• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:この英文を訳して頂けますか?)



  • bakansky
  • ベストアンサー率48% (3502/7245)

> The album looked real nice in the plastic, I almost didn't take it out but I've been having some bad luck lately. (incomplete shipments, items described as excellent and i get fair to good, good at best)  ビニール・ケースの中のレコードはとても良い状態にあるように見えました。すぐには取り出すのがためらわれました、というのは最近マズイことがあったのです (エクセレントと表示されていたものなので、いいものだと思ってましたが、輸送の過程で損傷を被っていたのです)。 > When I took it out of the plastic the back cover had a two inch deep indent in it and the front had about twenty small ones in it about 3/4 up in the middle stretching about 4 inches. Being the cover looked so good it was obvious.  ケースからレコードを取り出してみると、バックカバーに2インチの長さの傷があり、前部には20個の小さな傷があり、それは中央部の上部3/4に約4インチにわたっていました。カバーがきれいな状態に見えたので、その傷は目立ちました。 > Thinking maybe this is how some records come I pulled two random records about thirty years old in pretty good condition and two pretty beat ones from 1965 & 1966 and none of them had marks in it.  これはレコードが古くなると生じるものかもしれないと思って、30年前のかなり保存状態の良いレコードと1965年と66年のビートのものを2枚取り出してみましたが、いずれにもそのようなものは生じていませんでした。 > I played the spot in the LP that had the defect it made a sound for 2 or 3 revolutions I was alright with that (it was in the description).  LPのその部分を再生してみると、2、3回転する間に音飛びが生じますが、それは仕方ないです (そういう説明でしたから)。 > Then I pulled out the other album and there were black marks all over it.  それから別のレコードを取り出してみると、全体に黒いシミができていました。 > At first I thought it was grease but I don't think it is, I wasn't going to rub the vinyl for fear of damaging it.  初めはそれは油だと思いましたが、そうではないようです。レコードを傷めるのが心配なので、擦ることはしたくありません。 > Thank you for the note it was real nice.  前もって教えてくれてありがとう。とても助かりました。






回答下さりありがとうございます!助かります。感謝しています。 ですが、相手は何を言いたいのか、分かりますでしょうか? 私が送ったレコード(2LPで2枚入っている)の状態が悪いとは言っていないように思いますが、別のレコードの体験談についてこれほど長々と詳しく語っているのが疑問で(私には関係がないのに長々と)、まさか私のレコードのことを悪く言っているのか?と心配なのです。 spotがありその部分が音飛びするのは明記しましたが、それ以外はとても綺麗で、ColorVinylなので別の色が少し盤に混ざっていたとしても、目立つほどではなかったハズだし、不良ではないとレコード好きの人なら分かるはずなのですが…。 これは苦情じゃないと判断して大丈夫だと思いますか。。。?(すみません、何度も)もし、よろしければで結構ですので教えて頂けたら幸いです。


  • 英文の意味がわかりません

    「There was never any father in the picture,and so it had just been the two of us,my mother and I.」 という英文の意味がわかりません。 文の構造、訳共にわかりません。特に、なぜ「never any」なのか、「it」を使用するのか全くわかりません。 どなたか、意味を教えては下さいませんか? 宜しくお願い致します。

  • 英文の和訳

    こちら和訳できる人居ましたらよろしくお願いいたします。 翻訳エンジンではわけ分かりませんでした。 GRADINGS: NM- near mint record and cover are almost like new used only few times EX- minor sings of wear on the cover-record with few light marks which do not affect listening. VG+ more wear on the cover possible woc, few tears, small seam split but still looking nice overall- record with more light marks no scratches. VG- cover was used many times as well as record maybe few scratches on vinyl but no skipping GOOD- only a filler until you find better

  • この英文の意味を教えてください

    この英文の意味を教えてください Hehe, I tried to listen 「Three days grase, 」it was good ^^ And remind me about Skillet x) But I saw some person from America in your "Friends", isn't he a good person?

  • 英文訳 協力お願いします。

    自分でも訳してはみましたが、難しく、自信ありません。どなたかお力を貸してください。 Then I didn't feel so cool. Especially after retracing my steps and realizing all my cards were definitely gone. of course I checked the police box too, and filled out areport, just in case. But I really didn't expect to get my passes back. About two hours leter though, sure enough,my cell phone rang. It was the police calling to tell me a man had turned in my card case with every card still in it. I picked it up and went home a very happy person. I wish I could say that was the only time I did something stupid. But about a year ago, I did something even worse After riding my dicycle to the gym in the pouring rain, I rushed inside carrying my sports bag. What I disn't realize was that I had left my purse,including a wallet with money and credit cards, in the front bas-kct, and my bike was parked on the sidewalk right in front of the gym where lots of people pass by. A couple hours later, I was shocked when I went to check out and the staff member at the front besk handed me a note from the pokice. They had my purse because, again, a kind man had taken it from the bike basket and turned it in. Nothing was missing.

  • 英語が堪能な方 訳をお願いできますか?

