• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • sporespore
  • ベストアンサー率30% (430/1408)

なんだか、良さそうですね・・・ Aulaniではクリスマスの飾りが見ものです。でも、先週ダウンタウンで道に迷ったんだけど、(飾りは)かなり良かったよ。 聞くとこによると、シェラトンホテルとヒルトンホテルでは巨大なジンジャーブレッドを飾ってるそうだから必見だよ。 もし、休みが取れたら、あそこに行って何枚か写真を撮ってくるね。 調子よいことを願ってます



早い回答有難う御座います。 助かりました。


  • 至急。英語について。

    oh ok. do you have dates? Go out with a guy? I called my grandma, she's dying so I wanted to say my good bye to her. ↑に 『予定、あるっちゃあるけどたいした用事はないよ。そうだったんですか。それはツラいですね。 でも大丈夫。元気になってもっと長生きしてくれるように 私も願ってます。』 ↑と言いたいですか、 I have some errands to run but it's nothing. That was it. It must be tough for you. I hope she will be all right. I am with you and wishing her to get well and live longer.←合っていますか?

  • 英訳をお願いします><

    アメリカのホストファミリーからのメールです。 一部自分では訳せない部分があったので、 英語が得意な方、訳すのを手伝っていただけませんでしょうか。 お願いします! We have enjoyed having Yuri here. It has brought back many fond memories of our association with you last summer and made us miss you all the more. I told Virginia yesterday as we took Yuri to Yellowstone that I wished we could have had the opportunity to do some of these things with you. I guess that is why you need to come to the US again. If you or you and your family are ever able to come to the US we would hope you would come and see us again. Well I should wrap up for now. 特にYellowstoneというのがよく分からないです>< よろしくお願いします!

  • 英訳をよろしくお願いします。

    以下の文の英訳をよろしくお願いします。 I'm sorry for the trouble. If I remember correctly we had last time some problems with email? And do we have a gain?! :( Here is message which I have sent twice. Hope this message come to you.

  • 英訳をお願いします(至急)

    英訳お願いします(至急 以下の文章をアメリカ人の友人に送りたいと思います。 自力で英訳してみましたがネイティブ的にもっと 良い書き方はありますでしょうか? ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 私の意見が役立ってよかったです。 あと、○○さんにそれとなく連絡とってみます。 お祝いお言葉ありがとう。また報告しますね。 I am glad to hear that my opinion helped you in some ways. I will contact ○○ to see how she reacts. Thank you for your message - I will keep you postd.

  • 和訳お願いします…

    I have to go to sleep, goodnight 〇〇, and remember that things will change and you will find a good situation if you stay positive and keep trying, you can always come visit here and travel to see beautiful nature with me, I'll help as much as I can listening and looking for opportunities for you, I have some ideas already

  • 英訳お願いいたします。

    英訳お願いいたします。 The only way my day could start better is if you were here :) I quickly checked the train schedule and it's a bit disappointing. You would have to travel to Paris and then take a train from Paris to the airport. The last direct train leaves too early. I'll drive you back to the airport as well, ok? The traffic in Paris is a nightmare ... but since the airport is north of Paris ... it should be ok. So you don't need to arrange a train ticket, ok? Even before today I was considering going to Paris ... but I don't think we have enough time. Satomi! 4 days is very short :) You will have to come back another time, when it's warmer, sunnier ... and we can visit Paris ... Yes in Belgium it's also getting colder. Now it's about 15 degrees, but earlier this week it was only 3 degrees when I went running this week :) You don't like seafood? Hmm ... are you sure you enjoyed the sushi in Osaka? I hope so. As for the mussels, I think I can find a restaurant where you can eat something typically Belgian and then I can eat mussels. So then you can try some, is that ok for you? Please tell me other things you don't like ... because I liked to see a happy ●● :)

  • 英訳して下さい!

    英訳して下さい! I am pleased you have received the shipment but sorry to hear you have some damaged cartons. Can you please advise if this shipment was signed for as damaged upon receipt?

  • 英訳お願いいたします!

    英訳お願いいたします! Did I wake you up on your free day? I hope not :) I'm almost back to my old self again. The 5th of December? Oh that's nice to know. Now I can start thinking and planning what we can do. Thank you for making such a big effort take a long holiday and to come all the way here to Belgium. Maybe if you tell them you will be in good hands ... they will really get worried ... hahaha No seriously I will try to make a big effort as well to make this a very nice and special holiday ... you. A special holiday for a special person. You will have the chance to eat everything my country has to offer. I am a little bit concerned about your weight though ... please don't think about that when you're here ... if you need to go on a diet please wait until you're back in Japan :) If possible I would like to see a happy 〇〇 ... and I will try very hard to make that happen ... Oh I took the liberty of looking for some flight for you.

