• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:itについて)



  • ベストアンサー
  • waxo
  • ベストアンサー率44% (8/18)

rub off on sbには「影響を与える、影響が及ぶ」という意味がありますので、どうして彼に前文(He's always been with me and boys)が影響を与えないんだ?となります。末尾のon himが省略されているので、わかりにくかったのだと思います。 イメージとしては本来の意味である「こすれてとれる」、そのこすれて取れたものがon以下に影響を与える、と覚えればいいと思います。



ご回答ありがとうございます。 省略されているとは全く気づかなかったです。お恥ずかしい>< >イメージとしては本来の意味である「こすれてとれる」、そのこすれて取れたものがon以下に影響を与える、と覚えればいいと思います。 イメージとしてはそういうものなのですね! しかも、これなら覚えやすいですね^^ とても勉強になりました。ありがとうございました。


  • 次の文を和訳してください。

    (1)You're sightseeing, aren't you? (2)He's as big as a horse, isn't he? (3)I bet he needs a lot of exercise,doesn't he? (4)I know them all, don't I? (5)I'm cabbie, aren't I? (6)He's very good, aren't you, boy? (7)Still, it keeps me busy all this rain, doesn't it? (8)This time last year we had sunshine every day, didn't we? (9)They're everywhere, aren't they? (10)These days I'm getting all sorts in my cab with the rain, you know. 以上です。

  • on to me

    A: I'm a little upset with Ken. B: May I know why? A: He's always on to me. B: There's no reason to feel that way. I'm sure he doesn't mean to make you feel bad. のMay I know why?とon to meの訳と解釈を教えていただけないでしょう?

  • ある洋楽の歌詞の一部なんですが和訳してください!

    洋楽を自分で和訳していて、参考にしたいので和訳を教えてください。 I ain't gonna lie You look so happy Wish there was something I could still make you feel Every smile makes me wanna fall apart Every laugh is like a bullet to my heart Cause I'm at the end of the room Watching every guy coming at you A friend don't think about you when he's dreaming Or every single minute that he's breathing So why is this so hard to believe A friend won't do it all to try to please you A friend can never kiss you when he sees you And you know I won't [? ] so just please don't call me friend ちなみに歌詞全体は↓です。 http://www.lyricsmode.com/lyrics/i/iyaz/friend.html

  • social cues

    I feel like a jerk for admitting it, but my boyfriend (we’re both guys) loves to talk. A little too much, actually. I used to find it endearing, but he has a tendency to ramble on about things he’s passionate about—even if whomever he’s talking to doesn’t know anything about the subject matter or is bored or tired. He hates being interrupted, too, so he gets annoyed even if you try to ask him a question about whatever he’s talking about. I appreciate the fact that he has passions, but I feel like I’m being lectured every time. Even my friends and family have pointed it out. I’ve tried gently broaching the subject, but it’s like he doesn’t get social cues. he doesn’t get social cues「社会的手掛かりを得ない」?要はどういうことでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 訳し方が分かりません。

    「And now he's going to marry her, you see if he doesn't,and ~~~~.」 「 Amanda will do it herself.You see if she doesn't.」という二つの文が、同じ本の中の別々のページに載っているのですが、うまく訳せません。 「you see if he doesn't」「You see if she doesn't.」の部分が、どうも決まった言い回しのようなのですが、どう訳せばいいのでしょうか。 どなたかお分かりの方よろしくお願いします。

  • 県立高校の入試問題の解答を教えて下さい。

    (1)We have a party tonight. Why don’t you(    )? The cherry blossoms will (    )out soon. (2)Could you(    ) after the children for me? I have to go out at 6:30. “Do you know his phone number?” “No. Please(    ) it up in the phone book.” (3)Let’s(    ) that train. Why don’t you(    ) your umbrella with you? (4)The boy was named(    ) his uncle. Accidents happened one(    ) another. (5)The two rivers(    ) into the Pacific Ocean. My father wants to (    )a supermarket in the future. (6)It was raining hard last night. Bob was(    ) enough to drive me home. What (    )of fruit do you like? (7)Don’t forget. You have to attend the meeting whether you (    )it or not. I’ve heard you met Jane’s father. What was he(    )? (8)“Would you like to play soccer with us?” “No,thanks-I’ll just(    ).” My(    ) loses two seconds a day. (9)People drive on the(    ) side of the road in the United States. He doesn’t know the difference between(    ) and wrong. (10)He(    ) home for school at seven every morning. The big trees are covered with green(    ).

