
  • 「星条旗よ永遠なれ」の歌詞を直訳と意訳の2つのバージョンで訳します。
  • この質問では、スーザ作曲の「星条旗よ永遠なれ」の歌詞を訳す方法を教えてください。
  • また、訳した歌詞の意味や背景についても教えていただけると嬉しいです。
  • ベストアンサー


Hurrah for the flag of the free! May it wave as our standard forever, The gem of the land and the sea, The banner of the right. Let despots remember the day When our fathers with mighty endeavor Proclaimed as they marched to the fray That by their might and by their right it waves forever. スーザ作曲の「星条旗よ永遠なれ」の歌詞です。 訳してください。 直訳バージョン、意訳バージョンの2種類あると、より助かります・・・。

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

    下記の下の方     http://stimaro.blog35.fc2.com/blog-entry-1.html     下記は下の右の方     http://www.world-anthem.com/lyrics/usa.htm     他いろいろあるようですからお好きなのを



ずいぶんお待たせしてしまってごめんなさい。 ありがとうございました。 曲が違ったみたいです。すみません、説明が足りませんでした。 タイトルがよく似てますが、アメリカ国歌ではないんです。 そのため同じ内容の質問をしてしまいました。 重ね重ねすみません。


  • 和訳をお願いします。

    訳あって、急遽次の英文の直訳・意訳・解釈を数日中に作らなければならなくなりました。 スーザという作曲者が1896年に作った「星条旗よ永遠なれ」という行進曲の歌詞です。アメリカの曲です。 愛国の歌で、独立宣言も意識してると思います。 (1)文法・単語の正解さ重視の直訳 (2)日本語としての自然さ重視の意訳 (3)時代背景等を含めた解釈(比喩とか皮肉など。例えば「the fray」が何を指すのか) が必要です。分かる範囲で大丈夫です。 また余裕のある方は、高校の英語の授業のような、英文法の解説があると嬉しいです(これは急ぎません)。 お願いします。 Stars and stripes Forever Hurrah for the flag of the free. May it wave as our standard forever. The gem of the land and the sea. The banner of the right. Let despots remember the day. when our fathers with might endeaver. Proclaimed as they marched to the fray. That by their might, and by their right. It waves forever.

  • 英語が堪能な方へ、どうぞお願いします。

    英文をサイト翻訳で作りましたが、言い回しがおかしくないか見ていただけないでしょうか。 We will send the goods from Japan. It takes 4 weeks to 2-delivery, please understand. The goods of us, and then pack it very important with waterproof, so please do not worry. Goods, placed in a bag of opp, and I keep it carefully wrapped in bubble wrap. If there is a point of something noticed by the customer, please feel free to question us. If the goods If it were not in the description as, we will be happy to refund as soon as possible.We are happy of the most able to see your smile. The policy of our peace of mind, sincere, polite, we will do our best to our customers. どうぞよろしくお願いします。

  • 英文の和訳お願いします

    Monsanto’s unchecked power is corrosive to the health of our democracy, our wellbeing and our planet and it must be stopped. As free citizens, it is our right and our duty to protest their unlawful encroachment into the most basic and fundamental aspect of our lives, the food that we eat and the laws that govern our lives.

  • 英語 和訳

    The feeling on their part must have been like that of a teacher receiving his old students,for it was their Commodore Perry who had effected the opening of our country seven years before,and now here we were on our first visit to America. この英文をどなたか訳してください。 宜しくお願いします。