  • !至急!和訳お願いします!!!

    長文ですが、この文章を和訳していただけないでしょうか? Maybe Paulie's mother was right. On my second Open School Day she told me I was a cheat. She was proud of her Paulie, future electrician, nice kid who planned to start his own business one day. He wanted to marry a nice girl, have a family, and stay out of trouble. I was angry with her. But, at the back of my head a little voice filled me with doubt. Maybe I was a cheat. Maybe I wasn't a good teacher. "I ask my kid about his day in school, and he tells me about stories of Ireland and you coming to New York. Stories, stories, stories. You know what you are? A cheat. And I'm saying that kindly, trying to help." I wanted to be a good teacher. I wanted to fill my students’ heads with spelling and vocabulary. I wanted to help them have a better file, but I didn’t know how. The mother said she was Irish, married to an Italian, and could see all my secrets. She knew my game. When I told her I agreed with her she said,”Ooh, you agree with me? You actually know you’re cheat?” “I’m just trying to do my best. They ask me questions about my life and I answer them. They don’t listen when I try to teach English. They look out the window. They sleep. They eat sandwiches. They want the bathroom.” “Why don’t you teach them what they need to learn―spelling and big words? What will my son, Paulie, do when he goes out into the big world and he can’t use big words?” I told Paulie’s mother that I hoped to be a good teacher one day, confident in the classroom. But until then, I was going to continue trying. I don’t know why, but that made her emotional. She started crying and looked in her handbag for a handkerchief. I offered her mine, but she shook her head and asked,”Who does your washing? That’s the saddest-looking gray handkerchief I’ve ever seen in my life. Your shoes, too. I’ve never seen such sad shoes. No woman would ever let you buy shoes like them. It’s easy to see you’ve never been married.” She brushed the tears from her eyes with the back of her hand. “Do you think my Paulie can spell handkerchief?” “I don’t think so. It’s not on the list.” “Do you see what I mean? You people have no idea. You don’t have handkerchief on the list, but he’ll need handkerchiefs all his life. Every day Paulie comes home telling us these stories and we don’t need to hear them. We’ve got our own troubles. It’s easy to see that you’re new in this country . . .” “No, I’m not new this country. I was born in here. I was in the army here. I worked on the docks. I graduated from New York University.” “See?” She said,” That’s what I mean. I ask you a simple question and you give me the story of your life. Be careful, Mr.McCourd. These kids don’t need to know the life story of every teacher in the school. Just give them spelling and words. Mr.McCourd and the parents of this school will thank you forever. Forget the storytelling. If we want stories, we’ve got a TV Guide as home.” よろしくお願いします。

  • 英訳至急お願いします!

    英訳至急お願いします! “How much does model get for being painted?”asked Hughie,as he sat down. “A shilling an hour.” “And how much do you get your picture ,Alan?” “Oh,for this I get to thousand pounds.” “Well,I think the model should have a share,”cried Hughie,laughing;“he works quite as hard as you do.” “Nonsense! Look at the trouble I go to! It is easy,Hughie,for you tolk.But you mustnt talk;Im busy.Keep quite. ” After some time the servant came in,and told Trevor that a guest wanted to speak to him. “Dont run away,Hughie.I will be back in a moment.”he said. The beggar took a rest for a moment. He looked so miserable. Hughie felt in his pockets to see what money he had. He only found a pound and some pennies. “Poor old man,”he thought,“he needs it more than I do,but I waon have much money mayself for a week or two,”and he walked across the room and slipped the pound into the beggars hand. The old man jumped,and a smile passed across his old lips. “Thank you,sir,”he said,“Thank you.” Then Trevor arrived, and Hughie left, a little red in the face at what he had done. He had to walk home because he had no money for tansportration. That night he want to the club at about 11 oclock,and found Trevor sitting by himself. “Well,Alan,did you finish the picture all right?”he asked. “Finished,my boy!”answerd Trevor; “and,by the way,that old model has become very fond of you.I had to tell him all about you-who you are,where you live,what your income is, what hopes you have.” “My dear Alan,”cried Hughie,“byt, of course,you are only jogging. Poor old man!I wish I could do something for him.I think it is terrible that anyone should be so miserable.I have got piles of old clothes at home-do you think he would like any of them? His clothes were falling to bits.” “But he looks wonderful in them,”said Trevor. “I tell him of your offer.” “Alan,”said Hughie seriously,“you painters are heartless people.” せっかく答えてもらってもその回答が意味不明な場合やふざけた書き込みなどの場合(翻訳機を使ったり、テキトーな翻訳)は、お礼はできませんのでご了承願います。 心優しい方どうぞ宜しくお願いします。