    I: We hung out about six months ago or so. CS: I was like I've been here before and I came in the back way. I: You did exactly the same thing. And the last time you were here, I think you had about a hundred thousand followers on Twitter. CS: Yeah I'm at like 500 and it goes up like 5,000 a day and I'm like wow. I: At the Cody Simpson, talk to me about how this happened. Of course you were found on YouTube by mediators. CS: Yeah I was found I think it was two thousand and was the end of two thousand and nine. Um like October 2009. I had this producer was just like send me messages to Myspace I think it was and he was just like I think you're really talented why don't you come over and record some songs for me. So he flew me and my dad over and we just gotten in a studio and see what happen and.. I: Next thing you know. CS: Yeah it just it just went like that. I: And you teamed up with Flo Rida with..

  • 英文の和訳

    次の文を読み、【 】内を和訳せよ。 I want to talk about memory ― memory and the loss of memory ― about remembering and forgetting. My own memory was never a good one, but such as it is, or was, I am beginning to lose it, and I find this both a worrying and an interesting process. What do I forget? 【I won't say everything.】 普通に考えれば「私は何も言いたくない」ですが違うらしいのです どういう意味なのでしょうか?

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    The Central Powers (German: Mittelmächte; Hungarian: Központi hatalmak; Turkish: İttifak Devletleri or Bağlaşma Devletleri; Bulgarian: Централни сили Tsentralni sili), consisting of Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria – hence also known as the Quadruple Alliance (German: Vierbund) – was one of the two main factions during World War I (1914–18). It faced and was defeated by the Allied Powers that had formed around the Triple Entente, after which it was dissolved. The Powers' origin was the alliance of Germany and Austria-Hungary in 1879. The Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria did not join until after World War I had begun.

  • 英文日記を添削していただけますか(^^)   

    英文日記を書きました。初心者なので、特に文法的な間違いや、表現のおかしい部分などがあれば、直していただけると助かります(^^)   Friday, March 10, 2006 It was sunny today. I had a bad headache in this morning, so I did nothing at all what I was going to do today. There wasn't a medicine for a headache so I went out buying it and drank it in the evening. A little time later, the medicine cured my headache and I became to feel rather good. I thought that I should have drunk it earlier!!

  • 英文の訳が分かりません

    英文の訳が分かりません But it had also been suggested by the book that he had just taken out of the drawer. it was a peculiarly beautiful book. its smooth creamy paper, a little yellowed by age, was of a kind that had not been manufactured for at least forty years past. He could guess, however, that the book was much older than that. He had seen it lying in the window of a frowzy little junk-shop in a slummy quarter of the town ( just what quarter he did not now remember ) and had been stricken immediately by an overwhelming desire to possess it. party members were supposed not to go into ordinary shops ( ‘dealing on the free market ’, it was called), but the rule was not strictly kept, because there were various things such as shoelaces and razor blades which it was impossible to get hold of in any other way. He had given a quick glance up and down the street and then had slipped inside and bought the book for two dollars fifty. At the time he was not conscious of wanting it for any particular purpose He had carried it guiltily home in his briefcase. Even with nothing written in it, it was a com-promising possession この英文を全訳してもらえるとありがたいです。

  • 英文

    以下の英文の翻訳お願いできませんか? (1)The first time I had a kidney stone I thought I was going to die. My wife and I were starting to cook dinner and I just collapsed in pain on the floor. Not knowing what the feeling was, I assumed the worst and thought I had appendicitis. The pain was a sharp throbbing pain in my left side (For those of you who don't know the appendix is on the right side). (2)I swore to my wife my appendix had burst and after several minutes of bickering, crying, and nausea, I insisted on going to the hospital. On the way to the hospital, every bump in the road sent shocks of pain through my entire body. Once in the ER the nurse was able to identify my symptoms immediately as a kidney stone. Several painful hours later, I still had not passed the stone. (3)The painkillers (shots) had kicked in. But the uncomfortable feeling and pressure was still there. The majority of the time when you go to the ER, they only help you pass the stone, and you generally never receive any futuristic ultrasound machine that could shatter the stone into passable tiny pieces. After another hour they sent me home with a straining device and a big bucket for the next 24 hours. (4)The feelings experienced were not only sharp pains but the massively uncomfortable feeling of pressure. You know you have to go, the feeling is familiar, but something is blocking the path. You will feel this pain from deep in your side (the kidney) all along the path until it exits. That time it took me another 24 hours or so to pass the stone. Painkillers can manage the pain, but the mental anxiety can be very distressing. (5)This first experience was about 14 years ago. Since then, I have had a new stone every couple of years. My doctor has prescribed allopurinol to lower the uric acid in my body. This has had a huge benefit on both my gout attacks and kidney stones. My last stone was back in 2003 and I look forward to never having one again. (6)If you are reading this because you think you might have a stone, just prepare yourself for 48 hours of hell. I always start taking painkillers as soon as I feel it coming on, and I have had a good track record of passing them pretty fast. I wish you the best of luck.