  • 英語に自信のある方 和訳お願いします

    Now, when we compare teh account of the creation and of man given by the doctrine of evolution with that given in the Bible, we see at once that the two are in different regions. The purpose of giving the accounts is diffrent; the spirit and character of the accounts is different; the details are altogether different. The comparison must take note of the difference of spirit and aim before it can proceed at all. It is then quite certain, and even those who contend for the literal interpretation of this part of the Bible will generally admit, that the purpose of the revelation is not to teach science at all. It is to teach great spiritual and moral lessons, and it takes the factsof nature as they appear to ordinary people.When the creation of man is mentioned there is clearly no intention to say by whta processes this creation was effected or how much time it took to work out those processes. The narrative is not touched by the question, 'Was this a single act done in a moment or a process lasting throughmillions of years?' The writerof the Book of Genesis sees the earth peopled,as we may say, by many varieties of plants of animals. he asserts that God made them all, and made them resemble each other and differ from each other He knows nothing and says nothing of the means used to produce their resemblances or their diferrences. he takes them as he see them , and speakes of their creation as God's work. Had he been commisoned to teach his people the science of the matter, he would have had to put a most serious obstacle in the way of their faith. They would have found it almost impossible to belive in a process of creation so utterly unlike all their own experience. And it would have been quite useless to them besides, since their science was not in such a condition as to enable them to coordinate this doctrine with any other. As science it would have been dead; and as spiritual truth it would have been a hindrance.

  • 英語訳

    おはようございます。 何度もすみません。 この解釈もわからないんです。 According to a 1997 study by the Conference Board and the Points of Light Foundation, 74% of businesses focus their volunteer programs on education as compared with 47% on health, 41%on the environment, and 41% on the homeless. 74% of businesses が主語 focus は動詞ですか?? どうすると後の文の解釈がわからないんです。 comparedが動詞ですか?? そうするとその前のas は何なんでしょうか。 訳ができません。 よろしくお願いします。

  • as が3つもあるのですが

    The rich can buy large quantities of freedom; the poor must do without it even though, by law and theoretically, they have as good a right to just as much of it as have the rich. 上記の英文でas good a right to just as much of it as have the rich の部分を解剖していただけませんか? 意味は解っているつもりなんですが・・・ as goodのasは、 as muchのasと、 as have the richのasの両方に呼応しているのですか? 1つの英文内で、1つのasが2つのasにかかっているなんてお目にかかったことがないように思うのですが・・・私の経験不足でしょうか? それともjust as much of~が独立した熟語のようになっているのですしょうか? このjust as much of のasがよく分かりません。 right to ~は、~以下の権利と考えていいのですね? 宜しくお願い致します。

  • 英語の翻訳をお願いいたしますm(__)m

    Water is our most important natural resource. Yet though water covers most of the Earth, only 2.5% of it is salt-free. Demand for fresh water has risen sharply in the last 50 years, and it is still going up. That’s already causing serious problems. Finding the right solutions may be one of the biggest challenges of our time. There are several reasons behind the growing crisis. The first is waste. About 70% of our fresh water is used to grow crops. It takes 1,000 tons of water to grow just one ton of wheat. Unfortunately, around 60% of that water is wasted. Better irrigation methods would help the situation. Pollution is another big problem. Many of the world’s great rivers, such as the Ganges in India, are badly polluted. Yet 350 million people rely on the Ganges. Their health is affected by the health of the river. Steps are being taken to clean up some waterways, but it is expensive and can take years. Overuse also puts pressure on water supplies. In the USA, 95% of the country’s fresh water comes from underground sources. With so much water being used to grow crops and raise livestock, water levels are dropping rapidly. Once used, those supplies are gone forever, since they are not refilled by rainwater. The key there is to lower demand. In many places around the world, people already live in crisis. More than one billion people have no access to clean water. That leads to millions of deaths every year, including thousands of children dying every day in Africa. By 2025, as many as 25 African countries may face severe water shortages. The situation could even lead to wars over water rights. The fresh water crisis is not limited to poor regions. Indeed, rich and poor countries from Asia to Europe to North America are facing shortages. It’s a growing problem that could soon affect us all.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    どなたか、英語が得意な方、和訳してください。 特に、as much~ thanの文法的用法を教えて頂けると助かります。 More commonly, self-proclaimed libertarians deal with the problem of market failure both by pretending that it doesn't happen and by imagining government as much worse than it really is.

  • 英語です

    Our national electric grid is critical infrastructure, as vital to the health and security of our economy as our highways and telecommunication networks. 訳お願いします