent loss of self-esteem which sometimes result in suicide. During adulthood and old age, the suicide rate remains fairly level, at around 5 to 15 per 100,000 persons, except in white males, for whom the rate increases throughout adulthood and is greatest in old age (Toll,1975). お願いします。

  • 下記の英文を訳してくれる方はいませんか?

    Young adulthood In Chapter 6 we defined early adulthood as extending from maturity to about the age of 45 years. Other developmentalists have defined it as extending from 18 to 35 years of age (Havighurst, 1973), 20 to 40 (Erikson, 1963), and 25 to 45 or 50 (Buhler, 1962). There is nevertheless good agreement about the major life crises or developmental tasks of general age period. お願いします。