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five-square-block areaの意味とは?


  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

    一辺が5ブロックの正方形の面積     と言う意味です。通りと通りの間が1ブロックです。だから長いところも短いところもあります。





  • 子供の数学の宿題です。

    数学の宿題です。解き方も説明願えればありがたいです。 1) the base of a triangle is 8(r + 2s)cm and its height is ( r + 2s)cm. find its area. 2) the length of the side of a square is ( 2x - 3y )ft. solve for its area. 3) find the area of a circle whose radius is ( 5q + 9 )cm. 4) solve the volume of a cube with a side equal to ( 3x + 4y ) inches. よろしくお願いします。

  • どのような意味でしょうか

    My father passed away more than 10 years ago rather suddenly. My mother dated a man for a while a few years ago, but she left him because his drinking was out of control. Her friends are all couples that have been married nearly 40 years, and she loves them, but she often feels like a third wheel (or fifth or seventh). My mom is awesome—she’s funny and intelligent and beautiful and has lots of friends and hobbies, but I know she’s missing consistent companionship (i.e. a man-friend). I keep steering her toward online dating, but she won’t bite. Aside from going to weird over-60 bars, what can I do to help her? weird over-60 barsはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • five to 10

    70年代の刑事ドラマからです。お願いします。 刑事A,Bの張り込み中の会話です。 (この情報は、刑事Aが盗品売買屋Xを締め上げて吐かせたもの。Xは、過去に2度逮捕、5年服役経験あり) B: Think X's telling the truth? A: Well, anybody chained to a barroom floor and looking at five to 10 in the joint is probably gonna tell the truth, don't you think? ここで、 five to 10 がどうしてもわかりませんでした。 教えていただけないでしょうか? よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 和訳のお願いです。

    この文の和訳を教えてください。 途中まででも、どこか一部でも構いません>< どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 As demo crews peeled off the skin of the block-long building, across from the Philadelphia Convention Center, they exposed some of the 19th-century statuary work from Market Street’s heyday as the city’s bustling department store hub. The area once boasted the world’s first Wanamaker’s location and nine similarly hulking stores like Snellenburg’s, but the interceding century was not kind to department stores or the strip. Related: Register for the ULI Spring Meeting | Tour: The Resurgence of Retail along William Penn’s East Market Street For decades, business on Market Street was a desolate echo of its former self, as stores shut or were demolished. Today, a new generation of developers is betting big on this long-glaring void at the heart of Philadelphia’s downtown, sandwiched between hubs of activity around Independence Mall and City Hall. Real estate analyst Jones Lang LaSalle predicts that $1.5 billion will be spent to build out 5.5 million square feet (511,000 sq m) of leasable space over the next two years along Market Street and nearby Chestnut Street, a similarly faded retail strip a block away. “Market Street had been the center of all commerce in Philadelphia, but you saw a long, slow decline starting in the 1970s,” says Bob Fahey Jr. of CBRE, an investment services firm that tracks local real estate. “Only in the last five years has that changed, but it’s changed dramatically.” CBRE itself manages leasing at 833 Chestnut Street, a 1920s-era office tower that was acquired by Digital Realty Trust last year after the previous owner completed a $45 million historic renovation. The building looks out over a flurry of construction: Brickstone Companies has plans for 1,400 new apartments across five projects nearby, anchored by a $70 million, 192,000-square-foot (17,800 sq m) development that will feature downtown Philadelphia’s first Target store. As that project topped off, Brickstone announced recently that it was acquiring a low-slung parking garage for a sixth project, to feature more apartments. Down the street, Parkway Corp., a parking lot operator, announced plans to turn a surface lot into a 300-unit high rise at a cost of $118 million. Hines, a Texas-based apartment developer, recently broke ground on a $100 million, 322-unit tower in a partnership with the Goldenberg Group, a local developer. Goldenberg also owns a massive parking lot along Market Street, the site of a former Gimbels department store, but has not yet announced plans for that property. Fahey says the development was being driven by a surging demand for apartments, as more downtown workers were drawn to amenities in Philadelphia’s greater Center City neighborhoods. “You’re seeing a lot of multifamily residential. It’s people who work in Center City or the hospitals around Market Street. . . . It’s a hip place to live, a hip place to go and eat,” says Fahey. He says he expects to see a surge in retail in coming years as thousands of new residents flood in and the area sheds its seedy reputation. “With more people and more affluence comes more retail,” Fahey says. “But I think we’ll also see an office tower built there and probably another hotel, too, due to the proximity to Convention Center.”

