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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:翻訳してください!)




誰も答えてないみたいなので かんたんに答えておきます きっと募金してくれ、みたいな詐欺です



ありがとうございます。 長いので皆さん答えづらいのでしょうね。 でも、もうちょっと教えてください(笑)


  • 翻訳お願いします

    たびたびすみません。 翻訳お願いいたします。 Ah.... Actually it is 3:30AM here in England I Should be sleeping, but I do not feel tired at the moment haha :) Only 10 Days? Wow, that seems rather short That sounds like a good plan I am sure that you will have a good time Well, I do not have many plans for the holiday this time Usually at this time I would usually spend more time with my family But next year I will have many big plans One of my plans is to go to Japan! :D Maybe I will go to Osaka or Kyoto, Do you know any interesting places to visit in this area?? Yes, I would like to, but..... I can not right now My Japanese is not that good So i cannot make mail or sentance that well in Japanese Sorry, But someday I want too By the way.... I am wondering.... Do you understand my English??

  • All that to say

    Dear Sugars, I write to you today as the new father of a beautiful baby girl and the husband of a lovely, supportive wife. I recently finished my Ph.D. and am in the midst of trying to land a job. All that to say, my life is full of the new joys of parenthood, a sense of completion, and the excitement of new horizons -- or at least this is what I imagine I should be experiencing. All that to sayはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 翻訳お願いします 英→日

    翻訳お願いします 英→日 First of all this is in the court As I said and we will wait for that process to finish to get a verdict. Secondly This is none of your fucking business and I do not need to answer anything to you

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    After your 19 city tour, in support of “Detour”, what’s next for Cyndi? I am currently busy with Detour release. Then there is the tour coming in May to support the album. We just announced the second leg of the tour for the West Coast which will keep me busy till the fall. I will be in UK & Europe this summer, then also making plans to tour Japan and Australia in 2017. I am working on another musical which I am pretty excited about. Kinky Boots is keeping me quite the busy too, Kinky Boots just won 3 Oliver Awards for the West End production and it’s opening in Australia, Japan, Germany, Sweden and is already in Toronto and Seoul so I need to stay on top of that. Of course I have my family to take care of so it’s a pretty full life. 長文ですが、宜しくお願い致します。

  • 翻訳して下さい

    Hello! I am Miss Nancy! how are you doing today,i hope that all is well with you and your faimly and other peoples, i hope that they are all fine in good condition of health, hope you are fine and in perfect condition of health.I went through your profile and i read it and took intersest in it,if you don't mind i will like you to write to me on this my ID (nancy〇〇〇〇@yahoo.com) Hoping to hear from you soon, I will be waiting for your mail because i have something VERY important to tell you. Lots of love Nancy! 突然来たmailです。どなたか翻訳お願いします

  • 翻訳して下さい

    Hello! I am Miss Nancy! how are you doing today,i hope that all is well with you and your faimly and other peoples, i hope that they are all fine in good condition of health, hope you are fine and in perfect condition of health.I went through your profile and i read it and took intersest in it,if you don't mind i will like you to write to me on this my ID (nancy〇〇〇〇@yahoo.com) Hoping to hear from you soon, I will be waiting for your mail because i have something VERY important to tell you. Lots of love Nancy! 突然来たmailです。どなたか翻訳お願いします

  • 翻訳お願いします。

    戦争に対しての詩なのですが、翻訳お願いします。 Could we forbear disputes: And practice Love; we Should agree as Angels do above. Weak tho we are, to Love is no hard task: and Love for Love is all that Heaven doth ask. I go to sleep before you but we shall wake together* Remember this and bear in mind a constant friend is hard to find. NO SPRING TILL WHEN** Emily Lucille is my name and England is my nation. Oxford is my dwelling place: a place of habitation. When I am dead and laid in grave & all my bones are rotten: when this you see: Remember me tho I was quite forgotten.

  • 下記の英文を教えて下さい

    I am out of the country at the moment and it is my colleague you are speaking to. I am back on Friday and will make sure that the labels MADE IN USA will go on all of the bags and purses. Please bare with me till this Friday.