  • 英語が分からないので教えてください

    カッコ内の単語を並べ替えてください。 1.(now, order, are, ready, you, to),or shall I give you few more minutes? 2.(for, of, another, same, the, me),please. 3.Well, I think (night, I'll, it, call, a). It's been a long day. 4.(room, do, have, left, you, any) for dessert? 5.(think, I, for, I'll, go, the) vegetarian special. 6.I've been (catch, trying, to, waiter's, the, eye), but he doesn't seem to notice me. 7.(what, you, will, be, it, for),madam? 8.(it, you, if, bother, doesn't),I think I'll have a glass of wine.

  • 高校受験 模範解答を教えてください

    (1)She can’t play the piano,she ア.does   イ.doesn’t   ウ.can’t   エ.can (2)He speaks English very well, ア.isn’t he    イ.doesn’t he    ウ.is he    エ.does he  (3)You came to the gate almost every day, ア.do you   イ.don’t you    ウ.did you    エ.didn’t you  (4)Let’s go to the movies,we ア.will    イ.shall   ウ.do   エ.don’t  (5)Lend me that book, ア.will you   イ.shall we   ウ.do you    エ.don’t you  (6)My father and your father have been friends for ten years, ア.haven’t they   イ.didn’t they   ウ.haven’t you  エ.did you  (7)We had a great time during our trip. I’m glad to hear it. ア.Did you    イ.Had it   ウ.Was it   エ.Were you  (8)There is no water in the pot, ア.is there    イ.isn’t there   ウ.are there   エ.aren’t there  (9)Do you know where ア.does he live   イ.lives he   ウ.he live   エ.he lives  (10)I know you’re planning to travel this summer,but do you know how much ア.cost will be    イ.will it cost    ウ.it will cost   エ.does it cost  (11)I didn’t know what to say at that time. I didn’t know what(    )(    )(    )at that time. (12)I know the writer of this book. I know (    )(    )this book. (13)Megumi speaks English well,doesn’t she? Megumi is a (    )English speaker,(    )(    )? (14)Do you know her dress? Do you know (    )(    )(    )? (15)Can you tell the number of the students in this school? Can you tell (    )(    )students this school has?               よろしくお願いします。

  • I don't care と It doesn't matter to me

    これは日本語を習っている人(男性)と、英語を話し始めた私の間の会話です。 ---僕が随分ふけて見られる理由の一つに、だんだん薄くなってきてるのがある。 この年ではげ始めてるんだ。お父さんもはげてる。--- という話をしていました。 私は I wish you won't go bald.と言った後、 It doesn't matter to me. So don't worry about that. と言いました。そして I don't care if you go bald someday. と言えばよかったと思いました。 It doesn't matter to me.には「私には関係ないわよ、アンタのガールフレンドじゃないんだから」 というような雰囲気があるのでしょうか。 そうだとしたら失礼だったかなと思います。

  • よろしくお願いします

    I’ve been seeing a new guy for the past month, and while I may not be head over heels just yet, I can see it lasting a while. My question is, when should I bring up my depression? My last relationship lasted almost three years, but ultimately he ended it because he couldn’t handle me at my lowest—which obviously didn’t help. I’d hate to waste that much time on someone again, so I’d rather know if he’s going to duck out the second life doesn’t feel so peachy to me. And if you think it’s OK to bring it up, how should I phrase it? which obviously didn’t helpとは何が助けにならなかったのでしょうか? I’d rather know if he’s going to duck out the second life doesn’t feel so peachy to me. の和訳をお願いします。 phrase itはwork itと言っても同じでしょうか? 以上、よろしくお願いします