  • andで並べた表現の略記について

    一つの円形の穴のあるロッドと一つの楕円形の穴のあるロッドという表現を省略して記述 する場合について、検索してみたのですが、(検索すると余計に)はっきりしないもので すから、コメント頂けますと幸いでございます。 たとえば、下記の表現したいことがはっきりわかるようにあえて冗長に書いた[]内のよう な表現です。 When this approach is used to [the rod with a circular hole and the rod with an elliptical hole], their holes are replaced by [a square model of the same area and a rectangular model of the same area], respectively. 一点目の疑問ですが、この[]は当然冗長なので略記すべきですが、 When this approach is used to <the rods with circular and elliptical holes>, their holes are replaced by <square and rectangular models of the same area>, respectively. で同じ内容ととられるでしょうか? 心配しておりますのは、一つの穴というのがこの略 記では伝わらないのでは?ということです。二つ目の[]内も同様です。 たとえば一つ目の[]について、類似表現を検索してみると a circular and an elliptical holes あるいは a circular and elliptical holes という表現もあるようですが。 二点目は2つ目の[]内の表現で、これも同様に略記した場合、 <square and rectangular models of the same area> のような感じになりますが、ここでof the same areaですが、これは円形、楕円に対し て、それぞれ、それと同じ面積の正方形、長方形ということなので単数で問題ないでし ょうか? 以上二点、細かい話で申し訳ないのですが、検索かけるといろいろひっかかってきて、 どれがこの場合適切なのかちょっと混乱してきたものですから、よろしくお願い致します。 中には .... tunnels with circular and square cross-section などという表現もあったりしまして。。。これなどは円形でかつ正方形の断面ということ ですよね?この表現は正しいのでしょうか?一応欧米人著のようですが。

  • 意味を教えてください

    While the fix is being developed and a fully revised schedule finalized for airlines, sources at both Boeing and partner suppliers indicate that the existing production plan has slid roughly one and a half to three months for the delivery of Airplane Ten's components to Everett, even as suppliers continue to prep parts for shipment. (http://www.flightglobal.com/blogs/flightblogger/) とあった場合の「one and a half to three months 」がゴシックで強調されていたのですが、どういう意味なのでしょうか?判る方いらっしゃいましたら、お教えください。

  • a をつけるべきでしょうか?

    a land area of a mere 10,000 square miles 2番目の a はつけるべきでしょうか、つけるべきではないでしょうか?

  • how much volume and area is in one-acre foot of water?

    ずばりタイトル通り、how much volume and area is in one-acre foot of water? を教えてください!! 面積の方は、1 acre equal to 4840 square yardsって書いてあったので、footにすると4840×9=43560 square foot かなぁと思ったんですが、あってますか?? エーカーとかフィートとか分かりません・・・。  それから、量の方は全く分かりません。 一辺が何フィートの立方体の体積を求めればいいんですか? またそれは何リットル/ガロンになりますか?

  • 意味教えてください

    NEW ORLEANS (AP) — A man in the state of Louisiana is accused of bludgeoning, decapitating and dismembering his disabled 7-year-old son and leaving the boy's head near the street so the child's mother would see it — a killing that brought seasoned police officers to tears, authorities said Monday. http://news.yahoo.com/police-us-man-decapitated-disabled-son-7-181934853.html a killing that brought seasoned police officers to tears,,,,,ここはどういう意味なんでしょうか。 一つの殺人が警察官たちの涙をさそう?? お願いします<m(__)m>

  • 英文の邦訳(意味内容)

    It is also the pleasure and terror of wonder itself— the excitement of an encounter with the uncanny, and the thrill that comes from the manner in which the “truth” is revealed in a mousetrap. 上記英文は科学的発見前の啓示に関する叙述のようですが,字面だけからでは意味内容が掴めません。ご指導の程お願いします。