  • どなたか英語に詳しい方、日本語に翻訳してください。

    長文ですが、どなたか日本語に翻訳してください。 お願いします。 First,please allow me to introduce my self. i am monica guiao, 22 years old.now let me share a short story of my life. year 2010, it was the year that i finished my studies. on that year i also started to look a job. i am lucky because i was given the opportunity to teach a korean students. it was my first job.in terms of salary it was good but it is not enough in our daily lives so i decided to lokk for another job. until one day someone told me that japan is looking for a machine operator. we all know japan is one of the richest and the most beautiful countries in the world. so, i tried to apply.i am very much lucky because i was selected. november 13,2011, i remembered that day when i left my country to work in japan. it was such a ravishing feeling, thinking that i can reach my dreams. this was also the first time being far away from my family. but why should i stay away from my family. my goal is to earn money to give a better future for my family and in order to send my niece to school. It has already been 10months since we came here in japan. so, i realized that as a foreigner trainee in a japanese company, it is very important to learn their culture, and business practices and etiquettes.about the language, very few japanese can understand english. so, i realized that i really need to study to learn japanee language, to be able to communicate much easier with the japanese people. for me if you want to survive here, learn japanese. but i can say that with the help of takasaki san we learned a lot. About the japanese foods, for me all the japanese foods are delicious, especilly ramen. For now what i really want to do while in japan is to embrace and adopt the displine that the japanese so effortlessly display. It amazes me how naturally it comes to them, and I believe that this firmly rooted trait of the japanese is one of the key reasons to their progressive country. for the end of this presentation I would like to say thank you to all of you. thank you for trusting me to work here in taiyo yuden japan. I will assure that you will not repent that you chose me to work here in japan. once again thank you very much..

  • 翻訳

    ある日突然知らない人からメールが来て 英語ばっかでよく分からなくて; 英訳サイトで翻訳しても長文なのでちゃんと認識されなくて意味がわからないです。 なんか遺産がどうとか…内容を知らないまま放置もなんだか怖いので 誰か英語の長文の翻訳お願いします(´ДÅ)ょゎょゎ Dear Friend, First, let me warn you to beware of scam emails being sent around by people who claim to be high-ranking employees of the el-Rufai, asking for advance payment (inducement) for contracts. If you receive any such emails, please discard it and don稚 send your hard earned cash to anybody for any reason. Be warned. My name is Mallam Nasir el-Rufai and I am a Nigerian Citizen though I am currently sojourning in United Kingdom due to the unfavorable political climate in my country now. I was the Minister of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT-Abuja) during the government of President Olusegun Aremu Obasanjo, which handed over to the current government in 2007. I am now framed, and politically victimized due to my criticism of the current government痴 lack of direction which has resulted to the deterioration of the living standards of the populace. Nothing is working in the country and all the infrastructure and public amenities have collapsed. The current Government has accused me of corruption and mismanagement of over US$32B (Thirty-two Billion U.S. dollars) being proceeds from the sales of Government properties in the Federal capital territory, Abuja, during my time as a minister. Read the following article: ​ (何かのURLが乗っていた…。)​ They have frozen all my accounts in Nigeria and seized all my properties. They are even making effort to get the British government to extradite me to Nigeria for trial. The British government knows that the charges are politically motivated and has so far refused to commit to my extradition. I am contacting you because I have some money I want you to receive, invest and manage for me in safety and confidentiality till further notice. Your gender and occupation does not matter. The amount is US$16Million (Sixteen Million United States Dollars), which I quietly deposited cash (in the vault) with a private security and vaults company. I will disclose the location and more information to you as soon as you acknowledge this email. Being a government official, we were banned from holding and maintaining foreign accounts. So it was purely in the infinite mercies of God that He gave me the wisdom to deposit this fund in this form. Otherwise, I would have been left with nothing. This is why this fund is my life and everything to the future of my family, which are currently barred from leaving Nigeria. Please call or email me as soon as you read this email. It would not take more than a week to get all the documentations regularized to strengthen your position to receive the fund on my behalf. I know I have to issue a power of attorney to you on that effect. You would take 30% as your compensation, while you would invest and manage the remaining 70% for me if you have time-tested management skills and experience. I hope you would not disappear as soon as this deposit is release to you. I am worried. Well, this is a practical and physical thing, so you don稚 have any reason to fear and worry on your side. I am expecting your call. or email me at. timiala@voila.fr Mallam Nasir el-Rufai.